How can I set up my project hierarchy in QtCreator? - qt-creator

I'm quite new to QtCreator, so perhaps I left my heart in eclipse-ville, but I can't for the life of me understand how I should be setting up a project hierarchy in QtCreator. I understand there is an option to create a kind of root project and then from there add sub-projects to it, which makes sense but it leaves me wondering whether or not this is necessary at the time of creating the project, e.g. can I just create a library in one project and reference it later by another project?
I've tried setting up a blanket type of project by creating a new subdirs project and then adding the main program as a subproject, but then how should I add my library project?
Ideally, I'd like to create one project as the main application and reference another project as a library. Help?

The documentation of Qt Creator contains two sections that may help you find the answers to your questions:
Adding Subprojects to Projects
Adding Libraries to Projects
You can find a really simple sample project here: QtSymbianDllExample. "It is intended to demonstrate how to create and use a DLL with Qt on the Symbian platform". It is a sample for Symbian development but that is irrelevant now, I do not have a Symbian phone. What is important is that it contains a root project (QtSymbianDllExample\ and two subprojects (QtSymbianDllExample\qtenginedll\, QtSymbianDllExample\testui_simpledllengine\ which you can examine and compare to you projects. I have checked that I can build the root project by doing the following steps:
Download and install the Windows Offline Installer from
Download and extract
Run Qt Creator
File / Open File or Project... Select
Build / Run qmake
Build / Build project "qtsymbiandllexample"


NetBeans doesn't recognize that dependency is a local project - how to fix?

I have two pairs of projects that I develop in NetBeans, both of which have a GUI project, and a library project, where the GUI project depends on the library one. In one of them, NetBeans recognizes that the dependency is local, and indicates as such with an Ma symbol, as seen below, with the dependency project in green:
This provides some nice functionality, most notably that the "Navigate to" (ctrl+click) functionality from the GUI project takes me to the source code in the library project. I also don't have to manually rebuild the library project for the GUI project to pick up any changes.
However, for the other pair of projects, NetBeans will pick up that the dependency is in my local Maven repo, but does not recognize that the source code is a Maven project that it also has open:
I've tried looking through all the right-click menu options, removing and re-adding the dependency from the NetBeans GUI, comparing the pom.xml, comparing nb-actions.xml, and nb-configuration.xml, but cannot find any explanation of why one library is recognized as local, but the other is not. The only information I've found online is at, where it notes:
"Hint: If you open a project that other projects depend on, the icon in other projects changes to a "maven project" icon to denote that the IDE knows about link between the projects. However such a link is only established when the groupId, artifactId and version all match in the dependency and project declaration. Frequently occurring problem is that you change an API signature in your library project, but the application is not picking up. Often it's caused by the fact that the application is using an older version of the library artifact. The artifact icon can help you track down these problems."
However, I've verified that the pom.xml of the GUI project depends on the version being built in the library project, and even made the versions identical between the GUI project and library, and the "maven project" icon still doesn't show up.
Does anyone know how to debug this issue, or if there's a magic setting somewhere that I'm missing for how to make this link work? I've been trying with both NetBeans 8.2 and 8.1, and am compiling with Java 8 for both the successful pair of projects, and the unsuccessful ones.
Revisiting the project a couple years later, I finally figured out a way to get the dependency to connect locally.
Change the artifact ID of the dependency, and update the dependent pom to match the new name.
This is admittedly bypassing the root issue rather than addressing it, but given the inability to pinpoint the root cause, seems the best option at this time.

How to make main project to use libs built from other projects in solution

Actually, question was set in the Theme of the message. But yet again,
i have Solution with 3 projects, two of whitch are Static libraries and one is Application. How my Application project could know from where to pull these .libs.
Yeh, i can do it from Linker->Input->Additional libraries, but i think there are must be other way if projects are in one solution.
There is another way, works on VS2010 and up. Right-click your EXE project, Properties, Common Properties, Framework and References. Click the Add New Reference button and select your project that generates the .lib. Repeat as necessary.
This does two things, it takes care of the Additional Dependencies linker setting, automatically adding the output of the library project. And it ensures that projects are built in the right order, normally something you'd have to with the Project Dependencies command. In your given example, with enough machine horsepower, the library projects will build concurrently. And the main project won't start building until they are both done.

Include another xcode project into my own

How can I include a project (is standalone) into my project and launch it from within my own app? What are the requiered steps so that my current project recognizes all the sourcecode from the other project?
If you are intending to run an application unmodified from another application, you can't do this. iOS expects you to have one application executable with one entry point and one app delegate.
If you have a library in source form that you would like to include in your project, you can simply drag the files into Xcode while your project is open.
If you drag an Xcode project file into the project navigator sidebar it will be added to the project setup.
You will need to configure import paths and other things in order to access code though.
If you are trying to use 3rd party libraries, I strongly recommend having a look at CocoaPods. It's really easy to set up and manages dependencies with all of their build settings for you.

