Spring MVC 3.0 Controller and resolvers - spring

I would highly appreciate it if someone can share their thoughts on this. I am new to Spring, but not new to MVC. However, my exposure with MVC has mostly been on the front-end side of things.
Lets say if I have a dynamic site which employs SpringMVC Framework 3.0, and site has 5 links such as:
Each of these links would query a database and display information. If I was to be doing this for front-end via a MVC framework, I would have five different controllers, but I came across a question here (Stackoverflow) which talks about having just one controller and then numerous resolvers. I would like to know what is the correct approach?
Here is the link to the mentioned question:
Spring controller setup question?

As Jaanas said, it really depends on how you are retrieving the data for each link and whether the resulting pages are all based on the same data model and templete (JSP) or are completely different to each other.
I tend to use a separate controller for "home" but if those other pages are simply querying a database then, I'd start serving those from a single controller.
Its also a good idea to try and think of your pages in terms of REST principles. Once you start seeing the links in terms of REST URIs, then the decision of whether the various URIs go in the same or separate controllers is obvious. E.g. if the URI for "family" is /movie/genre/family, then it becomes clear that all 4 of those links should go in the GenreController class (or a MovieController class, with a /genre method capturing the category with a #PathVariable annotation).

It depends on how much logic you have behind each link. If you have only one mapping in each controller, you could use single controller.
That said, I still prefer having separate controllers, when doing only small project like yours.
On the other hand, if your project expands, you could end up having absurd amount of controller, that don't do much. In that case you could group your controllers from start, so grouping similar controllers, that have almost equal logical side.

The number of controllers in your application depends on the scope of your project. If you have fixed requirement and the number of operations are limited then you can use single controller which will handle your all request.
But if your requirements are not fixed or going to increment with your application version, you must use separate controller for separate module. So that in future you can easily manage your application code.
For better code maintenance, I will prefer to use separate controller for each module.


How to think about Controllers in angularjs

I'm scratching the surface with Angularjs, and thought I'd run a conceptual question past the fine folks of SO. This is a newbie question from a seasoned developer.
The application has dashboard requirements... a single page that surfaces stuff from many parts of the application. Different user types get different dashboards. We already have a legacy back end, so the first task is to build the dashboard to show many bits from it's new RESTful service layer.
I'm wondering how I should conceptually think about the controllers needed to support this?
The first question is... should they be model-centric or view-centric? In other words, should they be "view-centric" controllers that have the word "Dashboard" in them? Or should they be more focused on the model elements they represent, like "Tasks", "Contacts", "Notifications". Or should there be both where the dashboard controllers work with model-centric controllers?
The next question is... what level of granularity should the controllers represent? If view-centric "Dashboards" controllers, should they be "ManagerDashboardController" and "WorkerDashboardController"? If model-centric controllers, should there be controllers such as "LateTasks" & "OnTimeTasks" since I need to display them on different sections of the dashboard, with slightly different data?
I'm looking for tangible advice based on real-world experience and/or references to great links I've yet to find.
Here are my views from developing business applications in Angular for the past 6 months:
Role of a Controller
Initialization (loading initial data, setting options)
Exposing variables and functions to the template through the $scope
Application flow (through exposure of functions that can change state, or $watches)
I have found that, much like in traditional MVC frameworks, the controllers in an Angular app should really be super slim. Little if any business logic should be in the controllers, and should be instead be encapsulated in your models. I came to this conclusion after hearing the follow line from a presentation by Miško Hevery: "the purpose of the scope is to refer to the model and not be the model." That was the most valuable and enlightening line I got from that presentation (though I recommend to watch the whole video); that line directly resulted in me slimming down my controllers by almost 50%-70%.
For example, my company has a concept of an Order. I created a model that encapsulated all the properties of this business object, as well as its behaviours and injected them into the controllers. One business rule we had was the ability to add a Booking (another business object) to the Order. Originally in my controller, I had a $scope.addBooking function that first created a new Booking, then took the order and did a $scope.order.bookings.push(newBooking). Instead, I moved this business logic (addBooking function) directly into my Order model, and in the template I could then do something like <button ng-click="order.addBooking()">Add Booking</button> without adding a single line of code into my controller.
A lot of the code I put in my controllers when I was first starting off with angular, I found could be stripped out and placed either in my models, directives, or services (mostly the first two in my case). The remainder of the code left in my controllers almost all fell into one of the above 3 roles I listed above. It was either initialization code (e.g. firing an AJAX request to fetch data of the relevant business objects), scope assignment of objects, or scope assignment of functions that dealt with application flow (e.g. $scope.save or $scope.cancel that might send you back to a different page).
Should controllers be model-centric or view-centric?
This is an interesting question, one that I haven't thought about before. When I hear view-centric, I think of a controller that deals primarily with the view and how things are displayed. I feel there shouldn't be any controllers that are purely view-centric, the reason being it seems a view-centric controller can probably be transformed into a directive. You mentioned view-centric controllers as being like a Dashboard controller, which sounds like something that could definitely be made into a generic directive. Your directives should encapsulate most of your view logic, while your controllers focus on simply exposing your models to the view for consumption (back to the role of the controller). This has me thinking that controllers should more often be model-centric.
I think really the only conclusion I can come to is if a controller starts becoming too view-centric (with many variables and functions that deal primarily with the view and UI behaviour) then that is a sign that parts of your controller can be pulled out into a directive, making your controller slimmer.
This is very subjective but here is my answer to your questions
should controllers be model-centric or view-centric?
It depends (as always), I always try to have small controllers for the different parts of the page.
Some parts of the page are very view-centric (typically the ones that are shared among the different views). I usually have a menuCtrl, a headerCtrl and footerCtrl. This ctrls are very coupled to those parts of the page so a make them view-centric.
The other parts of the view, the ones that are business related are much more coupled to the business rules and in extension to the model so I make those ctrls model-centric. On an account´s business app, I would probably have an accountCtrl, an ownerCtrl, and so on. By doing so I can reuse them on different views if needed (and are much easier to test)
what level of granularity should the controllers represent?
The smallest as possible. Try to have small controllers that prepare the model for different parts of the page. If you have a big controller it will be hard to test, maintain and you will probably be forced to duplicate code on different parts of your application.
advices and recomentations with controllers
Keep them small.
Avoid DOM manipulation inside of them (use directives instead).
Use the controllers just to prepare the model. whenever possible delegate all the logic of your app to services. If you do so, it won´t really matter that much if your controller is view-centric or model-centric.
As I said before this is a very subjective matter and I´m sure many people will disagree with me.
I hope this could help you.
Basic Idea
So I'm actually in the process of migrating a legacy code base over to a restful based web service architecture utilizing AngularJs
Controllers are responsible for managing the data that is consumed by the view aka the webpage. My personal preference is that there is a one to one relationship between the controller and the view that it is serving. So, based on the question, Angular controllers should be more view centric. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who will disagree with me though.
If you are worried about the extensibility of this pattern, you should place your business logic and data access within Angular Services as described here. This offers you a tremendous amount of reuse of business logic operations as well as unit testability.
The specifications for Angular are changing all the time and with each new version there will be a new standard. A more view centric architecture looks appropriate for this application.
For some more complete reading on the subject I recommend checking out:
3 Tips To Building Enterprise Grade Angular/Node Applications
Lessons Learned: A Year with a Large AngularJS Project

