Mark out past events in Jevents? - joomla

I would like to add some style to past events in Jevents calendar. There is a CSS class cal_td_dayshasevents which marks the days which have events. Is there a way to add a CSS class to past events in Joomla Jevents module?

Yes, if there is a css file for the module, you can simple add the class like so:
cal_td_dayshasevents {
//css goes here
If there isnt already a css file, create one in the module folder, add you css code, then in the default.php, embed the css file using the following:
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_jevents/style.css");
Note: Im not sure what the module for JEvents is called so make sure you change is accordingly int eh code above.
Hope this helps.


How can integrate html template in codeigniter

I'm new to codeigniter. please tell me how can I integrate or install a html theme/template in codeigniter ? (my css folder path=news/css and application folder path=news/application where news is my main folder)
This is a very simple, very powerful way to do templates in codeigniter that is also very flexible.
ignore the title, most of the lesson is about setting up templates in CI.
Note that i was first exposed to this method from a jeffrey way CI tutorial on
All of them are worth checking out:
edit -- ok this is good enough addition to post. So in the tutorial, on the template.php page, you will see
which is cool. but this is much better:
// load your header views
$templatefolder = 'beta/';
// load your footer views
so instead of calling the view "maincontent", i've put in references to $content1, $content2, etc. Because we are doing if isset none of them are required. that way you can easily send more then one view file to the template. Or none at all if you are just showing a message, etc. Also notice that we have $templatefolder - that way you can easily reuse the template file for other site templates, even with the same content.
in your controller (similar to tutorial) it would be
$data['content01'] = 'codeigniterrawks';
$data['content02'] = 'mypetlion';
// beta template
$this->load->view( 'template_beta', $data );
note how easy it is if i want to bring in those same view files into a different template
$data['content01'] = 'codeigniterrawks';
$data['content02'] = 'mypetlion';
// alpha template
$this->load->view( 'template_alpha', $data );
I ran into this exact question about a week ago, this guide really helped me:
To do the CSS url's, I added "uri" to my libraries in config/autoload.php (so it looks like this:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('uri', 'database');)
" type="text/css" media="screen" />
the base_url function automatically return whatever the base url of your site is, ie
with the argument appended to the end.
The reason behind this is that if/when you ever need to migrate servers, you just change the base_url in the config file and it automatically updates across all of your templates and sources.
Try this,
I'm using this and it's very powerful.

joomla Modules - Between Article or inside Article? What is correct?

I want to place articles and modules on my page. It should look like my scatch:
I am wondering if i can make 4 articles and one module (information box) and place this inbetween those articles, Or should i just create one article wich looks like the hole area (article 1-4 + INformation box)? So far i have tried to do {loadposition infobox-pos} into article 2. But than the box-width is not 100% but 50%.
Than aggain if i would make one big article with the contents from article 1-4 it would not fit great into my responsive layout.
I use T3-Framework.
Joomla doesn't support this natively, since module output is controlled by the template, and component output (in this case, com_content, view=category, layout=blog) is handled before modules are rendered.
You can proceed in many ways, I am listing them in order of decreasing ease:
Write a jquery script that moves the pieces in the browser. You could also use mootools and it's bundled with joomla, but odds are you already have jquery loaded anyways.
Write a view override for abovementioned view: so copy /components/com_content/view/category/tmpl to /templates/your_template/html/com_content/category (copy all files). Then edit blog.php and insert your module there, use something like /plugins/content/loadmodule/loadmodule.php :
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules($position);
$params = array('style' => $style);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Write a content plugin
you can also use {loadmodule YourCustomModuleTitle} and place this in <div> with custom style attributes like
<div style="width:100%;float:right">{loadmodule MyModule}</div>
<div class="something">{loadmodule MyModule}</div>
Note: the module which loaded must be assigned to the same menu item or "all"

AJAX Page Loader navigation bar

My site is:
And i'm having trouble with AJAX page loader integration. When you click on a link in "secondary-menu", it adds it the "current-menu-item" class, but it doesn't remove de "current-menu-item" class from the other ones.
I'm trying to do it with this code:
// highlight the current menu item
jQuery('secondary-menu li').each(function() {
but it isn't working. There must be something wrong with the removeClass selector. Could you help me?
Firstly, thiss doesn't exist (unless declared somewhere else). It must be this. In addition try something more like...
This is saying "Remove the class current-menu-item from any objects with the class current-menu-item, then add the class current-menu-item to the parent li of the clicked item"
In addition, make sure that in your CSS, .current-menu-item{...} appears after any styling for the non-currently selected item.
See Fiddle:
Also, unless you have a specific conflict with using the $ sign in place of jQuery, I suggest doing exactly that.

Magento layout basics

Im going through a version of No-frills Magento Layout (perhaps 4-5 months old) and am basically stuck right in the beginning.
In Indexcontroller, in the index action, I create a new block object.
public function indexAction()
$block = new Mage_Core_Block_Template();
echo $block->toHtml();
I should then create a template file, namely helloworld.phtml and place it in the appropriate directory. I'm used to using a layout file to do this, but I am going through the book and am simply not able to render the file.
I have placed the phtml file in the following locations :
which is also the output of
Im obviously missing something here. any chance someone can point it out?
Based on the comments above, I'd jump directly to to PHP file for the Mage_Core_Block_Template class
Look for the include line and add some debugging that var_dumps whatever file Magento is trying to include OR add some debugging around the conditionals to determine why this isn't getting called.

Symfony 1.4 and pjax (ajax pushstate)?

Hi all,
I'm trying to use pjax in symfony in order to speed up our website (we will be able to keep header and footer static most of the time, and also avoid reloading lots of css/js and other files).
I have no problem with ajax or symfony, but I want to know if there is a better way:
Is it a good idea to use postExecute to return the html code back right away without sf going to the template at all
If so, can I somehow write this only once for all modules? I imagine that I can do:
mySfActions extends sfActions
moduleActions extends mySfActions
I wonder if there is a better way?
3. Is there a way to get the current layout name (defined in the module's view.yml) within the controller/action?
Question 1: Don't use post-execute like that. If you need to return html from an ajax call in your action then your action should return like this:
return $this->renderText("<p>Your html result.</p>");
This will skip the template call.
Question 2: That is correct. You have written the best way to write a function once and have it available to all module actions.
There is nothing to do.
When calling an action via XmlHttpRequest, symfony automaticaly skip the Layout render, and only return the module render.
You need to put all your "static" assets and html in your layout and that's all.
Thank you all for helping me, all your answers were helpful and pointed me to the right direction. I wanted to vote for both answers but since I can only accept one, I accepted the very first answer.
Anyhow, here is what I did:
First, I extended the sfActions class so I don't have to do add preExecute on every module:
class mySfActions extends sfActions{
public function preExecute(){
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->getParameter('_pjax')) {
Then of course each of my module action class must extend this new class.
Inside my individual template I have something like this:
<?php if($sf_request->getParameter('_pjax')):?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/question_list.js"></script>
<?php endif;?>
This currently seems to work quite well for me, I'm enjoy the incredible loading speed when pushstate is supported, and still able to fallback when it is not (on the dumb IE for example)
