Ruby seem to reference a variable instead of coping it's value - ruby

Why does the value in my data_dummy hash increase? I’d like to use it to initiate another hash with zero values!
fau[f.label][:hash] = data_dummy # ==>{"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0} but in the second loop it contains data from the first loop e.g. {"name 1" => 2, "name 2" => 0}
When using the string instead of variable dummy_data the code works as expected.
fau[f.label][:hash] = {"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0}
I can't do that because 'name X' is changing....
That's strange to me!
complete code
fau = {}
series = []
labels = [{:value => 0, :text => ''}]
data_dummy = {}
source.each do |c|
data_dummy[] = 0
i = 0
data_dummy.each do |k,v|
i += 1
labels.push({:value => i, :text => k})
source.each do |s|
logger.debug "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
logger.debug "Source: '#{}'|'#{fault_labels[s.fault_id.to_s].label}' => #{s.cnt}"
con_name = #TODO: Cut name (remove location like left,right, ...)
f = fault_labels[s.fault_id.to_s]
unless fau.has_key?(f.label)
# init faults-hash 'fau'
fau[f.label] = {:total => 0, :hash => {}, :color => f.color, :name => f.label} #, :data => []
# add all connector_names as keys with value = 0
logger.debug "init :hash with #{data_dummy}" # ==>{"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0} but in the second loop it contains data from the first loop e.g. {"name 1" => 2, "name 2" => 0}
fau[f.label][:hash] = data_dummy
# this way the number of incidents are all in the same order for each fault (first dimension key)
# and all get at least a value of 0
logger.debug "Count up fau['#{f.label}'][:total] = #{fau[f.label][:total]} + #{s.cnt} (where connector '#{}' and fault '#{f.label}')"
logger.debug "Count up fau['#{f.label}'][:hash]['#{con_name}'] = #{fau[f.label][:hash][con_name]} + #{s.cnt}"
fau[f.label][:total] += s.cnt
fau[f.label][:hash][con_name] += s.cnt
logger.debug "result :hash with #{fau[f.label][:hash].inspect}}"

Because Ruby hashes, like all Ruby objects, are references and copying one, such as hash2 = hash1 only creates a copy of the reference. Modifying hash2 will modify hash1, as really, they are just different aliases for the same thing.
You want to use the clone method instead.
hash2 = hash1.clone
See also How do I copy a hash in Ruby?
Note that even this only creates a shallow copy, if you have a nested hash (such as myhash = {"key1" => "value1", "key2" => {"key2a" => "value2a"}}), you will have to make a deep copy. According to Wayne Conrad's answer to the question above, the way to do that is this:
def deep_copy(o)

If you want to make a copy of the hash, you need to use the dup method:
foo = {"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0}
bar = foo
foo["name 2"] += 1
=> {"name 2"=>1, "name 1"=>0}
=> {"name 2"=>1, "name 1"=>0}
baz = foo.dup
foo["name 2"] += 1
=> {"name 2"=>2, "name 1"=>0}
=> {"name 2"=>1, "name 1"=>0}


to_json introduces strange character

With this code I implemented a tree
groups = {"al1o0"=>"A1", "al2o2"=>"A10", "al2o3"=>"A11", "al1o1"=>"A2"}
map = {}
arr = []
groups.each_with_index do |group, index|
level = (group.first.split("o")[0].split("al")[1]).to_i - 1
level = level == 0 ? nil : level
order = group.first.split("o")[1]
arr.append({ :id=> index + 1, :order => order, :name => group.last, :parent => level})
root = {:id => 0, :name => '', :order => 0, :parent => nil}
arr.each do |e|
map[e[:id]] = e
tree = {}
arr.each do |e|
pid = e[:parent]
if pid == nil
(tree[root] ||= []) << e
(tree[map[pid]] ||= []) << e
tree has
=> {{:id=>0, :name=>"", :order=>0, :parent=>nil}=>[{:id=>1, :order=>"0", :name=>"A1", :parent=>nil}, {:id=>4, :order=>"1", :name=>"A2", :parent=>nil}], {:id=>1, :order=>"0", :name=>"A1", :parent=>nil}=>[{:id=>2, :order=>"2", :name=>"A10", :parent=>1}, {:id=>3, :order=>"3", :name=>"A11", :parent=>1}]}
Up to here all right but If I do tree.to_json, the output is
=> "{\"{:id=\\u003e0, :name=\\u003e\\\"\\\", :order=\\u003e0, :parent=\\u003enil}\":[{\"id\":1,\"order\":\"0\",\"name\":\"A1\",\"parent\":null},{\"id\":4,\"order\":\"1\",\"name\":\"A2\",\"parent\":null}],\"{:id=\\u003e1, :order=\\u003e\\\"0\\\", :name=\\u003e\\\"A1\\\", :parent=\\u003enil}\":[{\"id\":2,\"order\":\"2\",\"name\":\"A10\",\"parent\":1},{\"id\":3,\"order\":\"3\",\"name\":\"A11\",\"parent\":1}]}"
Why It changed :id=>0 in :id=\u003e0?
First of all tree looks weird.
{{:id=>0, :name=>"", :order=>0, :parent=>nil}=>[{:id=>1, :order=>"0", :name=>"A1", :parent=>nil}, ...]}}
here is a key
{:id=>0, :name=>"", :order=>0, :parent=>nil}
[{:id=>1, :order=>"0", :name=>"A1", :parent=>nil}, ...]
is a value.
Key should not be a hash. How to call it later then.
You might need something like
{"A1" => {name: 'foo', order: '0' }, 'A2' => ...}

