multilingual SMS solution - sms

I am looking for multilingual SMS solution , Which allows me to send via API , I tried some commercial solutions , but still no luck , the problem is in sending multilingual text , I have to send SMS in Korean , Japanese , Hebrew , Thai , Chinese , Persian .
Is there any SMS solution which I can use it to send . SMS in above listed languages via API .
Just in case if you couldn't find any SMS solution , Please suggest a way to implement it using any open source platform which can allow me to send multilingual SMS .
Thanks in advance for responding to this post .

[Disclaimer: I do some developer evangelism for Nexmo.]
I'm not sure of other APIs, but I know Nexmo supports Unicode. From the docs:
Nexmo supports Unicode for multiple language support. Text length, however, is limited to 70 characters-exceeding 70 characters will have your message split into parts. Further, the mobile device must support the character encoding, for example, a US device may not display Arabic.

I don't believe there is any pre-built open source tool to do what you are asking. Howerver, you could build one without too much effort. I would use the Google translate API to precompile a given message into whatever sought languages. Then I would use an opensource SMS gateway tool like Kannel to transmit the messages.


How can I access Gmail's native API?

I would like to access Gmail's native API. Eg,
create a search folder
tag messages
other gmail-specific actions.
There's this similar question, however the question asker seems happy with developing contextual gadgets rather than actually accessing a user's email.
In before anyone mentions: IMAP and POP are generic, non search based protocols and do not provide full access to gmail. Neither, nor any of the official Gmail native apps, use IMAP and POP.
Most webmail services have private, non-IMAP/POP APIs and protocols, eg, hotmail (back when it existed used HTTPMail which was reverse engineered and implemented by hotwayd).
I could run Android gmail with a proxy and attempt to reverse engineer the Gmail protocol itself, but I suspect others have had the same need in the past and may already have a solution.
I did find a list of client of Gmail clients on Gmail Agent API but they don't seem maintained past 2004.
Android's Gmail app is using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to push email messages/notifications and sync with the phone. I think that’s “the API” you are looking for. The bad news is that it is obviously very well protected.
You can get started for free with GCM's JSON REST API and use it for your push messaging projects, but forget about using it for your Gmail in the same fashion Google does. The only option for getting a similar efficiency would be using IMAP's IDLE extension, which uses also push.
Focusing on what you need, I think there are decent solutions for the use cases you have listed in your question… You could use a [**Google App Script**][4] or libs like [**GMail for Python**][5], which seems a valid option to me... from the [**GMail for Python GitHub**][6]:
Search emails
Read emails
Emails: label, archive, delete, mark as read/unread/spam, star
Manage labels
If you are developing an Android mobile app Gmail Public Labels API could also be of your interest...
Hope it helps...
EDIT: Google just introduced its GMAIL API
Update June 2014: Google have announced access to the native gmail API.
The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox,
with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts, and
History. From the modern language of your choice, your app can use the
API to add Gmail features like:
Read messages from Gmail
Send email messages
Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
Search for specific messages and threads

How to receive sms on using nexmo service

I need some guidance on what steps I should follow to receive sms messages using service from
I am not familiar with but I am very familiar with C# on windows, so please if you can provide a few steps to get me going then I can pick it up from there. Right now I have an account at, so I am hoping I can write the code to place it there. I don't really need much details on how to use nexmo service, I mainly need to know what I should do on my web site to receive sms from nexmo.
Incoming SMS's are simply HTTP requests to your 'page'. Nexmo send's the SMS and related data just like a HTML from submits data to a URL using a GET (query string) or POST (form encoded),
So all you have to do is point Nexmo to the URL you want to use, and check the incoming request for the data. Here's the documentation for incoming messages.
Here's a community authored C# library that might be be helpful.
(Disclaimer: I do a bit of developer evangelism for Nexmo.)

How do you create an sms survey application?

I am a newbie sms application developer. I am looking for pointer on how i could develop an interactive survey based sms application. I want to push questions having check boxes, input boxes, radio buttons etc and receive the inputs back at the server.
Any pointers on how this can be achieved and what app services/technologies can be used for achieving the same would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
SMS protocol does not support any kind of interactive elements.
You probably want to push in a SMS message containing a link to a mobile site hosting the survey and the interaction happens in the mobile web browser.
Alternatively you can only send 140 character free form questions. However if you send in several questions the users won't answer as typing in many SMS messages is cumbersome.
So your idea of doing it purely on SMS is not feasible. Just create a mobile web site using some CMS with good mobile support and form creation wizards.
Disclaimer: I am one of authors
I've been using for quite a while and i'm very satisfied being able to send sms texts through their api. This is commercial service but really worth it's price.
You can use it with all languanges including PHP, ASP, C#.NET, VB.NET, VBA, JAVA, Bulk XML and others.
Simply have a look at code examples:
Moreover you can build your own software to process text responses from your clients and even buy your own telephone number.

Sending an SMS Message

how i can send sms from idea about it?or any resource through which i can get any information
I use SMS Global, although it's an Australian company. They provide a nice set of APIs and have examples for ASP .Net.
This API is good. It can solve my communication problem:

Can I Send a Text Message from My Computer to a Cell Phone?

Is it possible to send a text message from a computer to a cell phone? I'd like to be able to do this with Ruby, not quite sure what it entails. After seeing GrandCentral and Google Voice, it seems like it's not that bad.
Is it possible? How do I get started!
Yes, it's fairly trivial.
Depends on whether you want to pay or not; some providers offer email addresses for each number that is with them, otherwise you can get an account with an SMS gateway (find one in your country, or try clickatell) and then just buy credits. They'll have various interfaces: Email, HTTP, more.
check it provide services to send sms from website and also have desktop application for it. including iphone, blackberry and facebook application for it.
i hope they will help you to manage sms.
