Compression of sequence of integers providing random access - algorithm

I have a sequence of n integers in a small range [0,k) and all the integers have the same frequency f (so the size of the sequence is n=f∗k). What I'm trying to do now is to compress this sequence while providing random access (what is the i-th integer). The time to achieve random access doesn't have to be O(1). I'm more interested in achieving high compression at the expense of higher random access times.
I haven't tried with Huffman coding since it assigns codes based on frequencies (and all my frequencies are the same). Perhaps I'm missing some simple encoding for this particular case.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Already asked in cs.stackexchange, but asking here also for better coverage, sorry.

If all your integers have the same frequency, then a fair approximation to optimal compression will be ceil(log2(k)) bits per integer. You can access a bit-array of these in constant time.
If k is painfully small (like 3), the above method may waste a fair amount of space. But, you can combine a fixed number of your small integers into a base-k number, which can fit more efficiently into a fixed number of bits (you may also be able to fit the result conveniently into a standard-sized word). In any case, you can also access this coding in constant time.
If your integers don't have the same frequency, optimal compression may yield variable bit rates from different parts of your input, so the simple array access won't work. In that case, good random-access performance would require an index structure: break your compressed data into convenient sized chunks, which can each be decompressed sequentially, but this time is bounded by the chunk size.
If the frequency of each number is exactly the same, you may be able to save some space by taking advantage of this -- but it may not be enough to be worthwhile.
The entropy of n random numbers in range [0,k) is n log2(k), which is log2(k) bits per number; this is the number of bits it takes to encode your numbers without taking advantage of the exact frequency.
The entropy of distinguishable permutations of f copies each of k elements (where n=f*k) is:
log2( n!/(f!)^k ) = log2(n!) - k * log2(f!)
Applying Stirling's approximation (which is good here only if n and f are large), yields:
~ n log2(n) - n log2(e) - k ( f log2(f) - f log2(e) )
= n log2(n) - n log2(e) - n log2(f) + n log2(e)
= n ( log2(n) - log2(f) )
= n log2(n/f)
= n log2(k)
What this means is that, if n is large and k is small, you will not gain a significant amount of space by taking advantage of the exact frequency of your input.
The total error from the Stirling approximation above is O(log2(n) + k log2(f)), which is O(log2(n)/n + log2(f)/f) per number encoded. This does mean that if your k is so large that your f is small (i.e., each distinct number only has a small number of copies), you may be able to save some space with a clever encoding. However, the question specifies that k is, in fact, small.

If you work out the number of possible different combinations and take its log base 2 you can find the best possible compression, and I don't think it will be that great in your case. With 16 numbers of frequency 1 the number of possible messages is 16! and Excel tells me log base 2 of 16! is 44.25, whereas storing them as 4-bit codes would only take 64 bits. (where there is more than one of each kind you want
I think you will have a problem mixing random access into this because the only information you have is that there are fixed numbers of each type of element - in the whole sequence. That's not a lot of information for the whole sequences, and it says almost nothing about the first half of the sequence in isolation, because you could well have more of some number in the first half and less in the second half.


Can the efficiency of an algorithm be modelled as a function between input size and time?

Consider the following algorithm (just as an example as the implementation is obviously inefficient):
def add(n):
for i in range(n):
n += 1
return n
The program adds one number with itself and returns it. Now the efficiency of an algorithm is sometimes modelled as a function between the size of the input and the number of primitive steps the algorithm has to compute. In this case, the input is an integer, n, and as n gets increased the number of steps necessary to complete the algorithm also increase (in this case linearly). But is it true that the size of the input increases? Let's assume that the machine where the program is running is representing integers in 8 bits. So if I increase the hypthetical input 3 for example to 7, the number of bits involved remains the same: 00000011 -> 00000111. However, the steps necessary to compute the algorithm increase. So it seems like that it's not always true that algorithmic efficiency can be modelled as a relation between input size and steps to compute. Could somebody explain to me where I go wrong or if I don't go wrong, why it still makes sense to model the efficiency of an algorithm as a function between the size of the input and the number of primitive steps to be computed?
Let S be the size of the input n. (Normally we'd use n for this size, but since the argument is also called n, that's confusing). For positive n, there's a relation between S and n, namely S = ceil(ln(n)). The program loops n times, and since n < 2^S, it loops at most 2^S times. You can also show it loops at least 1/2 * 2^S times, so the runtime (measured in loop iterations) is Theta(2^S).
This shows there's a way to model the runtime as a function of the size, even if it's not exact.
Whether it makes sense. In your example it doesn't much, but if your input is an array for sorting, taking size as the number of elements in the array does makes sense. (And it's typically what's used for example to model the number of comparisons done by different sort algorithms).

