Inline Editing: How can I access the edited row or cell-data? - jqgrid

onSelectRow: function (id) {
var row = jQuery('#list').jqGrid('getRowData', lastSel)
lastSel = id;
Specified in the [Docu]: it will not give the actuall value. What can I use instead? The eventually changed data is not submited.

You posted too few code. So it's unknown how you implemented inline editing. In any way you will have the value of the editing cell as the value of the corresponding HTML control. One uses typically <input> or <select> for editing. So to get the value you need find the corresponding HTML element and get directly its value. For example you can use
$("#" + rowid + ">td:nth-child(" + (i + 1) + ")>input").val()
to get the value from the input of the cell from the i-th column or the row having id equal to rowid.
The old answer demonstrate a little other way to do the same. In any way you have to get the value of the corresponding cell directly.

function getTextFromCell(cellNode) {
return cellNode.childNodes[0].nodeName === "INPUT" ?
cellNode.childNodes[0].value :
cellNode.textContent || cellNode.innerText;
function getActualRowData(rowid) {
var row = [];
$('#' + rowid).find('td').each(function () {
return row;


JqGrid - Freeze columns

I read all the posts regarding freezing column. But still I am unable solve my problem.
When I called setFrozenColumns my column has frozen but along with another column header is added to the grid. So the column headers one more than the columns. How to resolve this. Here is my over view of code.
makeJqueryGridInstance(grid, gridSettings);
function makeFrozenColumn( grid )
var colmodel = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
if (colmodel[0].name === 'cb')
grid.jqGrid('setColProp', colmodel[0].name, { frozen: true });
function prepareSortableColumns(grid)
var gridSettings ='settings');
var gridId = gridSettings.gridId;
var columnHeaders = $("#" + "gview_" + gridId.replace("#", "")).find(".ui-jqgrid-htable > thead > tr > th");
var colModel = grid[0].p.colModel;
$.each(columnHeaders, function (index, columnHeader)
if (colModel[index].sortable == false)
For the first time, it is working fine and the column has frozen.
But second time when the call made to prepareSortableColumns(grid), the columnHeader having one more than colModel (I debugged through devTools). So I am getting error for that particular columnHeader sortable is undefined.
Can anybody help me with this. Thanks in advance.
The code of prepareSortableColumns seems be wrong. Its not oriented on dives added in case of usage of frozen columns (see the answer for more details and use Developer Tools to examine the structure of the grids). You can try to use grid[0].grid.headers array instead of selecting columnHeaders in the way like you do this.
Additionally it's in general wrong to remove ui-jqgrid-sortable class. The meaning of the class will be frequently misunderstood because of the name. Non-sortable columns have to have the class too. What you need to do instead is to set CSS style cursor: default on the headers. See the old answer for the corresponding code example.

How to dynamically update other row fields in a KendoUI grid?

In my KendoUI datasource, I have the following defined:
change: function (e) {
if (e.action === "itemchange") {
// auto-format Display As
var geoDisplay, geoUrl;
if (e.items[0].GeoState.length > 0) {
geoDisplay = e.items[0].GeoCity + ", " + e.items[0].GeoState;
} else {
geoDisplay = e.items[0].GeoCity;
//this.dataItem( = geoDisplay;
e.items[0].GeoCity = "updated: " + e.items[0].GeoCity; // visually updates if editing this field
e.items[0].GeoDisplay = geoDisplay; // field is not updated
console.log("change: " + e.action);
// do something else with e
Essentially I want to update other fields on a row being edited based on a field's input.
In this example, GeoCity is updated. The itemchange event is fired and only the GeoCity field gets updated with the new value. However I can see from the data that the other fields' data have been updated.
I have tried doing a .sync() and a few other methods to get this to appear, but no luck so far.
Incidentally, my grid is defined within an AngularJS directive and it's onEdit event isn't what I'm looking for, as I want the events that fire when each field is updated, not the whole row.
How can I get the other fields to visually update?
I managed to solve the issue by placing the following code in the data source code:
change: function (e) {
if (e.action === "itemchange") {
// auto-format Display As
var thisRow = $("#accountGeoLocationEditorGrid tbody").find(".k-grid-edit-row");
// update geo display
if (e.field === "GeoCity" || e.field === "GeoState") {
var geoDisplay, geoUrl;
if (e.items[0].GeoState.length > 0) {
geoDisplay = e.items[0].GeoCity + ", " + e.items[0].GeoState;
} else {
geoDisplay = e.items[0].GeoCity;
if (e.items[0].GeoDisplay.length == 0) {
e.items[0].GeoDisplay = geoDisplay;
I was really looking for another way to do this, as I don't really want to be doing DOM lookup, etc in a defined datasource.
Other suggestions welcome.
Did you try the grid refresh() method? At the end of your changes in the change event, call this line (with your grid's correct id):
I've tested this on my grid and kendo's samples and it works fine like this. You are editing the datasource but the grid is not aware of the extra changes you have done, except the cell that was edited. Calling refresh will update all the cells on the grid to reflect the datasource.

