Session values aren't kept - session

I'm using a JRuby(latest, 1.7 RC2)/Sinatra mix on the Trinidad server, for background info.
get "/" do
#user = session[:user] || [3,2]
puts session[:user]
haml :home
get "/signed_in" do
post "/signup" do
user = User.create(:username => params[:username], :password => Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:password]))
session[:user] = user
session[:loggedin] = true
puts session[:user]
What I expect as output is (with comments):
# blank line
But what I really get is:
# blank line
# blank line
And after the post, /signed_in will still have no value to output, when it really should be true.
Why aren't these values being kept? No, I'm not using shotgun, I do have sessions enabled, and I do have a session secret set up.

You cannot keep DataMapper resources in session variables. Instead put the key to your user object in your session variable and use a before helper to set #user = User.first(session[:user]) and use the #user instance variable throughout your application
Also, you do not need the session[:loggedin] entry, just use #user.nil?


sessions arent working on sinatra

So i've been using sinatra and well no matter what i try i cannot seem to get sessions to work as intended.
Im enabling session/cookies with the following:
use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => 'localhost_tester',
:path => '/',
:expire_after => 14400, # In seconds
:secret => 'secret_stuff'
And im trying to create a login page, the post data seems to be getting sent but no session is being created. This is what im using:
get '/account-login' do
#title = 'Adnetwork'
erb :accounts
post '/account-login' do
email = params[:email]
password = params[:password]
user =
if user.login(email, password)
#session isnt being made...
session['email'] = email
#redirect once session is complete
redirect to'/dashboard'
erb :accounts
The session wont actually be called "email" thats just an example i was using while testing. But it never actually creates the session. I have cookie editor plugin on chrome to see whats happening and the only thing thats being created is a session called "localhost" tester.
Am i being an idiot and doing it all wrong or is it something else that im missing?

Rails 4 - set session variable so user can see pages only during that session

I am using rails 4 and want to give an instant quote that has some personal information. I need to make the quote viewable for someone's entire session WITHOUT having them log in but someone else session could not see that quote. The idea is that they can see the quote I give them and download that quote as a PDF. Here is the essence of what I have in my controller - but it is not working.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :check_guest, :only => :show
def check_guest
# # if user isn't logged in
if current_user.nil?
# # if user has already viewed, redirect
# if session[:viewed] == true
# flash[:alert] = "You can only view a quote once. Please resubmit your information."
# redirect_to root_path
# # if user hasn't viewed, allow access, but flag as having viewed
# else
# session[:viewed] = true
# end
if session[:quote_id] == params[:id] # where params[:id] is the quote ID
flash[:alert] = "Allow"
flash[:alert] = "Dont Allow"
I imagine I need to set variable session[:quote_id] = but am not sure if I do that in the create action or the show action. Either place I put it, the entire code is not working. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Two things I needed to do.
First, set the session variable as the LAST action in create.
def create
....some actions
session[:quote_id] =
Next, I had to convert the params ID into an integer, so it would evaluate correctly.
session[:quote_id] == (params[:id].to_i)

Rails 4.1 serialization of session

I am using Rails 4.1.rc2. It's the soon going to be launched Rails 4.1 there has been a change with the ways sessions are serialized now commit here and link to guide.
I am no more able to store my object in the session eq
session[:user] =
when i access session[:user] i get a String.
Any way to revert back to old one ? Or store object in Rails 4.1 session
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
helper_method :session_user
def session_user
#session_user ||= Marshal.load(session[:user])
def set_session_user(user)
session[:user] = Marshal.dump(user)
# set
# reconstitute and perform operation
session_user.awesome = 'rad'!

Session data not being saved in Sinatra simple authentication

I created a simple authentication for Sinatra, however the session object seems to be cleaning up ALL custom keys. For example, when user logs in:
session[:user_id] =
This is effectively stored in the session object for the current request. When a new request occurs the session[:user_id] is not there anymore. Session is active, cookies are enabled. I tried everything I can't figure out what it wrong (here is the all the relevant code:
use Rack::Session::Cookie , :secret => "82e042cd6fde2bf1764f777236db799e"
enable :sessions # for flash messages
def require_auth
unless session[:user_id]
flash[:error] = "You need to be logged in."
redirect to("/login")
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
authorized_user = User.authenticate(params[:email],params[:password])
if authorized_user
# update session / redirect
session[:user_id] = authorized_user.mongo_id.to_s
session.options[:expire_after] = 2592000 unless params[:remember].nil? # 30 days
# redirect to the wizard
flash[:info] = "Welcome back #{authorized_user.first_name}"
redirect to("/home")
You should likely try to set a provider for session handling, e. g.:
use Rack::Session::Pool, :expire_after => 2592000
Glad to help.

