Programmatically add breadcrumbs paths in Magento? - magento

In Magento, when the user directly accesses the product page, such as from Google, the breadcrumbs would only be "Home" -> "Product Name".
How can I add categories in there even when users access the page directly from Google?
For example, on this page, I want to add the categories "Wedding Apparel" and "Wedding Dresses" in the breadcrumbs. I came up with an idea other than hard editing breadcrumbs.phtml but is there any way I can programmatically add a breadcrumbs item in template/catalog/product/view.phtml ?
I can get the categories (title and link) of the current product and then use some function / method to add them in the breadcrumbs dynamically and programmatically. Is this possible?

Here's the code that forces Magento to display the complete breadcrumb, including categories by looping trough each category for the current product:
© Danny Vince
if ($product = Mage::registry('current_product')) {
$categories = $product->getCategoryCollection()->load();
if($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $category)
if($category) {
$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($category->getId());
$lastCrumbName = $product->getName();
$lastCategoryAdjust = 0;
else {
if($category = Mage::registry('current_category')) {
$lastCrumbName = $category->getName();
$lastCategoryAdjust = 1;
if($category) {
if($path = $category->getPath()) {
$path = explode('/', $path);
$crumbs = array('home' => array('label' => 'Home',
'title' => 'Home',
'link' => Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB),
'first' => true,
'last' => false
for($i = 2; $i < count($path) - $lastCategoryAdjust; $i++) {
$cur_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($path[$i]);
if($cur_category && $cur_category->getIsActive()) {
$crumbs['category' . $path[$i]] = array('label' => $cur_category->getName(),
'title' => $cur_category->getName(),
'link' => $cur_category->getUrl(),
'first' => false,
'last' => false
$crumbs['current'] = array('label' => $lastCrumbName,
'title' => '',
'link' => '',
'first' => false,
'last' => true


How to add months dynamically which is stored in database as a header in excel file while exporting using laravel?

