IndexOutOfRangeException when passing empty string array to WebMethod - ajax

Tried every combo I can think of: String.Empty, IsDBNull.
selectPONumber is passed to "ByVal selectPONumber() As String" from "selectPONumber: [' + JSON.stringify('') + ']"
The StackTrace point to the second line of this VB
If Not IsDBNull(selectPONumber) Then
If selectPONumber.Length > 1 Then
qry = qry + "and ("
For u As Integer = 0 To selectPONumber.Length - 1
If u <> selectPONumber.Length Then
qry = qry + "and B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "' or "
qry = qry + "and B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "'"
End If
qry = qry + ") "
qry = qry + "and B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(0) & "' "
End If
End If
Many thanks in advance!
Replaced all lengths with counts, and took tranceporter's advice. Now, it gives the same error on the "for" line. How did it make it past the If selectPONumber.Length > 1 ?
Updated Code
If selectPONumber IsNot Nothing AndAlso selectPONumber.Count > 1 Then
qry = qry + "and ("
For u As Integer = 0 To (selectPONumber.Count - 1)
If u <> selectPONumber.Count Then
qry = qry + "B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "' or "
qry = qry + "B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "'"
End If
qry = qry + ") "
ElseIf selectPONumber(0) <> "" Then
qry = qry + "and B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(0) & "' "
End If
tranceporter's solution is correct. I stupidly treated a regular string as an array elsewhere in my code. It started pointing all over the rest of the function as indexoutofbounds.

try using this (unless you already have)
If selectPONumber IsNot Nothing Then
If selectPONumber.Count > 0 Then
qry = qry + "and ("
For u As Integer = 0 To selectPONumber.Count - 1
If u <> selectPONumber.Count Then
qry = qry + "B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "' or "
qry = qry + "B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(u) & "'"
End If
qry = qry + ") "
qry = qry + "and B.PONumber = '" & selectPONumber(0) & "' "
End If
End If


VB6 Run time error 424

I am getting error 424 on this line, can anyone help me please.
lblprvbal.Text = Val(NewItem.SubItems(11))
Private Sub cmdShow_Click()
Dim strShow, mSlNo
Dim rsShow As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim NewItem As Variant
If Trim(txtCustomer.Text) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select customer to proceed...", vbCritical, POPUP_COMP
Exit Sub
End If
Dim recCnt
pgrPartyLedger.Min = 0
recCnt = 0
strShow = "select Count(*) as mCnt from VOUCHMST A,VOUCHDAT B, Prevbal C "
strShow = strShow & " and A.DATED between #" & Format(dtFrom.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "# "
strShow = strShow & " and #" & Format(dtTo.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "# "
strShow = strShow & " and B.IDNO = '" & Trim(txtCustomerId.Text) & "' "
'strShow = strShow & " order by A.ID,A.DATED,A.VNO"
rsShow.Open strShow, cn
recCnt = rsShow("mCnt")
pgrPartyLedger.Max = recCnt + 1
strShow = strShow & " and A.DATED between #" & Format(dtFrom.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "# "
strShow = strShow & " and #" & Format(dtTo.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "# "
strShow = strShow & " and B.IDNO = '" & Trim(txtCustomerId.Text) & "' "
strShow = strShow & " order by A.ID,A.DATED,A.VNO"
rsShow.Open strShow, cn
Dim mPur, mPayRet, mAnyAdv, mTempVNO
mPur = 0
mPayRet = 0
mAnyAdv = 0
mSlNo = 1
Do While Not rsShow.EOF
mTempVNO = rsShow("VNO")
Set NewItem = listViewPayment.ListItems.Add(, "C" & mSlNo, Format(rsShow("DATED"), "dd/MM/yyyy"))
NewItem.SubItems(1) = mTempVNO
NewItem.SubItems(2) = IIf(IsNull(rsShow("IDNAME")), "", CommaFilterText(rsShow("IDNAME"), 1))
NewItem.SubItems(11) = rsShow("amnt")
If Trim(rsShow("REMARKS")) = "CASH SALE" Then
NewItem.SubItems(3) = FormatTakaPaisa(rsShow("AMOUNT"))
NewItem.SubItems(4) = FormatTakaPaisa(rsShow("AMOUNT"))
ElseIf Trim(rsShow("REMARKS")) = "CREDIT SALE" Then
mAnyAdv = ShowPartialAdvance(rsShow("VNO"))
NewItem.SubItems(3) = FormatTakaPaisa(rsShow("AMOUNT") + Val(mAnyAdv))
If Val(mAnyAdv) > 0 Then
NewItem.SubItems(4) = FormatTakaPaisa(mAnyAdv)
NewItem.SubItems(4) = ""
End If
NewItem.SubItems(3) = ""
NewItem.SubItems(4) = FormatTakaPaisa(rsShow("AMOUNT"))
NewItem.SubItems(7) = rsShow("CQ_TYPE")
NewItem.SubItems(8) = rsShow("BANKNAME")
NewItem.SubItems(9) = rsShow("BANKBRANCH")
NewItem.SubItems(10) = rsShow("CQ_NO")
NewItem.SubItems(13) = "" & rsShow("cmnt")
End If
NewItem.SubItems(6) = rsShow("IDNO")
mPur = mPur + Val(NewItem.SubItems(3))
mPayRet = mPayRet + Val(NewItem.SubItems(4))
NewItem.SubItems(5) = rsShow("REMARKS")
NewItem.SubItems(12) = GetVoucherRefNo(mTempVNO)
pgrPartyLedger.Value = mSlNo
mSlNo = mSlNo + 1
lblprvbal.Text = Val(NewItem.SubItems(11))
lblTotPur.Caption = FormatTakaPaisa(mPur) + Val(lblprvbal.Text)
lblTotPayRet.Caption = FormatTakaPaisa(mPayRet)
lblBalance.Caption = FormatTakaPaisa(mPur - mPayRet) + Val(lblprvbal.Text)
pgrPartyLedger.Value = 0
End Sub
Looks like lblprvbal isn't an object. Meaning, you don't have a TextBox called lblprvbal in your form, even if you think you do. Maybe because its real name is lblPrvBal? That would be consistent with your other object names. As a side note, you probably don't want to start a TextBox with lbl, which suggests it's a label.
Try below. value in the sub item is null and hence the error.
If IsDBNull(NewItem.SubItems(11)) Then
lblprvbal.Text = ""
lblprvbal.Text = Val(NewItem.SubItems(11))
End If
Check if not NewItem is Nothing.

