WdfRequestIsCanceled Vs WdfRequestMarkCancelable - windows

Can anyone list the pros and cons of using below two approaches for IO cancellation in wdf?
1) mark request cancellable with WdfRequestMarkCancelable (). Provide a cancel routine and synchronize the completion path.
2) keep on polling with WdfRequestIsCanceled() while processing IRP. Complete based on the returned value.
I understand that WdfRequestIsCanceled() is a polling approach whereas WdfRequestMarkCancelable () is asynchronous. But is WdfRequestMarkCancelable() worth the extra effort needed for synchronizing completion/cancel path?
Thanks for your inputs.

WdfRequestIsCanceled() is useful only when you happen to be processing a request anyhow. And, in Windows drivers, you tend to need to structure things very asynchronously, so it won't normally be the case that you just "happen" to be processing the request.
You should actually be asking yourself a different question: Do I want to use WdfRequestMarkCancelable or do I want to put the request back into a "manual" queue while you're doing work related to it. Putting it into a manual queue will make it cancelable. And if you need to do anything if it gets cancelled, you can put a cancel callback on the manual queue itself.
Each approach has pros and cons. I personally prefer handling cancellation directly, with WdfRequestMarkCancelable. Most others prefer to put requests in a manual queue.


How to use Event-Driven architecture to remove "api-based lambda calling another lambda" anti-pattern?

Suppose, I have an api POST /order which invokes PlaceOrder lambda and expects response from this. PlaceOrder lambda does some works, invokes another lambda ProcessPayment lambda and expects response. Also, ProcessPayment invokes CreateInvoice lambda expecting response. Whole architecture is like a RequestResponse cycle. I woulde like to achieve that without lambda invoking another lambda as it is considered as anti-pattern. My question is what is the best design pattern to achieve this behavior within 29 seconds with event-driven architecture.
What AWS suggests: As per this official documentation, they suggests to use SQS. But regarding using SQS, I have some thoughts.
My thoughts:
At event sources architecture, I can orchestrate these lambdas with SQS, SNS etc other event sources, but in that case, the nature would not be synchronous and thus I would not get response from the api.
My other solution:
Using Step Function: I can orchestrate this workflow with step function, and I think it is more elegant solution in this synchronous calling case. But I would like to achieve
this via event sources.
How can I design this scenerio with best practices using event-based achitecture?
In an Event-Driven Architecture, the communication between producers and consumers is asynchronous by design, that's the way the architecture scales.
You can get nearly synchronous communication between 2 services in an EDA, by creating dedicated queues / channels to communicate between them, make sure they're scaled up to a level where the latency is acceptable (close to synchronous values).
This adds some complexity, because the services which need responses, have to wait in a hot-loop to get them as soon as possible, and also if messages are lost, you need to have retry policies, etc.
I think you need to focus more on the mechanics of your program and a bit less on design patterns. You need to use the design patterns that fit your use-case, the other way around will not work. In the end, you build a program to fulfill a certain task or set of tasks, so that should be your end goal.
You’re stating that you have a process order Lambda, a create invoice Lambda and a process payment Lambda. I’d say the most interesting question is what you need to get done before you return a response to the user. Maybe you can process the order, respond to the user that it is done and handle the invoicing and payments on a later moment. Typically that would mean you put a message in a SQS queue or on an SNS topic.
It could be that you need your payment to be processed before you respond to the user, because they need to be informed about the status of the payment. You could then combine both actions in a single Lambda, because there is no way to spit the two tasks from one another. Keep in mind that often another option exist where you process the order first, put a message in a queue for the process payment (as it typically is a process that involves a third party) and the front end will poll for an update on the payment status. This way you can return a response quickly and still give an update on the payment as soon as possible.
The create invoice process is typically something you would never want to synchronously invoke during order confirmation. What if your invoicing application (intern or extern) is down? Theoretically you could still process orders as long as you create the invoice at some later moment in time. If you couple everything together you make order confirmation dependent on your invoice creation process, which I would regard as an unnecessary dependency.
I would really advice against step functions for this use-case. They can be utilized for long running processes that need to keep state and ‘wake up’ at specific moments, but for this specific flow I would say they do not help and are unnecessarily complex. If you have 3 things you need to do that you cannot separate from
one another, just run them in the same Lambda.

Microservice Architecture: Can you eliminate the synchronous calls between services completely in a system?

Anywhere you read about Microservices, it says microservice should communicate asynchronously. It is understandable why asynchronous communication is preferred as it removes dependencies and provides low-coupling, and availability, etc.
Suppose, there is a common authorization service that is invoked every time a user calls an API. In this scenario you cannot move further util you have the response from the authorization service. Although you can call the authorization service asynchronously using Async IO, however, it is still a request/reply pattern.
Questions I have
Is possible to get rid of synchronous communication or more appropriately request/reply pattern in microservices-based system design?
Although it is possible to implement a reply/response pattern asynchronously through messaging and callbacks, which add significant overhead and latency but is it worth converting every request/reply to asynchronously?
If synchronous calls cannot be eliminated completely, then which scenarios it is ok to have synchronous calls among microservices?
I think the short answer for your question is: request-reply pattern doesn't mean synchronous. It can also be asynchronous. Which you already mentioned.
Long answer:
Request-Reply is just a principle. For example you send an email to a friend. The message contains data relevant to you and you are expecting a response but didn't say that explicitly. Your friend will see the email when he will get back from work and then he may or may not reply to you. Only you know that you need an answer from him.
Now there are a few options while waiting for your response. Either block your entire life until your friend responds (which will mean synchronous communication) either do something else until the response arrives in your inbox (which is asynchronous).
Now, to the point:
Is possible to get rid of synchronous communication or more appropriately request/reply pattern in microservices-based system design?
Yes, you already have answered that at the second point. Even though it is possible I think it should be used where it is required.
Although it is possible to implement a reply/response pattern asynchronously through messaging and callbacks, which add significant overhead and latency but is it worth converting every request/reply to asynchronously?
For the right scenario, yes. The messaging system have very good performances so the latency should not be an issue. When a latency problem occurs in a messaging system there are other options to improve it.
If synchronous calls cannot be eliminated completely, then which scenarios it is ok to have synchronous calls among microservices?
There is one more thing that needs to be added. Synchronous doesn't always mean blocking. In a reactive world, if you make an HTTP call to another service the caller sends the request and then awaits for the response in a non-blocking manner. When the responses arrives, the caller is notified the the response has arrived and so the process continues. While "awaiting" the CPU can do other stuff.

