I am using VS2010 WebTest to inovoke a list of WCF operations in sequence.
First call is to obtain a session token from the server. This token has to be passed as request element to all subsequent calls. I have extracted this token and stored this into Context as MyToken.
I need your help to find out how to bind MyToken into subsequent xml requests.
Is there any directive like <%# %> for this purpose.
Thank you for your help.
After a bit of more search, I have found out that we can use double curly braces to bind Context Parameters in string body of the request Xmls. As below -
Visual Studio replaces these token in the XML Requests with values at runtime, dynamically.
(this is a dummy example with SWAPI)
I'm trying to set my body based on what is in a file and it fails saying the JSON is invalid. But when I set the request body manually the same content the request works.
In the results tree view I can see that the only difference is that the manual request is "encoded", it has /n instead of visual newlines.
Here's the request that fails (body coming from file):
Here's the request that works (body manually set):
does anyone know a way to force this "encoding" when retrieving the query string from a file?
It looks like a limitation or bug of the GraphQL HTTP Request sampler, you might want to raise it via JMeter Bugzilla
In the meantime you can consider manually changing line breaks to \n using __strReplace() function, something like:
should do the trick for you.
You can install __strReplace() funciton as a part of Custom JMeter Functions bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager
More information: How to Use the Custom JMeter Functions Plugin
I've opened a bug for Apache and they acknowledged this behavior but it doesn't seem like something they'll fix soon.
I came up with a solutions that is close to what #Dmitri T suggested but without using any Plugins
I've created a JSR223 PreProcessor (Language: Groovy) that will replace the special characters that might break the request's JSON. So far the things that I've seen in GraphQL that might break it are new lines and double quotes.
def content = new File(vars.get('fileName')).text;
vars.put('queryContent', content.replaceAll(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, /\\n/).replaceAll(/"/, /\\"/))
I recorded a .net application using JMETER. After correlating and playing back it throws the below error. I have seen few posts which says eventvalidation has to be set false. Is there any other way to get rid of this error in Jmeter?
505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument.
Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%# Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them.
If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation
I have used added Regular expression extractor for all the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION. However i am still getting this error.
Could you please help me in this.
Thanks in Advance
Most probably your Regular Expression Extractor for the EVENTVALIDATION is failing to extract the value. Please double check the relevant variables using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination (see How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script artice for comprehensive information on JMeter scripts troubleshooting) to ensure that they are extracted and have non-default values.
The other point is that due to ASP.NET web applications specifics you need to extract these values from each and every request, if you do this for 1st request only - the second will be successful, but the 3rd and all further will fail.
Understanding ASP.NET View State
ASP.NET Event Validation and “Invalid Callback Or Postback Argument” : Part II
Page.EnableEventValidation Property
I am creating some load tests in visual studio 2013.
The test has 2 steps
authentication: This method returns a token that I need to call the second method, I am getting the value using an extraction rule and I am putting it on a variable called token
list: This method returns a list of items that belongs to the user authenticated and I need to send in the header on the authorization value: Bearer token
I have the token but I need to add before that the text: Bearer
I have not been able to concatenate anything through the interface. I tried generating the test code and adding it there but when it runs it doesn't pick up the code, but the configuration done on the interface
I found how yay! well I am new at this tool but I forund that instead of selection the variable I can write {{token}} and I can put more variables there and text if needed
I am recording a set of pages using JMeter. Some of the pages have dynamically generated token stored in hidden field.
I retrieve this token using xpath extractor, query is
//input[#name='__RequestVerificationToken']/#value, store it in variable and use this variable for next request.
I don't know why this request is getting failed. I have checked the request value in View Results Tree. In raw tab the value is exactly the same as that of hidden field and on http tab "==" is missing at the end.
As mentioned by Andrey Bolatov, there is a visualization issue in Request HTTP Tab which has now been fixed (you can test using nightly build.
This does not explain you issue.
To debug, add a Debug Sampler to see what has been extracted.
You issue may come from the fact that you didn't encode the parameter, read:
Send Parameters With the Request
Looks like a bug in JMeter. I reported it here - https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54055
How do I check a value from the request attribute in freemarker?
I tried <#if *${RequestParameters['servicesettings']} ??> but getting errors ->
Encountered "*" at line
Can anyone help?
It depends on the Web application framework, because FreeMarker itself doesn't expose the request parameters. (Well, except if the framework uses freemareker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet which is kind of an extension to FreeMarker.) Also, usually you shouldn't access request parameters directly from an MVC template, or anything that is HTTP/Servlet specific.
As of the error message, what you have written has a few syntax errors... probably you meant <#if RequestParameters.servicesettings??> (it's not JSP - don't use ${...}-s inside FreeMarker tags). This will require that you have RequestParameters in the data-model, that I can't know for sure...
We should write like this:
You can use
According to the JavaDoc of the FreemarkerServlet:
It makes all request, request parameters, session, and servlet context attributes available to templates through Request, RequestParameters, Session, and Application variables.
The scope variables are also available via automatic scope discovery. That is, writing Application.attrName, Session.attrName, Request.attrName is not mandatory; it's enough to write attrName, and if no such variable was created in the template, it will search the variable in Request, and then in Session, and finally in Application.
You can simply write:
to get the value of a request attribute (that you might have set in a servlet request filter using request.setAttribute('attrName', 'value')
Worked for me with Freemarker 2.3.27-incubating