iframe with # in the src attribute not loading in Firefox - firefox

The below iframe will display in every browser except Firefox. Any insight as to why?
<iframe src="http://sitename.com/directory/#pagename/"></iframe>

The issue was with firefox doing either some url decoding or looking at window.location.hash rather than window.location.href. The hash in the url was stubbing part of url needed to load the iframe properly.
Changing the src attribute to http://sitename.com/directory#pagename/ solved the problem.


URL is not loading with iframe

Our webpage is entirely placed under iframe, each page is set under a common iframe.My issue is once after login,when i navigate to any page through url either through irb or script, the url get passed to the browser but it is failed to display the concern page.
Do we have any open issue specific to iframe + Watir? Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.

FireFox blocks iframe and doesn't show, while this iframe is a same domain address

I'm now working on a iframe issue but I can't find the problem. I have a iframe in my page and this iframe is point to another page but in same domain. I use angularJS as my framework and using angular router.
My page link is like this: https://xxxx:8443/ctx/#/mypage While the iframe src=/ctx/#/iframepage
This works fine in Chrome and IE edge. But the iframe does not load any resource in Firefox. I inspected the element and find only a blank page is under this iframe :
But when I changed the iframe src to like google.com, the iframe is worked.
By the way I used a self signed Certificate to test https service. this certificate is not trusted.
I don't know why the iframe is not worked, Can anyone helps me?
# is a reserved character in a URI.
You need to encode it to %23.
Chrome and Edge are wrong, they should consider your iframe's src as "/ctx/index.html#%2Fiframepage",
where index.html is whatever your server sends as default page name, with "%2Fiframepage" considered as a fragment identifier.
so your final src would be

Getting URL with javascript

Because of an HTTP_REFERER issue I need to make a url pass from an https site to http.
I have this bit of javascript but it is not working.
Save this page as PDF
Can I also find out how I would append the current site using javascript their api url?
Any advice?
Need to block the initial anchor tag event.
Save this page as PDF
I would use either javascript or the href attribute, not both. I don't see how they would work well together.
You can use .preventDefault() as noted, but why put the href attribute there in the first place?
Is this what you're looking for? It should work on both http or https sites.
<a onclick="window.open('http://api.htm2pdf.co.uk/urltopdf?apikey=yourapikey&url=' + window.location.href, '_blank', 'location=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');">Save as PDF</a>

Embed iframe cross domain

I need to have an iframe script which I can give to my different clients, so that they can embed it in their sites. Just like Youtube or facebook does.
But it does not get rendered due to cross domain restrictions.
I have gone through every documentation for x - frame options , crossDomain ajax call.
The problem with crossDomain ajax call is that I have only JSONP to work with.
I have tried this - just go to any youtube video and get its Embed code. Its a plain iframe script e.g. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7N5OhNplEd4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you inject the above script in your html, it will get rendered , but as soon as you edit the src of the iframe to youtube.com itself , it will go blank.
Facebook's iframe too gets rendered everywhere smoothly.
I am hell tortured by this thing.
Please guide me on this. Thanks in advance!
IF you look at the response headers from youtube.com it is returning "X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN" so they are adding the header on the server to stop people from displaying youtube (website pages) via a iframe.

Colorbox is not loading ajax content

Read Chain
When I click the Read Chain it runs the ajax and loads the colorbox, but the colorbox is blank! I can confirm that ajax is running and pulling the correct content via firebug. It's just not populating the generated ajax content into the colorbox. I've confirmed via firebug that colorbox is blank.
I've tried it in Firefox and Chrome
It's got to be the URL; your code works fine. Proof: http://jsfiddle.net/HP8tN/
I think there are two main possibilities:
There's no filename, so maybe Colorbox doesn't know what content type to use. Or maybe the URL is wrong, or the target has the wrong content type. I think this is the most likely option. Try $(".ReadChainDL").colorbox({photo: true}); if it's a photo. Otherwise, check out the Content Type section in the documentation.
Colorbox is supposed to figure out whether you've passed it a URL or a jQuery-style XPath selector. The 10/12/2012 could be messing up whatever logic it uses to recognize a URL. This seems unlikely, since you've confirmed that something is coming back, but it's worth a try. Try 10%2F12%2F2012 instead.
Can you post the content that is being returned by the ajax call? jQuery may not be able to append it to your document if there are issues with it being invalid or malformed.
Try validating your content.
