Traveling Saleperson Variation, Plotting a travel itinery - algorithm

Im looking for the name of a problem and an algortihm for its solution.
I have a graph of connected nodes (A..Z) where every node is connected to every other node. I would like to plot the shortest path through these nodes that visits a given subset of nodes (A,D,K,W). The path may include nodes not in the subset ie A->C->W->D->K is acceptable. The cost of traveling between nodes is non negative, but not necessarily linear. Thus a path segment from A->B->C may be 'shorter' than A->C
I assume it is a variation of Traveling salesperson.

I don't know if there is a special name for this problem, but it is easily reduced to the original traveling salesman problem for the selected nodes.
Let the set of all nodes be V and the selected ones W. I would start by collapsing the nodes not in the W to get a multigraph (like a graph, but can have multiple edges between the same pair of nodes). Each edge here may be a simple one or a sequence of edges and nodes from V\W. To reduce it to a regular graph, we have only to pick the shortest of the edges available for each pair of nodes, since any other would clearly not be a part of the answer. Now we have to solve the resulting traveling salesman problem for the reduced graph and then reconstruct the corresponding path in the original graph -- we have written down the actual path in the original graph each edge in the reduced graph corresponds to.


Is there a graph algorithm to find shortest path between nodes, incorporating nodes to avoid?

Let's say I have a graph with nodes that represent locations. Starting at some node N, I want to reach another node M via the shortest path possible. The catch is that there some nodes I want to avoid, staying some distance from them (say at least D nodes away).
Is there a graph algorithm that can solve the shortest path problem with the node avoidance requirement? Would a weighted graph (with infinite length edges emanating from the to-be-avoided nodes) be a solution here?
Temporarily eliminate the nodes you must avoid and those near them or change the weights of the appropriate edges to infinity. Then use any standard path-finding algorithm.

Find the shortest path between a given source and a set of destinations

You are given a weighted connected graph (20 nodes) with all edges having positive weight. We have a robot that starts at point A and it must pass at points B, D and E for example. The idea is to find the shortest path that connects all these 4 points. The robot also has a limited battery, but it can be recharged in some points.
After researching on the internet I have two algorithms in mind: Dijkstra's and TSP. Dijkstra's will find the shortest path between a node and every other node and TSP will find the shortest path that connects all points. Is there any variant of the TSP that only finds the shortest path between a set of nodes? After all, in the TSP all nodes are labeled "must-pass". I'm still not taking in account the battery constraint.
Thanks in advance!
You can reduce your graph to a TSP and then invoke a TSP algorithm on it:
Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the distance u,v for ALL pairs of vertices u and v.
Create a new graph, containing only the "desired" vertices, and set the weight between two such vertices u and v as the distance found by Floyd-Warshall.
Run TSP Solver on the modified graph to get the path in the modified graph, and switch each edge in the modified graph with a shortest path from the original graph.
The above is optimal, because assume there is a shorter path.
Di->...->D{i+1} has at least the weight of FloydWarshall(Di,D{i+1}) (correctness of Floyd-Warshall), and thus the edges (D0,D1),(D1,D2),...,(Dk,D{k+1) exist in the modified graph with a weight smaller/equal the weight in the given path.
Thus, from correctness of your TSP-Solver, by using D0->D1->...->Dk->D{k+1}, you get a path that is at least as good as the candidate optimal path.
You might also want to look into the generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP): The nodes are partitioned into subsets, and the problem is to find the minimum-length route that visits exactly one node in each subset. The model is allowed to choose whichever node it wants from each subset. If there are nodes that must be visited, you can put them in a subset all by themselves.

NP-Complete? Optimal graph embedding for a graph with specific constraints

I have a grid based graph, where nodes and edges occupy cells. Edges can cross, but cannot travel on top of each other in the same direction.
Lets say I want to optimize the graph so that the distance covered by edges is minimized.
I am currently using A* search for each connection, but the algorithm is greedy and does not plan ahead. Consider the diagram below, where the order in which connections are made is changed (note also that there can be multiple shortest paths for any given edge, see green and
purple connections).
My intuition says this is NP-Complete and that an exhaustive search is necessary, which will be extremely expensive as the size of the graph grows. However, I have no way of showing this, and it is not quite the same as other graph embedding problems which usually concern minimization of crossing.
You didn't really describe your problem and your image is gone, but your problem sounds like the minimum T-join problem.
The minimum T-join problem is defined on a graph G. You're given a set T of even size, and you're trying to find a subgraph of the graph where the vertices of T have odd degree and the other vertices have even degree. You've got weights on the edges and you're trying to minimise the sum of the weights of edges in the subgraph.
Surprisingly, the minimum T-join problem can be solved in polynomial time thanks to a very close connection with the nonbipartite matching problem. Namely, if you find all-pairs shortest paths between vertices of T, the minimum T-join is attained by the minimum-weight perfect matching of vertices in T, where there's an edge between two vertices whose length is the length of the shortest path in G.
The minimum T-join will be a collection of paths. If two distinct paths, say a->b and c->d, use the same edge uv, then they can be replaced by a->u->c and b->v->d and reduce the cost of the T-join. So it won't use the same edge twice.