Reliable Asynchronous Handling of Domain Events

In concurrent systems, domain events are typically handled asynchronously. In Go, a simple approach for asynchronous event handling can be implemented via channels, but the issue is that if something bad happens for handling an event, or worst, for the whole program, the event will be lost.
How asynchronous domain events can be handled properly in a Go program, i.e.:
When an event handler fails, the event should not be purged from the event queue, in order to be handled properly in a later time.
If the whole program goes down, the events have to be recovered and processed accordingly.
The first is relatively easy; you can have an error handler within the worker that re-queues the work in the event of an error.
The second is much harder; your options are a) roll your own bulletproof mechanism for writing events to disk and purging them when they're completed in a thread-safe way or b) use one of the many, many popular systems available that's already proven reliable, e.g. RabbitMQ or Kafka, with the appropriate replication and redundancy to ensure the level of reliability you require. I would strongly recommend the latter.

cancelPreviousPerformRequest vs cancelAllOperations

i use now both but i'm not sure which is better. what is exactly the difference? fuzzy question i know. preparing for wwdc
Sending a cancelAllOperations message to an operation queue cancels all the operations in that queue (that is, it tells the operations to cancel), whereas cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: tells the target object to cancel all delayed performs it had previously been told to do.
There is no “better” here; the two methods are incomparable. One cancels NSOperations; the other cancels delayed-perform requests. Which cancellation you use depends entirely on whether you made an NSOperation and put it an NSOperationQueue or sent a delayed-perform request.

I Need an Analogy: Triggers and Events

For another question, I'm running into a misconception that seems to arise here at SO occasionally. Some questioners seem to think that Triggers are to Databases as Events are to OOP.
Does anyone have a good analogy to explain why this is a flawed comparison, and the consequences of misapplying it?
Bill K. has hit it correctly, but maybe doesn't see the importance of the critical differeence between the event and the callback function that strikes me, anyway. Triggers actually cause code to execute every time the event occurs; callbacks only occur whenever one has been registered for an event (which is not true for the vast majority of events); and even then, in most cases the callback's first action is to deregister itself (or at least the callback contains a qualifcation exit so it only executes once.)
If you write a trigger, it will unfailingly execute every time the event occurs, because there's no way to register or deregister to code segment.
Triggers are a way to interpose repeating logic synchronously into the thread of execution (i.e. synchronicity). Events are a means to defer logic until later (i.e. implement asynchronicity).
There are exceptions and mitigations in both cases, but the basic patterns of triggers and callbacks are mostly opposite in intention and implementation. Often the distinction doesn't seem to have fully sunk in. (IMHO, YMMV). :D
They're not the same thing, but they're not unrelated.
In both cases, the mechanism can be described approximately as follows:
Some block of code declares "interest" for changes in state.
Your application affects some change.
The system runs the block of code in response to the change.
Perhaps a database trigger is more like a callback function that has registered interest in a specific event.
Here's an analogy: the event is a rubber ball that you throw. The trigger is a dog that chases after a thrown ball.
If there's some other difference that you have in mind that makes it "dangerous" (note: OP has edited this choice of word out of the question) to compare triggers and events, you can describe what you mean.
Triggers are a way to interpose
repeating logic synchronously into the
thread of execution (i.e.
synchronicity). Events are a means to
defer logic until later (i.e.
implement asynchronicity).
Okay, I see what you mean more clearly. But I think it's in some ways subject to the implementation. I wouldn't assume an event handler has to deregister itself; it depends on the system you're using. A UNIX signal handler, for example, has to prevent itself from catching a new signal while it's already handling one. But a Java servlet inside a Tomcat container should be thread-safe because it may be called concurrently by multiple threads. They're both event handlers, of different kinds.
Event handlers may be synchronous or asynchronous. Can a handler in a publish/subscribe system read messages that were posted recently, but prior to the handler registering its interest? Or only messages posted concurrently?
There's another important reason to treat triggers as different from event handlers: I frequently recommend against doing anything in a trigger that affects state outside the database.
For example, sending an email, writing to a file, posting to a web service, or forking a process is inappropriate inside a trigger. If for no other reason than the transaction that spawned the trigger may be rolled back, but you can't roll back those external effects. You may not even be using explicit transactions, but say you send an email in a BEFORE trigger, but the operation fails because of a NOT NULL constraint or something.
Instead, all such work should be done by code in one's application, after one has confirmed that the SQL operation was successful and the transaction committed.
It's too bad that people keep trying to do inappropriate work inside a trigger. There are senior developers at MySQL who promote UDFs to read and write data in memcached. Wow -- I just noticed these have made it into the MySQL 6.0 product!! Shocking!
So here's another attempt at an analogy, comparing triggers and events to the process of a criminal trial:
A BEFORE trigger is an allegation.
An AFTER trigger is an indictment.
COMMIT is a conviction after a guilty verdict.
ROLLBACK is an acquittal after an innocent verdict.
You only want to put the perpetrator in prison after they are convicted.
Whereas an EVENT is the crime itself.
