Where in the Maven Standard Directory Layout should generated resources go? - maven

I'd like to generate some resources (JavaHelp search index in this case), but I can't seen to see where those generate files should go to get into the jar. I put them in target/generated-sources, but they are ignored. Should it be target/classes?

/generated-sources directory is used by various tools generating sources (duh!), like xjc or wsdl2java. This directory is later included in the compilation phase.
/target/classes is everything that should be included in the final JAR, which answers your question. Also the contents of /src/main/resources is included, but this directory is typically part of version control and is not meant for generated artifacts.

It turns out that generated-source directories are not automatically included in the jar. However, Intellj assumes there are and treats them as such, hence my confusion.
You need to use the Maven build helper plugin to fix this issue, for example:


Maven war plugin copy arbitrary files

I apologize that this is surely basic maven/war plugin stuff, but I'm totally not a maven user. I just have to hack this one thing into a project that is maven based.
What I need to do is to copy an (essentially arbitrary) directory and files into the root of my war. I need them to appear as resources available via HTTP when the war deploys.
I cannot simply put them in the "right place" in the source tree. This is because the files in question are actually the source files of my project. I realize this is a bit odd, but this is a documentation project, and I need to show the source and the effect all in the same war.
So, in the general case, how would I configure the maven war plugin to copy a given directory, along with it's contents, to the root of my war? (BTW, I have tried to make sense of the documentation of this tool, but it seems to be predicated on so much understanding of maven that it feels like I'll never understand it without learning maven first, and I'm a bit too pressed for time to do that just now!)
Many TIA
You could try:
use the copy-resources plugin. Use the plugin to copy your source files under target prior to when the war is packaged.
or, configure the maven-war-plugin to include additional resources.
Thanks Drew, that got me where I needed to go. Bottom line, I added the sample pom fragment from the link you gave for copy-resources to my pom.xml with the following changes:
<outputDirectory>target/${project.name}-${project.version}/sources ...
<directory>src/main/java ...
I copied this from the link you gave, then edited the element to point at src/main/java, which picked up my files, and the outputDirectory to the aggregate target/${project.name}-${project.version}/sources . I found that ${project.name} mapped to the project, and the version came from ${project.version}, which seemed to resolve the last little bits of issue.
Thanks again.

Maven generated source folder document

I saw lots of code generation plugins in Maven put generated code in target/generated-source/*plugin-name* directory. But I didn't find it documented anywhere in Maven standard directory layout. http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-standard-directory-layout.html
Where is it documented in Maven? Or it's just a convention that everyone follows?
This is not described as part of the standard directory layout, since these files are generated( hence, they end up in the target/ directory). By the target/generated-source/plugin-name convention the plugin-writer is pretty sure it won't clash with generated sources of other plugins. The plugin-writer is also responsible for binding this source folder to the Maven project.
As a user you shouldn't notice much of it.

Putting a Maven POM in an OSGi wrapper via BND?

I have a third-party JAR that I'd like to use in an OSGi environment, but it has no OSGi-appropriate MANIFEST.MF. So, I'm using BND (well, BNDTools) to wrap it. That's working fine as well as it goes, but:
I'd also like to be able to easily use it with Maven (which it's also not set up for), so I'd like to include a Maven POM that describes its dependencies. Is there a way to do this through BND? Here's what I've tried:
I looked at the layout of various Mavenized JARs, and found that they seem to include the POM in META-INF/maven/groupId/artifactId. For example:
So, I made a POM and put it in such a place, then modified bnd.bnd to have:
-include: META-INF/maven/com.example/com.example.greatapilibrary/pom.xml
The generated JAR does not include the file, though.
I think (but not 100% sure) that I'm probably misreading BND's documentation on "-include" - it looks like it might be for including extra manifest directives in the resulting MANIFEST.MF, rather than including extra files in the JAR.
But in any case, is there any way to accomplish what I want to do, using BND? Or do I have to use another rewrapper program to create a JAR with the POM, then use BND to rewrap that instead of using it to rewrap the original JAR?
Thanks in advance for any help.
just try to add:
-includeresource: META-INF/maven/com.example/com.example.greatapilibrary/pom.xml=META-INF/maven/com.example/com.example.greatapilibrary/pom.xml
to your bnd.bnd
This link explains the differences between includeand includeresource (same as Include-Resource): http://bndtools.org/faq.html#whats-the-difference-between--include-and-include-resource

IntelliJ automagically mark a target sub directory as "source"

I use IntelliJ since a few months back now for my Java development. I using IntelliJ as IDE and build my projects using Maven. A couple of my Maven projects generates code which my other Maven projects depends upon, the generated code ends up in a target/src-generated directory with "Maven-subdirectories" main/java, main/resource etc. Is it possible to make IntelliJ automagically mark the target/src-generated/main/java directory as source?
Thanks in advance.
Please refer to the IntelliJ IDEA Maven FAQ:
In order to get generated sources automatically imported as source
folders configure corresponding plugins so that they put them into
target/generated-sources/<subdir>, where subdir is any folder name you
prefer. The subdir folder is necessary to distinguish sources from
different tools and also to exclude some special generated sources
(e.g. groovy stubs).
Please note that even if you manually configure
some source folders under target/generated-sources of this folder
itself, IDEA will rewrite them according to your pom.xml.
Any time you
want to generate sources you simply execute the corresponding goal,
bound for generation (usually generate-sources,
generate-test-sources). After that IDEA will pick up new folders and
set them up. Generated test sources/resources should be placed in

In a maven project, is it possible to use a plugin just built within the same project?

Suppose you have some sort of input files which are to be processed in some custom way (even the file format is very particular to the package of files in question).
To process them I decide to make a maven plugin, which happens to be useful only in the context of these files.
Is it possible to have them all (the afore mentioned files and source code for the plugin) in one project, build the plugin, run the plugin over the input files and collect its output as the output of this project?
Short answer is you can't, because Maven resolves plugin classpath on start.
However you can create separate modules, first being a plugin and second would use that plugin to process files. Both modules can be invoked from parent pom.
