Hello I've been trying to get this code to work, I even cheated and added in the goal to my code and its still not accepting my answer, any suggestions?
-- Functions...
function p() -- For user imput..
print("Enter # and try to get the closest to it! (Valid range is 1-100)")
local var = tonumber(io.read())
if var == nil then
var = 0
return var
--Start main code..
-- Initialize the pseudo random number generator (I'm on windows...)
math.randomseed( os.time() )
math.random(); math.random(); math.random()
-- Setting goal
goal = math.random(1,100)
-- Guessing loop...
g = p()
until g == Goal
Replace the G by a lower case g.
until g == goal
redim = 2;
# Loading data
iris_data = readdlm("iris_data.csv");
iris_target = readdlm("iris_target.csv");
# Center data
iris_data = broadcast(-, iris_data, mean(iris_data, 1));
n_data, n_dim = size(iris_data);
Sw = zeros(n_dim, n_dim);
Sb = zeros(n_dim, n_dim);
C = cov(iris_data);
classes = unique(iris_target);
for i=1:length(classes)
index = find(x -> x==classes[i], iris_target);
d = iris_data[index,:];
classcov = cov(d);
Sw += length(index) / n_data .* classcov;
Sb = C - Sw;
evals, evecs = eig(Sw, Sb);
w = evecs[:,1:redim];
new_data = iris_data * w;
This code just does LDA (linear discriminant analysis) for the iris_data.
Reduct the dimensions of the iris_data to 2.
It will takes about 4 seconds, but Python(numpy/scipy) only takes about 0.6 seconds.
This is from the first page, second paragraph of the introduction in the Julia Manual:
Because Julia’s compiler is different from the interpreters used for languages like Python or R, you may find that Julia’s performance is unintuitive at first. If you find that something is slow, we highly recommend reading through the Performance Tips section before trying anything else. Once you understand how Julia works, it’s easy to write code that’s nearly as fast as C.
Avoid global variables
A global variable might have its value, and therefore its type, change at any point. This makes it difficult for the compiler to optimize code using global variables. Variables should be local, or passed as arguments to functions, whenever possible.
Any code that is performance critical or being benchmarked should be inside a function.
We find that global names are frequently constants, and declaring them as such greatly improves performance
Knowing that the script (all procedural top level code) style is so pervasive among many scientific computing users, I would recommend you to at least wrap the whole file inside a let expression for starters (let introduces a new local scope), ie:
redim = 2
# Loading data
iris_data = readdlm("iris_data.csv")
iris_target = readdlm("iris_target.csv")
# Center data
iris_data = broadcast(-, iris_data, mean(iris_data, 1))
n_data, n_dim = size(iris_data)
Sw = zeros(n_dim, n_dim)
Sb = zeros(n_dim, n_dim)
C = cov(iris_data)
classes = unique(iris_target)
for i=1:length(classes)
index = find(x -> x==classes[i], iris_target)
d = iris_data[index,:]
classcov = cov(d)
Sw += length(index) / n_data .* classcov
Sb = C - Sw
evals, evecs = eig(Sw, Sb)
w = evecs[:,1:redim]
new_data = iris_data * w
But I would also urge you to refactor that into small functions and then compose a main function that calls the rest, something like this, notice how this refactor makes your code general and reusable (and fast):
module LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
export load_data, center_data
"Returns data and target Matrices."
load_data(data_path, target_path) = (readdlm(data_path), readdlm(target_path))
function center_data(data, target)
data = broadcast(-, data, mean(data, 1))
n_data, n_dim = size(data)
Sw = zeros(n_dim, n_dim)
Sb = zeros(n_dim, n_dim)
C = cov(data)
classes = unique(target)
for i=1:length(classes)
index = find(x -> x==classes[i], target)
d = data[index,:]
classcov = cov(d)
Sw += length(index) / n_data .* classcov
Sb = C - Sw
evals, evecs = eig(Sw, Sb)
redim = 2
w = evecs[:,1:redim]
return data * w
using LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
function main()
iris_data, iris_target = load_data("iris_data.csv", "iris_target.csv")
result = center_data(iris_data, iris_target)
#show result
You don't need all those semicolons.
anonymous functions are currently slow but that will change in v0.5. You can use FastAnonymous for now, if performance is critical.