Showing users unique info when facebook authenticate , with Sinatra/ Ruby

Super beginner here.
Here's what I am trying to do:
Build a basic to do list app, where User X logs in with facebook, adds some items, sees them, logs out. User Y/Z/M/etc, should be able to log in see their OWN list, add their OWN items, etc.
AKA: a standard web app where you log in to your account and see your own info.
What I have so far:
Ability to build a list, log in with Facebook and having it know your name.
However, the list stays the same whether I log in or whether my friend logs in with her account.
What I need to do, and don't know how:
I need each user to be able to create and see their own list, and be able to come back to it and still see it/ add to it, etc.
I don't even know how this is called, would this be a database of users each with their own set of data? Would the lists need to be set up so they could be stored as a chunk of data?
Does it have something to do with this :Sessions in Sinatra using Facebook authentication If so, what?
If anyone could be give me some really really basic directions as to where to go from here, any tutorials or what I should be googling for, that'd be awesome.
Here's my main piece of code (warning: it's really messy) :
require 'sinatra'
require 'data_mapper'
require 'time'
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'omniauth'
require 'omniauth-facebook'
#TODO require 'omniauth-att'
SCOPE = 'email,read_stream'
DataMapper::setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/queue.db")
class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base
configure do
set :sessions, true
set :inline_templates, true
set :protection, :except => :frame_options
class Note
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :content, Text, :required => true
property :complete, Boolean, :required => true, :default => false
property :created_at, DateTime
property :updated_at, DateTime
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :uid, String
property :name, String
property :created_at, DateTime
###### no clue what this does ##############
enable :session
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, '464630283595639','5e4c7ad43bf111c10287c981d51127a3',:scope => SCOPE, :display => "popup"
#provider :att, 'client_id', 'client_secret', :callback_url => (ENV['BASE_DOMAIN']
###### root ##############
get '/' do
if current_user
#notes = Note.all :order => :id.desc
#title = 'Movie Queue'
erb :home
' sign in with Facebook'
###### authentication ##############
["/sign_in/?", "/signup/?"].each do |path|
get path do
redirect '/auth/facebook'
get '/auth/:name/callback' do
auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
user = User.first_or_create({ :uid => auth["uid"]}, {
:uid => auth["uid"],
:name => auth["first_name"],
:created_at => })
session[:user_id] =
redirect '/'
helpers do
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.get(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
##list making part###
post '/' do
n =
n.content = params[:content]
redirect '/'
get '/:id/delete' do
n = Note.get params[:id]
if n.destroy
redirect '/', :notice => 'Note deleted successfully.'
redirect '/', :error => 'Error deleting note.'
get '/:id/complete' do
n = Note.get params[:id]
n.complete = n.complete ? 0 : 1 # flip it
redirect '/'
########## logout and error handlers #############
get '/logout' do
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect '/'
get '/auth/failure' do
erb "<h1>Authentication Failed:</h1><h3>message:<h3> <pre>#{params}</pre>"
get '/auth/:provider/deauthorized' do
erb "#{params[:provider]} has deauthorized this app."
get '/protected' do
throw(:halt, [401, "Not authorized\n"]) unless session[:authenticated]
erb "<pre>#{request.env['omniauth.auth'].to_json}</pre><hr>
<a href='/logout'>Logout</a>"
########## don't know what this is #############! if __FILE__ == $0
Disclaimer: I don't know Datamapper, but this should get you going.
There needs to be a way to associate a note with a user. This needs a table in the database, some would call it users_notes, personally I prefer users_rel_notes, (perhaps Datamapper has a convention for this… YMMV). Anyway, the table will have a minimum of 2 columns - the user's id, and the note id. You don't need a separate table as I wrote before (I'm lacking a bit of sleep, sorry!), that would be for a many to many relationship where a user could have several notes and a note could be associated with several users. For what you have, where only the owner of a note has access to it, it requires a one to many relationship. You could add a column to the notes table to store the user id.
Then, in the User class, add an association to the Note class, it's a one to many association and in Datamapper that's a has n, e.g.
has n, :notes
Now when you have a user instance, you can (probably) call the notes for that user via:
I see you have the helper current_user defined, so if someone is logged on you could call current_user.notes to get back all the notes for the logged in user.
Remember, when you add a note to make sure you add a record to the association table, (probably, read the link) via user.notes << my_new_note.
The session is the information you keep around to identify the user and any other little bits of info that you may recurrently need. The likelyhood is, you're just storing an id for the user, or the facebook token that identifies them, and then during a request, if it's needed then you'll look inside the cookie, grab the id, look up that user by the id and get a user instance. Session info can be stored in several ways, most often cookies but you can use anything you would use to store any other data.