Target dependencies vs. Link binary with libraries

I don't understand the difference between these Xcode features.
I'm building and app - but the functionality of the app is being abstracted into libraries (so they can be distributed separately as an "SDK").
So I have a workspace of library projects and the app project. I can add library projects to the app project by doing "link binary with libraries". This gives me a list of .a library projects in the current workspace which I can link to.
I can also add frameworks here.
In the "target dependencies" bit all I can add is other targets in the current project.
What I really want to do is both - I want my app project to build all the other library projects when I build it. I also want to make it verbose what libraries the app (and other libraries) depend on.
So can somebody please explain the difference, and whether what I am doing is the right way to go about it?
Many thanks!
It says here...
Drag your framework product (located in the Products folder) to the existing Link Binary With Libraries build phase of your application
target. This causes the application to link against your framework.
In the General tab of the inspector window, add your framework as a dependency for the application. Adding this dependency causes Xcode to
build the framework target before building the application target.
The build dependency you establish in the application target causes
the framework to be built before the application. This is important
because it guarantees that a built version of your framework will be
available to link against and to embed in the application. Because of
this dependency, you can set the active target of your Xcode project
to your application and leave it there.
So it seems that you're supposed to use both. Seems redundant though, because if you're linking to a framework then its a dependency. I suppose you might want to only link to a library and not build it first. Although Xcode seems to build linked libraries even without them being added to the dependency section. Perhaps that's a result of the "Find Implicit Dependencies" option in a scheme's build settings.
I do something similar and was explicitly setting the 'header search path' and 'library search path' in the final executable target. However this all depended on where the objects were being generated. Initially I had set this to be within the source tree (actually a sibling directory called build), however after changing the location of the Xcode DerivedData directory and telling it to build into that directory, the projects no longer built.
The final solution was simply to remove the explicit setting of the 'header/library search path' and set the target dependencies correctly. This resulted in the project building for debugging and archiving without issue.

MSBuild - can it work out project dependencies in a solution file? If so how?

I have an msbuild project which builds a SLN file from visual studio which holds all the projects in (about 70+ project), and a lot of the projects are dependent on each other meaning they need to be build in order - sometimes a developer forgets to set the build order manually in visual studio in the solution file causing the msbuild on a clean solution to fail as something gets built out of order/cant find a dll.
Is there a way for msbuild to take all projects and work out the dependencies and build the projects in order, if there is how do i do this? using an MSBuild task? With current tries it seems to just build in the order it reads the projects in - if i pass in a list of project files+paths.
Currently the only way i can think to solve this is a external app which scans the proj files and references and then manually creates a solution each time.. but this seems overkill for such a simple thing.
Anyone solved / seen this before?
How are you calling MSBuild? If you point MSBuild to the solution file, it should be able to work out the dependencies. If you point it to individual project files, then it won't be able to resolve any project references.
If you don't use project references you can still control the dependency order in a solution by using the "Project Dependencies" dialog to manually set the dependencies.
While Project Dependencies are hard to maintain and not shared across .sln files, Project References are honoured and do dictate the order consistently - see the ResolveReferences task in Microsoft.Common.targets.
ASIDE: A 'friend of mine' may 'during a refactoring' have accidentally stubbed out their Build Task and it's DependsOnTargets linkage to the Microsoft.Common.targets ResolveReferences task and ended up with ProjectReferences not being honoured in ways that sound like the question here. If you read some of the posts, you might get the idea that it's all mad shaky - it's not; the shaky bits are the Project dependencies, not the Project references.
See this excellent MSDN Blog article by Dan Moseley that really explains the topic, including some useful workaround strategies. (via this mildly related issue with building
If all of your dependent projects are in the solution and you are using Project references, Visual Studio should manage the dependencies for your and build in order of that dependency list.
It sounds like you are not using project references. I always recommend project references.
This is an old question but the issue was most likely that projects in the solution used direct references to dependent DLLs (Add Reference > select Browse tab > select dependent DLL) instead of using project references (Add Reference > select Projects tab > select dependent project). With direct references, Visual Studio can't figure out the dependency chain. You must tell it by right clicking on the solution node and select Properties. Pick Common Properties > Project Dependencies to set the required projects. Mr. Klaus is correct but I wanted to document how to fix this issue.
While it is correct that MSBuild should observe the build order when you use project dependencies there is one caveat. It doesn't at present observe the reverse build order when building the clean target (as I have blogged about here). For regular build however it works nicely as described by others here.
I am using Msbuild 4 found at c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
It seems to solve the problem.
There is no Microsoft tool that will examine all the dependencies of your 70+ projects and generate a solution file with dependencies clearly declared for you.
You have to do that on your own by using 2 different methods:
Manually specify a dependency, for the solution, in visual studio.
Specify a project reference in the project file itself.
If you don't want to do that, then you will have to swallow the medicine and accept that you will to use an external tool to do that for you. Yes it's clunky but it can be made to work. If you check in your solution file to your source control you can mitigate these problems. As long as you have an active solution file to work with.
I at one point didn't, and I had 600+ projects in the build. So I wrote a tool (years ago) that would automate 99% of this work. It uses the .NET MSBuild API's to read the msbuild files (no recreating the wheel here with xml api's). It then examines outputs and inputs and generate a dependency tree which I can then do a few things with it:
Spit out a solution file.
Do a dependency sort (also a topological sort in academia), and spit out those projects in order they should be built (for a non-parallel type of build, which can be useful sometimes).
print out all sorts of diagnostic information about dependencies.
The only limitation I have seen with the tool is with a few crazy COM dependencies which are pretty sketchy anyways. Which I added a super simple work-around.
