animated button on the left and right on xcode 4.2 - xcode

in my interface there is a button named Forme1 and two arrows one on the left and on the right of the button
I want when I click on the arrow on the right/left show me another button: button 2(Forme2)
with an animation


Vuetify 3 bottom v-navigation-drawer with tabs and scrollable content not closing on swipe down

I am using Vuetify 3 to create a bottom sheet for mobile using v-navigation-drawer with location="bottom" prop.
Everything works fine up to this point with swipe-down to close the bottom sheet. When I add touchstart, touchmove, touchend event listeners, all get triggered as expected.
But when I try to add a Tab component as per the documentation with some overflow content, the bottom sheet overflow scrolls on swipe up and down and tab navigation works on swipe left and right. I believe this is because of v-window is inside the drawer. Here when I add the above event listeners, touchstart does not get triggered inside the bottom sheet.
I want to implement the swipe-down to close behaviour (following the finger position) to the bottom sheet tab navigation that has overflow content. The bottom sheet will open on toggle, scrolls up and down on swipe up and down, switches tabs on swipe left and right and closes on swipe down further.
But without touchstart event it is impossible for me to go forward with this feature. (I'm planning to get the swipe direction and build the logic when to pull down the bottom sheet)
What am I missing here? Is there any other way to implement this?
CodePen link to what I tried. (Toggle device emulation)
add touchless to draver

Swift + xCode 7 constraints bad behavior

I have an UIImage in my storyboard and a button over it (and inside it too). I want to pin this button to the left and top margin of the UIImage in order to have it at the top left corner of the UIImage.
I place the button at the top left corner of the image, I ctrl+drag the blue line from the button to the right side of it and inside the image and I click "top". When I try to make the same in order to select "left", there is no left at the menu! What is the problem ? What can i do to fix it? Thank you!
You can use this menu at the bottom of your screen (or use a right clic drag in the view listed on the left pane.):

Sublime Column Selection with Left Button?

According to this spec, I have to use right mouse button to drag a rectangle for making column selection. This is very inconvenient because I am using a mouse pad and it's hard to do a right click.
Is there a way to fix this binding so that left mouse button can be used instead of right mouse button?

Image changing while pressed

I have 2 images for a JComponent, one of an unpressed button, and one of a pressed button. When I click the button, I want the image to change for the pressed one, but only while I am clicking. Which means whenever I release the mouse button, the image goes back to the unepressed button.
How can I do this?
Using a JButton, set the standard and pressed icons.

How can I create a menu animated with two arrows?

I have a menu animated with two arrows
one in the left of the button and one in the right of the button
the direction of the arrow is right for the right arrow and left for the left arrow
I want when I click in the arrow in the right show me another one without exit the corrent view ,the same for the left arrow but he show me another button(option) to choose
and when I click on the right or the left button I want that he show me the new button with an animation it appears like a train animation when he change the button
can you give me an idea how can I do this ??
You can create an UIScrollView with UIButtons and put two UIButtons to left and right scroll.
You can follow this tutorial for it -
