Fowarding Email to CRM Systems -- What's the advantage? - project-management

I'm using Basecamp as a trial and Highrise as a trial and both offer the ability to cc emails from clients into the system. I'm a web developer and usually my team is myself and one or two IC's, plus the client(s). All of my email is very highly organized into client specific folders --- so at this point I'm trying to figure out what the advantage would be to have many of these email conversations (Between me and the client/between me and the ICs) online? Whether it's a prospect in Highrise, or an ongoing project in Basecamp, what's the advantage of having the email in two places -- HR/BR and filed in my email folders?
Thank you for any insight!

At OpenCRM we encourage the forwarding of all mail in and outbound to be polled by the CRM. Essentially this allows quick access to the complete history from the lead, contact, company, or other associated record such as a sales order, or helpdesk ticket, related to the originator or recipient of the message.
It's a good idea to work with CRM Software that allows this level of integration, affording you to pick up and respond to messages while you're actively working on that particular record in your data. We feel this saves time and duplication of effort.


Omnichannel for sales on Dynamics CE 365

I realize that Omnichannel is currently only associated with the Customer Service module for 365. However we have had a request from a client to provide Omnichannel for a sales process on a web site which links into a sales CE 365 organization (so in other words an agent to guide the user through the sales process via a chat if need be).
Is it possible to add in the Omnichannel module for sales in any way and if not any sort of alternate solutions we could follow for this requirement?
No, Omnichannel is built on top of Customer Service so having this first-party app installed is a requirement detailed in the documentation. I recommend you to contact your MS Account Manager and discuss this topic with them as depending on your requirements you might also need Power BI/Customer Voice/Power Virtual Agent licenses as well so maybe it's worth to explore some cross-application licensing.
There're alternative solutions in AppSource like CafeX LiveAssist and a few others, please make sure you filter by application to make sure they will work with Sales.

Send automated mass, uniquely tailored messages to a list of participants (is it possible?)

My company wants to conduct a pilot to see if providing doctors with certain risk information about their patients would help them make better decisions. Before we build a full scale app, we just want to determine if the information is useful to doctors, it helps patients, and if generating the data and getting it to doctors is even feasible. Unfortunately, due to institutional data security and privacy rules, I have to use Microsoft Teams messaging to test this. Otherwise, I'd use Microsoft Access VBA, loop through a list of emails, and send the tailored information that way. However, because I won't be able to easily encrypt emails like this (and it prone to people forgetting - unless there's a way to set up encryption from MS Access VBA) I can't use MS Access/Outlook.
So bottom line, say I have a dataset with 20 emails/Teams contact information of doctors, along with unique medical information about 1 of their patients. Aside from copying and pasting the data into a message, and sending it in Microsoft Teams for each doctor, is this a more automated way to do this? Think of this as sort of a Microsoft Teams mail merge.
You can do it with Company communicator app template. Company Communicator is a custom Teams app that enables corporate teams to create and send messages intended for multiple teams or large number of employees over chat allowing organization to reach employees right where they collaborate. Please go through this sample.
Hope that answers your question!

Integrating a multi-calendar solution with Microsoft Exchange/Outlook

I have built a platform that in essence allows users:
to create a company profile and invite your colleagues,
create an office with a floor plan,
add tables and meeting rooms to the floor plan with each meeting room having a separate calendar,
book tables and meetings in meeting rooms.
The platform is built on Python/Django.
Now I am trying to implement a sync mechanism that would work with Office 365 and local Exchange distributions. The sync would be two way, that means an event created in Outlook would trigger an event to be created in our system and vice versa.
My first attempt was to use the EWS SOAP API (with exchangelib). But soon I've run into problems when figuring out how to create triggers for Outlook events. This ended in failure as synchronization would involve constant bombing of slow API-calls such as iterating through accounts and checking if anything changed in their calendars.
Second attempt involved using the Microsoft Graph API that has this neat push notification feature that would solve polling (or so I thought). But as I later found out, having the administrator link his privileged Exchange account and then being able to subscribe event changes for all associated accounts in one go was not possible (thanks to this article). So again this lead to the realization that polling (or making everyone link their personal accounts) was the only way to go.
What approach would you recommend to achieve two-way sync with Exchange that would involve only having the admin do the account linking with as little overhead and polling as possible?
Is there anyone who have developed large-scale applications that do something similar? If so, can you push me in the right direction?
A bit late to the game here, but maybe what you want is the EWS SubscribeToPushNotifications service. It's not implemented in exchangelib yet, but there's a ticket for it
Implementing the basics should not be difficult.

