How can I get the remote windows login from a JSF? - spring

I want to retrieve the Windows login of my users when they run my JSF script. The goal is to avoid asking my user a login information, just want get the Windows login throw the request.
I try this How to obtain request headers, remote address and other HttpServletRequest-specific information? but I always get a null String with externalContext.getRemoteUser().
Does it mean that the web browser doesn't send the remote user information? Must I change the configuration of my browser? Is it possible to get this information?

Spring security kerberos plugin will pull this off quite nicely, but you'll be taking the spring framework on as a dependency. I'm also assuming here that you're running a managed security enterprise where your users authenticate against a domain.
What you want to achieve cannot be done by pure Java EE spec (someone prove otherwise). The purpose of the getRemoteUser method is to retrieve the username of the authenticated user who has been authenticated either by the Webapp container or third party web auth framework. See spec here
See this answer for more insight


How to log in to arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for auth?

I work for a large company (50K+). Some orgs within the company use OKTA for auth on their servers.
I have a valid user login (via OKTA) for the servers, and can log in through a browser without any issues, but want to access this site programatically.
How can I log into these websites using my OKTA credentials?
I've found this doc:
that details how to use an OKTA endpoint, but it requires some info that I do not have. Namely, nonce, state, and client_id. I have no clue how to get this info.
I've found another endpoint that allows a similar login method, but only requires username and password (I forget the doc that referenced this):
I am able to successfully authenticate with OKTA using this endpoint, and receive a session_token. Can I take this session_token and apply it to my arbitrary webpage somehow? I can not find any documentation that says so.
At first glance it appears that many of the API endpoints for OKTA require intimate knowledge of the hosted application (and/or are not meant to be accessed programmatically).
Is it possible to log into an arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for authentication, with only knowledge that an end user would have (username/password/optional MFA)?
Hi not sure you found the answer yet. from your descriptions i think yours is web app, which is supposed to use authentication code flow. else, you can ask your web developers what authentication flow they use and follow the auth process accordingly.
you need to retrieve id token & access token for authentication.

Okta sign-in widget with PHP does not work

I was trying to setup OAuth workflow using the sample application as given here
However for some reason, after I enter my okta user Id and password, I never gets the control back on my call-back URL and application just hangs indefinitely.
However the normal Javascript Singn-in widget (check this link) with the minimal authentication does work and I get the control back to the redirect URL. But this is not for an OAuth2 workflow... which is completely useless for me. Because all it does is provide authentication service using Okta tenant app and it will redirect you to your App URL. This does not provide any authorization grant workflow or other OAuth2 complex workflow. May be useful for some application but not for enterprise app where you want to retrieve user profiles, and create a login session based on user profile data retrieved from OKTA.
So my question is why is the OAuth workflow not working using the PHP application that uses JS sign-in-widget? And why there are no instructions or warning on this page for this costly service (this is not free and many org is probably paying for this)?
I spent almost a day trying to setup my Authorization server as per the instruction given on this link, but nothing works. Any idea what must be going wrong ?
Does this entire example works only after contacting OKTA support to enable the Authorization server feature? Because, I also saw a documentation here that says that this is Early Access (EA) feature (and it is probably recently added in OKTA? Extremely frustrating experience).
BTW I sent email to their customer support to enable this Authorization server feature just in case if I am missing something. If this does not work then I will have to create my own OAuth2 server using Laravel 5.4 PHP framework, which is probably the quickest solution and 100% free.
I also tried to test the Authorization server setup as per the instructions provided here.
I was successful in getting the following end point working:
But I am unable to get any scope and claims using api end-point:
So in short, I am so far unable to test my Authorization server to get my authorization grant workflow working.
Where can I look for some troubleshooting advice?
Is there another way to check whether I have configured my OKTA Authorization server properly?
I found out that the JS script provided for the PHP sample is not right for the workflow I am working on. So after changing that JS Script, things started to work.
Edit: Also please note that Setting up Authorization server is a new feature (It is Early Access feature) in OKTA. It is not enabled by default. So you need to contact OKTA support team to enable the Authorization service endpoint and functionality provided by it.

Single Sign On : Get user name pc before authentication on Identity Provider

Well, I am new in security (SSO, SAML, etc).
The scenario We have a Web Application , we want to catch user name (for example windows user) before it has been sent to be authenticated with the Identity Provider (in this case Active Directory) to send this information to another Component which takes this information and send to ActiveDirectory. (This component is like a bridge)
Is this possible? and if the answer is yes. Do you think that we can make an API to integrate to any web application to handle this scenario and get the userName?.
We use Spring, Tomcat. (And we have not decided which tecnology use maybe SAML, Kerberos, etc).

how to prevent Error messages on the site can be controlled by the user. (Spring web application)

we have a spring web application and have a domain name such
But on the application the server status can be configured by the user if the site is down.
For example: If we hit the application is a test message.
This message gets published on the browser.This can help attackers to send malicious messages to the user.
I have tried various alternative but unable to stop it.Please help in this regard.Thanks in advance,
It's hard to understand what you are trying to achieve, but if I understood it clearly, you can use Spring Security to prevent not logged (or even without admin role) users to send requests to
For tutorials how to implement Spring Security look for example here:

SSO on Maintaining session in 2 different servers

Sorry if this is a bit long. Got a requirement to integrate our application with client's main portal site. The portal is maintained with a SAML 2.0 SSO features and as such, we'll need to integrate our login using SAML 2.0 as well.
The integration is done via an iframe, i.e. on the main portal, an iframe with the url pointing to our application. When user is logged in and click on a menu link, he/she will be presented with the iframe page, with our session checking with their IDP to make sure they are valid users. If so, then our application will continue to load as per usual.
The issue is that we'll need to maintain our session on our servers, while they shall maintain the session on their app server. If the user stayed on our site for a while, the session on the client main portal will timeout. And when the user click on the main portal link, they will be required to log in again.
It is suggested that when the user tries to navigate to the main portal pages, it will call a service (for now assuming it's an IDP) on our end to check whether the user session is valid or not. If it is, then we need to return a SAML response to them to validate the user.
We're exploring setting up an IDP service at our end to facilitates this, but it seems to be overkill to me. Is there a way for an IDP to only provides check on a user's session? Or is there a better option for us to achieve this?
Things that could not be changed:
1. SSO language: SAML 2.0
2. Server: Weblogic 10+
3. HTTPS a must.
Appreciate any suggestion or feedback.
Based on the provided information, I assume your application runs on WebLogic 10+. If the remote server too uses WebLogic you might be able to just implement the SAML authentication between the WebLogic federation. This will simplify everything and you don't need to do complicated application customization.
If the remote site does implement SAML and not on WebLogic, you still should be able to implement SAML authentication through the WebLogic configuration. This is straightforward and can be done without much hassle.
However, please be reminded that WebLogic 10+ does not support SAML SSO logout. Therefore, this needs to be handled separately.
