QGraphicsView / QGraphicsScene image size - image

I want to display an image in a QGraphicsView with a QGraphicsScene. My code is very basic :
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
scene->addPixmap(QPixmap(qApp->applicationDirPath() +"/france.gif"));
My problem is that my picture has a wrong size. It is very small, with wrong proportions and on the center of my GraphicsView. With qDebug i kwow that my picture is load successfully and it has a size of about 100x800px. My graphicsView is smaller so i want to resize my picture to adjust it with my GraphicsView size.
The graphicsView is set in the mainwindow Form and the scene is declared in the header : "QGraphicsScene scene;"
I try everything is possible in the world (i think) but the graphicsView is alaways blank or contains the small version of the picture. When I copy/paste some codes of internet i always get this problem. I also try with this example : Qt GUI Development - Displaying a 2D grid using QGraphicsView , same problem...
Maybe i'm very very very tired but i really don't understand what is wrong. Help me please :)

sceneRect() may not be what you think it is unless you specifically set it. Also you are missing aspectRatioMode in fitInview call which can distort it image, sometimes resulting in "small" appearance.
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
QGraphicsPixmapItem p = scene->addPixmap(QPixmap(qApp->applicationDirPath() +"/france.gif"));
ui->myGraphicsView->fitInView(p, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

From my experience, a shown image is very small if we try to fitInView before the scene window is displayed. Technically, the sceneRect size is not set in the way we want until it is actually shown. Therefore, we need to let the scene window shows up before we can properly use fitInView.
Well, I think the solution is available here
Qt5 C++ QGraphicsView: Images don't fit view frame


SpriteRenderer Image getting stretched down

I had a spriterenderer for a square but I want to change it from looking like a basic rectangle to having an image instead. So I tried changing the sprite renderer "Sprite" to the image I wanted but whenever I do so the image is looking pixelated, ugly and stretched and I can't rescale it properly.
The image may look ugly because it is stretched. In your hierarchy, select the GameObject with the SpriteRenderer. Then set the x,y,z scales back to 1.
If it still looks weird, select the image in your assets folder, and play around with the quality & filter settings (Don't forget to click apply). Hopefully this helps with making the image look nicer.
If not, ensure that your image asset is not a low resolution either.
I'm not really sure what you mean about it not rescaling properly. If you could please elaborate then hopefully we can fix it :)

THREE.JS Anti-Alias not working in multi-scene set-up

What's the trick for getting anti-aliasing to work properly on smaller scenes - which are overlaid on top of big scenes?
Check out this fiddle here:
When you tap on any of the cubes you see there a new smaller "detailsScene" opens up on top of the main scene - and the cube in that "detailsScene" is not looking good. (It may not look all that bad here, but trust me, in my real project I'm loading a ".glb" model and it looks really terrible there. And it's not the model that's off. I know that because when I load it into my main scene it looks 100% perfect. Unless I have to re-load it for some reason into this smaller scene...?)
Otherwise I'm pretty sure I set the renderer for this smaller scene the right way, using:
detailsRenderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
(You'll find that bit on line 192 in the JS of the fiddle code.)
Any thoughts?
Anti-aliasing is working fine. The scene is just a bit blurred, because the canvas is scaled up while the renderer renders on a smaller size. You should always set the size of the renderer, such that it matches the canvas size. Just passing the canvas element to the renderer is obviously not enough in order to let the renderer know on which size it should render the scene.
detailsRenderer.setSize(detailsCanvas.offsetWidth, detailsCanvas.offsetHeight);

How do I Crop Images in Flutter?

