flex 4.6 background image skinning - image

Hi everyone I'm new in flash builder with flex 4.6...
I created a mobile app with navigator view theme but I want my own personalized theme which is a simple image jpg attached in my skin: backGround.mxml
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
xmlns:fb="http://ns.adobe.com/flashbuilder/2009" alpha.disabled="0.5">
<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="disabled" />
<s:BitmapImage includeIn="normal" height="100%" source="assets/fondito.jpg" width="100%"/>
I imported the skin as skinClass in my HomeView, but it covers up all the other components... labels, list, buttons, etc...
How can i display all components above the skin?

Take a look at the skinParts that are necessary for the View class here.
You'll notice that you're going to need a contentGroup optional skin part. This allows you to layout your bitmap image relative to that. As a quick fix, here is some sample code (untested):
<s:BitmapImage includeIn="normal" height="100%" source="assets/fondito.jpg" width="100%"/>
<s:Group id="contentGroup"/>


Header image on SAPUI5 application

I am just trying to add the image on index.html. I have create a folder of images under webcontent and add the image in images folder. I am calling it in the following way:
<HBox >
But it is showing nothing on browser. Please advice.
You use curly brackets when you are trying to bind data from a model.
Since you are not using a model to bind data. You can remove it and try.
Code for the same is as mentioned here:-
<Image src="./images/abc1.jpg" width="100%" height="100%"/>

Can Nativescript 4.0 new Frame use more elements than Tabview or Sidedrawer?

I see that Frame works now much better.
We can have Tabview,that is a root of current view.
<TabView androidTabsPosition="bottom">
<TabViewItem title="First">
<Frame defaultPage="home/home-page" />
<TabViewItem title="Second">
<Frame defaultPage="second/second-page" />
This looks like home-page or second-page is “included”.
Now, i’m wondering if it’s possible to have app-root.xml that holds common elements, and needed page is included. I’ve tried this, but this is not working (why? This approach is possible only for tabview and sidedrawer ?)
<Frame defaultPage="create/create"></Frame>
<StackLayout class="footer white">
<Label text="test"></Label>
Instead of Page use layout like GridLayout Look at this test application as a reference and more specifically this page
However, the above approach would work for Android but for iOS, you should either remove the action bar for each Page (inside each Frame) or create multiple action bars (not recommended!).

Nativescript tab layout approach

I am trying to create an app with NativeScript with the following layout:
On top, action bar
Content Area in the center (about 80% of screen height)
Fixed menu on bottom with 4 buttons
I know that NativeScript provides a TabView, however this view puts the menu on top for the android version of the app,and doesn't allow to use images as "ItemTitle".
So (I think) this leaves me with two options :
Create 4 different pages and load them when a user taps on the menu
Create one single page and change content according to user
The first approach is great because I get to separate all xml , js and css files. However navigating between pages can take some time and doesn't give ideal user experience.
The second approach probably will have a better user experience but code will be very hard to maintain.
Which option should I use? Have any of you dealt with a similar layout?
Thank you for your time!
In my app I use the TabView with partial-views in each tab-item. So for each tab-view the content is separated in their own xml,js,css files.
So why not just take this approach and combine it with your option 2?
You could create a main-view with:
Centered main-content for partial-views (Stack- og GridLayout)
SegmentedBar at the bottom for navigation buttons
When the user taps a button on the SegmentedBar, you change the visibility of the corresponding partial-view.
You can use any font-icons as "images" for your title in the SegmentedBar also.
UPDATE: Added examples below.
How to create and reference partial-views
In your main-view Page-element add the references to each partial view, like here:
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded"
Each partial view consists of a .xml, .js and perhaps a .css file. I like to place each partial view in separate folders: tab1, tab2, tab3 as an example.
The partial-view xml file would contain only the view-modules, no page-modules. So don't add any Page or ActionBar here. Example of a partial view .xml:
<GridLayout loaded="viewLoaded">
<ListView items="{{ someItemList }}">
How to use partial-views
Now, it's up to you how you want to use the partial-views. Here is an example on how to use them together with a TabView component. This is placed in the same page-view where you added the references from the first example.
<TabViewItem title="Tab 1" iconSource="res://tab1">
<t1:tab1 />
<TabViewItem title="Tab 2" iconSource="res://tab2" >
<t2:tab2 />
<TabViewItem title="Tab 3" iconSource="res://tab3" >
<t3:tab3 />
Or, you could do it without the TabView, and create something custom:
<t1:tab1 id="tab1" visibility="visible" />
<t2:tab2 id="tab2" visibility="collapsed" />
<t3:tab3 id="tab3" visibility="collapsed" />
<SegmentedBar selectedIndex="0" selectedIndexChanged="segBarSelected">
<SegmentedBarItem title="Tab 1" />
<SegmentedBarItem title="Tab 2" />
<SegmentedBarItem title="Tab 3" />
So here would selectedIndexChangedcontrol the visibility of each partial view.

Flex 4: How to center a component that is larger than its container?

I am using Flex 4 Spark Components for this one.
I have a custom component that is larger than a certain container, and I need it to be centered in that container. Best using only MXML, styles and properties
This does not work as expected:
<s:BorderContainer x="300" y="300" width="200" height="200">
<s:Button label="Not centered" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" width="300" height="250"/>
Got it.
I noticed that using the whole Application as the Container in the example, the Component would center itself even when larger than the Stage. I cannot use another Application, so I used the next inherited class: SkinnableContainer, instead of BorderContainer, in the above example. It works properly

How do I get a usemap working within a firefox XUL document

In my XUL I have the following code fragments:
<map name="KeypadMap">
<area href="javascript:pad('A')" coords="1,1,31,31" shape="rect"/>
<hbox flex="1">
<image src="./keypad.png" width="32" height="32" useMap="#KeypadMap"/>
The image displays just fine, however, when I mouse over, the cursor does not change to a hand, and clicking does not call the pad function.
Similar code works fine in straight HTML, so there must be some trick to get it working via a Firefox XUL file.
You'll have to use a namespace to embed HTML inside of XUL. Check this guide.