Shortest Path to Cover All nodes in a graph given a starting and ending node

I am trying to solve a problem in which there is an undirected graph with positive weighted edges and I need to find the shortest path that covers all the nodes exactly once given the start and end node. In addition the graph is complete(each node is connected to all the other nodes in the graph).
I have tried searching for an algorithm that could solve this problem but I haven't found one that solves this problem. This is not exactly the traveling sales man problem because of the restriction of the start and end node. I will appreciate any kind of help.
If you're starting at node S and ending at T, add a dummy node D that has zero-weight edges to only S and T. Find an optimal travelling salesman tour on this graph, then remove the dummy node from the tour to get your path.
If you'd like to preserve the graph's completeness property, you can implement the above by adding the dummy node with zero-weight edges to S and T, and with edges to all other nodes having weights larger than the sum of the weights of the n heaviest edges in the graph. For practical purposes, this means setting their weights to Integer.Max or similar.

How to detect if the given graph has a cycle containing all of its nodes? Does the suggested algorithm have any flaws?

I have a connected, non-directed, graph with N nodes and 2N-3 edges. You can consider the graph as it is built onto an existing initial graph, which has 3 nodes and 3 edges. Every node added onto the graph and has 2 connections with the existing nodes in the graph. When all nodes are added to the graph (N-3 nodes added in total), the final graph is constructed.
Originally I'm asked, what is the maximum number of nodes in this graph that can be visited exactly once (except for the initial node), i.e., what is the maximum number of nodes contained in the largest Hamiltonian path of the given graph? (Okay, saying largest Hamiltonian path is not a valid phrase, but considering the question's nature, I need to find a max. number of nodes that are visited once and the trip ends at the initial node. I thought it can be considered as a sub-graph which is Hamiltonian, and consists max. number of nodes, thus largest possible Hamiltonian path).
Since i'm not asked to find a path, I should check if a hamiltonian path exists for given number of nodes first. I know that planar graphs and cycle graphs (Cn) are hamiltonian graphs (I also know Ore's theorem for Hamiltonian graphs, but the graph I will be working on will not be a dense graph with a great probability, thus making Ore's theorem pretty much useless in my case). Therefore I need to find an algorithm for checking if the graph is cycle graph, i.e. does there exist a cycle which contains all the nodes of the given graph.
Since DFS is used for detecting cycles, I thought some minor manipulation to the DFS can help me detect what I am looking for, as in keeping track of explored nodes, and finally checking if the last node visited has a connection to the initial node. Unfortunately
I could not succeed with that approach.
Another approach I tried was excluding a node, and then try to reach to its adjacent node starting from its other adjacent node. That algorithm may not give correct results according to the chosen adjacent nodes.
I'm pretty much stuck here. Can you help me think of another algorithm to tell me if the graph is a cycle graph?
I realized by the help of the comment (thank you for it n.m.):
A cycle graph consists of a single cycle and has N edges and N vertices. If there exist a cycle which contains all the nodes of the given graph, that's a Hamiltonian cycle. – n.m.
that I am actually searching for a Hamiltonian path, which I did not intend to do so:)
On a second thought, I think checking the Hamiltonian property of the graph while building it will be more efficient, which is I'm also looking for: time efficiency.
After some thinking, I thought whatever the number of nodes will be, the graph seems to be Hamiltonian due to node addition criteria. The problem is I can't be sure and I can't prove it. Does adding nodes in that fashion, i.e. adding new nodes with 2 edges which connect the added node to the existing nodes, alter the Hamiltonian property of the graph? If it doesn't alter the Hamiltonian property, how so? If it does alter, again, how so? Thanks.
I, again, realized that building the graph the way I described might alter the Hamiltonian property. Consider an input given as follows:
1 3
2 3
1 5
1 3
these input says that 4th node is connected to node 1 and node 3, 5th to node 2 and node 3 . . .
4th and 7th node are connected to the same nodes, thus lowering the maximum number of nodes that can be visited exactly once, by 1. If i detect these collisions (NOT including an input such as 3 3, which is an example that you suggested since the problem states that the newly added edges are connected to 2 other nodes) and lower the maximum number of nodes, starting from N, I believe I can get the right result.
See, I do not choose the connections, they are given to me and I have to find the max. number of nodes.
I think counting the same connections while building the graph and subtracting the number of same connections from N will give the right result? Can you confirm this or is there a flaw with this algorithm?
