Using a single yahoo pipe as a filter for all my rss feeds - yahoo-pipes

I would like to use Yahoo Pipes to create a bunch of RSS feeds that are all filtered the same way (block is is before yesterday and limit to 25 items). This way if I ever want to change my filter, I can change my filter pipe and all of my rss feeds will automatically pick up the changes. I've put together a image that show exactly what I am trying to do:
I have checked many of the stackoverflow topics and it doesn't seem to be answered if this has ever been resolved. I've also seen the stackexchange question that seems to be asking this but doesn't get resolved in the same fashion.
Being able to do this would really improve my news reading experience and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Limit output length of crypt or hash

I was wondering if there is a way to limit the output of an encrypted or hashed value.
The case I have is, that I provide links for customers, having the id to an entry in my db, which contains relevant information for the receiver. Sooo... to avoid accessing to entries which are for someone else I am encrypting the id and append its outcome to the link. Now I am faced with the problem, that those "final links" are extremely long and ugly as f%!# (I actually got a lot responses, that they look highly suspicious and some of the customers didn't clicked on it, because they were afraid of being redirected to a phishing site).
However, this made me think about the option of limiting or individually setting the length of the encryptions outcome, like force it to contain 8 to 16 characters instead of about 250(? not sure how long they actually are). I also want to avoid using something like a redirecting page and a "self-made" URL shortener, because of the extra step I don't need.
Currently I've spent more than two hours of googling and reading several discussions regarding this topic and yeah... I am not satisfied with the results. Most of them started about two years up to five years ago.
What else I did?
I looked into Laravels api, especially into Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter, but still no solution found.
Sooooo... I hope anyone can help me out with a solution based on laravel. I don't want to use anything else like php_mbcrypt itself than laravels encrypt or Hash::make.
Thanks in advance!

Automatic Query |Author citations

Thanks for letting me ask my question here.
Some background: In academia as in all fields of life, there are "superstars". Those superstars are widely recognized, and their publications often cited. The question I am asking myself is, are they often cited because their papers are (still) outstanding, or simply because they are well known?
Think of Tweets. Millions of people read Mr. T's (think of what T stands for) tweets, but almost noone reads the thoughtfully written, smart and witty tweet of your neighbor. So, in this particular case, # of likes ("citation") does not necessarily correspond to quality, even though at some point (the beginning of Mr. T's career) it presumably has. Is it the same in academia?
Now, to answer my question I'd like to query authors and make a time-series of their publications and corresponding citations.
The question is, can I do this automatically? So make a txt file authors.txt that contains author1, author2,... and for each one of them query for example their Google Scholar Profile. If anyone has a suggestion for alternative datasources that would support an automatization, that would also be greatly appreciated!
So far, I have stumbled upon "Publish or Perish", which is a great tool and for a single author does exactly what I want it to do. But it doesn't allow for automatic querying. Contacting the developer behind this great program led to the answer "It may well be possible to write your own scripts to collect automated data from all data sources, especially those with APIs, but PoP doesn't facilitate this."
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have basic knowledge of for example bash, so my first idea would be to use wget, but the URLs of authorA seems to be encoded in a random manner, so it's not or anything like it.
Thanks so much!
If anyone else should ever happen to have the same question:
This github repo has a python script that does exactly what I want. So call the script for each line in the txt.file and it works!

What is the proper way to get new comments on my youtube channels in youtube-data-api

Currently I am fetching all comments on loop over videos. Is there any other way to get latest comments better. I means looping thousands of videos and getting just 10 new comments is time and resource consuming. Is there any good solution.
Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to get multiple Video's comments in one API call. See the documentation here.
You would have to iterate through each video and get the comments for each one which would be very costly on quota but necessary.

Filter an RSS feed to show only more popular links

I have an RSS feed that outputs around 100 articles per day. I wish to filter it to include only the more popular links, perhaps filter it to 50 or less. Back in the day, I believe you could use "postrank" to do this, but is now defunct after Google acquisition.
Anyone know how I can filter a specific RSS feed to include only the more popular outputs?
Thank you!
Your question is quite open, but one way to measure "popularity" of a post would be to use social networks.
Each post is probably associated with a certain URL, which can referred to on social networks. On facebook, for instance, one can share or like it. You could now get the number of shares for each post, order your list based on them and pop the top 50 ones.
This SO question asks for such share stats and contains answers for several networks.
Caution: Be aware that you'd need to do at least one API call per article. On the one hand, this may take some time, on the other hand, you'd have be careful to not exceed quotas. You're probably best off by locally caching fetched posts and only refresh every few hours or once a day.

Analyzing posts on Facebook

I want to figure out a way who have talked {view, like and comments) about a specific post on our Facebook's fan page. we want to examine the influence of the daily activities of fans on the timing and amount of a specific post. Influencers and the occurrence time of every "like" or "comment" should be collected. Is there any tool for modeling and clustering of post's data?
Thanks in advance.
This is definitely possible. I know this is not the forum to advertise a specific product, but I literally wrote this exact thing over the last couple months for our company. Check it out it is called SuperFans.
