erb template and new line/spacing problems - ruby

I have a erb template that I am using to generate source code, but the problem is I want the erb template to look readable, but at the same time I want the generated output to look good also.
So I have this snippet:
<% model.attributes.each do |attribute| %>
private <%= model.get_instance(attribute) %> <%= ... %>;<% end%>
So my code output isn't coming out as I would like, I want it like:
private type name;
private type name2;
private type name3;
But it is coming out with an extra space between each line.
How can I fix this?
The other challenge like I mentioned is that I don't want my erb to look unreadable (if possible).

I had had the same issues.. trying to get the output source code well formated without compromising the readability of the template was a nightmare. I've opted for using a code formatter chained in the code generation process and just concentrate in my template file. Good luck


Unescaping HAML in an Attribute Hash

I have a problem similar to some I've found on stackoverflow, but not quite the same. I'd like to avoid the solution to the following question:
Basically, would like the following HTML output:
<div class='myclass' extraattr='UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT'>
The HAML I'm using looks like this:
.myclass{ "extraattr" => "UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT" }
I can't quite figure out how to get the content to output the way I want. Tried applying .html_safe to the end of the string, but got the following error:
undefined method `html_safe' for "UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT":String
Later realized that for this particular application I'm not using Rails, just ruby + HAML. (I inherited this project and I'm just starting to learn HAML, ruby, and Rails anyways)
And again, for those of you too lazy to click links and didn't read the solution I referred to, I'd prefer not to configure HAML to not escape attrs for the entire file, just for this one attribute.
I just found the :plain filter, and was able to get what I wanted using that. However, if there's a trick I don't know about so I don't have to write all the HTML, I'd appreciate it. My "fix":
<div class='myclass' extraattr='UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT'>
There isn’t (currently) any way to turn off escaping for an individual attribute in Haml outside of Rails, it’s all or nothing using the :escape_attrs option. Depending on what you want, it might be worth looking at the :once option.
When Haml is used in Rails, it replaces the html escaping methods with some that respect the html_safe value that ActiveSupport adds (see lib/haml/helpers/xss_mods.rb).
It is possible to use these methods outside of Rails if you want. You will need to add html_safe and html_safe? methods to the String class in order for this to work (be careful here, this example is only a “poor man’s” version of the full XSS protection that Rails provides, it won’t really protect you from much but it will allow selective escaping of attributes).
Add the following somewhere after requiring Haml (it might be best in its own file that gets required):
class String
def html_safe?
defined?(#html_safe) && #html_safe
def html_safe
#html_safe = true
require 'haml/helpers/xss_mods'
module Haml::Helpers
include Haml::Helpers::XssMods
Now you can use html_safe on your strings, and Haml won’t escape them:
.myclass{ "extraattr" => "UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT".html_safe,
"otherextraattr" => "ESCAPED <>& CONTENT"}
<div class='myclass' extraattr='UNESCAPED <>& CONTENT' otherextraattr='ESCAPED <>& CONTENT'>
Have you tried using a \ to escape the characters.
{ :myattr => '\<\>\&' }

Dynamically Writing in generator template SCSS file

I'm trying to create my own generator in rails for my standard set up of assets for the pipeline. I've been following Ryan Bates Railscast on the generators
He explains how to add dynamic code the html.erb files but I tried to do something similar in scss file and it simply outputs the tags:
<% if options.add %>
//Some optional code here
#import "add.css.scss";
<% end %>
But instead of executing it when I call create_template it just adds the code into the template. I've tried calling the file .scss.erb but no joy with that either?
Any ideas on how I might tweak the files to make the if statement work?
Try this <%- if options.add -%>

