Wicket RadioGroup, AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior, Form Submit? - wicket-1.5

I got a RadioGroup in Wicket with an AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior added.
Upon triggering the change, the behavior is sending a POST, but other changes on the parent form are not sumbitted.
My question is: What is the correct way to achieve a complete submit?
(I need the complete form submit because there's other stuff going on with the form)

I do not think that there is a standard wicket way to do this.
Would "pressing" an AjaxSubmitButton using JavaScript work for you?
Maybe someting like this?
(assuming that you have an AjaxSubmitButton with the CSS class mysubmit)


Conditional update in Primefaces/jsf

First of all, so that there are no misunderstandings, while this is the same question as PrimeFaces: conditional update on validation I am asking it again, because the answer to that question is not acceptable to me, because while it may have given the original poster a workaround for what they were asking, it doesn't really answer the question, and this workaround doesn't work for me.
So, here's my question: how do I conditionally update a primefaces component based on the results of the submition?
I have a component that must not, under any circumstances be updated UNLESS the validation is successful and backend code was executed successfully. (i.e. if the validation succeeds but there was an SQL exception on the back end, the component still shouldn't be updated).
Why can't I always update it? If the logic doesn't succeed it'll be updated to the same thing it was before the submit button was clicked. Because I can't. It's the captcha component. If you update it via ajax, it disappears, end of story. There was a ticket opened at Primefaces and they closed it as won't fix, because flash compoents aren't supposed to be updated w/ ajax.
So when I submit the form, unless the logic succeeds I need to leave the captcha alone. IF the logic succeeds, I need to make sure the captcha disappears off screen. What's the easiest, cleanest way to do it?
Excuse me if this is a n00b question. I'm really new to Primefaces and JSF.
Helps for conditional updates.
For recaptcha try
You can use a combination of JavaScript and RemoteCommand:
<p:commandLink action="#{bean.doIt()}" process="#form" update="#none" oncomplete="if(!args.validationFailed){updateMyImportantUI();}" />
<p:remoteCommand name="updateMyImportantUI" process="#this" update=":myImportantID" />
You can use a variable at the backing bean and use it on the xhtml part.
Like this:
So, after the condition you can put the value for updateString, but when you define it on the backingMB, you need to put it as:
String updateString=""; // this will be id of the component to be updated
This way you won't get a NullPointerException.

How to prevent ajax driven form from being submitted twice?

I am taking my first steps with Ajax while working on a Grails application. I am using
<g:form ...>
<g:submitToRemote ... />
in the most simple way and it worked great out of the box (Thanks grails!). The problem is, that the Ajax call needs about 2 seconds to return and update the html (at least on the test system) and during that time, the user can (and actually does quite often) hit the submit button again. At the moment this results in a 2nd call being made that finally ruins the output (an error msg says, that one cannot submit the same data twice).
What is the best way to prevent this?
Thanks in advance for your input!
The best way to handle this is to disable the submit button in your onSubmit() function. Honestly, I don't know why more sites don't do this. I often go the next step and instead of disabling the submit button, I put the submit button in a span tag and replace the contents of the span tag with static text "Please wait..." That way your users get visual feedback they pressed the button and "top men are working on it".
As dj_segfault said you can do that.
If you want to validate this in your controller, take a look in "Handling Duplicate Form Submissions" in the official docs:

CakePHP 1.3: Detect ajax request in view

Before Cake 1.3 I would check for an ajax request with a simple $ajax->isAjax(). Now that the AjaxHelper has been deprecated, I'm looking for the proper way to check for an ajax request in my views. I can't find anything in the JsHelper or HtmlHelper methods. This seems like a really simple thing, I hope I'm not missing something obvious!
By the way, I'm aware of the RequestHandler component ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax() in controller), but again I'm looking for help on how to do the ajax detection in my views.
Can you not use the RequestHandler component to set a view variable in the beforeFilter function of app_controller?
Something like this:
$this->set('isAjax', $this->RequestHandler->isAjax());
This way you can simply check $isAjax in your views.
In views check if $this->params['isAjax']

update the row using ajax in cakephp

i am using cakephp in my project. in this at one section i need to update the particular row onclick of the image. using ajax. i used mootools as javascript library. so please help me how could i do this.
thanks in advance
Simply speaking:
Create a CakePHP controller action that performs the row update.
Determine the URL of the controller action you just created. (ie. /controllername/actionname)
Determine if you need to do a GET or POST request to this URL for it to work.
Put code in your view that attaches an "onclick" event that makes and AJAX (GET/POST) request to the above controller.
CakePHP has a javascript helper that traditionally produced Prototype code, but in v1.3 it is now able to produce code for other Javascript frameworks (such as Mootools, jQuery, etc.)
However, many suggest writing your javascript in javascript (eg. actually using the Mootools framwork), rather than writing your javascript in PHP (like using CakePHP's helper to produce Mootools code).
Either way, in your view you need to have something like: <?php echo $js->link(.. or <script>Moo.. or <a onclick="Moo.. to attach your Javascript to that link.
You may also wish for your controller action to return some sort of response indicating whether or not the row update failed or succeeded. In that case you need to make sure the CakePHP controller action you are calling has a view that outputs this. JSON seems to be the ideal format for this (eg. { success: true }), but you need to remember to turn off Cake's debug output. This response can be captured into a variable by your Mootools code where you can decide what to do with it (eg. displaying an error).
As i know most programmer work with protype.js library.
i am giving you link see
go to there

CKEditor: Strange Characters after ajax submit

I am using ajax to gather the CKEditor content and submit it to the server. Once I look at it after it is submitted, all the html tags < and > have been converted to their html entities. This is not what I want, as I obviously need to preserve the HTML.
Is there something I did wrong?
A couple of questions:
Which AJAX library are you using?
What method are you using to fetch the content from CKEditor?
I use jQuery + validate (form validation plugin) for my form submissions.
The textarea to which CKEditor is bound is named body.
For some weird reason when I submitted the form, the content wasn't being submitted at all. Looking into the HTML I found that the textarea wasn't being populated by CKEditor (don't ask me why).
What I did was to just prior to submission, manually grab the data from CKEditor and stash it into the textarea. A single line of jquery should suffice.
$( '#body' ).val( CKEDITOR.instances.body.getData() );
And then proceed with the form submission normally. jQuery has a very good data serialization method - a function called serialize(), which I use to convert the entire form's data into a string. At the PHP end, this string is auto-converted into members of the $_POST array.
You should try the same approach and see if it works for you.
If you're still stuck, post your code here.
In the end I realized that my server was not saving the data at UTF-8 even though ajax was sending it this way. So, I fixed that and the data saves correctly.
Correct is to set up in config this
entities : false
