Scheme, sublist - scheme

The function is called sublist? with two arguments (both lists). It checks whether l2 is a sublist of l1 and returns #t or #f.
I have this so far, but seems the exists function is not working properly
(define (sublist? l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l2) #t)
((exists l1 (car l2)) #t)
(else (sublist? l1 (cdr l2)))))
(define (exists l p)
(if (null? l) #f
(or (equal? p (car l)) (exists (cdr l) p))))

First of all I think in your exists function, you are missing an equals?
And it seems the first parameter is the one that's supposed to be an atom, but in your sublist function you send the list first and the atom next, you need to switch the parameters.
(define (exists l p)
(if (null? l) #f
(or (equal? p (car l)) (exists (cdr l) p))))
That should work fine.
Also, its convention to call your predicate functions as a question, you should name it exists?
Also upon closer inspection, it looks like your sublist? function is incorrect. It will return #t even if only one element of the sublist exists in the list. You need to modify it a bit into:
(define (sublist? l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l2) #t)
((not (exists l1 (car l2))) #f)
(else (sublist? l1 (cdr l2)))))
Now you are saying:
1) Is empty? Then is a sublist.
2) Is this element NOT in the list? Then is not.
3) If it is, then check the rest of the elements.

I believe the previous answer only checks subsets, not sublists. Order matters for sublists, so you can't simply check the existence of elements in the list. You need to do something like the following.
(define (sublist? l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l2) #t)
((null? l1) #f)
((headlist? l1 l2) #t)
(else (sublist? (cdr l1) l2)))
(define (headlist? l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l2) #t)
((null? l1) #f)
((not (equal? (car l1) (car l2))) #f)
(else headlist? (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))


Scheme - How to find the median using user defined sort and average functions?

I'm new to Scheme, and I've hit a wall. I have my sort and average functions, and I'm trying to change a median function I found on this site. However, no matter what I try, I keep getting errors where I have more than one expression in the median function, or when I try to use sort in the median function it's "undefined".
(define (sort1 L)
(if (or (null? L) (<= (length L) 1)) L
(let loop ((l null) (r null)
(pivot (car L)) (rest (cdr L)))
(if (null? rest)
(append (append (sort1 l) (list pivot)) (sort1 r))
(if (<= (car rest) pivot)
(loop (append l (list (car rest))) r pivot (cdr rest))
(loop l (append r (list (car rest))) pivot (cdr rest)))))))
(define (avg lst)
(let loop ((count 0) (sum 0) (args lst))
(if (not (null? args))
(loop (add1 count) (+ sum (car args)) (cdr args))
(/ sum count))))
(define (median L)
(if (null? L) (error "The list is empty")
(let loop ((L1 L) (L2 L))
(cond ((null? (cdr L2)) (car L1))
((null? (cddr L2)) (list (car L1) (cadr L1)))
(else (loop (cdr L1) (cddr L2)))))))
I'm trying to edit the median function to first sort the list, and if there are an even number of elements, I need to take the average of the list, and use the element closest to the average.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
Like I said in a comment, what you want isn't a let, it's function composition.
Your current median function is this:
(define (median L)
(if (null? L)
(error "The list is empty")
(let loop ((L1 L) (L2 L))
(cond ((null? (cdr L2)) (car L1))
((null? (cddr L2)) (list (car L1) (cadr L1)))
(else (loop (cdr L1) (cddr L2)))))))
But as Oscar Lopez pointed out, this doesn't properly compute the median. However, it does some of the work, so keep it. Rename it to median-helper or something.
(define (median-helper L)
(if (null? L)
(error "The list is empty")
(let loop ((L1 L) (L2 L))
(cond ((null? (cdr L2)) (car L1))
((null? (cddr L2)) (list (car L1) (cadr L1)))
(else (loop (cdr L1) (cddr L2)))))))
Then you can use function composition to define the "real" median function:
(define (median lst)
(median-helper (sort1 lst)))
This returns the middle element for odd-length lists, and the middle-two elements for even length lists. If this is want you wanted, great. If not, then you can fix median-helper by returning the average in the second case of the cond. So instead of (list (car L1) (cadr L1)) there, you would have (avg (list (car L1) (cadr L1))).
;; median-helper : (Listof Number) -> Number
(define (median-helper L)
(if (null? L)
(error "The list is empty")
(let loop ((L1 L) (L2 L))
(cond ((null? (cdr L2)) (car L1))
((null? (cddr L2)) (avg (list (car L1) (cadr L1))))
(else (loop (cdr L1) (cddr L2)))))))
;; median : (Listof Number) -> Number
(define (median lst)
(median-helper (sort1 lst)))
I think you're misunderstanding the definition of a median. A very simple (if not particularly efficient) implementation follows:
(define (my-sort L)
(sort L <))
(define (average x y)
(exact->inexact (/ (+ x y) 2)))
(define (median L)
(if (null? L)
(error "The list is empty")
(let* ((n (length L))
(sorted (my-sort L))
(half (quotient n 2)))
(if (odd? n)
(list-ref sorted half)
(average (list-ref sorted half)
(list-ref sorted (sub1 half)))))))
It works as defined:
(median '())
=> The list is empty
(median '(3 2 1 5 4))
=> 3
(median '(6 4 3 1 2 5))
=> 3.5

What will I input in the interaction window with this program i search? sorry beginner

