Heapsort using multiple heaps - algorithm

I found a variant of Heapsort using multiple heaps at http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~lebenteas/Heapsort-using-Multiple-Heaps-final.pdf. The solution proposes that instead of the traditional Heapsort algorithm, where after each swap, we do another siftdown to bring the highest value in the current heap to the root, we can do some other things. However, what exactly do they mean by 'other things', I cannot understand.
For example, at one point they say We “forget”, for the time being, the existence of the root. That surely means we are currently stalling the swapping of the highest element with the last element of the heap. However, just after some lines, they say So far, two elements have been transferred in the sorted part of the heap., which runs counter to the proposition that the swapping hasn't been done yet. Also in the figure in page 97, the node with value 1 is missing, I don't know how.
Can anybody give me an idea of what exactly is the authors trying to convey, and how worthwhile can it be?

(The line you asked about is in section 2.3, so I will explain the variation of heapsort which is proposed in section 2.3:)
When the author says we "forget" the existence of the root, this does not mean that they are stalling the swapping of the highest element. The swap is done, but they temporarily delay rebuilding the heap. After swapping the highest element into the root position, they compare the roots of the 2 subheaps, and swap one or the other with the next-highest element. Then, after doing 2 swaps (rather than 1), they rebuild the heap.
Then they take this idea a step further in sections 3 and 4, and propose another variant of heapsort, which uses more than one heap.
How do you keep more than one heap in an array? (To make it concrete, let's talk about 2 heaps.) Well, how do you keep a single heap? The root goes at index 0, its children are at 1 and 2, then the children of the left subheap are at 3 and 4, etc., right?
To put 2 heaps together in an array, keep the 2 roots at 0 and 1. The children of the first root go at 2 and 3, then the children of the 2nd root at 4 and 5... with such an arrangement, it is still possible to navigate up and down the tree by doing simple arithmetic operations on indexes.
The standard heapsort repeats 2 steps: swap the root with the last element in the "heap" area, then siftDown to rebuild the heap. This heapsort repeats the following 3 steps: compare the 2 roots to see which one is bigger, swap that one with the last element in the "heap" area, then call siftDown on the appropriate heap.
This requires an extra compare at each step, but the siftDown operations work on slightly shallower heaps, which saves more than a single compare.


What if we start build max heap procedure from 1 to heap.length/2 rather than heap.length/2 to 1

First of all ,this is not a homework question.
I was studying CLRS when i came across a query that what would happen if we start build heap procedure in reverse way(form 1 to a.length/2).I figured out by solving it on some heaps and this gave wrong results(as expected) but still i m not able to fully satisfy myself without a proof that this mere verification by examples is correct.I tried to prove it mathematically but i m a newbie in this field of proofs so i do not know where to start.How do i prove it by maths?
Any suggestions on how to approach such types of proofs in a mathematical way will also be greatly helpful for me.thanks.
In the original solution you go from length/2 and you push nodes down. The thing is that between length/2+1 and end you have only what would be leaf nodes in the heap. Since they have height 1 (single nodes) each of them are correct heaps. What the algorithm is doing at each step is to create a new heap where the root is some random value but the left and right subtrees are valid heaps (the precoditions for the push operation to generate a correct heap).
When you go the other direction you push the first node but it's subtrees are not valid heaps (they are whatever was in the array). So the push operation is not guaranteed to work correctly.
If you really want to build the heap from 1, you need to consider only the nodes you've touched as part of the correct heap and what the algorithm is doing is to add a leaf and fix the heap (via a pop operation). Note that in this case you can't stop at length/2, you need to go all the way to the end.
In theory both solutions are O(NlogN) but doing it with push operation will yield a smaller constant (since you only do it for half the nodes) and will tend to run faster on average.
For the proof just construct the input where the push operation on the first node will not do anything because of nodes 2 and 3 are larger/smaller. It's easy to see that it doesn't mean that node 1 is the max/min of the array.
Say you are doing a min heap and your input is [1, 2, 3, 0, ...].

Quicksort - which sub-part should be sorted first?