Should controllers in a MVC application be 1 per domain object or one per group of related actions?

I have MVC app and when I create I start with one controller for my domain model Person. I have actions including AddPerson, DeletePerson, EditPerson, etc. Then I start adding more like AddPersonBoss and RemovePersonBoss. Pretty soon I have 20 actions in one controller. The benefit of MVC becomes less apparent because my file contains several hundred lines of code and is difficult to follow.
All examples I see show one controller per domain object such as Person. It feel like I should have a PersonManagement controller for AddPerson, DeletePerson, EditPerson and a BossManagement controller for AddPersonBoss, RemovePersonBoss.
Does this make sense? Why would I not want to break it into several controllers? Too many action in one controller becomes difficult, but all examples I see do this.
I would suggest to use both approaches, because sometimes it is a bit difficult to use only one particular approach. If controller is growing significanly then consider to split it into multiple partial classes.
that is depend on your application
i prefer to make a controller for each operation because that makes my controller code simple
but if you have a lot of operations that will lead to creating a lot of files for each
controller so then you have to make one file to group some controllers together to make the
application simpler

In MVC, how do you structure #Controllers with respect to Views, Models and Routing?

I have a question concerning the structure of an MVC application. Suppose we have to realize a web-based application composed by several modules, such as shopping cart, store browser(end-user), store manager(admin) and so on.
It is of course possible to create one controller and use the routing to submit the requests to a specific controller's action method. However this would make the code quite messy and hinder the practice to vertically structure the application, namely to identify and distinguish which views, models and controllers are involved to fulfill a specific requirement (an example is given by Phil Haack).
Another approach is to use one controller for each application section, for instance one controller made available for end-user operations, another for the store administrator, another one for queries made by the shipping department and so on. The drawback to this approach is to have too many controllers that mess up your code, too dedicated for specific tasks and so difficult to reuse.
According to this two extreme situation, what is the best way to organize your controllers and routing policies? Do you use a structured approach or it depends on the type of application you are developing?
It is of course possible to create one controller and use the routing to submit the requests to a specific controller's action method. [...]
Another approach is to use one controller for each application section, [...]
You're overlooking a third alternative, which is the most common one. In general you should have one controller per resource. A resource is a model that is publicly exposed. In your specific storefront application, the resources would be things like Products, Orders, Customers, etc.
This is typically the proper level of abstraction, because controllers usually don't need to know about models other than the resources they touch. A controller that touches more than one resource should be viewed with some skepticism, since it's violating the single-responsibility principle.
You should try to follow REST as much as possible
Basically - that means controller for each 'collection' (Your entity).
If Your controllers will be RESTful, other parts (routing, views) will fit themselves accordingly.