Hashing with the Division Method - Choosing number of slots?

So, in CLRS, there's this quote
A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m.
Several Questions...
I understand how a power of 2 will just be the lower order bits of your key...however, say you have keys from a universe of 1 to 1 million, with each key having an equal probability of being any number from universe (which I'm guessing is a common assumption about your universe if given no other data?) then wouldn't taking say the 4 lower order bits result in (2^4) lower order bit patterns that were pretty much equally likely for the keys from 1 to 1 million? How am I thinking about this incorrectly?
Why a prime number? So, if power of 2's aren't a good idea, why is a prime number a better choice as opposed to a composite number close to a power of 2 (Also why should it be close to a power of
You are trying to find a hash table that works well for typical input data, and typical input data does things that you wouldn't expect from good random number generators. Very often you get formatted or semi-formatted strings which, when converted to numbers, end up as K, K+A, K+2A, K+3A,.... for some integers K and A. If K+xA and K+yA hash to the same number mod m, then (x-y)A must be 0 mod m. If m is prime, this can only happen if A = 0 mod m or if x = y mod m, so one time in m. But if m=pq and A happens to be divisible by p, then you get a collision every time x-y is divisible by q, which is more often since q < m.
I guess close to a power of 2 because it might be convenient for the memory management system to have blocks of memory of the resulting size - I really don't know. If you really care, and if you have the time, you could try different primes with some representative data and see which of them are best in practice.

Radix sort in linear time vs. converting input to proper base

I was thinking about the linear time sorting problem which appears in quite a few sources which prompts you to sort an array of numbers in the range from 0 to n^3-1 in linear time.
So one way to do this is to use radix sort which normally runs in O(wn) where w is the max word size by observing that we can obtain word size 3 for any number in that range by using base n.
And herein lies my question - while it looks ok on paper, in practice converting all the numbers to base n the naive way is going to take quite a lot of time, quite possibly even more than the later sorting itself. Is there any way to convert to base n faster than naively or to somehow trick one's way out of this limitation or do you just have to live with it?
One useful observation is that the runtime of this algorithm is the same if you choose as your base not the number n, but the smallest power of two greater than or equal to n. Let's imagine that that number is 2k. Now, to read off the base-2k digits of a number, you can just inspect blocks of bits of size k in the number, which is doable quite quickly using some bit shifts and logical ANDs. This will likely be fast even if your numbers are stored as variable-length integers, assuming that the variable-length integer uses some nice sort of binary encoding.
There's an ideal size for choosing k bit fields to use 2k as the base for radix sort depending on the size of the array, but it doesn't make a lot of difference, less than 10% for choosing r = 8 (1 read pass + 4 radix sort passes), versus r = 16 (1 read pass + 2 radix sort passes), because r = 8 is more cache friendly. On my system, (Intel 2600K 3.4 ghz), for array size = 2^20, r = 8 is slightly fastest. For array size = 2^24, r = 10.67 (using 10,11,11 bit field) is slightly fastest. For array size = 2^26, r = 16 is slightly fastest.
For signed integers, the sign bit can be toggled during the radix sort.
In your case, the max value of an integer is given, so this would help in choosing the bit field sizes.

How can I optimize sieve of eratosthenes to just store prime numbers for a very large range?