VBScript output as Excel worksheet not working

I've got a page that will either display information in an HTML table or output that same info as an excel file.
The HTML view is working fine, but the excel portion fails with : (500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.)
Ideally, if its possible to separate the excel portion of the code I'd rather have that as the final product, but I need to get it working first. I'd appreciate any ideas.
<%# Language=VBScript %>
<% Session("CurrentPageTitle") = "Test Transaction Summary" %>
Response.Buffer = TRUE
if Request.Form("present") = "xls" then
set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWB = objXL.WorkBooks.Open("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\temp\xl.xlsx")
Set objWS = objXL.ActiveWorkBook.WorkSheets("Sheet1")
numRow = 9
end if
if Request.Form("present") <> "xls" then
<!--#include file="../common/"-->
end if
varState = Request.QueryString("state")
varCustomerIdentifier = Request.Form("Customer")
CustomerArray = Split(varCustomerIdentifier,",")
varCustomer = CustomerArray(0)
varSub = CustomerArray(1)
varCity = CustomerArray(2)
if Request.Form("Summary") = "user" and varState <> "u" then
'Should not be here, form navigation glitch - go to GetUserParam.asp
location.href="GetUserParam.asp?f=" & varCustomerIdentifier & "&t=user"
if varState = "u" then
varYesterday = Request.Form("Smonth") + "/" + Request.Form("Sday")+ "/" + Request.Form("Syear")
varToday = Request.Form("Emonth") + "/" + Request.Form("Eday")+ "/" + Request.Form("Eyear")
elseif varState = "m" then
varYesterday = month(date()) & "/1/" & year(date())
varToday = date()
strYesterday = dateadd("d",-1,date())
elseif varState = "y" then
varYesterday = "1/1/" & year(date())
varToday = date()
strYesterday = dateadd("d",-1,date())
elseif varState = "s" then
varYesterday = Request.Form("Smonth") + "/" + Request.Form("Sday")+ "/" + Request.Form("Syear")
varToday = Request.Form("Emonth") + "/" + Request.Form("Eday")+ "/" + Request.Form("Eyear")
varInterval = Request.Form("Interval")
varYesterday = cdate(datepart("m",date()-1) & "/" & datepart("d",date()-1) & "/" & datepart("yyyy",date()-1))
varToday = cdate(datepart("m",date()) & "/" & datepart("d",date()) & "/" & datepart("yyyy",date()))
end if
if varCustomer = "0" then
strSQL = "select CustomerNo, SubNo, City, CustomerName from Customer order by CustomerName"
strSQL = "select CustomerNo, SubNo, City, CustomerName from Customer where CustomerNo = " & varCustomer & " and SubNo = " & varSub & " and City = " & varCity & " order by CustomerName"
end if
' sjs
set DBCONN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DBCONN.CommandTimeout = 60000
DBCONN.ConnectionTimeout = 60000
DBCONN.Open "DSN=***;UID=***;PWD=***;"
set DBConnection = DBCONN
set DBQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
DBQuery.ActiveConnection = DBConnection
DBQuery.CommandType = 1
DBQuery.CommandText = strSQL
DBQuery.CommandTimeout = 900
set dbRS = DBQuery.Execute
AllUpdateCount = 0
AllInquiryCount = 0
AllMTCount = 0
AllETCount = 0
AllTotalCount = 0
index = 0
while not dbRS.EOF
index = index + 1
if Request.Form("Summary") = "prevd" then
strType = "Yesterday"
strNote = "(from " & varYesterday & ")"
strFormatSQL = "select distinct [Format] 'formatid' from TransactionSummary where CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and TransactionDate = '" & varYesterday & "'"
elseif Request.Form("Summary") = "user" then
strType = "User Specified"
strFormatSQL = "select distinct [Format] 'formatid' from TransactionSummary where CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and TransactionDate >= '" & varYesterday & "' and TransactionDate <= '" & varToday & "'"
strNote = "(from " & varYesterday & " to " & varToday & ")"
elseif Request.Form("Summary") = "mtd" then
strType = "Month To Date"
strFormatSQL = "select distinct [Format] 'formatid' from TransactionSummary where CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and TransactionDate >= '" & varYesterday & "' and TransactionDate < '" & varToday & "'"
strNote = "(from " & varYesterday & " through " & varToday & ")"
elseif Request.Form("Summary") = "ytd" then
strType = "Year To Date"
strFormatSQL = "select distinct [Format] 'formatid' from TransactionSummary where CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and TransactionDate >= '" & varYesterday & "' and TransactionDate < '" & varToday & "'"
strNote = "(from " & varYesterday & " through " & varToday & ")"
elseif Request.Form("Summary") = "stats" then
strType = "Usage Statistics"
strFormatSQL = "select TransactionDate from TransactionDetail where CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and TransactionDate >= '" & varYesterday & "' and TransactionDate <= '" & varToday & " 11:59:59 PM'"