In summary read carefully and take into account all the performance tips.
main is just a name, it could be anything else you like.
I'm writing a for loop for a project that prompts the user to input a number and keeps prompting, continually adding the numbers up. When a string is introduced, the loop should stop. I've done it with a while loop, but the project states that we must do it with a for loop also. The problem is that the prompt keeps running even when 'a = false'. Could someone explain javascript's thinking process? I want to understand why it keeps running back through the loop even though the condition isn't met. Thank you
var addSequence2 = function() {
var total = 0;
var a;
for (; a = true; ) {
var input = prompt("Your current score is " +total+ "\n" + "Next number...");
if (!isNaN(input)) {
a = true;
total = +total + +input;
else if (isNaN(input)) {
a = false;
document.write("Your total is " + total);
There is a difference between a = true and a == true.
Your for-loop is basically asking "can I set 'a' to true?", to which the answer is yes, and the loop continues.
Change the condition to a == true (thus asking "Is the value of 'a' true?")
To elaborate, in most programming languages, we distinguish between assignment ("Make 'x' be 4") and testing for equality ("Is 'x' 4?"). By convention (at least in languages that derive their syntax from C), we use '=' to assign/set a value, and '==' to test.
If I'm understanding the specification correctly (no guarantee), what happens here is that the condition condenses as follows:
Is (a = true) true?
Complete the bracket: set a to true
Is (a) true? (we just set it to true, so it must be!)
Try using the equal to operator, i.e. change
for (; a = true; ) {
for (; a == true; ) {
You should use a == true instead of a = true......= is an assignment operator
for (; a = true; ), you are assigning the value to the variable "a" and it will always remain true and will end up in infinite loop. In JavaScript it should a===true.
I suspect you want your for to look like this :
as a=true is an assignment, not a comparison.
a == true. The double equal sign compares the two. Single equal assigns the value true to a so this always returns true.
for (; a = true; ) <-- this is an assignation
for (; a == true; ) <-- this should be better
Here's your fixed code :
var addSequence2 = function() {
var total = 0;
var a = true;
for(;Boolean(a);) {
var input = prompt("Your current score is " +total+ "\n" + "Next number...");
if (!isNaN(input)) {
total = total + input;
a = false;
document.write("Your total is " + total);
I am currently just trying to wrap my head around this example question. I don't understand the syntax of it. I don't understand the point of i and how it relates to result
def pow(base, exponent)
result = 1
i = 1
while i <= exponent
result = result * base
i += 1
Any explanation much appreciated!!
while need a do while(i <= exponent) do
i is a counter, you can replace the while for
exponent.times { result = result * base }
this code will execute the number (exponent) times the content of { }
And the result on end is the result of function, in ruby if you don't put a return clause will return the last line executed
I am attempting to write a tic-tac-toe game in lua, and plan on using the minimax algorithm to decide non-human moves. The first step in this involves generating a tree of all possible board states from a single input state. I am trying to recursively do this, but cannot seem to figure out how. (I think) I understand conceptually how this should be done, but am having trouble implementing it in lua.
I am trying to structure my tree in the following manner. Each node is a list with two fields.
{ config = {}, children = {} }
Config is a list of integers (0,1,2) that represent empty, X, and O and defines a TTT board state. Children is a list nodes which are all possible board states one move away from the current node.
Here is my function that I currently have to build the game tree
function tree_builder(board, player)
supertemp = {}
for i in ipairs(board.config) do
--iterate through the current board state.
--for each empty location create a new node
--representing a possible board state
if board.config[i] == 0 then
temp = {config = {}, children = {}}
for j in ipairs(board.config) do
temp.config[j] = board.config[j]
temp.config[i] = player
temp.children = tree_builder(temp, opposite(player))
supertemp[i] = temp
return supertemp
The function is called in the following manner:
start_board = {config = {1,0,0,0}, children = {} }
start_board.children = tree_builder(start_board, 1)
When I comment out the recursive element of the function (the line "temp.children = builder(temp, opposite(player))") and only generate the first level of children. the output is correct. When called via code that is conceptually identical to (I am using love2D so formatting is different):
for i in pairs(start_board.children) do
print (start_board.children[i].config)
The three children are:
However, once I add the recursive element, the following is output for the same three children
I have been searching online for help and most of what I have found is conceptual in nature or involves implementation in different languages. I believe I have implemented the recursive element wrongly, but cannot wrap my head around the reasons why.