Suppose I have items in database which is stored from an Excel file. All the items should be below the header of the months. I have also stored months from the file in the database. So, I want those months to be the header of those items and it's related records. In simple words, I want the header to be dynamic. This is what I have done.
I have tried many code scripts but nothing works. Like Laravel, Excel etc. Can anyone suggest me a good approach?
public function test(){
$data = Item::where('category_id',7)->get()->toArray();
$data2 = month::all();
$itemsArray[] = ['Category Id','Item Name','Created At','Updated At'];
foreach ($data as $value) {
// dd($value);
$itemsArray[] = array(
'Category Id' => $value['category_id'],
'Item Name' => $value['name'],
'Created At' => $value['created_at'],
'Updated At' => $value['updated_at'],
// Generate and return the spreadsheet
Excel::create('Items', function($excel) use ($itemsArray) {
// Set the spreadsheet title, creator, and description
// Build the spreadsheet, passing in the items array
$excel->sheet('Items', function($sheet) use ($itemsArray) {
$cellRange = 'A1:D1';
// $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:D4')
// ->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true);
$sheet->getStyle($cellRange)->getFont()->setBold( true );
$sheet->getStyle($cellRange)->getFont()->setSize( '15' );
$sheet->setBorder($cellRange, 'thick' );
'fill' => array(
// 'type' => PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID,
'color' => array('rgb' => 'A5D9FF')
$sheet->fromArray($itemsArray, null, 'A1', false, false);
$excel->setDescription('Items file');
I need help for getting the actual result.
Akhtar i suggest use to kindly install the Carbon package
Try by updating the below code.
$data = Item::where('category_id',7)->get(); // removed toArray()
$data2 = month::all();
$itemsArray[] = ['Category Id','Item Name','Created At','Updated At'];
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
$itemsArray[] = array(
'month' => Carbon::now()->addMonth($key)->format('m-Y');
'Category Id' => $value['category_id'],
'Item Name' => $value['name'],
'Created At' => $value['created_at'],
'Updated At' => $value['updated_at'],
This is the actual code which I have used for excel file. I have solved my problem. Thanks and yeah I am posting this code, if anyone can get help from it.
public function export(){
$data = Category::all();
foreach ($data as $value) {
$value['items'] = Item::where('category_id',$value['id'])->get();
foreach ($value['items'] as $vl) {
$vl['record'] = Record::where('item_id',$vl['id'])->get();
$data2 = month::pluck('id','month');
foreach ($data2 as $key => $value) {
$m[] = $key;
array_unshift($m, 'Categories'); //Insert new element at the start of array
array_push($m, 'Total');
$itemsArray[] = $m;
foreach ($data as $value) {
$itemsArray[] = array(
$itemsArray[0][0] => $value['name'],
// $itemsArray[0][13] => 'Total',
foreach ($value['items'] as $val) {
$records_array = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($val['record'] as $val5) {
$recordval = $val5['value'];
$records_array[$i] = $val5['value'];
$itemsArray[] = array(
$itemsArray[0][0] => $val['name'],
$itemsArray[0][1] => $records_array[0],
$itemsArray[0][2] => $records_array[1],
$itemsArray[0][3] => $records_array[2],
$itemsArray[0][4] => $records_array[3],
$itemsArray[0][5] => $records_array[4],
$itemsArray[0][6] => $records_array[5],
$itemsArray[0][7] => $records_array[6],
$itemsArray[0][8] => $records_array[7],
$itemsArray[0][9] => $records_array[8],
$itemsArray[0][10] => $records_array[9],
$itemsArray[0][11] => $records_array[10],
$itemsArray[0][12] => $records_array[11],
// $itemsArray[0][13] => 'Total',
// Generate and return the spreadsheet
Excel::create('Items', function($excel) use ($itemsArray) {
// Set the spreadsheet title, creator, and description
// Build the spreadsheet, passing in the items array
$excel->sheet('Items', function($sheet) use ($itemsArray) {
$cellRange = 'A1:M1';
$sheet->getStyle($cellRange)->getFont()->setBold( true );
$sheet->getStyle($cellRange)->getFont()->setSize( '12' );
$sheet->setBorder($cellRange, 'thin' );
'fill' => array(
// 'type' => PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID,
'color' => array('rgb' => 'A5D9FF')
$sheet->fromArray($itemsArray, null, 'A1', false, false);
$excel->setDescription('Items file');

Show Out Of Stock text in Magento

I need to add on my dropdown list an style into thee out of stock text, im already using this:
if (count($productsIndex) == 1) {
$stockItem = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')
if ($stockItem->getQty() == 0) {
$value['text'] .= ' Out Of Stock';
$info['options'][] = array(
'id' => $value['value_index'],
'label' => $value['label'],
'price' => $configurablePrice,
'oldPrice' => $this->_prepareOldPrice($value['pricing_value'], $value['is_percent']),
'products' => $productsIndex,
But this will show
12 Out Of Stock
This will display next to the size, how can i give style to this ?

Getting error while Add to Cart programmatically with custom options

I am trying to Add Products to Cart with respect to customer (programmatically) but getting error "Invalid request for adding product to quote". I have both Simple products (with custom options) and configurable products. Below is my code. Please help. Many thanks in advance.
public function addtocartAction(){
try {
$cusId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('cusId');
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($cusId);
$quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->loadByCustomer($customer);
$quoteId = $quote->getId();
//$products = $this->getRequest()->getParam('products');
$products = json_decode('[{"proId": "906","proQty": "1", "options":{"17":"wq","16":"18"}}]');
foreach($products as $product) {
/*if (!$product->getId()) {
throw new Exception();
foreach ($product->options as $optKey => $optValue) {
$optAll[$optKey] = $optValue;
$mainProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->proId);
$params = array(
'product' => $product->proId,
'qty' => $product->proQty,
'options' => $optAll
echo "<pre />"; print_r($params);
$quote->addProduct($mainProduct, $params);
$rslt['success'] = '1';
$rslt['message'] = 'Product has been succefully added to cart';
catch(Exception $e){
$rslt['success'] = '0';
$rslt['message'] = $e->getMessage();
Try using cart instead of quote.
This works for me:
$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart');
$mainProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->proId);
$params = array(
'product' => $product->proId,
'qty' => $product->proQty,
'options' => $optAll
$cart->addProduct($mainProduct, $params);