strNote = "(from " & varYesterday & " to " & varToday & ")"
strFormatSQL = ""
end if
'very top
if Request.Form("present") = "xls" then
if varCustomer = "0" and index = 1 then
objXL.Cells(5,2) = strType & " Summary For ALL Customers"
objXL.Cells(6,2) = strNote
end if
if varCustomer ="0" then
objXL.Cells(5,2) = strType & " Summary For Customer: " & Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value) & " - City " & Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value)
objXL.Cells(6,2) = strNote
end if
elseif Request.Form("present") <> "xls" then
if varCustomer = "0" and index = 1 then
Response.Write("<h3>" & strType & " Summary for All Customers<br>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<font size=""-1"">" & strNote & "</font></h3>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<table border=""1"" id=""exCity"" runat=""server"">" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<tr>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Customer</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>City</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Inquiry</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Update</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Total</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("</tr>" & chr(13))
end if
' Customer and City for ALL Customers added above each record top
if varCustomer = "0" then
' Response.Write("<h3><i>" & Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value) & " - Po------------rt " & Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value) & "</i></h3>" & chr(13))
'Customer and City for a single Customer added to very top
Response.Write("<h3>" & strType & " Summary for Customer: " & Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value) & " - City " & Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value) & "<br>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<font size=""-1"">" & strNote & "</font></h3>" & chr(13))
'start a table with format request name transatctions at the top
Response.Write("<table border=""1"" id=""exCity"" runat=""server"">" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<tr>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Customer</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>City</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Inquiry</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Update</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center""><strong>Total</strong></td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("</tr>" & chr(13))
end if
end if
'query db for one Customer
DBQuery.CommandText = strFormatSQL
set dbRS3 = DBQuery.Execute
UpdateTotalCount = 0
InquiryTotalCount = 0
MTTotalCount = 0
ETTotalCount = 0
CustomerTotalCount = 0
IntervalCounter = 0
IntervalStart = varYesterday & " 12:00:00 AM"
while not dbRS3.EOF
if varState = "s" then
Difference = datediff("n", IntervalStart, dbRS3.Fields("TransactionDate").Value)
if (CInt(Difference) < CInt(varInterval)) then
IntervalCounter = IntervalCounter + 1
IntervalNext = dateadd("n", varInterval, IntervalStart)
Response.Write("<tr><td align=""left"">" & IntervalStart & " to <br>" & IntervalNext & "</td><td align=""center"" valign=""middle"">" & IntervalCounter & "</td></tr>" & chr(13))
IntervalCounter = 0
IntervalStart = IntervalNext
end if
if Request.Form("Summary") = "prevd" then
strSQL = "select Sum(s.TransactionCount) 'hits', r.RequestName from TransactionSummary as s LEFT JOIN RepositoryDB.dbo.BLS_REQ as r ON s.[Format] = r.RequestID where s.CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and s.SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and s.City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and s.TransactionDate = '" & varYesterday & "' and s.[Format] = " & dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value & " GROUP BY r.RequestName"
strSQL = "select sum(s.TransactionCount) 'hits', r.RequestName from TransactionSummary as s LEFT JOIN RepositoryDB.dbo.BLS_REQ as r ON s.[Format] = r.RequestID where s.CustomerNo = " & dbRS.Fields("CustomerNo").Value & " and s.SubNo = " & dbRS.Fields("SubNo").Value & " and s.City = " & dbRS.Fields("City").Value & " and s.TransactionDate >= '" & varYesterday & "' and s.TransactionDate <= '" & varToday & "' and s.[Format] = " & dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value & " GROUP BY r.RequestName"
end if
DBQuery.CommandText = strSQL
set dbRS2 = DBQuery.Execute
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Response.Write("Could not get Transaction Summary - database error. SQL Script = " & strSQL)
