Ruby on Rails reporting tools? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a report generation tool in ruby or rails which allows the user to define a template, then fetch data into the created template.
I have been looking through "The Ruby Box: reporting section."
There are two reporting tools I have looked at:
Thin Reports: It is really good. You can create your own report template with the template editor. Then you can produce PDF reports using thinreports gems.
ODF Report: You can create a template ODF file using Open Office and MS Word, and you can use that template to generate the report.
Both of these solutions lack the ability to draw charts. Does anyone know of similar reporting tools that can draw charts within a given report?
I have tried the RTF Ruby Library. It works, but shares the limitation that it cannot draw charts and graphs.
The minimum requirements are:
Able to create customizable templates. (e.g. design layout, set font size, color, embed images etc.)
Able to draw tables and charts.
Template could be in Docx or excel or xml or any other common file format.
Report output report must be in Docx or RTF format.

The axlsx gem is relatively new but seems like a good library. I haven't seen it used for anything more than simple tables yet, but it supposedly supports a lot of other Office Open XML components and features.
From the README:
With Axlsx you can create excel worksheets with charts, images (with links), automated and fixed column widths, customized styles, functions, tables, conditional formatting, print options, comments, merged cells, auto filters, file and stream serialization as well as full schema validation.
If you are using ActiveRecord, there is also acts_as_axlsx from the same author.

Here is an example I found that uses googlecharts api to produce charts for Thinreports:
Embed Graph using GoogleChartAPI
I have not used it though myself.

You can use the Pentaho reporting tool for your purpose. Pentaho Reporting is a suite of open-source reporting tools which allows you to create relational and analytical reports from a wide range of data-sources. The Pentaho Reporting Engine is able to create PDF, Excel, HTML, Text, Rich-Text-File and XML and CSV outputs of your data.


Laravel gettext or native localization? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to ask what and why would be the preferred tool for localizing Laravel projects? I have already used a gettext plugin and it worked well. I like using POedit which allows translators using it without programming skills. Plus, the translation hints are cool, too.
Is there any good reason for using Laravel native localization? Or, are there any cons of using gettext?
Why not both: GetText and native localization?
Using GetText with source text is great for developers to work quickly and efficiently on new features without having to "make up" keys, switching files, maintaining consistency between keys and source text etc. Also, using GetText makes it easier to check if everything is translated and you don't need to worry if some keys/values are obsolete.
Using PHP trans() with keys/values is great for copywriting. It's easy for the marketing team or CEO to change the text for all languages (included the source language) without changing the code.
For these reasons, we created that allows you to use both syntaxes at the same time (and we suggest to only use PHP key/value when the source text needs to be editable through the translation interface).
The package is here is you need more technical info:
The native localization method is described in the Laravel documentation. You basically maintain language files for all languages you want to translate to. To pull them out of the file, you use trans(), trans_choice() (for plural) or __() helpers in Blade template.
Thats the most basic translation handling. At one level higher you might want save all translations to the database. There exists a few packages on Github which doing this. Like:
and more. Just search for Laravel Translation.
This method only works as long as you use Blade for the frontend. If you use VueJs, Angular or React, the blade helpers won't work anymore and you have to find different ways how to handle this. This might depend on existent language handling of the aforementioned frontend framework.
I wrote an blog article about that topic.
#Peter Matisko, can you give us a little update on how did you decide, which one are you preferring to use?
Personally I tried quite a couple of different translation libraries, but gettext is still first choice for me:
extract all the translations from code and generate translation files (*.po)
translations editor that runs on Mac, Windows and Unix (Poedit initial release ~20 years ago)
translating plural forms

OpenERP basic reports

OpenERP is one of the best ERP applications I ever used.
I found that almost everything must be built from the beginning to meet the specific needs for each one including the analysis reports, but there are some basic packages already built.
Since I am new to OpenERP functionality and still haven't learned how to create reports in OpenERP, I need to know if there is any addons/extra module that provides me some basic and ready to print reports and listings for the several modules. This reports and listings will help me to better understand and learn the functional part of the application and will allow me on a future to better understand how to build reports and listings in OpenERP.
If anyone can provide me a link or repository with such information I will be greatfull.
Thank you very much
Paulo Matos
There are various ways of creating reports with openerp. They are (i've prioritized)
Webkit (for html,web designers - this will be a great utility)
OpenOffice (for any office person with minimal technical skills)
RML (Strictly for programmers :))
Jasper Report (good for people with java-reporting base)
Aeroo (Rich functionality of exporting to excel,word etc, still i am not comfortable in aeroo with openerp 7)
Pentaho Report Designer (A reporting tool from pentaho )
These links will help you in understanding better, setup environment and learn from the sample modules and reports. However you need to design what u need with one of the reporting type.
What's the best way to create a report on OpenERP
Google more. You'll get everything u need. Good Luck!!
Reporting from Odoo / OpenERP can be very frustrating at times. We have found over the years that no single solution is great for every need.
The built in reporting mechanisms mentioned in the first answer (rml / openoffice) have been somewhat deprecated and replaced with qweb reporting which renders similarly in HTML or PDF. They can be difficult to get fine-grained control and alignment, a lot of work to achieve non-regular reporting structures and cross tab reports, but are fast and easy to use for straightforward "document" type reports (such as orders / invoices).
I cannot comment on Jasper or Aeroo, as I have not used them.
Using Pentaho Reports for Odoo can be great because they are primarily reporting engines. They can do wonderful things with data, present them in great ways.
One upside with this connector is its ability to access Data using the object layer, or SQL, or both in one report if necessary (using sub-reports for example), as well as custom methods!
One downside we have found with Pentaho Reporting is that as the code base changes for OpenERP/Odoo, the connector changes, and configuration has to be continually re-vesited.
The latest version supports Odoo version 8 and version 5.4 of Pentaho reporting engine.

