Is Rhoconnect Rhosync free to use - ruby

I am developing mobile apps with rhodes using Rhoconnect .
I don't know is their any licence or it is free to use ...
I searched complete site of motorola but not get whether it is free or having licence ...
Is their any other option to sync application data with backend without using Rhoconnect

Rhodes and Rhostudio Eclipse plugin are released under free MIT (AS IS) license. you can verify it by looking at their license files located in their git repos that you can find here:
As for Rhoconnect, it comes with free 10 device license, and rest you have to talk to sales department to get quota for your needs.


WP7 - selling extensions

I'm trying to create some application for Windows Phone >= 7.1
During plannin my work and specyfiong technical requirements I've come across one problem.
I wan't to have free application with basic functionality. And then it should be extendable with some non-free extensions (dlls?, databases?, SaaS?)
Is it possible at the moment to use some MS api/app/etc. to be able to publish such extensions and sell them? What is the best way to do this if there is more than one solution?
Thank you for any help.
As of right now (June 2012), in-app purchases are not supported. Your only choices, then are being a paid app and supporting trial mode.
The only way you can do this at present is to handle the additional purchases yourself.
You'd have to set up a website which customers could create an account on and purchase extensions through, then have them also log into your app with those account details to determine what additional data to download or functions to enable.
You could be smart and include the website functionality into your app with a browser control. Take a look at the Amazon Kindle app for an example of how they accomplish it.

Windows Phone 7 Mango Update - SkyDrive functionality available for developers?

I read a lot about new SkyDrive syncing features (syncing of documents, pictures...) coming with Mango. But will this functionality be available to developers or is it limited to applications by Microsoft?
I think this would be great but I didn't find any information on it.
With the current release of the SDK, SkyDrive functionality is not available to third-party developers. As a matter of fact, there is no official public SkyDrive API. There is the unofficial SkyDrive .NET API Client, but since it is not supported by Microsoft, it will be a bit risky to use it in an app that is outside the "just for fun" zone.
More recently there has been an official API released but it is nothing but Javascript libraries. You have to create a browser instance and manipulate that.
Also it's limited to fiddling with photos and documents. If you want to use SkyDrive as a cloud filesystem the a better option is

How can I best learn SiteMinder? Was handed a site that integrates with it, and need to maintain it

We have SiteMinder configured in our environment and I've been given an ASP.NET website to support.
Where do I begin to learn SiteMinder? I have some background in ADFS, but need to translate my skills to this product.
Check out the bookshelf documentation on
CA Education also offers some courses and new certifications, but you can probably learn just as well through the docs.
I would recommend reading all the documentation.
I would also recommend purchasing a VMWare workstation license and getting an isolated installation of SiteMinder, AD, the POlicy Server and a protected web server on the VM. that will give you a nice sandbox on which to play, just remember to take a snapshot after you get it all installed.
Instead of purchasing VMWare, you can use Oracle VirtualBox to run a CentOS VM (CentOS essentially the free version of RedHat).
The newest versions of SiteMinder (CA Single Sign On) only support RedHat Linux and Microsoft Windows.

how to learn Oracle 11ie for ERP support

is there a free version I can install to practice and study? Are there any other good resources?
To teach yourself you can download and use any version of Oracle. Check out the details of the OTN download license but the general spirit of OTN licenses is spelled out here:
"Software Downloads
Free to download,
free to learn, unlimited evaluation
Developers: All software downloads are
free, and most come with a Developer
License that allows you to use full
versions of the products at no charge
while developing and prototyping your
applications, or for strictly
self-educational purposes."
Licensing really only applies to the development of applications for production.

What Windows SVN+Tasks Management+Blog+Timeline free, Open Source solutions are there?

What Windows SVN+Task Management+Blog+Timeline free, Open Source solutions (projects) are there?
Redmine is a very good open source system that supports most if not all of your listed operations.
It is available in ready-to-use bitnami stacks for Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc.
Sounds like you need Trac:
Windows SVN
Yes, it's a web based application that can run on a Windows or Linux server, and can be accessed by either Windows or Linux clients
Yes, they're referred to as "tickets"
Yes, there is a "Roadmap" feature that does project management based on milestones, ticket durations, and creates a schedule.
Yes, Trac has a wiki that users can create and edit
Yes, Trac has it. Allows you to browse source, see svn log, etc.
free, opensource
Trac is free and open source
FogBugz can integrate with the most popular source control systems and supports issue tracking and planning (presumably what you mean by timeline). While it doesn't support blogs, it supports wikis, which should be sufficient if you want to use it for documentation.
While not open source, it has a free student/startup version if you only need two accounts.