What are the main advantages of MVC pattern over the old fashioned 3-layer pattern

I am contemplating about using an MVC pattern in my new project and I can clearly see the main advantage of being able to put the data layer (the model) a little closer to the presentation layer (the view), which will allow a little increase in application speed. But apart from performance stand point are there any other advantages of MVC over the view-logic-data layered type pattern?
For those who's interested I just uploaded a sample PHP code that I created to test the use of MVC. I purposly omitted all the security checks to make the code a little easier to read. Please don't critisize it too much, because I know it could be a lot more refined and advanced, but nevertheless - it works!!! I will welcome questions and suggestions: Here is the link: http://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/techexpert/test_mvc.zip
The separation of concerns that's quoted as being an advantage of MVC is actually also an advance of a 3-layer/3-tier system. There too, the business logic is independent and can be used from different presentation tiers.
A main difference is that in classic MVC the model can have a reference back to the view. This means when data is updated the model can push this data back to possibly multiple views. The prime example is a desktop application where data is visualized in multiple ways. This can be as simple as a table and graph. A change in the table (which is a change in one view) is first pushed via the controller to the model, which then pushes it back to the graph (the other view). The graph then updates itself.
Since desktop development is on the decline, a lot of programmers have only come in touch with MVC in some web variant, e.g. via JSF in Java EE.
In those cases the model almost never has a reference to the view. This is because the web is mainly request/response based and after a request has been served, the server cannot send additional information. I.e. an update pushed from the model to the client would be meaningless. With reverse ajax/comet this is changing, but many web based MVC frameworks still don't fully utilize this.
Thus, in the case of web based MVC, the typical "triangle" between M, V and C is less there and that MVC variant is actually closer to an n-tier model than 'true' MVC is.
Also note that some web MVC frameworks have an intermediate plumbing part between M, V and C called a backing bean (Java/JSF) or code behind (ASP.NET). In JSF the controller is provided by the framework, and the view often doesn't bind directly to the model but uses this backing bean as an intermediary. The backing bean is very slim and basically just pre-fetches data from the model one way and translates model specific messages (e.g. exceptions) into view specific messages (e.g. some human readable text).
code reuse,
separating of concerns,
less coupling between the layers,
already mentioned by #bakoyaro and #arjan
i think that MVC is better than 3-tier when combined with the "convention over configuration" pattern. (i.e. "ruby on rails" or Microsofts "MVC for asp.net").
In my opinion this combination leads to to better and easier code maintanance.
In the first place it makes learning the mvc-framework a bit more difficuilt since you have to learn the conventions (a la controllers go into the controllers folder and must be named xxxxxcontroller)
But after you learned the conventions it is easier to maintain your own and foreign code.
Forget increasing application speed by moving to MVC. I have found the biggest benefit to be ease of code reuse. Once you move to MVC, there are no dependencies on the presentation of your data or the storage of the actual data.
For example you could write a servlet that served up .jsp pages as your presentation layer one day, and the next day write a web service as another presentation layer to your existing Model and Controller. Like wise if you want or need to switch your DBMS. Since accessing the Model is completely separate from everything else, you would just need to re-write just your data access objects to return the data in a way your Controller can handle it.
By separating concerns into 3 distinct pieces, you also facilitate true unit testing. Your Presentation layer can be tested free of the Model or Controller, and vice-a-versa.
On a side note, I've often felt that the MVC abbreviation was inaccurate. Whenever I see it I think of it as View->Controller->Model. The presentation layer will never have DAO code in it, and the model will never have presentation logic in it. The Controller is forced to act as a go-between.
Where 3-tier separates presentation from business and data access, MVC is a presentation layer pattern which further separates Model (data) from View (screen) and Controller (input).
There is no choosing MVC over 3-tier/3-layered. Use them both.

Designing router & controllers in RESTful architecture

Simple examples of controllers in a RESTful architecture suggest four actions per controller -- index, create, update, delete -- corresponding with the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. But beyond that I still find a dozen little decisions:
Do you have a different controller for resource collections (example.com/things) than you do for an individual resource (example.com/things/123)?
With individual resources, is it preferable to pass the id in as a parameter to the action, or set it as a member variable in the controller class?
How do you go about URI routing? The old tried-and-true example.com/{controller}/{action} approach kind of falls apart.
What about subordinate resources like example.com/user/123/things? Do you have to explicitly define every route for these or is there a way to write a good general rule?
Do you differentiate between API requests and browser requests, or do you channel them through the same controller and/or controller methods?
Obviously, you could go about these things a dozen different ways, but I'd really like to not have to re-invent the wheel if others have hashed through the problem. I'm looking for any advice or maybe better some good tutorials that deal with these (and other related) practical issues in designing a RESTful mvc framework.
My controllers have methods Get(), Put(), Post(), Delete(), etc. I think using the "action terms" confuses the issue.
I always create a different controller for collections and single things. To me they are very different resources and I want the HTTP methods to do different things.
Routing I do differently than most frameworks. I don't match on the entire url, but on a segment by segment basis. It is similar to the way SubResources work in JAX-RS
For services that only have a small number of distinct resources then using regex style url pattern matching is fine. I just found it started to break down once you start dealing with hundreds of resources.
