Buildr include jar files - buildr

I have an old project with files layout still in "src/" and jars in "lib/". I defined the layout to point to src.
But when I run buildr build, it still stays package <name> does not exist.
How can I resolve this?
Thank you.

You might want to debug this for yourself by adding a line:
puts Dir[_("lib/*.jar")]
You might want to use Dir[_("lib/*/.jar")] in case there are jars in subdirectories.


Maven: how to copy a directory cleanly before creating the JAR?

I want to store some additional files in the JAR that gets created. Those files are in a directory that is a subdirectory of a repository which is pulled in via a git submodule.
I want to copy that submodule to my src resources directory before compiling, but I also want to make sure that any old files at that location are removed first.
How can that be achieved best with Maven plugins? I did not find any option to remove any destination files with the copy-resources goal of the maven-resources-plugin and I could not get the maven-clean-plugin to run right before the copy-resources either. So how does one accomplish such a trivial task with Maven?
UPDATE: as mentioned above, the reason why I want to do this is because what is copied should become part of what gets added to the resulting jar (and could potentially be part of what gets compiled). So I need to copy these files into the src directory and NOT the target directory. What should get copied before each build is the input to the build, not an additional output.
There is one flaw in your approach, and it probably explains most of the obstructions you encountered.
During a build, the only directory in which you may write is target. Copying files to src or changing them is strictly discouraged.
The target folder is erased by clean, so no need to tidy up yourself or to manage old files.

Archive multiple artifacts in multiple folders in jenkins?

I am trying to archive both the target/surefire-reports from my Maven project (easy), but in addition archive files that my project creates that are in the base workspace (csv report). Do I do something like this: target/surefire-reports/**/*, *.csv?
looks like you are doing the right thing.
my syntax is logs//.exec,logs//.log,obsQueue.txt, and it works.
make sure you that those files really exist in the workspace.
note that all archive files , are relative to the workspace.
let me know if I can help with this issue.

How to download dependencies using Bazel?

I am new to Bazel. I need to download external dependency jar files using Bazel. Where to configure to download external jar files. I tried to add jar files in BUILD and WORKSPACE files , but not working.
Workspace file
Build file
srcs = glob([""]),
The logical mistake you have there is that the workspace name (flink-java) is illegal see here and here. What is needed is to change the - to _ in maven_jar and of course the reference in the bind.
Two more mistakes you had in the above were:
In the artifact coordinates you wrote filnk-java when you needed flink-java
The mvnrepository URL you used doesn't seem to be legal. I tried a few variants but couldn't get it to work. Additionally from the site they seem to link downloads to Maven Central itself so I'm not sure they server the jars. Having said that since Bazel fallbacks to Maven Central I just omitted the maven_server and the build passes. If you need help with the maven_server part and you need to use a private Maven repository please double check the URL first.
PS: It would have really helped if you added to your question the Bazel outputs since I needed to create my own workspace to know what were the problems you encountered.

Maven : pom.lastUpdated exists but no jar [duplicate]

I have an Eclipse setup with m2eclipse and subversive. I have imported a maven2 project from svn. But I get the error message that a whole bunch of artifacts are missing (for instance: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-test:jar:3.0.1.RELEASE:test).
If I look in my repository I see the jar files there but they have an extra extension .lastUpdated. Why is maven appending .lastUpdated to the jars? And more importantly: how can I fix this?
There is no mention of the type lastUpdated in my POMs.
These files indicate to Maven that it attempted to obtain the archive by download, but was unsuccessful. In order to save bandwidth it will not attempt this again until a certain time period encoded in the file has elapsed. The command line switch -U force maven to perform the update before the retry period. This may be necessary if you attempted to build while disconnected from the network.
The method of removing the files works with most versions of maven, but since the files are internal mementos to maven, I would not recommend this method. There is no guarantee that this information is not referenced or held elsewhere and such manipulation can damage the system.
As rperez said, I use to delete all those .lastUpdated files. In Linux I have created a little script to keep it simple:
find -name \*.lastUpdated -exec rm -fv {} +
Just create a file with the previous content and put it on your local Maven repository. Usually it will be ~/.m2/repository.
I installed Maven2 and ran mvn compile from the command line. This seems to have resolved the problem
you might have a problem with some of the artifacts to be retrieved from the repository. for example spring framework has its own repository. this xtension is appended when the artifact cannot fully downloaded. add the spring framework repository to your pom or settings.xml, delete the folder that include the broken jars and start again
If you hit this problem and you're using Nexus, it might be the case that you have a routing rule defined, which is incorrect. I hit this myself and the files it was downloading were correctly named, at the proper URL-s it was looking at, but they were all with the .lastUpdated extension and an error message as contents.
Open your terminal, navigate to your Eclipse's project directory and run:
mvn install
If mvn install doesn't update your dependencies, then call it with a switch to force update:
mvn install -U
This is a much safer approach compared to tampering with maven files as you delete ".lastUpdated".
Use this command inside the .m2/repository dir to rename all files:
for file in `find . -iname *.lastUpdated`; do renamed=$(echo $file | rev | cut -c13- | rev); echo renaming: $file to $renamed; mv $file $renamed; done
This is usefull to not download all sources again.
This not work... The .jar is lost. :(
What I do when I encounter this issue:
Make sure you have the version of the latest 'maven-source-plugin' plugin:
$ mvn source:jar install
Now if the file *.lastUpdate exist in your local ~/.m2/repositories/your-lib/0.0.1/ directory you can just remove it then run the command above again.
This is a side-effect of a failure to successfully extract from the repository. To get the actual content you want into your repository, check for correct paths to the repository/repositories within your pom file, and resolve certificate/security issues, if any. It is almost invariably one or the other of these issues.
There is no need to delete the .lastUpdated entries, and doing so won't solve your problem.

How to add OSGi WAR bundle ine eclipse target platform

For my OSGi development i have setup a target definition (.target file) which references two directories. Eclipse picks up all the jar files inside these directories and adds them to the target platform. But one of the bundles i have is a WAR file (.war extension) which is run using pax-web. Eclipse doesn't show this in the list of bundles available. Is there any way to add a particular bundle directly into the target definition? Any way out that i might be missing?
One workaround i found was to rename the .war file to .jar. Pax-web doesn't care about the extension, eclipse picks it up and so everything runs fine. But i am not very convinced if this is the right solution.
Bug 355890 was fixed for 3.8/4.2. You can now include archive files that are not jars (i.e. WAR files).
There is a known bug filed on eclipse on this very issue. Until it is fixed, the only workaround is to rename the file to have the .jar extension.