End If
' Count the hits into their respective total
If (Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) = 25) or (Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) = 425 )Then
MTTotalCount = MTTotalCount + dbRS2.Fields("hits").value
ElseIf (Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value = 23)) Then
ETTotalCount = ETTotalCount + dbRS2.Fields("hits").value
ElseIf (Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) = 38) or _
((Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) >= 400) and _
(Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) <= 499) or _
((Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) >= 800) and _
(Trim(dbRS3.Fields("formatid").Value) <= 899))) Then
UpdateTotalCount = UpdateTotalCount + dbRS2.Fields("hits").value
InquiryTotalCount = InquiryTotalCount + dbRS2.Fields("hits").value
End If
set dbRS2 = nothing
end if
set dbRS3 = nothing
UpdateTotalCount = UpdateTotalCount + MTTotalCount + ETTotalCount
CustomerTotalCount = UpdateTotalCount + InquiryTotalCount
' show totals
if Request.Form("present") = "xls" then
objXL.Cells(numRow,2) = Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value)
objXL.Cells(numRow,3) = Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value)
objXL.Cells(numRow,4) = UpdateTotalCount
objXL.Cells(numRow,5) = InquiryTotalCount
objXL.Cells(numRow,6) = CustomerTotalCount
objXL.Range("B" & numRow & ":F" & numRow).BORDERS.Weight = 2
numRow = numRow + 1
end if
if Request.Form("present") <> "xls" then
if varState <> "s" then
Response.Write("<tr>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""left"">" & Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value) & "</td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center"">" & Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value) & "</td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center"">" & UpdateTotalCount & "</td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center"">" & InquiryTotalCount & "</td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<td align=""center"">" & CustomerTotalCount & "</td>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("</tr>" & chr(13))
IntervalNext = dateadd("n", varInterval, IntervalStart)
Response.Write("<tr><td align=""left"">" & IntervalStart & " to <br>" & IntervalNext & "</td><td align=""center"" valign=""middle"">" & IntervalCounter & "</td></tr>" & chr(13))
end if
' Response.Write("</table>" & chr(13))
end if
'set dbRS2 = nothing
AllUpdateCount = AllUpdateCount + UpdateTotalCount
AllInquiryCount = AllInquiryCount + InquiryTotalCount
AllMTCount = AllMTCount + MTTotalCount
AllETCount = AllETCount + ETTotalCount
AllTotalCount = AllTotalCount + CustomerTotalCount
'do grand totals
set dbRS = nothing
if Request.Form("present") <> "xls" then
Response.Write("</table>" & chr(13))
if varCustomer = "0" and varState <> "s" then
Response.Write("<h3>Grand Total Update = " & AllUpdateCount & "</h3>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<h3>Grand Total Inquiry = " & AllInquiryCount & "</h3>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<h3>Grand Total for All Customers = " & AllTotalCount & "</h3>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<h3>Grand Total Manual Transactions = " & AllMTCount & "</h3>" & chr(13))
Response.Write("<h3>Grand Total Early Transactions = " & AllETCount & "</h3>" & chr(13))
end if
end if
end if
if Request.Form("present") <> "xls" then
%><!--#include file="../Common/"--><%
end if
if Request.Form("present") = "xls" then
objXL.Cells(numRow+1,4) = "Copyright " & Year(Date)
objXL.Cells(numRow+2,4) = "All Rights Reserved"
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (Fso.FileExists("C:\Inetpub\temp\xl2.xlsx")) Then
Set MyFile = Fso.GetFile("C:\Inetpub\temp\xl2.xlsx")
Set MyFile=nothing
End If
Set Fso=nothing
objWB.SaveAs "C:\Inetpub\temp\xl2.xlsx"
Response.Redirect "/temp/xl2.asp"
end if
This section of your code:
if Request.Form("present") = "xls" then
objXL.Cells(numRow,2) = Trim(dbRS.Fields("CustomerName").Value)
objXL.Cells(numRow,3) = Trim(dbRS.Fields("City").Value)
objXL.Cells(numRow,4) = UpdateTotalCount
objXL.Cells(numRow,5) = InquiryTotalCount
objXL.Cells(numRow,6) = CustomerTotalCount
objXL.Range("B" & numRow & ":F" & numRow).BORDERS.Weight = 2
numRow = numRow + 1
end if
Is referring to the Cells and Range objects with the wrong parent object. The parent to these would be the worksheet, which you have previously set as objWS. Also note that you really should set objWS like this:
Set objWS = objWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
because the ActiveWorkbook can change when you least expect it... :)