I am reading some text which claims this regarding the ordering of the two recursive Quicksort calls:
... it is important to call the smaller subproblem first, this in conjunction with tail recursion ensures that the stack depth is log n.
I am not at all sure what that means, why should I call Quicksort on the smaller subarray first?
Look at quicksort as an implicit binary tree. The pivot is the root, and the left and right subtrees are the partitions you create.
Now consider doing a depth first search of this tree. The recursive calls actually correspond to doing a depth first search on the implicit tree described above. Also assume that the tree always has the smaller sub-tree as the left child, so the suggestion is in fact to do a pre-order on this tree.
Now suppose you implement the preorder using a stack, where you push only the left child (but keep the parent on the stack) and when the time comes to push the right child (say you maintained a state where you knew whether a node has its left child explored or not), you replace the top of stack, instead of pushing the right child (this corresponds to the tail recursion part).
The maximum stack depth is the maximum 'left depth': i.e. if you mark each edge going to a left child as 1, and going to a right child as 0, then you are looking at the path with maximum sum of edges (basically you don't count the right edges).
Now since the left sub-tree has no more than half the elements, each time you go left (i.e. traverse and edge marked 1), you are reducing the number of nodes left to explore by at least half.
Thus the maximum number of edges marked 1 that you see, is no more than log n.
Thus the stack usage is no more than log n, if you always pick the smaller partition, and use tail recursion.
Some languages have tail recursion. This means that if you write f(x) { ... ... .. ... .. g(x)} then the final call, to g(x), isn't implemented with a function call at all, but with a jump, so that the final call does not use any stack space.
Quicksort splits the data to be sorted into two sections. If you always handle the shorter section first, then each call that consumes stack space has a section of data to sort that is at most half the size of the recursive call that called it. So if you start off with 10 elements to sort, the stack at its deepest will have a call sorting those 10 elements, and then a call sorting at most 5 elements, and then a call sorting at most 2 elements, and then a call sorting at most 1 element - and then, for 10 elements, the stack cannot go any deeper - the stack size is limited by the log of the data size.
If you didn't worry about this, you could end up with the stack holding a call sorting 10 elements, and then a call sorting 9 elements, and then a call sorting 8 elements, and so on, so that the stack was as deep as the number of elements to be sorted. But this can't happen with tail recursion if you sort the short sections first, because although you can split 10 elements into 1 element and 9 elements, the call sorting 9 elements is done last of all and implemented as a jump, which doesn't use any more stack space - it reuses the stack space previously used by its caller, which was just about to return anyway.
Ideally, the list is partitions into two roughly similar size sublists. It doesn't matter much which sublist you work on first.
But if on a bad day the list partitions in the most lopsided way possible, a sublist of two or three items, maybe four, and a sublist nearly as long as the original. This could be due to bad choices of partition value or wickedly contrived data. Imagine what would happen if you worked on the bigger sublist first. The first invocation of Quicksort is holding the pointers/indices for the short list in its stack frame while recursively calling quicksort for the long list. This too partitions badly into a very short list and a long one, and we do the longer sublist first, repeat...
Ultimately, on the baddest of bad days with the wickedest of wicked data, we'll have stack frames built up in number proportional to the original list length. This is quicksort's worst case behavior, O(n) depth of recursive calls. (Note we are talking of quicksort's depth of recursion, not performance.)
Doing the shorter sublist first gets rid of it fairly quickly. We still process a larger number of tiny lists, in proportion to the original list length, but now each one is taken care of by a shallow one or two recursive calls. We still make O(n) calls (performance) but each is depth O(1).
Surprisingly, this turns out to be important even when quicksort is not confronted with wildly unbalanced partitions, and even when introsort is actually being used.
The problem arises (in C++) when the values in the container being sorted are really big. By this, I don't mean that they point to really big objects, but that they are themselves really big. In that case, some (possibly many) compilers will make the recursive stack frame quite big, too, because it needs at least one temporary value in order to do a swap. Swap is called inside of partition, which is not itself recursive, so you would think that the quicksort recursive driver would not require the monster stack-frame; unfortunately, partition usually ends up being inlined because it's nice and short, and not called from anywhere else.
Normally the difference between 20 and 40 stack frames is negligible, but if the values weigh in at, say, 8kb, then the difference between 20 and 40 stack frames could mean the difference between working and stack overflow, if stacks have been reduced in size to allow for many threads.
If you use the "always recurse into the smaller partition" algorithm, the stack cannot every exceed log2 N frames, where N is the number of elements in the vector. Furthermore, N cannot exceed the amount of memory available divided by the size of an element. So on a 32-bit machine, the there could only be 219 8kb elements in a vector, and the quicksort call depth could not exceed 19.
In short, writing quicksort correctly makes its stack usage predictable (as long as you can predict the size of a stack frame). Not bothering with the optimization (to save a single comparison!) can easily cause the stack depth to double even in non-pathological cases, and in pathological cases it can get a lot worse.