I am creating simple products and then configurable product followed by associating simple products with configurable product. When I run the code for the first time, it works smoothly creating all simple products, configurable product and also an association. But, when I run that code again it says constraint violation. The ID that shows duplicated is the same product ID that was created the last time, when all process were ok.
My code is the following one.
$product_collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
$toinsertId = $product_collection->getLastItem()->getId() + 1;
$configurable_attribute = "art_print_sizes";
$attr_id = 133;
$simpleProducts = array();
$lowestPrice = 999999;
$attributes = Mage::getModel('catalogsearch/advanced')->getAttributes();
$attributeArray = array();
foreach ($attributes as $a) {
if ($a->getAttributeCode() == 'art_print_sizes') {
$count = 0;
foreach ($a->getSource()->getAllOptions(false) as $option) {
$option_id = $this->getOptionId("art_print_sizes", $option['label']);
$sku = 'SK_' . '500' . '_' . strval($count);
$sProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
// $main_product_data is an array created as part of a wider foreach loop, which this code is inside of
->setName($wholedata['name'] . " - " . $option['label'])
->setPrice(sprintf("%0.2f", $wholedata['attr_val'][$count]))
->setData($configurable_attribute, $option_id);
"id" => $sProduct->getId(),
"price" => $sProduct->getPrice(),
"attr_code" => 'art_print_sizes',
"attr_id" => $attr_id,
"value" => $option_id,
"label" => $option['label']
$cProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$productData = array(
'name' => 'Main configurable Tshirt',
'sku' => 'tshirt_sku',
'description' => 'Clear description about your Tshirt that explains its features',
'short_description' => 'One liner',
'weight' => 1,
'status' => '1',
'visibility' => '4',
'attribute_set_id' => 9,
'type_id' => 'configurable',
'price' => 1200,
'tax_class_id' => 0
foreach ($productData as $key => $value) {
$cProduct->setData($key, $value);
'manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => 0,
'use_config_manage_stock' => 0
$cProductTypeInstance = $cProduct->getTypeInstance();
$attribute_ids = array(133);
$attributes_array = $cProductTypeInstance->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray();
foreach ($attributes_array as $key => $attribute_array) {
$attributes_array[$key]['use_default'] = 1;
$attributes_array[$key]['position'] = 0;
if (isset($attribute_array['frontend_label'])) {
$attributes_array[$key]['label'] = $attribute_array['frontend_label'];
} else {
$attributes_array[$key]['label'] = $attribute_array['attribute_code'];
$dataArray = array();
foreach ($simpleProducts as $simpleArray) {
$dataArray[$simpleArray['id']] = array();
foreach ($attributes_array as $key => $attrArray) {
"attribute_id" => $simpleArray['attr_id'][$key],
"label" => $simpleArray['label'][$key],
"is_percent" => 0,
"pricing_value" => $simpleArray['pricing_value'][$key]
The Error is like this
Product ID 126 is already added in database in previous session. And previous session went well adding all necessary products.
Magento will not allow you to update configurable products. So for resolve it just add below code
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$write = $resource->getConnection('core_write');
$table = $resource->getTableName('catalog/product_super_attribute');
$write->delete($table,"product_id = " . $productId);
So your final code will be
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$write = $resource->getConnection('core_write');
$table = $resource->getTableName('catalog/product_super_attribute');
$write->delete($table,"product_id = " . $productId);
Note: Change $productId variable according to your code. You have to pass product id here.