getting error "Subscript out of range error" in asp classic

I am writing code for string search in classic asp but it show error.
For example if is write in search
my name is lucky from earth
I get this error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: '6'
/bdn6/prod_search.asp, line 68
where line 68 is :
SWord = SWord & " " & Trim(arrKeyWords(j))
my code is as below given:
Dim SearchWord, arrKeyWords, arrQry, MainQty, FinalQty, MergeQry, WhereCon, Cnt, tsearch, i, j
SearchWord = trim(request("searcha"))
arrKeyWords = Split(SearchWord ," ")
Cnt = Ubound(arrKeyWords) + 1
dim Qry, SWord, NLWord, TableName, LastIndex
MainQty = "select a.rProd_name, r_id "
TableName = "from reseller_prod a, brand e, V_brand f, V_modal g Where a.rprod_vbrand=f.Vb_Id and f.vb_active=0 and a.rprod_vmodel=g.Vm_id and g.Vm_active=0 and a.rProd_brand=e.Brand_id and e.brand_active=0 and a.rProd_price <> 0 and a.rProd_price is not Null and a.rprod_nowallowd=0 and a.r_id in(select s_usrid from Reseller where S_approval=0) and a.r_id in(select usr_id from usr where Usr_Active=0)"
NLWord = ""
For i = 0 To Cnt
SWord = ""
For j = 0 To ((Cnt) - i)
SWord = SWord & " " & Trim(arrKeyWords(j)) 'getting error on this line: Subscript out of range
WhereCon = WhereCon & " And (a.rProd_name like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' or f.vb_name like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' or g.Vm_modal like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%')"
Qry = MainQty & ", " & (i + 1) & " as SortRecord " & TableName & " " & WhereCon
LastIndex = i + 1
Qry = Qry & NLWord
NLWord = NLWord & " And (a.rProd_name not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' And f.vb_name not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' And g.Vm_modal not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%')"
FinalQty = FinalQty & Qry & " UNION "
WhereCon = ""
Qry = ""
FinalQty = left(FinalQty, (Len(FinalQty) - 6))
MergeQry = FinalQty
FinalQty = ""
MainQty = "select a.Prod_name, '' as r_id "
TableName = "from product a, brand e, V_brand f, V_modal g Where a.prod_vbrand=f.Vb_Id and f.vb_active=0 and a.prod_vmodel=g.Vm_id and g.Vm_active=0 and a.Prod_brand=e.Brand_id and e.brand_active=0 and a.prod_active=0 and a.Prod_price <> 0 and a.Prod_price is not Null"
NLWord = ""
For i = 0 To Cnt
SWord = ""
For j = 0 To ((Cnt) - i)
SWord = SWord & " " & Trim(arrKeyWords(j))
WhereCon = WhereCon & " And (a.Prod_name like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' or a.prod_keyword like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' or f.vb_name like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' or g.Vm_modal like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%')"
Qry = MainQty & ", " & (LastIndex + i + 1) & " as SortRecord " & TableName & " " & WhereCon
Qry = Qry & NLWord
NLWord = NLWord & " And (a.Prod_name not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' and a.prod_keyword not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' And f.vb_name not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%' And g.Vm_modal not like '%" & Trim(SWord) & "%')"
FinalQty = FinalQty & Qry & " UNION "
WhereCon = ""
Qry = ""
FinalQty = left(FinalQty, (Len(FinalQty) - 6))
FinalQty = FinalQty & "Order By SortRecord"
MergeQry = MergeQry & " UNION " & FinalQty
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Read something about Array Variables:
Dim A(10)
Although the number shown in the parentheses is 10, all arrays in
VBScript are zero-based, so this array actually contains 11
elements. In a zero-based array, the number of array elements is
always the number shown in parentheses plus one. This kind of array is
called a fixed-size array.
Split Function
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified
number of substrings.
UBound Function
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of
an array.
Therefore, use either
Cnt = Ubound(arrKeyWords) ''' instead of Cnt = Ubound(arrKeyWords) + 1
or (insisting upon Cnt = Ubound(arrKeyWords) + 1)
For i = 0 To Ubound(arrKeyWords)
SWord = ""
For j = 0 To (Ubound(arrKeyWords) - i)
SWord = SWord & " " & Trim(arrKeyWords(j))
''' … '''
or (insisting upon Cnt = Ubound(arrKeyWords) + 1)
For i = 0 To cnt -1
SWord = ""
For j = 0 To (cnt - 1 - i)
SWord = SWord & " " & Trim(arrKeyWords(j))
''' … '''

