Setting a hyperlink text color in axlsx - ruby

I'm trying to set the foreground color of text in a hyperlink cell but it doesn't seem to work.
Using something like: sheet["A1"].color = "0000FF" works fine for a normal cell, but not for a hyperlinked cell
This code simply creates a link to cell D1 on the "Log" sheet (which works fine) but A1 never turns blue!
sheet.add_hyperlink :location => "'Log'!D1", :target => :sheet, :ref => "A1"
sheet["A1"].color = "0000FF"

There are two important things to do before applying a color to a link:
You have to define the color within a style, and
You have to know the exact address of the cell in question.
Styles are normally applied to rows, but in this case you want to apply it to a specific cell. This is possible, but you need to address the cell directly through the Sheet Object. Also, and somewhat counter intuitively, the 'add_hyperlink' method is available to the Sheet object, not the Cell. So beware of that as well.
Here is an example of how to apply a style to a cell containing a link:
p =
p.workbook do |wb|
wb.styles do |s|
blue_link = s.add_style :fg_color => '0000FF'
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "Anchor Link Test") do |sheet|
sheet.add_row ['Title', 'Link']
# Define the row here, we will use that later
row = sheet.add_row ['Google', 'Click to go']
# Add the hyperlink by addressing the column you have used and add 1 to the row's index value.
sheet.add_hyperlink :location => "", :ref => "B#{row.index + 1}"
sheet["B#{row.index + 1}"].style = blue_link
s = p.to_stream()"anchor_link_test.xlsx", 'w') { |f| f.write( }
Final note: You might note that I have written this spreadsheet using the methods
s = p.to_stream()"anchor_link_test.xlsx", 'w') { |f| f.write( }
There is evidence presented on the Axlsx Github Issues Page which shows that this means of writing out the file is significantly faster than
Just thought that deserved mention somewhere on StackOverflow!

This seems to work:
require 'axlsx'
p =
ws = p.workbook.add_worksheet
ws.add_row ['hoge-hoge']
ws['A1'].color = '0000FF'
ws.add_hyperlink :location => 'F6', :target => :sheet, :ref => 'A1'
p.serialize 'where_is_my_color.xlsx'
Can you post a larger example of your code that does not set the color?

Apparently Axlsx is only applying custom styles to String data types. Fixed this by setting each column to type :string like this:
Sheet.add_row [ "1", "2", "3" ], :types => [:string, :string, :string]
Thanks Randy!


Watir method (or monkey-patch) to select span (or other) tags with custom ("data-*") attribute values equaling a string value (or matching a regex)

So this is ruby right, and while I do have a solution already, which I'll show below, its not tight. Feels like I'm using ahem "C++ iterators", if you will. Too many lines of code. Not like ruby.
Anyway, I'm wondering if there is classier way to do this:
b =
b.goto "" #not real website url:)
# desired urls in list are immediately located within <span> tags with a "class" of
#"name" plus a custom html attribute attribute of "data-bind" = "name: $data". that's it
# unless I wanted to use child-selectors which I'm not very good at
allrows = b.spans(:class => "name") do |x, i|
[0, x.attribute_value("data-bind")]
real_row_ids ={|i, databind| databind == "name: $data" }.map(&:first) #now I have all correct span ids
spans = {|id| b.spans(:class => "name")[id] }
Now that's a little messy in my opinion. But it leaves artifacts so I can debug and go back and stuff.
I could use this command to just grab a just the spans
spans = b.spans(:class => "name").map do |span|
[span, span.attribute_value("data-bind")] {|span, databind| databind == "name: $data"}.map(&:first)
but that still feels messy having no artifacts to show for it to use for later when trying to isolate other html tags nearby the span.
I'm hoping there is something like this pseudo code for watir:
b.spans(:class => "name").with_custom_attributes(:key => "data-bind", :value => "name: $data")
that's what I'd really like to do. superman-patching this custom method onto Watir within a rails initializer would be the optimal solution second to it already existing within Watir!
Watir already supports using data attributes for locators. You simply need to replace the dashes with underscores.
For example:
b.spans(:class => 'name', :data_bind => "name: $data")
Would match elements like:
<span class="name" data-bind="name: $data">
Similarly, you can use a regex when matching the data attribute:
b.spans(:class => 'name', :data_bind => /name/)