How worthwhile is this optimization for Heapsort?

The traditional Heapsort algorithm swaps the last element of the heap with the root of the current heap after every heapification, then continues the process again. However, I noticed that it is kind of unnecessary.
After a heapification of a sub-array, while the node contains the highest value (if it's a max-heap), the next 2 elements in the array must follow the root in the sorted array, either in the same order as they are now, or exchanging them if they are reverse-sorted. So instead of just swapping the root with the last element, won't it be better to swap the first 3 elements (including the node and after the if necessary exchange of the 2nd and 3rd elements) with the last 3 elements, so that 2 subsequent heapifications (for the 2nd and 3rd elements ) are dispensed with?
Is there any disadvantage with this method (apart from the if-needed swapping of the 2nd and 3rd elements, which should be trivial)? If not, if it is indeed better, how much performance boost will it give? Here is the pseudo-code:
function heapify(a,i) {
#assumes node i has two nodes, both heaps. However node i itself might not be a heap, i.e one of its children may be greater than its value.
#if so, find the greater of its two children, then swp the parent with that value.
#this might render that child as no longer a heap, so recurse
function create_heap(a) {
#all elements following index |_n/2_| are leaf nodes, thus heapify() should be applied to all elements within index 1 to |_n/2_|
function heapsort(a) {
create_heap(a); #a is now a max-heap
#root of the heap, that is a[1] is the maximum, so swap it with a[n].
#The root now contains an element smaller than its children, both of which are themselves heaps.
#so apply heapify(a,1). Note: heap length is now n-1, as a[n] is the largest element already found
#now again the array is a heap. The highest value is in a[1]. Swap it with a[n-1].
Suppose the array is [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7]. After running a heapify, it will become [16,14,10,8,7,9,3,2,4]. Now the heapsort's first iteration will swap 16 and 4, leading to [4,14,10,8,7,9,3,2,16]. Since this has now rendered the root of the new heap [4,14,10,8,7,9,3,2] as, umm, un-heaped, (14 and 10 both being greater than 4), run another heapify to produce [14,8,10,4,7,9,3,2]. Now 14 being the root, swap it with 2 to yield [2,8,10,4,7,9,3,14], thus making the array currently [2,8,10,4,7,9,3,14,16]. Again we find that 2 is un-heaped, so again doing a heapify makes the heap as [10,8,9,4,7,2,3]. Then 10 is swapped with 3, making the array as [3,8,9,4,7,2,3,10,14,16]. My point is that instead of doing the 2nd and 3rd heapifications to store 10 and 14 before 16, we can tell from the first heapification that because 10 and 14 follow 16, they are the 2nd and 3rd largest elements (or vice-versa). So after a comparison between them (in case they are already sorted, 14 comes before 10), I swap all the there (16,14,10) with (3,2,4), making the array [3,2,4,8,7,9,16,14,10]. This reduces us to a similar condition as the one after the further two heapifications - [3,8,9,4,7,2,3,10,14,16] originally, as compared to [3,2,4,8,7,9,16,14,10] now. Both will now need further heapification, but the 2nd method has let us arrive at this juncture directly by just a comparison between two elements (14 and 10).
The second largest element of the heap is present in the second or third position, but the third largest can be present further down, at depth 2. (See the figure in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure) ). Furthermore, after swapping the first three elements with the last three, the heapify method would first heapify the first subtree of the root, followed by the second subtree of the root, followed by the whole tree. Thus the total cost of this operation is close to three times the cost of swapping the top element with the last and calling heapify. So you won't gain anything by doing this.