I don't know how to edit here in stack sorry for this.. But I want to learn what should I
input in interaction window of scheme .. TY
#lang scheme
(define sort #f)
(define merge #f)
(let ()
(define dosort
(lambda (pred? ls n)
(if (= n 1)
(list (car ls))
(let ((i (quotient n 2)))
(domerge pred?
(dosort pred? ls i)
(dosort pred? (list-tail ls i) (- n i)))))))
(define domerge
(lambda (pred? l1 l2)
((null? l1) l2)
((null? l2) l1)
((pred? (car l2) (car l1))
(cons (car l2) (domerge pred? l1 (cdr l2))))
(else (cons (car l1) (domerge pred? (cdr l1) l2))))))
(set! sort
(lambda (pred? l)
(if (null? l) l (dosort pred? l (length l)))))
(set! merge
(lambda (pred? l1 l2)
(domerge pred? l1 l2))))
What you have here is a sorting procedure. With a very strange way of definition. In the interactions area, just enter
(sort < '(6 5 2 1))
'(1 2 4 6)
for example. You need to provide a function that compares 2 items of the list. Another example:
(sort string>? '("c" "b" "a" "d"))
("d" "c" "b" "a")

How to define Sets in scheme

I'm having trouble using my member? function. I need to recurse on my set? function until the last element in my list 'lst' is reached. I believe I have the navigation down correctly, but maybe my inputs syntax is wrong. I know there are three cases:
1) What happens if the list is empty? that means that there aren't any duplicates in it
2) What happens if the current element of the list exists somewhere in the rest of the list? then it means that there's a duplicate in the list (hint: the member procedure might be useful)
3) If none of the above are true, continue with the next element.
Here is my code.
(define (member? e lst)
(if (null? lst) #f
(if (equal? e (car lst)) #t
(member? e (cdr lst)))))
(define (set? lst)
(if (null? lst) #t ;Case1
(if (member? (car lst) lst) #f ;Case2
(set? (cdr lst))))) ;Case3
;Example tests for the set? function
(set? '(x y z))
(set? '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
(set? '())
(set? '(6 2 2))
(set? '(x y z x))
There's a small mistake with your code, look how it gets fixed:
(define (set? lst)
(if (null? lst)
(if (member? (car lst) (cdr lst)) ; in here
(set? (cdr lst)))))
In particular, notice what this line is doing:
(member? (car lst) lst)
That won't work: the test is checking whether the first element in lst is a member of lst - and that'll always be true. The solution is simple, just check to see if the current element is in the rest of the list, if it's there, then we know that we've found a duplicate:
(member? (car lst) (cdr lst))
And by the way, the above code would look much nicer using cond, which is great when you have nested ifs:
(define (set? lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #t)
((member? (car lst) (cdr lst)) #f)
(else (set? (cdr lst)))))

Scheme and Merge Sort?

I was assigned to write a merge sort in Scheme but I have some issues with it. I showed it my professor and he said there is one simple mistake. Can someone help me?
(define msort
((null?? 1st) 1st)
((null? (cdr 1st)) 1st)
(#t ((letrec ((half (quotient (lenght 1st) 2))
(merge (lamdba (a b result)
(cond ((null? a) (apped (reserve a) result))
((null? b) (append (reserve a) result))
((> (car a) (car b) (merge a (cdr b) (cons (car b) result))
(#t (merge (cdr a) b (cons (car a) result)))))))
(merge (msort (take 1st half)) (msort (drop 1st half)) '()))))))
One simple mistake? He probably referred to #1, but even after fixing that you have some identifiers and parenthesis to fix:
lambda, null?, length, append, and reverse is spelled incorrectly.
letrec result gets applied since you have excess parenthesis around it.
cond in merge where you compare elements are missing parenthesis two places.
It's obvious you need help with parenthesis matching so you should download a decent IDE to write code in. I use DrRacket for Scheme development (#!R5RS, #!R6RS and #!racket) and it idents (just press CTRL+i to get it reidented after pasting in code) and indicate where function names are written wrong when you hit RUN.
Making merge a global function in the beginning and perhaps move it to a letrec later (if you have to) might ease development. Eg. you could find errors by testing stuff like (merge '(3 2 1) '()).
This is no guarantee the program will work since I only address syntax here. You need to debug it! DrRacket has a debugger too!
I think it is useful to implement first a function that allow to merge two ordered lists:
(define (merge l1 l2)
(if (empty? l1)
(if (empty? l2)
(if (< (car l1) (car l2))
(cons (car l1) (merge (cdr l1) l2))
(cons (car l2) (merge l1 (cdr l2)))))))
Now assume we have a function (get ls pos) capable to return the element of ls in position pos:
(define (get ls pos)
(if (= pos 1)
(car ls)
(get (cdr ls) (- pos 1))))
Finally, we can implement mergesort function:
(define (mergesort l p r)
(if (= p r)
(cons (get l p) empty)
(merge (mergesort l p (floor (/ (+ p r) 2))) (mergesort l (+ (floor (/ (+ p r) 2)) 1) r))))

Quicksort in scheme

please, what is bad in my code ? how can i modify that ?
(define pivot (lambda (l)
(cond ((null? l) 'done)
((null? (cdr l)) 'done)
((<= (car l) (cadr l)) (pivot (cdr l)))
(#t (car l)))))
(define (quicksort l)
(let ((piv (pivot l)))
(if (equal? piv 'done) l
(let ((parts (partition piv l () ())))
(append (quicksort (car parts))
(quicksort (cadr parts)))))))
Some Scheme interpreters define a partition procedure, but it receives a different set of parameters, so I'm assuming that you defined your own version. The implementation of quicksort shown in the question might work, but the partition procedure is almost certainly wrong. It's hard to tell without the code...