CakePHP login when trying to acces controller

im having troubles with a web app that a teacher ask me to modify, the problem its that i dont know about cakePHP and i have been having troubles.After reading a lot, i think i have grasped the basics of the framework. My problem now its that i have a link in a view so i call a function in the controller to retrive data from the model, the problem its that each time i try to acces the function , the app makes me log in, and the idea its that it shouldnt.
I dont know exactly how the session handling on cakePhp works so, im requesting some help.
the code for the controller its this:
class RwController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Rw';
// var $paginate = array(
// 'Tip' => array(
// 'limit' => 1,
// 'order' => array(
// 'tip.created' => 'desc'
// ),
// ),
// 'Evento' => array(
// 'limit' => 1,
// 'order' => array(
// 'evento.fecha' => 'desc'
// ),
// )
// );
function map() {
function pageForPagination($model) {
$page = 1;
// $chars = preg_split('/model:/', $this->params['url']['url'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
// #print_r($chars);
// if(sizeof($chars) > 1 && sizeof($chars) < 3) {
// #echo "Belongs to ".$model.": \n";
// #echo var_dump($chars);
// }
// $params = Dispatcher::parseParams(Dispatcher::uri());
// echo "<p>".var_dump($params)."</p><br />";
#echo $this->params['named']['model'].$model;
#echo $this->params['named']['page'];
$sameModel = isset($this->params['named']['model']) && $this->params['named']['model'] == $model;
$pageInUrl = isset($this->params['named']['page']);
if ($sameModel && $pageInUrl) {
$page = $this->params['named']['page'];
} else {
#echo var_dump($this->passedArgs);
$this->passedArgs['page'] = $page;
return $page;
function index() {
$this->log('indexeando esta chingadera','debug');
$dataEvento = $this->Evento->find('all');
$dataTip = $this->Tip->find('all');
$page = $this->pageForPagination('Evento');
$this->paginate['Evento'] = array(
'contain' => false,
'order' => array('Evento.fecha' => 'desc'),
'limit' => 1,
'page' => $page
$dataEvento = $this->paginate('Evento');
$page = $this->pageForPagination('Tip');
$this->paginate['Tip'] = array(
'contain' => false,
'order' => array('Tip.created' => 'desc'),
'limit' => 1,
'page' => $page
$dataTip = $this->paginate('Tip');
$this->set('users', $this->User->find('all'));
$this->set('eventos', $dataEvento);
$this->set('tips', $dataTip);
if(isset($this->params['named']['model'])) {
if (strcmp($this->params['named']['model'], 'Evento') == 0) {
if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
} elseif (strcmp($this->params['named']['model'], 'Tip') == 0) {
if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
function about($id = null) {
$this->Rw->recursive = 0;
$this->set('rw', $this->paginate());
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->allow(array('index', 'about'));
function getCentros($id){
if( sizeof($id) > 1){
$this->set('centros', $this->Centro->query("SELECT, name, latitud ,longitud
FROM `centros`,`centrosmateriales`
WHERE = centro_id
AND material_id ='".$id[0]."'
OR material_id='".$id[1]."'"));
}elseif( sizeof($id) >0) {
if($id == 0){
$this->set('centros', $this->Centro->find('all'));
$this->set('centros', $this->Centro->query("SELECT, name, latitud ,longitud
FROM `centros`,`centrosmateriales`
WHERE = centro_id
AND material_id ='".$id[0]."'"));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
The function im calling is getCentros().
this is what i have in app_controller.
class AppController extends Controller {
var $components = array('Session', 'Auth', 'RequestHandler');
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Time', 'Session', 'Js', 'Paginator', 'GoogleMapV3');
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
$this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'email', 'password' => 'password');
$this->Auth->loginAction = array('admin' => false, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index');
try this
it allows you to access all functions inside the controller.
But before that make sure that you have access on the controller with out errors because your controller name is like this
class RwController extends AppController {
may be it want like this
class RwsController extends AppController {
Don't know which function you are trying to call but if cake tries to log you in and you don'want this add the function to:
$this->Auth->allow(array('index', 'about'));
in your beforefilter