Visual Studio Team Services - Code repository privacy

I've used Visual Studio Online Team Services as a code repository and want to know if it is possible for Microsoft Employees to see the code you upload if they wanted to.
The privacy policy doesn't address this specifically that I can see but it does say that Microsoft can use your data for advertising purposes and they can share it with third parties. If "data" means my proprietary code that would be good to know.
Customer Data will be used only to provide customer the Online Services including purposes compatible with providing those services. For example, we may use Customer Data to provide a personalized experience, improve service reliability, combat spam or other malware, or improve features and functionality of the Online Services. Microsoft will not use Customer Data or derive information from it for any advertising or similar commercial purposes. “Customer Data” means all data, including all text, sound, video, or image files, and software, that are provided to Microsoft by, or on behalf of, you or your end users through use of the Online Service. Customer Data is not Administrator Data, Payment Data, or Support Data. For more information about the features and functionality that enable you to control Customer Data, please review documentation specific to the Online Service.
No, not merely if they "want to". Microsoft does provide a clause that allows them access if it's required for security or site operation:
From time to time, Microsoft employees need to obtain access to customer data stored within Team Services. As a precaution, all employees who have or may ever have access to customer data must pass a background check, which verifies previous employment and criminal convictions. In addition, we permit access to the production systems only when there’s a live site incident or other approved maintenance activity, which is logged and monitored.
(From the Visual Studio Team Services Data Protection Overview document.
That being said, this is the most liberal interpretation of this access. I worked as a senior software engineer on the VSO version control team and there's no possibility for me to get access to customer data. If you complain about a bug in our git repository handling, I'm going to ask you if you can give me a copy that I can use to reproduce - I can't just go get it. And if you decline, then I will not be able to get your data.
So while yes, we Microsoft engineers do have the theoretical ability to get to your files, there are significant policy and security safeguards against access and abuse.

Is it possible to send a "free" (not charged to recipient) text message with a service provider?

We've been asked by a customer whether it is possible to send a free text message to a subscriber. They would like to know if there is a way to not charge the recipient for an inbound text message?
We work with a couple text messaging services and I don't see that as an option. My assumption is that you would need to partner with each carrier and send the message from their system in order to accomplish this.
Are there any 3rd party service providers that have this capability?
In the United States the recipient is responsible for delivery charges, while the sender is responsible for sending charges. In Europe the sender is responsible for both.
Using online mechanisms the sender is generally not paying anything. However with Verizon I believe in the U.S. you will be charged for sending to someone's inbox no matter how you send it.
So unfortunately to answer your question: If you are in the U.S. there is no way unless you call up the carrier directly and offer to assume the delivery charge if the recipient does not have unlimited text messaging as far as I am aware.
Apparently this is possible. You need a provider that supports Free to End User (FTEU) messages, such as mBlox. There are a few of them out there, but some do not support all carriers yet (I'm not sure if mBlox does or not, we're waiting to hear from them).
Free mobile messaging for end user
Another provider and interesting project we are looking into is Private Label SMS they appear to have the ability to send FTEU messages as well, in addition to other standard text messaging services.
Not this is country and carrier specific.
In Europe the receiver of a cell phone call or SMS is never charged.
In the US I am charged for receiving on my PAYG plan but not on my monthly plan, the sender has no way of knowing what plan I am on.
It is possible to send Free to End Use Text's not easy to come by as processes need to be in place with each carrier to enable this. In effect, the originator of the TXT MSG will bare both costs - sender/receiver. This only makes sense where you as a Vendor want to be conscious of any costs to be incurred by your consumers. As well, it can be quite effective in minimizing the number of Opt-Outs from these TXT campaigns as your users won't be discouraged by the disclaimer on the MSG "STD RATES MAY APPLY".
In the UK it's standard 10p to send a message and recipient pays nothing, as it should be. We in the UK can buy a text bundle like for around £5 and this gives you cheaper texts and some providers here give you free txt messages every month anyway