Maximizing minimum on an array

There is probably an efficient solution for this, but I'm not seeing it.
I'm not sure how to explain my problem but here goes...
Lets say we have one array with n integers, for example {3,2,0,5,0,4,1,9,7,3}.
What we want to do is to find the range of 5 consecutive elements with the "maximal minimum"...
The solution in this example, would be this part {3,2,0,5,0,4,1,9,7,3} with 1 as the maximal minimum.
It's easy to do with O(n^2), but there must be a better way of doing this. What is it?
If you mean literally five consecutive elements, then you just need to keep a sorted window of the source array.
Say you have:
First, you get five elements and sort'em:
{3,2,0,5,0, 1,0,1,9,7,3}
{0,0,2,3,5} - sorted.
Here the minimum is the first element of the sorted sequence.
Then you need do advance it one step to the right, you see the new element 1 and the old one 3, you need to find and replace 3 with 1 and then return the array to the sorted state. You actually don't need to run a sorting algorithm on it, but you can as there is just one element that is in the wrong place (1 in this example). But even bubble sort will do it in linear time here.
{3,2,0,5,0,1, 0,4,1,9,7,3}
Then the new minimum is again the first element.
Then again and again you advance and compare first elements of the sorted sequence to the minimum and remember it and the subsequence.
Time complexity is O(n).
Can't you use some circular buffer of 5 elements, run over the array and add the newest element to the buffer (thereby replacing the oldest element) and searching for the lowest number in the buffer? Keep a variable with the offset into the array that gave the highest minimum.
That would seem to be O(n * 5*log(5)) = O(n), I believe.
Edit: I see unkulunkulu proposed exactly the same as me in more detail :).
Using a balanced binary search tree indtead of a linear buffer, it is trivial to get complexity O(n log m).
You can do it in O(n) for arbitrary k-consecutive elements as well. Use a deque.
For each element x:
pop elements from the back of the deque that are larger than x
if the front of the deque is more than k positions old, discard it
push x at the end of the deque
at each step, the front of the deque will give you the minimum of your
current k-element window. Compare it with your global maximum and update if needed.
Since each element gets pushed and popped from the deque at most once, this is O(n).
The deque data structure can either be implemented with an array the size of your initial sequence, obtaining O(n) memory usage, or with a linked list that actually deletes the needed elements from memory, obtaining O(k) memory usage.