Understanding Tk Listbox in ruby

I'm trying to make a small program to mung some data into usable form. One thing I'd like it to do is to be able to select some files and perform actions on them, so I thought i'd use the listbox object in Tk to do that. I want to be able to open a file and see its filename displayed in the listbox. As far as I've read this is precisely what using listvariable in the listbox is for. Yet when I run my code the listbox is never updated (although items already in the listvariable variable are displayed fine).
So here's a close to MWE for this. What am I doing wrong, and what fundamental idea have I misunderstood?
require 'tk'
require 'tkextlib/tile'
$path_list = []
$populate_list = $path_list )
def get_file
file = Tk.getOpenFile
file = open(file) unless file.empty?
path = File.basename(file, ".out")
if $path_list.include?(path)
'type' => "ok",
'icon' => "warning",
'title' => " - Minimum Working Example - ",
'message' => "This file has already been added! Nothing was added to the list"
root = {title "- Minimum Working Example -"}
frame = {padding "3 3 12 12"}.grid( :sticky => 'nsew') # 'north south east west'
TkGrid.columnconfigure root, 0, :weight => 1; TkGrid.rowconfigure root, 0, :weight => 1
$file_listbox = {
listvariable $populate_list}.grid( :column => 1, :row => 0, :rowspan => 6) {
width 15; text 'Open file...'; command {get_file}}.grid( :column => 0, :row => 1)
Do I maybe have to write it in some other order?
Just add one line of code:
$populate_list.value = $path_list
under this one:
It works for me, although looks weird.
TkVariable create a proxy for you ruby variable, thus bridge your ruby var references with Tk widgets. But i don't know why changes in proxy var don't affect the var it points to. I'm not sure whether it should do that automatically.

Formatting a cell as Text using the axlsx spreadsheet ruby gem?

I'm using the axlsx ruby gem to create Excel-compatible .xlsx files. I can't figure out how to override the cell type that is generated by it's automatic type detection. For Active Record model attributes of type string the gem is setting the Excel cell format to General, but I want it to use Text explicitly. That way I can avoid stripping leading zeros off of zip codes, etc.
Anybody know how to accomplish this?
You can override the type of data using the types option on add row.
Something like:
worksheet.add_row ['0012342'], :types => [:string]
Grab me on irc (JST) if you need any help getting that to work.
edit --
I've added an example for this to examples/example.rb in the repo.
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "Override Data Type") do |sheet|
sheet.add_row ['dont eat my zeros!', '0088'] , :types => [nil, :string]
format_code: '#' will work for you. Please find below code for reference.
def default_data_type_as_string
#xlsx_package =
#workbook = #xlsx_package.workbook
#worksheet = #workbook.add_worksheet(:name => "Introduction")
default_style = #workbook.styles.add_style({ format_code: '#' })
row_data_array = ['1', '2%', '3$']
#worksheet.add_row row_data_array, :style => [nil, default_style, nil]
For gem versions gem 'axlsx', '2.1.0.pre', gem 'axlsx_rails' in order to have the file columns in text type should specify both style and type
default_style = worksheet.styles.add_style({ format_code: '#' })
worksheet.add_row ['0012687'], :types => [:string], :style => [default_style]

Does a Markdown parser exist that can also generate Markdown in Ruby?

I want to parse a Markdown document so I get a tree structure that I am able to manipulate. Afterwards I want the output to be Markdown again.
# This is a title
And a short paragraph...
m = SomeLib.parse("# This is a tit...")
m.insert(1, "Here is a new paragraph") # or something simmilar
Should become
# This is a title
Here is a new paragraph
And a short paragraph...
As I want to heavily change the document I do not want to use REGEX or simillar techniques.
I looked into Maruku and BlueCloth but somehow I cannot generate Markdown again.
Probably not out of the box, but using redcarpet you could write a custom renderer to build your tree and then manipulate it.
Though beware in this case you can't reuse the Markdown and Renderer instance and all methods in the custom Renderer subclass are supposed to return a string. Something like this could be a starting point:
class StackRenderer < Redcarpet::Render::Base
attr_reader :items
def initialize
#items = []
def header(title, level)
items << { :text => title, :level => level, :type => :header }
"#{'#' * level} #{title}\n\n"
def paragraph(text)
items << { :text => text, :type => :paragraph }
# example...
sr =
md =
text = <<-EOF
# This is a title
And a short paragraph...
md.render(text) # => "# This is a title\n\nAnd a short paragraph...\n\n"
sr.items # => [{:type=>:header, :level=>1, :text=>"This is a title"},
# {:type=>:paragraph, :text=>"And a short paragraph..."}]

How can I format a specific cell using the Ruby Spreadsheet library?

Formatting a column or row seems to be no problem. I've poked around the documentation a bunch, did some searches, and looked through the "methods" result on some spreadsheet objects and I can't figure out how to format a specific cell. Has anyone done this?
The Spreadsheet library is here:
Use set_format method:
require 'spreadsheet'
book =
sheet1 = book.create_worksheet
format = :color => :blue,
:weight => :bold,
:size => 18
row = sheet1.row(0)
row[0] = 'test0'
row[1] = 'test1'
row.set_format(0, format) # set format for the first cell
book.write 'C:\\test.xls'