Questions on implementing hashes in ruby

I'm new to ruby, I am solving a problem that involves hashes and key. The problem asks me to Implement a method, #pet_types, that accepts a hash as an argument. The hash uses people's # names as keys, and the values are arrays of pet types that the person owns. My question is about using Hash#each method to iterate through each num inside the array. I was wondering if there's any difference between solving the problem using hash#each or hash.sort.each?
I spent several hours coming up different solution and still to figure out what are the different approaches between the 2 ways of solving the problem below.
I include my code in or you can see below:
# Pet Types
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implement a method, #pet_types, that accepts a hash as an argument. The hash uses people's
# names as keys, and the values are arrays of pet types that the person owns.
# Example input:
# {
# "yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
# "cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
# "venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
# }
def pet_types(owners_hash)
results = {|h, k| h[k] = [ ] }
owners_hash.sort.each { |k, v| v.each { |pet| results[pet] << k } }
puts "-------Pet Types-------"
owners_1 = {
"yi" => ["cat"]
output_1 = {
"cat" => ["yi"]
owners_2 = {
"yi" => ["cat", "dog"]
output_2 = {
"cat" => ["yi"],
"dog" => ["yi"]
owners_3 = {
"yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
"cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
"venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
output_3 = {
"dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
"cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"],
"mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
"pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
"chinchilla" => ["venus"]
# method 2
# The 2nd and 3rd method should return a hash that uses the pet types as keys and the values should
# be a list of the people that own that pet type. The names in the output hash should
# be sorted alphabetically
# switched_hash =
# owners_hash.each do |owner, pets_array|
# pets_array.each do |pet|
# select_owners = { |owner, pets_array|
owners_hash[owner].include?(pet) }
# switched_hash[pet] = select_owners.keys.sort
# end
# end
# method 3
# pets = {|h, k| h[k] = [ ] } # WORKS SAME AS: pets = )
# owners = owners_hash.keys.sort
# owners.each do |owner|
# owners_hash[owner].each do |pet|
# pets[pet] << owner
# end
# end
# pets
# Example output:
# output_3 = {
# "dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
# "cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"], ---> (sorted alphabetically!)
# "mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
# "pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
# "chinchilla" => ["venus"]
# }
I used a hash data structure in my program to first solve this problem. Then I tried to rewrite it using the pet_hash. And my final codes is the following:
def pet_types(owners_hash)
pets_hash = { |k, v| v = [] }
owners_hash.each do |owner, pets|
pets.each do |pet|
pets_hash[pet] += [owner]
puts "-------Pet Types-------"
owners_1 = {
"yi" => ["cat"]
output_1 = {
"cat" => ["yi"]
owners_2 = {
"yi" => ["cat", "dog"]
output_2 = {
"cat" => ["yi"],
"dog" => ["yi"]
owners_3 = {
"yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
"cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
"venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
output_3 = {
"dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
"cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"],
"mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
"pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
"chinchilla" => ["venus"]
puts pet_types(owners_1) == output_1
puts pet_types(owners_2) == output_2
puts pet_types(owners_3) == output_3
Hash#sort has the same effect (at least for my basic test) as Hash#to_a followed by Array#sort.
hash = {b: 2, a: 1}
hash.to_a.sort # => [[:a, 1, [:b, 2]]
hash.sort # => the same
Now let's look at #each, both on Hash and Array.
When you provide two arguments to the block, that can handle both cases. For the hash, the first argument will be the key and the second will be the value. For the nested array, the values essentially get splatted out to the args:
[[:a, 1, 2], [:b, 3, 4]].each { |x, y, z| puts "#{x}-#{y}-#{z}" }
# => a-1-2
# => b-3-4
So basically, you should think of Hash#sort to be a shortcut to Hash#to_a followed by Array#sort, and recognize that #each will work the same on a hash as a hash converted to array (a nested array). In this case, it doesn't matter which approach you take. Clearly if you need to sort iteration by the keys then you should use sort.