store image in mssql server

Hi I am having a problem storing image to mssql server I tried both Memory stream and BLOB as well and in both scinarios I get the same error "cannot insert the value null into image column msg 515 level 16 state 2 line 1", any suggestion is more than welcome Thanks.
Dim sqlstring = " begin tran;"
sqlstring &= " INSERT INTO tbl_customers (stnname, cardnum,
family_name, city, fam_mem_nu, id_num, mrkz_num) VALUES
('" & stn & "','" & cd & "', '" & fmnm & "','" & ct & "', '"
& fnum & "', '" & idn & "', '" & cntr & "')"
sqlstring &= "INSERT INTO tbl_customers(imag) SELECT * FROM
OPENROWSET(BULK N'c:\temp\tempimg', SINGLE_BLOB) imag ; "
sqlstring &= "commit tran;"
sql.CommandText = sqlstring
sql.Connection = conn
Dim ms As New MemoryStream
img = CameraControl1.SnapshotSourceImage
img.Save("c:\temp\tempimg", Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
'CameraControl1.SnapshotSourceImage.Save(ms, Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
' PictureBox3.Image.Save(ms, PictureBox3.Image.RawFormat)
' ms.ToArray()
' Dim data As Byte() = ms.GetBuffer()
' Dim p As New SqlClient.SqlParameter("#img", SqlDbType.VarBinary)
' p.Value = data
' sql.Parameters.Add(p)
Dim x As Integer = sql.ExecuteNonQuery

Datatable select with multiple conditions SQL Query issue

From This question, its answer is almost my answer. But I am facing some sql query issue, I have the following statement in VB
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = 'foo' AND B = 'bar' AND C = 'baz'")
I want to place foo, bar and baz in variables and use that variables in above statements.
Dim Varfoo As String = "foo"
Dim Varbar As String = "bar"
Dim Varbaz As String = "baz"
I managed to get one variable in statement as
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = " + Varfoo)
But how to insert multiple sort expressions with variables?
Edit: I got it solved with the answer of vikas as following;
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = '" & Varfoo & "' And B = '" & Varbar & "' And C = '" & Varbaz & "'")
Have you tried
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = '" & Varfoo & "'")
For OR operation
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = '" & Varfoo & "' OR B = '" & Varbar & "' OR C = '" & Varbaz & "'")
For AND operation
Dim results As DataRow() = table.Select("A = '" & Varfoo & "' AND B = '" & Varbar & "' AND C = '" & Varbaz & "'")