Efficient way to handle adding and removing items by bitwise And

So, suppose you have a collection of items. Each item has an identifier which can be represented using a bitfield. As a simple example, suppose your collection is:
0110, 0111, 1001, 1011, 1110, 1111
So, you then want to implement a function, Remove(bool bitval, int position). For example, a call to Remove(0, 2) would remove all items where index 2(i.e. 3rd bit) was 0. In this case, that would be 1001, only. Remove(1,1) would remove 1110, 1111, 0111, and 0110. It is trivial to come up with an O(n) collection where this is possible (just use a linked list), with n being the number of items in the collection. In general the number of items to be removed is going to be O(n) (assuming a given bit has a ≥ c% chance of being 1 and a ≥ c% chance of being 0, where c is some constant > 0), so "better" algorithms which somehow are O(l), with l being the number of items being removed, are unexciting.
Is it possible to define a data structure where the average (or better yet, worst case) removal time is better than O(n)? A binary tree can do pretty well (just remove all left/right branches at the height m, where m is the index being tested), but I'm wondering if there is any way to do better (and quite honestly, I'm not sure how to removing all left or right branches at a particular height in an efficient manner). Alternatively, is there a proof that doing better is not possible?
Edit: I'm not sure exactly what I'm expecting in terms of efficiency (sorry Arno), but a basic explanation of it's possible application is thus: Suppose we are working with a binary decision tree. Such a tree could be used for a game tree or a puzzle solver or whatever. Further suppose the tree is small enough that we can fit all of the leaf nodes into memory. Each such node is basically just a bitfield listing all of the decisions. Now, if we want to prune arbitrary decisions from this tree, one method would be to just jump to the height where a particular decision is made and prune the left or right side of every node (left meaning one decision, right meaning the other). Normally in a decision tree you only want to prune subtree at a time (since the parent of that subtree is different from the parent of other subtrees and thus the decision which should be pruned in one subtree should not be pruned from others), but in some types of situations this may not be the case. Further, you normally only want to prune everything below a particular node, but in this case you'll be leaving some stuff below the node but also pruning below other nodes in the tree.
Anyhow, this is somewhat of a question based on curiousity; I'm not sure it's practical to use any results, but am interested in what people have to say.
Thinking about it further, I think the tree method is actually O(n / logn), assuming it's reasonably dense. Proof:
Suppose you have a binary tree with n items. It's height is log(n). Removing half the bottom will require n/2 removals. Removing the half the row above will require n/4. The sum of operations for each row is n-1. So the average number of removals is n-1 / log(n).
Provided the length of your bitfields is limited, the following may work:
First, represent the bitfields that are in the set as an array of booleans, so in your case (4 bit bitfields), new bool[16];
Transform this array of booleans into a bitfield itself, so a 16-bit bitfield in this case, where each bit represents whether the bitfield corresponding to its index is included
Then operations become:
Remove(0, 0) = and with bitmask 1010101010101010
Remove(1, 0) = and with bitmask 0101010101010101
Remove(0, 2) = and with bitmask 1111000011110000
Note that more complicated 'add/remove' operations could then also be added as O(1) bit-logic.
The only down-side is that extra work is needed to interpret the resulting 16-bit bitfield back into a set of values, but with lookup arrays that might not turn out too bad either.
Additional down-sides:
Once the size of an integer is exceeded, every added bit to the original bit-fields will double the storage space. However, this is not much worse than a typical scenario using another collection where you have to store on average half the possible bitmask values (provided the typical scenario doesn't store far less remaining values).
Once the size of an integer is exceeded, every added bit also doubles the number of 'and' operations needed to implement the logic.
So basically, I'd say if your original bitfields are not much larger than a byte, you are likely better off with this encoding, beyond that you're probably better off with the original strategy.
Further addendum:
If you only ever execute Remove operations, which over time thins out the set state-space further and further, you may be able to stretch this approach a bit further (no pun intended) by making a more clever abstraction that somehow only keeps track of the int values that are non-zero. Detecting zero values may not be as expensive as it sounds either if the JIT knows what it's doing, because a CPU 'and' operation typically sets the 'zero' flag if the result is zero.
As with all performance optimizations, this one'd need some measurement to determine if it is worthwile.
If each decision bit and position are listed as objects, {bit value, k-th position}, you would end up with an array of length 2*k. If you link to each of these array positions from your item, represented as a linked list (which are of length k), using a pointer to the {bit, position} object as the node value, you can "invalidate" a bunch of items by simply deleting the {bit, position} object. This would require you, upon searching the list of items, to find "complete" items (it makes search REALLY slow?).
So something like:
[{0,0}, {1,0}, {0,1}, {1, 1}, {0,2}, {1, 2}, {0,3}, {1,3}]
and linked from "0100", represented as: {0->3->4->6}
You wouldn't know which items were invalid until you tried to find them (so it doesn't really limit your search space, which is what you're after).
Oh well, I tried.
Sure, it is possible (even if this is "cheating"). Just keep a stack of Remove objects:
struct Remove {
bool set;
int index;
The remove function just pushes an object on the stack. Viola, O(1).
If you wanted to get fancy, your stack couldn't exceed (number of bits) without containing duplicate or impossible scenarios.
The rest of the collection has to apply the logic whenever things are withdrawn or iterated over.
Two ways to do insert into the collection:
Apply the Remove rules upon insert, to clear out the stack, making in O(n). Gotta pay somewhere.
Each bitfield has to store it's index in the remove stack, to know what rules apply to it. Then, the stack size limit above wouldn't matter
If you use an array to store your binary tree, you can quickly index any element (the children of the node at index n are at index (n+1)*2 and (n+1)*2-1. All the nodes at a given level are stored sequentially. The first node at at level x is 2^x-1 and there are 2^x elements at that level.
Unfortunately, I don't think this really gets you much of anywhere from a complexity standpoint. Removing all the left nodes at a level is O(n/2) worst case, which is of course O(n). Of course the actual work depends on which bit you are checking, so the average may be somewhat better. This also requires O(2^n) memory which is much worse than the linked list and not practical at all.
I think what this problem is really asking is for a way to efficiently partition a set of sets into two sets. Using a bitset to describe the set gives you a fast check for membership, but doesn't seem to lend itself to making the problem any easier.
