How do I manage secure files using a public babushka dep? - ruby

I want to share my babushka deps in much the same way as The Conversation do:
However, I manage SSL certificates and SSH keys using chef. Right now those files are directly in my chef config, but as I'd like to share my babushka config I can't put them there.
Is there a good way in babushka to deal with secure, outside-of-repo files?

This is something I'm working on at the moment. There's no built-in way, but it can be accomplished with a little bit of scripting.
If you're running the deps on a remote system, say from a shell script, then I'd add a command to the script to first rsync the private data into place:
rsync -taP private/ user#host:~/private/
ssh user#host 'babushka "server configured"'
That's the simplest case, but it quickly gets messy. Instead, I'm doing this sort of thing with babushka itself, in order to describe the whole process in terms of deps.
I have a dep with a couple of small helper methods for installing babushka on a remote machine, and then running arbitrary deps on it. This allows you to write local deps that depend on the results of remote runs, effectively nesting babushka within itself.
It's not quite general enough to be merged into core yet (and it's in need of a refactor), but it works well. Here it is if you'd like to give it a go in the meantime:
Using this method, you can pass arguments to each remote run. That makes it easy to supply private data, e.g. your private key, or an SSL cert for setting up your webserver, etc.
(Note though that argument values are logged to ~/.babushka/logs/dep-name on the local and remote boxes, so 'private' assumes that the relevant user accounts on both are trusted.)


How to upload a file to a server, that's not in the inventory?

Sometimes we need to upload logs of an application, that's distributed among multiple local Unix machines, to the vendor's server. The machines are all part of the same inventory, and can perform the archiving of the logs, and uploading the archives directly.
The server runs Unix and accepts only SCP and SFTP, so synchronize module (which uses rsync) will not work.
There exists a net_put-module, but that seems intended for uploads to special network appliances -- trying to use it, I get cryptic errors about ansible_network_os...
I can, of course, use the command module, but is not there something specifically targeted for SCP- and/or SFTP-servers?
No, there is no module for scp or sftp, and I don't really see that it would provide a lot of value. sftp and scp are straightforward to use with command, and the underlying commands don't really support the things you might want a module to do, like skipping an upload if the file on the remote wouldn't change.

changing password with ansible on older systems

I need to change the password on a user for over a hundred system. I want to do this with ansible. Which is easy. However the user module on ansible requires a hashed password. I am concerned because there are a few older hosts which may not support newer types of hashing. I want to be able to programmatically identify what password hashing algorithms are available, and use the appropriate password hash to change. Or is there perhaps a better way to handle this whole sale.
I have considered the following:
echo username:password | chpasswd
and run that using the command module. That should use whatever the default algorithm is. Is there any cause for concern with this method?
In my mind, the ideal way would be to figure the supported hashes for each machine and then generate the proper hash for each machine.
The approach you list should work Just make sure you at "no_log: yes" to your task to ensure the password doesn't end up in the log file.
With either approach you're going to need have a way of getting the password(s) into ansible to use with the user module. Not sure if the passwords will be in a CSV file, yaml file or some other format. You could consider using vault to lock things down a bit more.

How to make Passwd::Keyring::Auto persistent on Windows

I'm using Passwd::Keyring::Auto for Perl on Windows. I noticed that the keyring is not persistent.
Can I force it to be persistent on Windows?
use Passwd::Keyring::Auto;
my $keyring = get_keyring(app=>"Test", group=>"Windows");
my $username = "someuser";
my $password = $keyring->set_password($username, $password, "");
When my program ends, I'd like to get whatever passwords I had in the keyring like below:
$password = $keyring->get_password($username, "");
However, the $keyring->is_persistent() always returns 0. I tried forcing the option PERSISTENT => 1 when I create the keyring, but that didn't work.
Thanks in advance
I simply haven't developed windows backend yet, as I do not own windows machine at the moment. Writing module like Passwd::Keyring::WindowsVault (or similar) should not be hard (especially considering one can consult python keyring library source for inspiration), but requires some programmer with Windows development environment. In case you are (or anybody else is) interested in writing one, I would be glad to help, but I am simply unable to test such a module or even to prepare binary distribution for CPAN.
Once such module exists, integrating it into Passwd::Keyring::Auto would be trivial
(what should Passwd::Keyring backend implement)
(APIs used by pythonic library)
(in perl it should be replaced with some XS as I do not know about anything like ctypes, module code structure would likely be similar to that of )
And one more note: with some effort it should be possible to use Passwd::Keyring::PwSafe3 backend on Windows, to keep passwords persistent. You will still need to provide opening password for this storage (no open thanks to OS authorization) on every run but in case you have multiple passwords or want to manage them from GUI too it may make sense. You can try setting environment variable PASSWD_KEYRING_AUTO_PREFER to PwSafe3 to use this keyring (of course install the module beforehand).

Laravel running on a remote host

I am looking at learning Laravel, it looks great but my one concern is how to get it running on a remote host where I have limited (non root) access.
Is it just a case of uploading the files via ftp or are there any other tricky config things that need done.
Probably your best bet is simply copying all app files, but be aware it may take quite long (many files) if your only access is FTP, with risk of incomplete transfer. May be better (but not necessary) to transfer a single compressed archive file and extract it via PHP zip extension or exec() and tar command if available (you can find many tutorials on the web).
Last but not least, you could try to run composer via PHP script - take a look here for example - but that could be much harder than expected (it didn't work for me some time ago because the hosting service had proc_open disabled).
Also, in your case you most likely have permission to access only your own web root directory and you can't change the document root configuration, therefore probably you won't be able to place "non-public" elements outside the document root as recommended, so at least remember to set file permissions properly.
Most important, remember to check the requirements first (note that starting from version 4.2 Laravel will require PHP 5.4).

Simple way of copying a file to a remote box via SCP using a Rake Task?

I'm used to Python Fabric in the past and I'm trying to do something similar with Ruby.
Basically I have created a Rake script which will run as a particular user which has SSH keys setup for passwordless access to the boxes in question.
I've managed to use in order to run a command remotely, and expected the "put" method to "just work". However it seems to be an Rsync wrapper which does not take advantage of the keyless authentication.
It also seems to expect the file to be generated by a template which is not what I want, I want to SCP an actual .tgz binary file.
Am I missing something in the Ruby/Rake ecosystem. I expected this to be easy, but I feel like I'm going to need to go back to searching for gems?
