How to toggle certain comments in multiple files in visual studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 Website with multiple files(controllers) that have actions which accept [RequireHttps]. When I am working locally I want to be able to comment out all of these via a toggle/shortcut. I own CodeRush with Visual Studios 2010. Is this possible to do?

You could do a project-wide search and replace of [RequireHttps] to /*[RequireHttps]*/ or vice versa. You can record these as macros in Visual Studio.

Yes, this is possible. However, this task requires creation of a new CodeRush plug-in.


How to create an Office add-in using React + TypseScript in Visual Studio?

If I go to create a new project in Visual Studio, the add-in template it generates is based on JavaScript and uses JQuery framework, but I'd like to create an add-in using React (so I can use Fabric UI for react) and Typescript, is there an option for doing that?
I know that if I can use Visual Code and Node to create a project like this, 'yo office' has the option to generate a template for many different types of add-ins, but I found no option for this in Visual Studio.
The Office Tools in Visual Studio do not have that option, but it's a great idea! Please go to Office Developer User Voice and suggest it.

Display start page when opening a Visual Studio solution

In Visual Studio 2010, is it possible to display a start/welcome page when opening a solution file?
I'd like to have some way to show build information to new developers joining the team.
Have you already considered writing your own extension for Visual Studio?
Soma Somasegar has pointed out where to start in his blog here.
You will need to install the Visual Studio SDK (online documentation here) from samples at MSDN.
I have not done this myself yet, but I know that you can create tool windows that already load with Visual Studio. You can request a notification when a solution is loaded and then execute your own custom code.
(I just read about the notfications yesterday in Rico Mariani's blog).
Should be possible. :-)

Visual studio autoexp.dat alternative?

Custom debug visualization in visual studio:
Is there any way to do it per project instead of editing the "global" autoexp.dat?
Would be nice if it tagged along when changing workstation..
No: per-project (or per-user) visualizers in Visual Studio 2010 (C++ native) are not possible. Visual Studio 2012 added this feature; it is based on "natvis" XML files.
Rather old question, but lets give my cent:
For VS2008 SP1 and VS2010 you have the alternative to use your custom file, instead of invasively edit the native autoexp.dat file using the _vcee_autoexp environment variable.
Credit to:
Note: I have not tried, but maybe using a relative path VS loads it based on the solution folder. Alternatively I would also try using multiple path separated with semicolons. Just give it a try.

Load 2 solutions in Visual Studio .NET IDE

Is it possible to load more than one solution in the Visual Studio .NET IDE at once, so that both solutions appear in the Solution Explorer ?
No, Visual Studio can only load one solution at a time. There's a Microsoft Connect suggestion on this very topic.
What you can do, though, (aside from an obvious option of opening several instances of Visual Studio) is to "Add Existing" project to either solution, or create an ubersolution which will include them both.
You can "add existing" picking .sln file type to current solution
or you can try to automate the process you can try playing around with this tool (might make sense if you have to do it repeatedly):

Tasklist replacement for Visual Studio

I would like to use the task-list in Visual Studio but it really lacks almost any useful feature a task-list should provide. So I use Todo-List externally, to keep track of the things I need to get done. Would be nice to have it all in one place.
So does anyone know of a cool replacement Add-On for the tasklist in Visual Studio?
Thanks in advance!
Assumed: Visual Studio 2008 + ReSharper
ReSharper->Windows->ToDo Explorer
For semi-immediate programming tasks I use TODO comments in code and ReSharper for Visual Studio to view them.
For longer-term tasks I use Team Foundation Server to record work items.
For non-programming tasks I use Google Calendar.
You can modify the task list in Visual Studio by clicking
In the Token List you can add more tokens specific to what you want to call your tasks.
For example.. I have an EDITING token set up so in any module, class or method that I'm working on I just add the ' EDITING: (Name of whatever method ect..) comment and I can quickly see where I left off and get back too it by double clicking.
Here are a few other tokens I find useful...
If you would like more advanced project and code tracking you should check out Visual Studio Online. It's free for upto 5 users.
How about the FogBugz add-in for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008?
This requires a FogBugz account hosted either locally or by Fog Creek. A free Student and Startup version is available.
I don't know of an add-on (I use Remember The Milk externally), but I think you are onto a good idea there.
We use Team Foundation Server at work - it is a really superb product, but too expensive for smaller teams.
Out of work I'm looking to use CountersSoft Gemini ( which has good VS integration and is competitive when looking at the hosted version with unlimited users.