Don't understand what opposite(player) means in temp.children = tree_builder(temp, opposite(player)).
Notice that a recursion need an end condition.
This is my solution under your structure:
local COL = 3
local ROW = 3
local function printBoard( b )
local output = ""
local i = 1
for _,v in ipairs(b.config) do
output = output .. v .. ( (i % COL == 0) and '\n' or ',' )
i = i + 1
print( output )
local function shallowCopy( t )
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2
local MAX_STEP = COL * ROW
local ING = 0
local P1 = 1
local P2 = 2
local TIE = 3
local STATUS = { [P1] = "P1 Win", [P2] = "P2 Win", [TIE] = "Tied" }
local start_board = { config = {P1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, children = {} }
local function checkIfOver( board, step )
local config = board.config
local over = false
--check rows
for i=0,ROW-1 do
over = true
for j=1,COL do
if 0 == config[i*COL+1] or config[i*COL+j] ~= config[i*COL+1] then
over = false
if over then
return config[i*COL+1]
--check cols
for i=1,COL do
over = true
for j=0,ROW-1 do
if 0 == config[i] or config[i] ~= config[i+COL*j] then
over = false
if over then
return config[i]
--check diagonals
if config[1] ~= 0 and config[1] == config[5] and config[5] == config[9] then
return config[1]
if config[3] ~=0 and config[3] == config[5] and config[5] == config[7] then
return config[3]
if step >= MAX_STEP then
return TIE
return ING
local function treeBuilder( board, step )
--check the game is over
local over = checkIfOver( board, step )
if over ~= ING then
printBoard( board )
print( STATUS[over], '\n---------\n' )
local child
local childCfg
for i,v in ipairs(board.config) do
if 0 == v then
child = { config = {}, children = {} }
childCfg = shallowCopy( board.config )
childCfg[i] = (step % 2 == 0) and P1 or P2
child.config = childCfg
table.insert( board.children, child )
treeBuilder( child, step + 1 )
treeBuilder( start_board, 1 )
Anyone on ideas on a more efficient solution than the if else function below?? This takes the bulk of the time for the code so I need to reduce it.
The full function is
function result = vre(t,r,e,n,d)
if (e==4 && r>0)
result = 0;
elseif (e==4 && r==0)
result = 1;
elseif (e<4 && r==1)
result = t;
elseif (e<4 && r==2)
result = d;
If this function is taking most of your processing time, it is almost certainly because you're calling it too many times. In turn, this is likely because you are calling it on each element of a vector or matrix individually. I suggest changing the function to accept matrix inputs for e and r, so you can perform all the checks at once - matlab is built for matrix operations, so taking advantage of those is always a good idea.
function result = vre(t,r,e,n,d)
#% add error checking for size of input args if desired
result = ones(size(e))*n; #% default result; next assign special cases
result(e==4 & r>0) = 0; #% note the single & for element-wise 'and'
result(e==4 & r==0) = 1;
result(e<4 & r==1) = t;
result(e<4 & r==2) = d;
The function now returns a matrix that is the same size as the input matrices - for single elements it will work exactly the same as your current version, but for higher dimensional inputs it will work too, and probably give you a substantial speed boost.
function result = vre(t,r,e,n,d)
if (e==4) {
result = 0;
elseif (r==0)
result = 1;
elseif (e<4) {
result = t;
elseif (r==2)
result = d;
By doing it this way you'll only verify (e==4) and (e<4) once, avoiding unnecessary verifications.
Hope it saves some processing time.
PS: Not tested since I don't have MatLab installed.
Try this:
function result = vre(t,r,e,n,d)
if (e==4)
result = (r==0);
elseif (e<4)
result = (r==1)*t+(r==2)*d;
I can't guarantee that it's more efficient (I use octave rather than matlab, so speed testing isn't going to help). But I think it will be.