i18n markdown files in Rails 3 views

I am currently working through Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial while experimenting with some other things not covered in the book. After completing Chapter 5, where the static pages are created, I decided change the view code to HAML, internationalize the pages, and put the static content into separate (non-partial) Markdown files, using the RDiscount gem to render them. For example:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: "static_pages/about.#{params[:locale]}.md"}
Under the static_pages directory, I have Markdown files like,, etc, so interpolating in the :locale parameter is what determines which language Markdown file gets rendered.
My questions are:
The static_pages directory is a bit crowded with Markdown files, so are there any sensible default/best practice locations (perhaps outside of the app directory) to keep these Markdown files, where they could be presumably be edited by people who don't need to know about the inner workings of the app?
What better ways are there to implement rendering multi-lingual Markdown files in views? My use of :locale and the double string-interpolation seems inelegant.
Is there a way to change this code so that I can pass Ruby variables into the Markdown file? I know I can, for example, use a #{language} variable in the Markdown by just changing into a HAML partial (_about.en.html.haml) and change the code to look something like:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render "about.#{params[:locale]}", language: 'Markdown!'}
But, is there a way to do this without changing the Markdown file into another type of file? If such a way exists, is it recommended/feasible?
After having a look at this StackOverflow answer, it seemed that the best location for i18n Markdown files would be their own action name directories under the config/locales directory, and that there was a good opportunity to refactor the render code on all views for the StaticPagesController. So, using about.html.haml as an example below, the call to render in the home, help, about, and contact views has been changed to the exact same code:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: localized_page_for(action_name, params[:locale])}
The localized_page_for method is defined in the StaticPagesHelper:
module StaticPagesHelper
def localized_page_for(action, locale)
So, now all the Markdown files have been taken out of the app/views/static_pages directory and are called from their respective logical directories (eg. config/locales/about/ etc) using ActionController's action_name attribute and the locale, making for less clutter.
As for question 2 above, string-interpolation seems to be common enough for this kind of problem, so I'll consider it "elegant" enough as well.
As for question 3 above, after exhaustive searching, I haven't found a way anyone has passed in variables in to a pure Markdown file, and the documentation doesn't seem to say anything about supporting them, so I'm going to conclude that it's not possible. If passing Ruby variables in to Markdown is absolutely necessary, the file will need to be run through another interpreter, kind of like is described in this StackOverflow answer.
After running security scanner Brakeman against the app, it came up with a potential Dynamic Render Path security warning (albeit a weak one) due to dynamically passing in params[:locale] to the render call instead of passing it a static string. So, I moved the call to the localized_page method out of the views, moved the method itself out of the StaticPagesHelper (so that file is now empty) and in to the StaticPagesController and then instantiated a #page instance variable in each method to pass to the view. In summary, the code now looks like this, which doesn't get the security warning:
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :localized_page, only: [:help, :about, :contact]
def home
if signed_in?
#micropost =
#feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page])
def help
def about
def contact
def localized_page
#page = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales/"\
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: #page}

Ruby: How to use generate HTML with dynamic values?

I am writing a Ruby script that will generate a large flat HTML menu for my website, I could generate this menu on the fly each time a page loads, but I think doing so is a waste of resources, especially as this will almost never need to change.
I want to effectively do the following (in semi-sudocode):
part_of_my_menu = eval %{
<script type="text/javascript">
var mapper = new Array();
<% parent_categories.each_with_index do |parent_category,i| -%>
mapper["#{}"] = <%= i -%>;
<% end -%>
and then be able to write the part_of_my_menu string variable to a HTML file (this I can do).
I know this is not how eval works in Ruby but does anyone know how to achieve this same "wrapper" functionality?
(fyi - the code I want to wrap with my "eval" function is much longer than this, I've only posted a very small snippet to illustrate what I am trying to achieve)
ERB is part of the standard library so you could do things like this:
tmpl = %q{<script type="text/javascript">...</script>}
erb =
parent_categories = [ ... ]
part_of_my_menu = erb.result
The ERB documentation contains some good examples of how to use it.
You don't need a hand rolled eval construction, you can use standard existing libraries and your existing knowledge.
You might be interested in the dom gem that I have developed. You can generate HTML strings like this:
require "dom"
["foo".dom(:span, class: "bold"), "bar"].dom(:div).dom(:body).dom(:html)
# => "<html><body><div><span class=\"bold\">foo</span>bar</div></body></html>"

Rails3 and automatic nofollow links

i have some model, let it be Post with field :content. Any user can submit post with html (with links of course:) ) and i'd like to set nofollow on those links. Is there any rails plugin to automate this task? Does this plugin have ability to manage "nofollowing" in conditional way - e.g. admin can add links without nofollow, but other - with only nofollow?
This should do what you're looking for:
Install the plugin, then for a block of text you can run:
<%=raw Sanitize.clean(#your_html, Sanitize::Config::BASIC) %>
There are other options that you can use to customise it, but the Config::BASIC version will detect all links in that block of text and add the nofollow tag to them.
You can define a helper for this, overriding (or rather wrapping) the default link_to
In app/helpers/posts_helper.rb do something along the lines of:
def nf_link_to(link_text, post)
opts = {}
opts[:rel] = "nofollow" unless == "admin"
return link_to text, post, opts
So that in your view you can do:
<%= nf_link_to post.title, post %>
Which should result in:
My First[tm] Post
You should have a good look at the actual implementation of link_to and make your ''nf_link_to'' as complex as (as in; passing arguments and perhaps a block) as you desire.