What we have in this problem is a connected, non-directed graph with N nodes and 2N-3 edges. Consider the graph given below,
/ \
B _ C
( )
The Graph does not have a Hamiltonian Cycle. But the Graph is constructed conforming to your rules of adding nodes. So searching for a Hamiltonian Cycle may not give you the solution. More over even if it is possible Hamiltonian Cycle detection is an NP-Complete problem with O(2N) complexity. So the approach may not be ideal.
What I suggest is to use a modified version of Floyd's Cycle Finding algorithm (Also called the Tortoise and Hare Algorithm).
The modified algorithm is,
1. Initialize a List CYC_LIST to ∅.
2. Add the root node to the list CYC_LIST and set it as unvisited.
3. Call the function Floyd() twice with the unvisited node in the list CYC_LIST for each of the two edges. Mark the node as visited.
4. Add all the previously unvisited vertices traversed by the Tortoise pointer to the list CYC_LIST.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more unvisited nodes remains in the list.
6. If the list CYC_LIST contains N nodes, then the Graph contains a Cycle involving all the nodes.
The algorithm calls Floyd's Cycle Finding Algorithm a maximum of 2N times. Floyd's Cycle Finding algorithm takes a linear time ( O(N) ). So the complexity of the modied algorithm is O(N2) which is much better than the exponential time taken by the Hamiltonian Cycle based approach.
One possible problem with this approach is that it will detect closed paths along with cycles unless stricter checking criteria are implemented.
Reply to Edit #2
Consider the Graph given below,
/ \ \
B _ C \
|\ /| \
| D | F
\ / /
\ / /
According to your algorithm this graph does not have a cycle containing all the nodes.
But there is a cycle in this graph containing all the nodes.
So I think there is some flaw with your approach. But suppose if your algorithm is correct, it is far better than my approach. Since mine takes O(n2) time, where as yours takes just O(n).
To add some clarification to this thread: finding a Hamiltonian Cycle is NP-complete, which implies that finding a longest cycle is also NP-complete because if we can find a longest cycle in any graph, we can find the Hamiltonian cycle of the subgraph induced by the vertices that lie on that cycle. (See also for example this paper regarding the longest cycle problem)
We can't use Dirac's criterion here: Dirac only tells us minimum degree >= n/2 -> Hamiltonian Cycle, that is the implication in the opposite direction of what we would need. The other way around is definitely wrong: take a cycle over n vertices, every vertex in it has exactly degree 2, no matter the size of the circle, but it has (is) an HC. What you can tell from Dirac is that no Hamiltonian Cycle -> minimum degree < n/2, which is of no use here since we don't know whether our graph has an HC or not, so we can't use the implication (nevertheless every graph we construct according to what OP described will have a vertex of degree 2, namely the last vertex added to the graph, so for arbitrary n, we have minimum degree 2).
The problem is that you can construct both graphs of arbitrary size that have an HC and graphs of arbitrary size that do not have an HC. For the first part: if the original triangle is A,B,C and the vertices added are numbered 1 to k, then connect the 1st added vertex to A and C and the k+1-th vertex to A and the k-th vertex for all k >= 1. The cycle is A,B,C,1,2,...,k,A. For the second part, connect both vertices 1 and 2 to A and B; that graph does not have an HC.
What is also important to note is that the property of having an HC can change from one vertex to the other during construction. You can both create and destroy the HC property when you add a vertex, so you would have to check for it every time you add a vertex. A simple example: take the graph after the 1st vertex was added, and add a second vertex along with edges to the same two vertices of the triangle that the 1st vertex was connected to. This constructs from a graph with an HC a graph without an HC. The other way around: add now a 3rd vertex and connect it to 1 and 2; this builds from a graph without an HC a graph with an HC.
Storing the last known HC during construction doesn't really help you because it may change completely. You could have an HC after the 20th vertex was added, then not have one for k in [21,2000], and have one again for the 2001st vertex added. Most likely the HC you had on 23 vertices will not help you a lot.
If you want to figure out how to solve this problem efficiently, you'll have to find criteria that work for all your graphs that can be checked for efficiently. Otherwise, your problem doesn't appear to me to be simpler than the Hamiltonian Cycle problem is in the general case, so you might be able to adjust one of the algorithms used for that problem to your variant of it.
Below I have added three extra nodes (3,4,5) in the original graph and it does seem like I can keep adding new nodes indefinitely while keeping the property of Hamiltonian cycle. For the below graph the cycle would be 0-1-3-5-4-2-0
/ \ / \ /
As there were no extra restrictions about how you can add a new node with two edges, I think by construction you can have a graph that holds the property of hamiltonian cycle.
