Given a DCEL, how do I find the closest pair of sites? - algorithm

Given a DCEL, how do I find the closest pair of sites?
Say the given DCEL is for a Voronoi diagram, how do I find the closest pair of sites? And what is the time complexity?

The simplest way to do it is to iterate over all edges, find their adjoining faces, compute the distance between the Voronoi centers, and return the smallest pair. If your DCEL implementation is such that you cannot iterate directly over edges, you can use any graph-traversal algorithm (depth-first, breadth-first, etc.) to do the iteration.
In any case, the time complexity is proportional to the size of your input datastructure.


Calculating minimum pairwise distance

I have two list of 2d vectors of size m and n and I need to find minimum distance between each node of first list with the nodes of 2d list. I wonder if it is possible to do it in better time than O(nm). Let's assume that we can change data structures as we please. What do you think?

Polygons from a list of edges

Given N points in a map of edges Map<Point, List<Edge>>, it's possible to get the polygons formed by these edges in O(N log N)?
What I know is that you have to walk all the vertices and get the edges containing that vertex as a starting point. These are edges of a voronoi diagram, and each vertex has, at most, 3 artists containing it. So, in the map, the key is a vertex, and the value is a list where the vertex is the start node.
For example:
Points: a,b,c,d,e,f,g
Edges: [a,b]; [a,c]; [a,d], [b,c], [d,e], [e,g], [g,f]
My idea is to iterate the map counterclockwise until I get the initial vertex. That is a polygon, then I put it in a list of polygons and keep looking for others. The problem is I do not want to overcome the complexity O(N log N)
You can loop through the edges and compute the distance from midpoint of the edge to all sites. Then sort the distances in ascending order and for inner voronoi polygons pick the first and the second. For outer polygons pick the first. Basically an edge separate/divide 2 polygons.
It's something O(m log n).
If I did find a polynomial solution to this problem I would not post it here because I am fairly certain this is at least NP-Hard. I think your best bet is to do a DFS. You might find this link useful Finding all cycles in undirected graphs.
You might be able to use the below solution if you can formulate your graph as a directed graph. There are 2^E directed graphs (because each edge can be represented in 2 directions). You could pick a random directed graph and use the below solution to find all of the cycles in this graph. You could do this multiple times for different random directed graphs keeping track of all the cycles and until you've reached a satisfactory error bounds.
You can efficiently create a directed graph with a little bit of state (Maybe store a + or - with an edge to note the direction?) And once you do this in O(n) the first time you can randomly flip x << E directions to get a new graph in what will essentially be constant time.
Since you can create subsequent directed graphs in constant time you need to choose the number of times to run the cycle finding algorithm to have it still be polynomial and efficient.
UPDATE - The below only works for directed graphs
Off the top of my head it seems like it's a better idea to think of this as a graph problem. Your map of vertices to edges is a graph representation. Your problem reduces to finding all of the loops in the graph because each cycle will be a polygon. I think "Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm" will be of use here as it can do this in O(v+e).
You can find more information on the algorithm here

How to find the smallest N dimensional simplex from a set of points that contains a given point?

I've looked all over google and stack but haven't found an answer to this problem yet. I keep finding results relating to the simplex method or results for finding the smallest arbitrary simplex (i.e. the vertices are not constrained). Neither can I think of an analytical solution.
Given a set of N-dimensional points, M, and an arbitrary N-dimensional point, q, how do I find the smallest N-dimensional simplex, S, that contains q as an interior point if the vertices of S must be in M? I'm sure I could solve it with an optimization, but I'd like an analytical solution if possible. A deterministic algorithm would be ok, as well.
I was originally using a K nearest neighbors approach, but then I realized it's possible that the N+1 nearest neighbors to q won't necessarily create a simplex that contains q.
Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
I think you can do this is O(N^2) using an iterative process very similar to K-NN, but perhaps there is a more efficient way. This should return the minimum simplex in terms of the number of vertices.
For each coordinate i in q, we can iterate through all elements of M, comparing the q_i and m_i. We will select the two points in M which give us the min positive difference and min negative difference. If we repeat this process for every coordinate, then we should have our min set S.
Am I understanding the problem correctly?

Minimum manhattan distance with certain blocked points

The minimum Manhattan distance between any two points in the cartesian plane is the sum of the absolute differences of the respective X and Y axis. Like, if we have two points (X,Y) and (U,V) then the distance would be: ABS(X-U) + ABS(Y-V). Now, how should I determine the minimum distance between several pairs of points moving only parallel to the coordinate axis such that certain given points need not be visited in the selected path. I need a very efficient algorithm, because the number of avoided points can range up to 10000 with same range for the number of queries. The coordinates of the points would be less than ABS(50000). I would be given the set of points to be avoided in the beginning, so I might use some offline algorithm and/or precomputation.
As an example, the Manhattan distance between (0,0) and (1,1) is 2 from either path (0,0)->(1,0)->(1,1) or (0,0)->(0,1)->(1,1). But, if we are given the condition that (1,0) and (0,1) cannot be visited, the minimum distance increases to 6. One such path would then be: (0,0)->(0,-1)->(1,-1)->(2,-1)->(2,0)->(2,1)->(1,1).
This problem can be solved by breadth-first search or depth-first search, with breadth-first search being the standard approach. You can also use the A* algorithm which may give better results in practice, but in theory (worst case) is no better than BFS.
This is provable because your problem reduces to solving a maze. Obviously you can have so many obstacles that the grid essentially becomes a maze. It is well known that BFS or DFS are the only way to solve mazes. See Maze Solving Algorithms (wikipedia) for more information.
My final recommendation: use the A* algorithm and hope for the best.
You are not understanding the solutions here or we are not understanding the problem:
1) You have a cartesian plane. Therefore, every node has exactly 4 adjacent nodes, given by x+/-1, y+/-1 (ignoring the edges)
2) Do a BFS (or DFS,A*). All you can traverse is x/y +/- 1. Prestore your 10000 obstacles and just check if the node x/y +/-1 is visitable on demand. you don't need a real graph object
If it's too slow, you said you can do an offline calculation - 10^10 only requires 1.25GB to store an indexed obstacle lookup table. leave the algorithm running?
Where am I going wrong?

Sorting points such that the minimal Euclidean distance between consecutive points would be maximized

Given a set of points in a 3D Cartesian space, I am looking for an algorithm that will sort these points, such that the minimal Euclidean distance between two consecutive points would be maximized.
It would also be beneficial if the algorithm tends to maximize the average Euclidean distance between consecutive points.
I've crossposted on and got a good answer. See
Here is a lower bound for the cost of the solution, which might serve as a building block for branch and bound or a more unreliable incomplete search algorithm:
Sort the distances between the points and consider them in non-increasing order. Use to keep track of sets of points, merging two sets when connected by a link between two points. The length of the shortest distance you encounter up to the point when you merge all the points into one set is an upper bound to the minimum distance in a perfect solution, because a perfect solution also merges all the points into one. However your upper bound may be longer than the minimum distance for a perfect solution, because the links you are joining up will probably form a tree, not a path.
You can model your problem by graph, draw line between your points, now you have a complete graph, now your problem is finding longest path in this graph which is NP-Hard, see wiki for longest path.
In fact I answered a second part of problem, maximize average, which means maximize path which goes from every node of graph, if you weight them as 1/distance it will be a travelling salesman problem (minimize the path length) and is NP-Hard. and for this case may be is useful to see Metric TSP approximation.