Generate a business letter for 100+ leads using wkhtmltopdf

We need to print Business Letter for a given list with mail merge facilities.
My client is not willing to spend $$ on a paid ASP.NET control to make PDF. So I opted in for WKHTMLtoPDF and it works fine for us until one day the client tried to get a PDF of 100+ leads, resulting in complete failure of PDF generation. It works just fine with a 10-20 page PDF, but not for 100.
Are there any tips & tricks to improve performance? We are using Cloud-hosted IIS 7 with ASP.NET 4 if that matters.
PDFSharp library is really a nice one!
I have used it for quite a while now, and I find it flexible enough to fulfill your needs.
However there are some aspects of using it as a "standalone library" - e.g creating tables is a headache and there aren't much text formatting options. It is much better to mix it together with MigraDoc (an extension library for PDFSharp).
If you're looking for a really free (as in "free of worries") library, choose iTextPDF versions prior to version 4.1.7, as they state in the ByteScout blog.
From the ByteScout blog:
iTextSharp 4.1.6 DLL only:
iTextSharp 4.1.6 Source Code (C#):
I'm not sure I understand your problem but couldn't you generate docx documents and get the same results?
For all, I use to create HTML to PDF, my ASP.NET code generate the HtML file then I create HTML to PDF and it is done, much easier than using itextpdf's Table and td structure to get things in better space. I found it easy and fast once you get your stuff aligned properly.
library has improved since original question asked and it performs better now.
here is good tutorial

Generate code documentation to a MS Word file [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to generate code documentation (C#, .net4) to MS Word file (.doc, .docx). This is not because I think it is better, but because it is easier to version control when compared to a set of HTML docs.
I am looking into the possibility and practicality of this and weighing the options.
I see doxygen can produce RTF documents. There is nothing wrong with doxygen, I just want to know if there is anything else out there (paid or not) to make sure I have weighed a few different options.
Edit: Just in case it isn't clear, I would like to create documentation of the summery comments in my C# code. Visual Studio exports this to XML already. Tools like doxygen inspects the code files them self. I want to convert these comments to Word docs.
You can try our VSdocman. It can generate various formats, including RTF, of the summary XML comments.
The code documentation is XML, right? This fellow says that you can open an XML document in Word by choosing "open with transform" from the Open dialog box. Apparently that prompts to you provide information that is then used to generate an XSLT. It seems like you could use this as the basis for your own XSLT if you want to persist it?
This detailed article about XML comments in Visual Studio also suggests using XSLT to display the XML on a web page. So, you could just as well import that XML into your Word document
SoftArtisan's OfficeWriter can programmatically create .doc and .docx files via a .NET API. It's pretty rad, check it out.
DISCLAIMER: I'm one of the engineers who built the latest version.
I would like to generate code documentation (C#, .net4) to MS Word file (.doc, .docx). This is not because I think it is better, but because it is easier to version control when compared to a set of HTML docs.
You should generate the documentation in whatever format you think is most helpful for users of your software.
Your code is presumably in version control. You can generate the XML with the API help directly from the code, and you can generate the help file itself (with whatever tool, in whatever format) from this XML. These output files don't necessarily need to be in version control at all.

Powerful tool to generate documentation (exact requirements included) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Short version
We need a Maven Doxia alternative being able to generate good looking PDFs (at least code snippets should be properly indented and have configurable font size). Maven guys proposed maven-pdf-plugin in DOXIA-419, but it has same problems. Aforementioned DOXIA-419 has details on difficulties we've experienced with Doxia.
Detailed version
We develop a BIG product providing Java/C/C++/C#/etc API. Tens of client-customized branches are maintained/developed simultaneously.
We need a tool to facilitate automatic document generation meeting these requirements:
Include arbitrary snippets from Java/XML/etc samples.
Confluence Snippet Plugin is a good example of this feature.
Generate good looking printable documents (e.g. PDF).
Generate online documents having clickable cross-references etc (e.g. HTML).
Unattended mode (e.g. should be easy to run document generation process from Ant script).
Documentation source content (from which PDFs/etc are later generated) should be kept in a human-readable easy-to-diff format.
Documentation source content should be kept in separate files (not Java sources).
Support (Java/xml/etc) syntax highlighting.
8. Windows OS compatibility.
My open source project Dexy might work for you. It's an authoring tool rather than an automatic document-generation tool, so it's not like JavaDoc which creates a whole structure automatically. Source code and document content are kept separate, syntax highlighting support is very good, document snippets are available. I use LaTeX for good looking printable documents, but you could use any other text-based format that compiled to PDF if you preferred that. Re the clickable cross references, you'd have to write HTML templates which could then be populated automatically (I'm doing so now, replacing JavaDoc on a project). You can also run live code examples and include this output in your documentation.
