Deserialize post/get params with Sitebricks - sitebricks

In sitebricks, I can easily deserialize a class from params in json format in Sitebricks #Service method like this:;
But how do I deserialize a class from get/post params?
I know the Request object has access to the params (request.params()) but it would require more effort.

In your module declare your handler class :
Then declare your TestPage with members and associate getters/setters corresponding to your get/post params
public class TestPage {
private String param;
public Reply<?> get() {
// request get param "param" is already mapped in param
public Reply<?> post() {
// request post param "param" is already mapped in param
public void setParam(String param) {
this.param = param;
public String getParam() {
return this.param;
Then call your url /test with get or post parameter "param".
Check out
Hope that helps.

If the object that I want deserialize is not the service itself, then I would have to inject Json to do the deserialization.
public class TestPage {
#Inject Json json;
public void post(Request request) {
String data = request.param("data");
Person p = ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()), Person.class);


Name alias in mapping query parameters to object in Spring

I have a class
class Request {
private String ftr;
// more properties
And a method in controller class
public String list(#Valid Request request) {
When I send a request to the method the url is
Is it possible to have an alias to a query parameter like in the class
class Request {
private String filter;
// ...
And to map same request url to this class?
You can just annotate your request parameter by #RequestParam(name = "ftr") like below:
public String list(#RequestParam(name = "ftr") #Valid String filter, ...) {
but you can't do it to pass an Object like you did, so you need to pass each field as a parameter, or you can use a map to encapsulate all your parameters like this:
public String list(#RequestParam Map<String, String> params) {
and this is a list of all request annotations that you can use with your methods:
RequestParam : used for get params
PathVariable : used for path params
RequestHeader : used for headers params
RequestBody : used for post/put/patch/... body

DTO has only null with GET request params, but not POST #RequestBody

I'm trying to get my query params in a DTO like in this question but my DTO has always null value.
Is there anything wrong in my code ? I made it as simple as possible.
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test?a=azaz => null
POST http://localhost:8080/api/test with {"a":"azaz"} => "azaz"
Controller with a GET and a POST:
#RequestMapping(path = {"/api"}, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
// GET: dto NOT populated from query params "?a=azaz"
#RequestMapping(method = GET, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String test(TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // null
// POST: dto WELL populated from body json {"a"="azaz"}
#RequestMapping(method = POST, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // "azaz"
public class TestDto {
public String a;
public String toString() {
return a;
Thanks !
Full Spring boot sample to illustrate it
The problem is that you are missing setter for the field.
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;
should fix it.
I'm assuming that you have done required configuration like having Jackson mapper in the class path, consume json attribute, getter and setter in DTO classes etc.
One thing missed here is, in RequestMapping use value attribute instead of path attribute as shown below
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value= "/test", consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString();
And, make sure that you set content-type="application/json" while sending the request
I think what you are trying to do is not possible. To access the query Parameter you have to use #RequestParam("a"). Then you just get the String. To get your object this way you have to pass json as Parameter. a={"a":"azaz"}
Kind regards

Spring MVC parse web url Object

I have a GET request in the format below
After decode it is
I have created an Object named Filters as below
public class Filters {
private String q;
//getter setter....
and in my controller
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<CompanyDTO> getCompanies(Filters filters) {
//do things
However, the filters.getQ() is null.
Am I doing something incorrect here?
You need to associate the request parameter to the method argument. Add #RequestParam to your method i.e.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<CompanyDTO> getCompanies(#RequestParam(value="filters") Filters filters) {
//do things
Instead of #RequestParam, use #RequestBody
Instead of String filters=%7B%22q%22%3A%22aaa%22%7D, pass JSON object as parameter{"q":"aaa"}

Using custom JSON serialization for Spring WebSocket #MessageMapping/#SubscribeMapping

This works fine
In my Spring-based application, I have set up a HTTP-based REST endpoint. This endpoint "speaks" JSON:
public class HttpRestController implements RestController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/users/{user}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public getUser(#PathVariable User user) {
User jsonFriendlyUser = new JacksonAnnotatedUser(user);
return jsonFriendlyUser;
As these JSON payloads have to follow unusual naming conventions, I used annotations such as #JsonRootName and #JsonProperty to customize the serialized property names:
public class JacksonAnnotatedUser implements User {
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
#JsonSerialize(using = FriendsJsonSerializer.class )
public Set<User> getFriends() {
return friends;
public String getUnimportantProperty() {
return unimportantProperty;
With this custom JSON metadata, querying /users/123 via HTTP returns the following JSON payload:
"friends": [456, 789]
The following doesn't work as expected
Now I am playing around with Spring's WebSocket support: I want to create a STOMP-based REST endpoint. Therefore i created a StompRestController like this:
public class StompRestController implements RestController {
public getUser(#DestinationVariable User user) { // assuming this conversion works
User jsonFriendlyUser = new JacksonAnnotatedUser(user);
return jsonFriendlyUser;
I would have expected for #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping to follow the same JSON serialization behavior as #RequestMapping. But this is not the case. Instead, when querying this WebSocket/STOMP endpoint, #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping-annotated methods will result in sending a STOMP message to clients with a payload/body corresponding to the "normal" Jackson serialization rules, e.g.
"friends":[{argh recursion}, ...],
"unimportantProperty":"This property shall not be part of JSON serialization"
How can I have #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping-annotated methods obey custom #JsonXXX annotations for returned values?
Is there another way aside #JsonXXXfor doing such returned value serialization?

webapi actionfilters, how to inject a value when using different argument types that inherit from a base type

I have a base request type..
class RequestBase
public string inputId;
public string derivedid;
and types that inherit ..
class RequestA : RequestBase
public string name;
class RequestB : RequestBase
public string color;
I have a webapi service, some actions take an input parameter of RequestA, some take RequestB
public HttpResponseMessage Process1(RequestA request)
//do something with request.derivedId
public HttpResponseMessage Process2(RequestB request)
//do something with request.derivedId
I have an actionfilter that takes the inputId from the request and generates a derivedId
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
RequestBase request = (RequestBase)actionContext.ActionArguments["request"];
string inputId = request.inputId;
string derivedId = inputId + "123";
// ?? somehow inject derivedId back into the actionContext so that my controller methods can access?
As my comment states above, I'd like to populate the derivedId field and have it accessible to my controller methods.
Thanks in advance
There's a few solutions to this problem already described in this thread - one of them should suit you:
ASP.NET MVC Pass object from Custom Action Filter to Action
