heroku login on mac terminal how to - heroku

We are new with Heroku.
I have installed the toolbelt on OSx.
I go to terminal which shows MacBook-Pro-de-Francisco-Balarezo:~ francisco$
I input $heroku login and i get login: that refers to mac user credentials not heroku.
I understand this is a basic stuff, we are doing our fisrt steps.
Any help would be appreciated

To login to Herok issue heroku login from the command line. Enter your Herkou email / username. Press enter, then your Heroku password.
macbook-austin:~ aus$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: heroku.account#email.com
Password (typing will be hidden): yourpassword
Authentication successful.
macbook-austin:~ aus$
Now you can run other heroku commands that require authentication.
The only reason heroku would be asking for your OS X credentials would be if you were running it with sudo or it was needing root access. This shouldn't be the case.


Why do I always `unauthorized: authentication required` when using bash to connect to Azure Container Registry?

I'm writing a simple bash script to pull an image from Azure Container Registry. If I type the command on the shell, I get authenticated and the images are pulled without any issue. However, when I run the same commands using the bash script, I get the unauthorized error.
sudo service docker start
docker logout
az logout
docker login myregistry.azurecr.io
sudo docker pull myregistry.azurecr.io/rstudio-server:0.1
Error response from daemon: Get "https://myregistry.azurecr.io/v2/": unauthorized: aad access token with sp failed client id must be guid
Error response from daemon: Head "https://myregistry.azurecr.io/v2/rstudio-server/manifests/0.1": unauthorized: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.
I don't understand why it's happening even when I'm logged in.
Tested in my environment working fine for me.
Make sure Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json if not try to authenticate it manually by providing username and password in bash script.
sudo service docker start
docker logout
az logout
docker login myregistry.azurecr.io --username $SP_APP_ID --password $SP_PASSWD
sudo docker pull myregistry.azurecr.io/rstudio-server:0.1
You can also use the username and password of ACR as prvided in below picture inplace of APP_ID and SP_PASSWD
Would Suggest you to please follow this Microsoft Document for more information about authentication of ACR from Docker

Unable to log in to heroku through CLI

My password for heroku works in the browser but not in the CLI. I've changed my heroku password twice and the same outcome occur after every change: I can log in through my browser, but not through my CLI (using windows powershell if that matters). Here is the error I get in the CL:
PS C:\Users\rjfor\OneDrive\Documents\beyond basics\python projects\webpages\mysite> heroku login
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email [4workanswers#gmail.com]: y
Password: *********
» Error: Invalid credentials provided.
» Error ID: unauthorized
PS C:\Users\rjfor\OneDrive\Documents\beyond basics\python projects\webpages\mysite> heroku login
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email [4workanswers#gmail.com]: y
Password: *********
» Error: Invalid credentials provided.
» Error ID: unauthorized
Has anyone had a similar issue?
Irrespective of what you get on screen please enter the listed below commands.
heroku --version
heroku login
When it ask for the email-d please write 4workanswers#gmail.com (your email id) not y even if it's showing your email on screen
Now enter your password(make sure you type it correctly)
One advice while entering your password. First type your password in a Notepad/gedit/TextEdit than switch browser and open heroku login and than paste the password from the Notepad/gedit/TextEdit. Do it same in terminal/cmd when it ask for password don't write just paste using mouse right click(Primary).
Just to try!!!Update heroku to the latest version
You are typing in y as your email. If you just want to reuse the previous email you just press enter or type in the full email again.

"Enter Heroku credentials" keeps coming up

I'm running Winfows 10 64-bit version. I've downloaded Heroku and registered for an account. I go to my Command Prompt and type in "heroku login." It displays the message "Enter Heroku credentials:, email:, and password:". I type in my email and password to my Heroku account and hit enter. No error messages come up or anything, just another line reading: "Enter Heroku credentials:, email:, and password:". Every time I try to retype in my email and password, it is the same result.
I then tried the command "heroku auth:token", and got the error message "Heroku not logged in".
I'm still new to Heroku, so if this is an easy fix please don't be too hard on me.

How to login in Jenkins first time? [duplicate]

I tried using Jenkins or my admin username as user and password. For password, I tried to update using sudo passwd jenkins, so I am fine on that. However, I am skeptical about the user name. How do I confirm the username for Jenkins? Can someone pls help me?
During the initial run of Jenkins a security token is generated and printed in the console log. The username is admin
The token should look something like,
Jenkins initial setup is required. A security token is required to proceed.
Please use the following security token to proceed to installation:
For me the initial admin password was in a log at ~/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
after installing with homebrew.
If you pod is running in a Kubernetes cluster, just look at the running process … Your initial password will be shown…
--argumentsRealm.passwd.admin=**3kJQtPDkhk** --argumentsRealm.roles.admin=admin
Username: admin
For password,
cat /Users/$(whoami)/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
you will get similar to this token 2762710d8dab4c88a59fea0a2e559069

XPEnology phpMyAdmin cannot log in to mysql

Installed XPEnology operating system, and using package manager installed MariaDB and phpMyAdmin.
Tired to login to phpMyAdmin http://WEB/phpMyAdmin and receiving a 'Cannot connect to local server' error message.
In the control panel enable SSH.
Login to SSH using Putty (http://www.putty.org), using the username and password you originally set up the XPEnology with.
Issue this command, changing the *** to your password
mysqladmin -u root password *******
You should now be able to login to phpMyAdmin on Synology. Username should be 'root'
