What could prevent a custom url scheme from being registered in the Launch Services Database - macos

I have developed a software that launches from a custom url scheme (something like "myapp://123"). It works on two of my test Mac machines (running 10.7.3 and 10.8 respectively) but somehow it doesn't work on another machine running 10.7.3
Are there any system or security settings that disable custom url scheme, or anyway I could troubleshoot this problem? It seems not to be just a faulty launch service database setting as three Macs at the client side aren't unable to register the custom url scheme.

Turns out that the client's computer is running a version of Mac OS that is too low for the developed application. I guess step 1 is troubleshooting this problem is to make sure the application can run in the first place!


How to disable SIP on macOS VMs for macOS UI testing in CI/CD environment?

I have been trying to run my macOS UI tests on a remote machine(VM), and it does not work. On a local machine, it works after giving the permissions related to accessibility. After digging through, I realised that you need to have SIP disabled and add the relevant permission.
So, how can I disable SIP on a headless machine in a CI/CD?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to disable SIP on a remote machine. You have to boot in safe mode and disable it from the terminal. And that requires direct access to the machine.
You can ask your provider if they can disable SIP for a specific machine for you, or you can look for providers that do.
There are a few out there, with Codemagic being one of them.
We released SIP disabled macOS images with the latest and beta Xcode versions so you can run macOS UI tests without any extra configuration.
It was frustrating not being able to test the UI of a Mac app, but I’m happy with what we managed to release.
I also wrote a blog post if you are interested in getting started with macOS UI testing.
Full disclosure - I’m a DevRel at Codemagic CI/CD, focusing on helping the community build for Apple platforms.

Remote Desktop for Mac - issue with JavaFX app - PDFBOX

I have written a JavaFX app running on Windows 10 machine in the office which has problems showing (painting/rendering) certain embedded controls such as a Pane with PdfBox when I connect to it with Remote Desktop for Mac. It shows only a black screen in the app instead of the pdf document.
When I connect using RDP from my Windows 10 machine at home to my Windows 10 machine at work, the app works just fine (the pdf is shown in the app).
I have the same problems using AnyDesk and Teamviewer.
The app only shows PDFs properly using a connection from Windows 10 to Windows 10 with Microsoft RDP.
It might be a JavaFX issue. Similar issues are described here (although not 100% identical):
However, since I guess Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac is using the same technology as the Windows Desktop client, I would have expected it to work fine.
I have a Mac Mini M1 running the latest OS (Monterey) at the time of writing this post. I am also using the latest Remote Desktop client for Mac.
This problem is not new and was also present in older releases.
I have tried to play around with screen resolutions, both on Host and Client but nothing good came out of those tests.
Disabled also hardware acceleration in Remote Desktop for Mac preferences but it didn't change anything.
The machine at the office has the following specs (which I cannot change nor update)
Edizione Windows 10 Pro
Versione 20H2
Data installazione: ‎10/‎09/‎2021
Build sistema operativo 19042.1415
Esperienza Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
Anyone else who has seen this problem and perhaps resolved it?
Could it be a bug in either PdfBox or Remote Desktop for Mac?
Except for the above issue, the Remote Desktop Client for Mac is working great (not lagging as TeamViewer or AnyDesk) and the user experience is phenomenal.
PS: While this might be considered a programming question (since I wrote the app with JavaFX) but it might be better to post on another forum? If yes, which one? On the other hand, many similar posts (look at the suggested thread on the right) have been upvoted despite not dealing with programming issues.
How do you use PDFBox? I ask because this is not a JavaFX component. If you use a SwingNode for that it might be interesting to try one of my two PDFViewer demos here and see whether the problem persists.
The difference is in how I do the rendering and maybe that makes a difference for your use-case too. But of course this is just a wild guess and I can't promise anything.

How to create mac vps (virtual private server) and access it via browser

How to create mac vps (virtual private server) and log in to it via browser, I want to be able to create environment like http://www.macincloud.com/, i have os x server but not sure how to set it up so that it can be accessed via browser, reason i'm trying to do this is to be able to use xcode from windows machine over internet.
any help is much appreciate it
I'm not sure how OSX Server works, but I believe what you want to do can be completed using a VNC.
Here is a quick tutorial I found on youtube on how to create a VNC on your mac computer so that you can control it from another computer by logging into the VNC server.
You will not be able to use your browser to log in, so you will need to download a 3rd party application (tightVNC is mentioned in the video) to access your mac remotely.
Hope this helps!
If you requirement is something that you want to access through browser means you can do it easily using Apache(web server) which is preinstalled in mac and host something there with plain html page or with simple php which is also preinstalled in mac.

Accessing Meteor local web server from another local device on Mac 10.8

I am working on a Meteor website and conveniently, it will run on localhost with the simple command, meteor. However, I want to be able to access this website from other computers on the local network. The main reason I want to do this is for viewing and testing the app on mobile.
I am running Mac Mountain Lion 10.8, and they got rid of some of the convenient Personal Web Sharing pref panes. Everything else I have seen online deals with setting up your own server, but all I want to do is grant access from other local device...
Find out your ip address (mac system prefs/network)
start meteor in your project on a port (default 3000)
from another comp on network, browse

Using Time Machine for test environment rollback for Mac platform

When I'm testing software I'm going to deploy or running through tests in the Windows world, I'll use VMWare images so that I can start from a fresh, known state at the beginning of each test. This has worked really well so that I can install software on different OS flavors or with other/different apps and drivers loaded. This makes it super simple to duplicate or nearly duplicate a customer's environment when addressing issues that crop up.
Now I'm tasked with doing something similar for Mac OS X. I'm far less familiar with this OS and didn't really see the same sort of thing available. I noted that the server version of 10.5 might allow this, but I'm not running that here. I've got access to 10.5 on a Mac Book and one of those Mac Minis.
Has anyone used Time Machine to put their test Mac box into a known state? Or do you have other ideas? I'm also interested in a solution for 10.4 since some of my customers run "Tiger".
I tend to test things that don't manipulate the global computer state (i.e. a lot of well written Cocoa applications) with the "Guest" account. Since Tiger (I think), the effects of using this account are wiped at logout, so you can easily get a virgin environment again.
By default, Time Machine excludes certain paths from backup. This could be detrimental to your testing strategy, depending on the system resources that your software touches. See this article for information on the exclusions. At a bare minimum, if you are going to use Time Machine to rollback, make sure nothing you are testing depends on any of the excluded files.
But, I think there is a better alternative, if you can live with Mac OS X Server: VMWare Fusion provides support for virtualizing instances of Mac OS X Server Leopard. Then you can use the same strategy you used for Windows.
From http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/features.html
VMware Fusion boasts the most complete
OS support, supporting more than 60
operating systems in a virtual
machine, including Windows XP, Windows
Vista, and even Mac OS X Server.
Keep in mind, you cannot virtualize Mac OS X Client due to license restrictions, though.
An alternative (perhaps more lightweight) solution that I just found recently is an app called RooSwitch. It lets you swap configurations for an application. So you could have a bunch of different prefs files, cache files, etc for your app and create a named configuration for it. You can create multiple configurations to test new user setup, or to reproduce an issue using a customer's data without losing your own config. RooSwitch then lets you switch between all these different configs.
I haven't used it myself yet, but heard about it on a podcast recently and thought it sounded useful for my own development and testing.