I searching an days for this question.
I want to Crop Images like that, in flutter:
GIF Source: https://github.com/ArthurHub/Android-Image-Cropper
The closest lib for this solution is the Image Lib, that lib offers manipulate images and crop, but i want to crop images in UI level like this gif. All libs I found dont offers that.
There is no widget that performs all that for you. However, I believe that it is possible to write that natively in flutter now. I don't have time at this particular moment to do it for you, but I can definitely point you in the right direction.
You're going to need to load the image in such a way that you can either draw it onto a canvas or use a RawImage to draw it rather than using the Image widget directly.
You need to figure out a co-ordinate system relative to the image
You'll need to find a way of drawing the crop indicator - you could do this either by drawing directly on the canvas or possibly using some combination of GestureDetector/Draggable/DropTarget. I'd suggest that sticking to Canvas might be the easiest to start.
Once the user has selected a part of the image, you need to translate the screen co-ordinates to picture co-ordinates.
You then have to create an off-screen canvas to draw the cropped image to. There are various transforms you'll have to do to makes sure the image ends up in the right place.
Once you've made the off-screen crop, you'll have to display the new image.
All of that is quite a lot of work, and probably a lot of finessing to get right.
Here's examples for a couple of the steps you'll need to do, but you'll have to figure out how to put them together.
Loading an image:
var byteData = await rootBundle.load("assets/image.jpg");
Uint8List lst = new Uint8List.view(byteData.buffer);
var codec = await UI.instantiateImageCodec(lst);
var nextFrame = await codec.getNextFrame();
var image = frameInfo.image;
Displaying an image on a canvas:
Writing an image to a off-screen canvas:
ui.Image getCroppedImage(Image image, Rect src, Rect dst) {
var pictureRecorder = new ui.PictureRecorder();
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(pictureRecorder);
canvas.drawImageRect(image, src, dst, Paint());
return pictureRecorder.endRecording().toImage(dst.width.floor(), dst.height.floor());
You'll probably need to do something like this answer for getting the local coordinates of mouse/touch gestures.
Some advice - I'd start as simple as possible, not thinking about performance to start (i.e. draw everything each paint if needed, etc). Then once you get the basics working you can start thinking of optimization (i.e. using a RawImage, Transform, and Stack for the image and only re-drawing the selector, etc).
If you need any additional help let me know in a comment and I'll do my best to answer. Now that I've been writing about this a bit it does make me slightly curious to try implementing it so I may try at some point, but it probably won't be soon as I'm quite low on time at the moment. Good luck =D
The image_cropper plugin does exactly what you are looking for.

Paper.JS raster artefacts

there is a task to spread some raster cubes (PNG, with transparent background) along
the canvas based on Paper.JS platform.
I did it, however, there is a bug – canvas is bigger than browser window and when you are scrolling it to the right, animated cubes go glitchy, see attached screenshot. It seems that
the renderer doesn't clear previous frames. The same bug occurs in all browsers.
Is anyone knows how to overcome it? When I am trying to resize window and call onResize, everything becomes good unless I am not trying to scroll it again.
artefact image
Try using symbols instead of recreating the same rasters over and over:
In you 'building cubes' setup:
sprites[s] = new Symbol(new Raster(urls[s]));
and in hive():
var tmpRaster = sprites[selector].place();
Also, I believe paper.js tries to not animate off-screen elements to save on processing time. Instead of having the canvas be larger than the viewport, you may be better off using view.scrollBy(point)

Drawing an image with a color tint in MonoTouch

What do I need to read up on to tint the image I draw with a predefined color. Alternatively just adjust the alpha value? I've played around with BlendMode but I basically don't know what I'm doing. :)
Simplyfied code below
_backgroundImage = UIImage.FromFile ("whiteblock.png");
var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ();
// What do I do here to tint or adjust alpha of the image
ctx.DrawImage (rect, _backgroundImage.CGImage);
I recommend starting with the Core Image Filter reference docs (see also CIFilter).
(Note that depending on the version of the OS, not all filters may be available.)
You probably want to focus on the filters in the CICategoryColorAdjustment category.
In particular, the CITemperatureAndTint filter can adjust the tint of the image, as you ask. But, it is not straightforward to use.* There are other questions on StackOverflow describing it, like this one: Input parameters of CITemperatureAndTint (CIFilter)
Finally check out the MonoTouch docs for a code example with CITemperatureAndTint. (I believe the image attached to the examples given there are wrong, as they show a scaled image, not a tinted image.)
*It takes two parameters, each a 2D CIVector. I believe the first component of the vector is temperature and should be in the ballpark of (1k ... 30k). I believe the second component is wavelength, so in the ballpark of (380 ... 700). If someone knows better, correct me.
