using WinSCard library: '__in' was not declared in this scope - windows

I'm trying to use the WinSCard-library to read data from a Myfare Card.
To do so I link against WinSCard.lib and include the header "WinSCard.h".
from my .pro file:
win32: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/Lib/WinSCard.lib
win32: LIBS += -L$$PWD/Lib/ -lWinSCard
from my .cpp file:
#include "WinSCard.h"
But now I get dozens of errors (337 to be precise) of undefined symbols like '_in', '_out', '__reserved' and so on.
I use QtCreator/mingw++ as environment. My guess is, that these are typedefs which are library specific or windows specific.
These errors happen by including the header file, I did not use any of the API-functions yet.
Can anybody give me a hint, what I need to include/link to satisfy the compiler?


CC3200. compiler warnings when use freertos with math.h

I have to use some functions from math library on a CC3200 Project. This project has to use freertos and the IDE is CCS. With this combination, the compiler show these warnings:
/ymath.h", line 550: warning #225-D: function "_ftoi" declared implicitly
/ymath.h", line 592: warning #225-D: function "_hi" declared implicitly
/ymath.h", line 594: warning #225-D: function "_lo" declared implicitly
/ymath.h", line 604: warning #225-D: function "_lo" declared implicitly
To reproduce the problem, we have to import to CCS the "freertos_demo" project from CC3200SDK_X.X.X and in the main.c file add the include directive: #include <math.h> only that.
if we compile the project we get the warnings.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what this has to do with FreeRTOS as the functions that are generating the warnings are not used in the FreeRTOS Cortex-M4 port. Perhaps they are only used in demo code, in which case, can't you just include the necessary header files in the demo source files (this won't effect FreeRTOS at all)? Where did you get the demo from? It's not a project from the FreeRTOS distribution.

Using CUDA and Armadillo

I have a .cu file in a 64x VS2010 project. This project is configured to extract a .mexw64 file. Bellow there is the example I run. Inside the mex function I want to use some functions of the Armadillo linear algebra library. So When the #include "armaMex.hpp" is used the compiler return some errors:
error C3203: 'fixed' : unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter 'T1', expected a real type c:....\armadillo-4.200.0\include\armadillo_bits\Mat_meat.hpp
error C2955: 'arma::Mat::fixed' : use of class template requires template argument list c:\ ....\armadillo-4.200.0\include\armadillo_bits\Mat_meat.hpp
error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation c:\ ....\armadillo-4.200.0\include\armadillo_bits\Mat_meat.hpp
I can not figure out what is causing these errors. Could you please give an explanation?
#include "mex.h"
#include "armaMex.hpp"
mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
PS: CUDA SDK 5.5 64x, VS2010
This is a known limitation of nvcc (technically cudafe++, I think). nvcc uses file extension to determine whether a given source file should be processed for device code or passed to the CUDA preprocessors and then the device compiler. It looks like that compilation trajectory can't correctly parse some of the very complex declarations that Armadillo contains, and the compile fails. This is known to happen with Boost, Eigen and QT. I guess Armadillo is in the same boat.
The solution is to not import Armadillo headers inside a .cu file. Put your host boost code in a .cc file, device code and kernel launches in a separate .cu file and make some thin wrappers to access the kernel calls from the .cc file. You can still pass all the source to nvcc to compile into a single object file, but separating the Armadillo imports from the device code eliminates the problem of the front end choking on the complex template declarations Armadillo contains.

Do I have to include some header files in order to use GCC built_in function?

The motivation is that I want to tell the compiler that my float *U array is 64 bytes aligned so that the compiler can do the vectorizations.
If using Intel compiler, I can use the __assume_aligned(U,64);I googled and found that if I want to do the same thing using GCC, I have to define another float *U_tmp=__builtin_assume_aligned(U,64), and use U_tmp. However, when it goes to compilation with GCC, the compiler reports that
"error: ‘__builtin_assume_aligned’ was not declared in this scope"
I don't know if I have missed some libraries or header files containing this GCC built in function.
This is supposed to work out of the box, without any additional headers. However, this has been added only to GCC 4.7, maybe your compiler is older than that?

OpenCL, include files

Following the post ,
if I have header file,which has some functions implementations in it and should be included in several kernels(I mean these function are auxilary in all kernels and I don`t want to duplicate the code)
How I make this inclusion - can I keep the functions in header?Will the kernels and the header functions be compiled?
Can you specify (maybe by example) how I use the "-I" option in these case?
I am using VS2010(if its matter at all)
Note:Each kernel runs in different program
Yes, you can use headers in OpenCL for exactly what you are suggesting. Each kernel file will include the header and compile it.
The "-I" option is only used to specify the path for includes. If your includes are in your working directory it is not necessary. Here is an example:
// Load CL file, build CL program object, create CL kernel object
std::string sourceStr = FileToString(params.kernelFile);
cl::Program::Sources sources(1, std::make_pair(sourceStr.c_str(), sourceStr.length()));
cl::Program program = cl::Program(oclHandles.context, sources);,"-I c:/Includes/");

BOOST_concept redefined warning when using boost graph library

I'm building a project on XCode 3.2.6 gcc 4.2 which uses the boost graph library (1.45). The build results in an annoying warning:
/include/boost/concept/detail/concept_def.hpp:34:1: warning: "BOOST_concept" redefined
concept_def.hpp does not appear to contain any protection to prevent this sort of multiple definition and the boost graph library seems to be constructed so as to ensure it is included multiple times. In my case the include sequences are:
One definition:
Another definition:
While this is only a warning I find it hard to believe this was released with boost and hence expect I am doing something wrong.
Any ideas?
Error only seems to happen on XCode, all of our other platforms (linux gcc4, msvc2010) build fine.
Here is our workaround:
#ifdef BOOST_concept
# undef BOOST_concept
In case you are wondering why we don't put an #ifndef guard around the whole file then know that for some strange reason this does not work!
The issue posted in the page is the same one we encountered. Following is our solution based on the concention
add #include in the end of a hpp file if is included in the beginning of the file.
we added the include concept_undef.hpp in the end of buffer_concepts.hpp accordingly and it does solve the compiling error.