I have studied the working of Sieve of Eratosthenes for generating the prime numbers up to a given number using iteration and striking off all the composite numbers. And the algorithm needs just to be iterated up to sqrt(n) where n is the upper bound upto which we need to find all the prime numbers. We know that the number of prime numbers up to n=10^9 is very less as compared to the number of composite numbers. So we use all the space to just tell that these numbers are not prime first by marking them composite.
My question is can we modify the algorithm to just store prime numbers since we deal with a very large range (since number of primes are very less)?
Can we just store straight away the prime numbers?
Changing the structure from that of a set (sieve) - one bit per candidate - to storing primes (e.g. in a list, vector or tree structure) actually increases storage requirements.
Example: there are 203.280.221 primes below 2^32. An array of uint32_t of that size requires about 775 MiB whereas the corresponding bitmap (a.k.a. set representation) occupies only 512 MiB (2^32 bits / 8 bits/byte = 2^29 bytes).
The most compact number-based representation with fixed cell size would be storing the halved distance between consecutive odd primes, since up to about 2^40 the halved distance fits into a byte. At 193 MiB for the primes up to 2^32 this is slightly smaller than an odds-only bitmap but it is only efficient for sequential processing. For sieving it is not suitable because, as Anatolijs has pointed out, algorithms like the Sieve of Eratosthenes effectively require a set representation.
The bitmap can be shrunk drastically by leaving out the multiples of small primes. Most famous is the odds-only representation that leaves out the number 2 and its multiples; this halves the space requirement to 256 MiB at virtually no cost in added code complexity. You just need to remember to pull the number 2 out of thin air when needed, since it isn't represented in the sieve.
Even more space can be saved by leaving out multiples of more small primes; this generalisation of the 'odds-only' trick is usually called 'wheeled storage' (see Wheel Factorization in the Wikipedia). However, the gain from adding more small primes to the wheel gets smaller and smaller whereas the wheel modulus ('circumference') increases explosively. Adding 3 removes 1/3rd of the remaining numbers, adding 5 removes a further 1/5th, adding 7 only gets you a further 1/7th and so on.
Here's an overview of what adding another prime to the wheel can get you. 'ratio' is the size of the wheeled/reduced set relative to the full set that represents every number; 'delta' gives the shrinkage compared to the previous step. 'spokes' refers to the number of prime-bearing spokes which need to be represented/stored; the total number of spokes for a wheel is of course equal to its modulus (circumference).
The mod 30 wheel (about 136 MiB for the primes up to 2^32) offers an excellent cost/benefit ratio because it has eight prime-bearing spokes, which means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between wheels and 8-bit bytes. This enables many efficient implementation tricks. However, its cost in added code complexity is considerable despite this fortuitous circumstance, and for many purposes the odds-only sieve ('mod 2 wheel') gives the most bang for buck by far.
There are two additional considerations worth keeping in mind. The first is that data sizes like these often exceed the capacity of memory caches by a wide margin, so that programs can often spend a lot of time waiting for the memory system to deliver the data. This is compounded by the typical access patterns of sieving - striding over the whole range, again and again and again. Speedups of several orders of magnitude are possible by working the data in small batches that fit into the level-1 data cache of the processor (typically 32 KiB); lesser speedups are still possible by keeping within the capacity of the L2 and L3 caches (a few hundred KiB and a few MiB, respectively). The keyword here is 'segmented sieving'.
The second consideration is that many sieving tasks - like the famous SPOJ PRIME1 and its updated version PRINT (with extended bounds and tightened time limit) - require only the small factor primes up to the square root of the upper limit to be permanently available for direct access. That's a comparatively small number: 3512 when sieving up to 2^31 as in the case of PRINT.
Since these primes have already been sieved there's no need for a set representation anymore, and since they are few there are no problems with storage space. This means they are most profitably kept as actual numbers in a vector or list for easy iteration, perhaps with additional, auxiliary data like current working offset and phase. The actual sieving task is then easily accomplished via a technique called 'windowed sieving'. In the case of PRIME1 and PRINT this can be several orders of magnitude faster than sieving the whole range up to the upper limit, since both tasks only asks for a small number of subranges to be sieved.
You can do that (remove numbers that are detected to be non-prime from your array/linked list), but then time complexity of algorithm will degrade to O(N^2/log(N)) or something like that, instead of original O(N*log(N)). This is because you will not be able to say "the numbers 2X, 3X, 4X, ..." are not prime anymore. You will have to loop through your entire compressed list.
You could erase each composite number from the array/vector once you have shown it to be composite. Or when you fill an array of numbers to put through the sieve, remove all even numbers (other than 2) and all numbers ending in 5.
If you have studied the sieve right, you must know we don't have the primes to begin with. We have an array, sizeof which is equal to the range. Now, if you want the range to be 10e9, you want this to be the size of the array. You have mentioned no language, but for each number, you must need a bit to represent whether it is prime or not.
Even that means you need 10^9 bits = 1.125 * 10^8 bytes which is greater than 100 MB of RAM.
Assuming you have all this, most optimized sieve takes O(n * log(log n)) time, which is, if n = 10e9, on a machine that evaluates 10e8 instructions per second, will still take some minutes.
Now, assuming you have all this with you, still, number of primes till 10e9 is q = 50,847,534, to save these will still take q * 4 bytes, which is still greater than 100MB. (more RAM)
Even if you remove the indexes which are multiples of 2, 3 or 5, this removes 21 numbers in every 30. This is not good enough, because in total, you will still need around 140 MB space. (40MB = a third of 10^9 bits + ~100MB for storing prime numbers).
So, since, for storing the primes, you will, in any case require similar amount of memory (of the same order as calculation), your question, IMO has no solution.
You can halve the size of the sieve by only 'storing' the odd numbers. This requires code to explicitly deal with the case of testing even numbers. For odd numbers, bit b of the sieve represents n = 2b + 3. Hence bit 0 represents 3, bit 1 represents 5 and so on. There is a small overhead in converting between the number n and the bit index b.
Whether this technique is any use to you depends on the memory/speed balance you require.

