Slideshow / Thumbnail on homepage not shows up on wordpress 3.4.2 - image

I'm new to wordpress and currently I'm building a website using it. But now I'm confused about why my post's image doesn't show up on the homepage's slideshow / featured post but it does show up in the post if I open that post. I'm using Weekly Theme right now, but if I change to another theme it will return the same result too ( images won't show up ). How to fix this? Is there any specific codes I need to add or what?
Thanks in advance!

It's a bit hard without being able to see what's going on. Do you have a link to the site? Or the place you got the theme from?
Is it just the image that won't show up in the slideshow/featured area? Or does the text not show up either?
- If it is just the image then you are probably not setting an image in the way the theme wants. Ensure the image is both "in" the article text and also set as the Featured Image using the box on the right-hand-side of the edit screen.


Extracting Images from the external website

Can anyone explain me what is been used on this template to secure the images used in the website template and is there anyway I can extract them out, every time I save the pages, I just able to save icons not the background and slider images. I downloaded its css and js files but couldn't find and png files for background.
Not sure if you just need the background images or you need to recreate the same effect of this theme. Anyway if you just need the images with firefox you can right click on the image an choose visualize background image (not sure if the English menu is exactly like this) and you'll have the url of the image (i.e.:

wordpress thumbnail pictures not showing

hi i uploaded some pictures to my wordpress site the wierd thing is that its uploaded correctly the pictures are showing inside the post but outside the post i get an broken image pictogram. can anyone help me with this problem ?
something is wrong with timthumb.php:
If you open the Image in a Browser, you will see what it actually returns:
do you mean that the pictures aren't showing up in the blog excerpt page? or they aren't showing in your wordpress media section? or where? If it's in the blog excerpt page it would definitley be something with your theme that your using.

How to Get Text Overlay on Images in WordPress?

I want to have some text overlay on Images and am using WordPress.
See this site -
On the site, in Center, you can see an Image whose description is hid just LEFT side. When the "Show Text" button is clicked, the text comes up on the Image.
My questions is, How can I get the same functionality on my website running WordPress?
You can do it by adding some javascript to your header.php template file. Start with these and you should be able to get it.
It can be easily done with jQuery. I recommend you to search on Google "jquery slide panel examples", theres millions of plugins that do the effect you want.
Some of them:

Timthumb image thumbnails not appearing on wordpress site

I'm trying to put together a page at which should show featured products and thumbnails for those products. For some reason the images aren't showing on page load, even though they immediately appear when you either right-click on the image, click on a next/previous arrow, or open 'developer tools' in chrome.
The status of the image styling in css I've noticed, changes from display:none to display:inline-block when you perform any of the above actions to get the images to show.
I've been through the timthumb troubleshooting steps at and have changed permissions on all directories according to these instructions. Any help would be much appreciated in getting these images to show up on page load.
The images show up (also using the timthumb method, I believe) on this alternative page: but not on the first page (that is going to form the home page for the site: ).
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
It isn't a timthumb or wordpress issue. It looks like it is a stylesheet / jQuery issue - where the div that covers the image (used for the highlight on hover) is opaque and covering the images. The funny thing is that when I "Inspect Element", the images all appear.
Double-check your starting styles for class "overdefult" - make sure it has the right opacity or set the background color to transparent. (You could also try removing it temporarily to prove that this div is indeed your issue.)
After many hours banging my head against a brick wall, I have discovered an updated script available that controls the bxSlider used to display these images in li's - and having upgraded the minified script, the problem seems to have resolved itself - just in case there are others needing help on this too.

How to know what image is used when looking at the webpage

There is a facebook logo in the frontend design of my site above the header. I want to replace the it with a different colour facebook image. All i did was go to "skin/frontend/default/template_name/images/" and replace the old image with the new one with the same name. But still, the old image is displayed. Please help?????
Rather simple:
make a right click on a image and open image in new tab or inspect the source adress of this image
replace the image on the url that it is really displayed
clear your browser cache if the image still does not change