ruby hash keys compare_by_identity

I have the following:
h1 = {}
h1['a'] = '1'
h1['a'] = '2'
h1['a'] = '3'
a_key = h1.keys.first
p h1[a_key]
And it prints 1, how do I make it return 2 or 3?
how do I make it return 2 or 3?
h1[h1.keys[0]] # => "1"
h1[h1.keys[1]] # => "2"
h1[h1.keys[2]] # => "3"
You can of course access the list of values directly, but I don't think this is in the spirit of your question:
h1.values # => ["1", "2", "3"]
that's because 'a' it's a different object each time.
'a'.object_id == 'a'.object_id
=> false
a = 'a'
a.object_id == a.object_id
=> true
You can try using the same object/instance, or a Symbol.
h1 = {}
h1['a'] = 1
puts h1['a'] # => nil
a = 'a'
h1[a] = 2
puts h1[a] # => 2
h1[:a] = 3
puts h1[:a] # => 3

The confusing Ruby method returns value

I have Ruby code:
def test_111(hash)
n = nil
3.times do |c|
if n
n[c] = c
n = hash
a = {}
p a
Why it print {1=>1, 2=>2}, not the {} ??
In the test_111 method, the hash and the a use the same memory?
How can the a value be changed in the test_111 method?
I can't understand
Hashes are passed by reference. So, when you change a method parameter (which is a Hash), you change the original hash.
To avoid this, you should clone the hash.
This will create a shallow copy (that is, it will not clone child hashes that you may have).
A little illustration of what shallow copy is:
def mutate hash
hash[:new] = 1
hash[:existing][:value] = 2
h = {existing: {value: 1}}
mutate h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
# new member added, existing member changed
h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
h = {existing: {value: 1}}
mutate h.dup # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
# existing member changed, no new members
h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}}
In ruby, just about every object is passed by reference. This means when you do something as simple as
a = b
unless a was one of the simple types, after this assignment a and b will point to the same thing.
This means if you alter the second variable, the first is affected the same way:
irb(main):001:0> x = "a string"
=> "a string"
irb(main):002:0> y = x
=> "a string"
irb(main):003:0> x[1,0] = "nother"
=> "nother"
irb(main):004:0> x
=> "another string"
irb(main):005:0> y
=> "another string"
and of course the same applies for hashes:
irb(main):006:0> a = { :a => 1 }
=> {:a=>1}
irb(main):007:0> b = a
=> {:a=>1}
irb(main):008:0> a[:b] = 2
=> 2
irb(main):009:0> a
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
irb(main):010:0> b
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
If you don't want this to happen, use .dup or .clone:
irb(main):001:0> a = "a string"
=> "a string"
irb(main):002:0> b = a.dup
=> "a string"
irb(main):003:0> a[1,0] = "nother"
=> "nother"
irb(main):004:0> a
=> "another string"
irb(main):005:0> b
=> "a string"
For most people dup and clone have the same effect.
So if you write a function that modifies one of its parameters, unless you specifically want those changes to be seen by the code that calls the function, you should first dup the parameter being modified:
def test_111(hash)
hash = hash.dup
# etc
The behavior of your code is called a side effect - a change to the program's state that isn't a core part of the function. Side effects are generally to be avoided.

How to change format of nested hashes

I'm looking for a solution how to write the format function which will take a string or nested hash as an argument and return the flatten version of it with the path as a key.
arg = "foo"
format(arg) # => { "hash[keys]" => "foo" }
arg = {:a => "foo", :b => { :c => "bar", :d => "baz" }}
format(arg) # => { "hash[keys][a]" => "foo", "hash[keys][b][c]" => "bar", "hash[keys][b][d]" => "baz" }
def hash_flatten h
h.inject({}) do |a,(k,v)|
if v.is_a?(Hash)
hash_flatten(v).each do |sk, sv|
a[[k]+sk] = sv
k = k ? [k] : []
a[k] = v
def format h
if h.is_a?(Hash)
a = hash_flatten(h).map do |k,v|
key ={|e| "[#{e}]"}.join
"\"event[actor]#{key}\" => \"#{v}\""
end.join(', ')
format({nil => h})
arg = "sth"
puts format(arg)
# => "event[actor]" => "sth"
arg = {:a => "sth", :b => { :c => "sth else", :d => "trololo" }}
puts format(arg)
# => "event[actor][a]" => "sth", "event[actor][b][c]" => "sth else", "event[actor][b][d]" => "trololo"
