Get euler rotation from Quaternion? - three.js

I'm using FlyControls for moving and rotation my plane (I'm doing a flight sim), and it works pretty well. However now I have ran into a problem where one possible solution would be to know the euler angles of my plane.
Unfortunately FlyControls is using Quaternion. Is there a possible way to get the angles somehow? Of course, I could rewrite the FlyControls module to use euler angles. But I would like to avoid that if possible.

var rotation = new THREE.Euler().setFromQuaternion( quaternion, eulerOrder );
three.js r.69


Three.js rotating object around xyz world axis using quaternions

I've been struggling with this for the past 3 days so here we go:
I am building a virtual photo-studio using Three.js. The rotation is set with three sliders, one for each axis. Rotation needs to happen around the world axis. So far, I can get the object to rotate around the world x axis, however, y and z rotation only happens locally. Here is the code for one of the rotation sliders using quaternions.
let rotationX = new THREE.Quaternion()
sliderX.oninput = function () {
let newVec = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0)
let newRad = THREE.Math.degToRad(this.value)
rotationX.setFromAxisAngle(newVec, newRad)
pivot.quaternion.multiplyQuaternions(rotationX, rotationY).multiply(rotationZ)
This approach has gotten me the farthest. The problem is that the rotation always happens around the vector of the first quaternion in the multiplication chain. That would be the quaternion "rotationX" of the following line.
pivot.quaternion.multiplyQuaternions(rotationX, rotationY).multiply(rotationZ)
Because I am working with quaternions, switching around the order of multiplication is also not an option as it changes the outcome.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a link to the dependency free repo in case you want to recreate the situation:

Gimbal lock at y axis 90 degrees

I found a problem with rotations.
Using the transform controls helper, if I rotate a mesh on the Y axis, when I reach 90 degrees everything is flipped by -180 degrees.
I think this is due to the software avoiding gimbal lock, how to avoid it?
That is, I would like the x- and z-angles to remain 0 degrees in the display.
I tried even on the threejs editor ( and it occurs even there.
Please help me :)!
What you are describing is has nothing to do with Gimbal lock.
three.js is quaternion-based. An equivalent Euler angle representation is provided for convenience.
Euler angles are not unique; there are many Euler angles that represent the same orientation. See this answer for info on how Euler angles work in three.js.
If you want to rotate an object on the y-axis only, and have object.rotation.y be continuous, you can do so by changing the rotation order like so:
object.rotation.order = 'YXZ';
three.js r.87

Unity Rotation & Quaternions

I'm learning Unity and I have a question.
I dont understand why this line resets the rotation to 0,0,0. All I'm doing is re-assigning its euler values?
transform.rotation =
The reason I'm doing this is because I need to lock one axis and keep the others changing. So I thought I could do it like this after the changes in x and z axes occur:
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.rotation.x,
I'm sure its simple but I cant find out whats wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Here is some documentation with transform.Rotate(). I'd use this one for rotating.
// Here is an example if you want to just rotate the Z axis.
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 10f) * Time.deltaTime);
Also, here is some other documentation on Quaternion. You could use functions like RotateTowards.
If your game object has a rigidbody on it then you can lock the rotation of it in Unity. Click on the game object and under the Rigidbody component click Constraints and then click the axis under Freeze Rotation.
You are using transform.rotation as if it is exposing Euler angles (which it is not). If you want the Euler angles from your rotation, you have to do this:
transform.rotation =

The Big Rotation / Orientation Quest in Unity

I'm working on a custom blender to unity exporter/importer(school project), and I have a bigger problem: The Rotation.
I can get the Euler rotations and/or quaternions from blender, but when I want them to apply in one of Unity's objects, it just totally messes up the rotation.
I've already tried to swap Y and Z coordinates, but it doesn't seems to work either.
I tried but applying a rotation matrix isn't possible in unity... but if somehow we can figure it out, maybe that would be the solution?
I need to find a universal solution as soon as possible.
... for a further description, please read the comments bellow.

Blender to Unity rotations screwed up

I managed to get rotations on the console in blender, but when I try to apply it in Unity, it is just very wrong. I am using Quaternion.Set
to set the desired rotation. I know that blender uses (WXYZ) quaternion, but when I got these values and set properly it in to Unity3D (XYZW), it gives me nonsense rotations.
here is the link to my script. Please help me point out what is wrong there.
P.S.: Euler rotations are not an option, because they're lossy as far as I know...
I have solved this problem to my satisfaction. The problem is that the XYZ rotations of Unity are different from those of Blender. If you wish to convert positioning and rotation of an object perfectly from Blender to Unity, use the following steps:
Rotate the object -90 degrees on the X axis.
Calculate the Blender quaternion. Remember that the Blender quaternion is going to come out in a WXYZ matrix, and a Unity quaternion is going to use a XYZW order.
Rotate your object back 90 degrees on the X axis, export to FBX using the experimental, "apply transform," check box.
Translate your object in Unity using the translation in Blender, BUT use the equivalent of (-X, Z, -Y) for your translation.
If you're looking for a Python script to get the quaternion out of Blender, I've put together one and put most of it here
I might as well put a YouTube clip together on this, it's simplistic but ridiculously hard to figure out.