Understanding assumptions about machine word size in analyzing computer algorithms

I am reading the book Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.. In the second chapter under "Analyzing Algorithms" it is mentioned that :
We also assume a limit on the size of each word of data. For example , when working with inputs of size n , we typically assume that integers are represented by c lg n bits for some constant c>=1 . We require c>=1 so that each word can hold the value of n , enabling us to index the individual input elements , and we restrict c to be a constant so that the word size doesn't grow arbitrarily .( If the word size could grow arbitrarily , we could store huge amounts of data in one word and operate on it all in constant time - clearly an unrealistic scenario.)
My questions are why this assumption that each integer should be represented by c lg n bits and also how c>=1 being the case allows us to index the individual input elements ?
first, by lg they apparently mean log base 2, so lg n is the number of bits in n.
then what they are saying is that if they have an algorithm that takes a list of numbers (i am being more specific in my example to help make it easier to understand) like 1,2,3,...n then they assume that:
a "word" in memory is big enough to hold any of those numbers.
a "word" in memory is not big enough to hold all the numbers (in one single word, packed in somehow).
when calculating the number of "steps" in an algorithm, an operation on one "word" takes one step.
the reason they are doing this is to keep the analysis realistic (you can only store numbers up to some size in "native" types; after that you need to switch to arbitrary precision libraries) without choosing a particular example (like 32 bit integers) that might be inappropriate in some cases, or become outdated.
You need at least lg n bits to represent integers of size n, so that's a lower bound on the number of bits needed to store inputs of size n. Setting the constant c >= 1 makes it a lower bound. If the constant multiplier were less than 1, you wouldn't have enough bits to store n.
This is a simplifying step in the RAM model. It allows you to treat each individual input value as though it were accessible in a single slot (or "word") of memory, instead of worrying about complications that might arise otherwise. (Loading, storing, and copying values of different word sizes would take differing amounts of time if we used a model that allowed varying word lengths.) This is what's meant by "enabling us to index the individual input elements." Each input element of the problem is assumed to be accessible at a single address, or index (meaning it fits in one word of memory), simplifying the model.
This question was asked very long ago and the explanations really helped me, but I feel like there could still be a little more clarification about how the lg n came about. For me talking through things really helps:
Lets choose a random number in base 10, like 27, we need 5 bits to store this. Why? Well because 27 is 11011 in binary. Notice 11011 has 5 digits each 'digit' is what we call a bit hence 5 bits.
Think of each bit as being a slot. For binary, each of those slots can hold a 0 or 1. What's the largest number I can store with 5 bits? Well, the largest number would fill each slot: 11111
11111 = 31 = 2^5 so to store 31 we need 5 bits and 31 is 2^5
Generally (and I will use very explicit names for clarity):
numToStore = 2 ^ numBitsNeeded
Since log is the mathematical inverse of exponent we get:
log(numToStore) = numBitsNeeded
Since this is likely to not result in an integer, we use ceil to round our answer up. So applying our example to find how many bits are needed to store the number 31:
log(31) = 4.954196310386876 = 5 bits