How to get the the current number of row using mouseover in JQgrid?

I want to get the number of row by mouseover. This is my code :
gridComplete: function() {
var myGrid = $('#list2'),
x = myGrid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'reccount');
//here I get the total number of rows in jqgrid
$('#list2 #popupData').mouseover(function(e) {
//here I dont know what to write and i how to get the current row number, not the ID
This will work, in general, though i imagine it would not behave well with paging enabled.
alert("Row [" + rowid + "] is row number [" + $("#" + rowid)[0].rowIndex + "]");
return false;
But the exact code would depend on what #popupData is. are you trying to find the row number of the selected row ?
UPDATE: per discussion in comments, this is how it can be handled , changing the alert for whatever display mechanism you want
$("#popupdata").mouseover(function() {
alert( $(this).parents('tr')[0].rowIndex);

How to sum the Row data while selecting the Checkbox in the JQGrid

while selecting the checkbox in the jqgrid i need to sum the values of row data in jqgrid and i need to display those data in the footer of the jqgrid.Please help me out how to achieve that.
Thanks in Advance,
You can use footerData method. See here and here for details and demo examples.
I got the answer ,i solved that issue.
The Answer is.
onSelectRow: function(rowId)
{ handleSelectedRow(rowId); },
function handleSelectedRow(id) {
var jqgcell = jQuery('#list1').getCell(id, 'headerId');
var amount = jQuery('#list1').getCell(id, 'amount');
var cbIsChecked = (jQuery("#jqg_list1_"+jqgcell).attr('checked'));
totalAmt = parseInt(totalAmt) + parseInt(amount);
totalAmt = parseInt(totalAmt) - parseInt(amount);
myGrid.jqGrid('footerData','set',{needbydate:'Total Amount:',amount:totalAmt});
The above function is used to get the values of the selected row by clicking the checkbox you will get the value from that by calling the external function like "handleSelectedRow" you pass your row object from that you do your operation and finally update your answer by using the jqGrid function like "myGrid.jqGrid('footerData','set',{needbydate:'Total Amount:',amount:totalAmt}); "
It will update in your footer.

JQGrid setCell customFormatter

I'm using setCell to set the value of a cell. The problem is it is still calling the customFormatter specified for the column. Is there anyway I can set the value of this cell without it having to go through the customFormatter?
First of all the custom formatter will be used on every grid refresh, so to set the cell value you have to do this after the custom formatter. The best place to do this is inside of loadComplete or gridComplete event handler.
To set the cell value you can use jQuery.text for example. So you should get jQuery object which represent the cell (<td> element) and then use jQuery.text or jQuery.html to change the cell contain. How I understand you, you knows the rowid of the cell and the column name which you want to change. The following code could be:
loadComplete: function() {
var rowid = '2', colName = 'ship_via', tr,
cm = this.p.colModel, iCol = 0, cCol = cm.length;
for (; iCol<cCol; iCol++) {
if (cm[iCol].name === colName) {
// the column found
tr = this.rows.namedItem(rowid);
if (tr) {
// if the row with the rowid there are on the page
$(tr.cells[iCol]).text('Bla Bla');
See the corresponding demo here.
