Step-through in VS without VS having focus - visual-studio

I find myself working with GUI code where the GUI program needs input focus and remain the topmost window, but whenever I'm debugging with VS stepping-through with F5/F10/F11 requires that VS has focus.
Is it possible to have VS intercept the F-keys whilst the debugee has focus? If VS doesn't have this functionality I imagine it should be possible to write a simple program or VS add-in that has a keyboard book and commands the debugger accordingly - has anyone developed such a program?
I'm working with a GUI test automation framework that sends mouse-clicks and other events by moving the cursor. When the debugee program is out of focus any click on its surface brings the main window forward but does not activate any controls, but the automation framework assumes that its focus of the application will never be interrupted. So if I set a breakpoint before a click that is meant to open the File menu then the click that is sent will only restore the debugee's focus and not open the File menu (if that makes sense).
I've done some searching but couldn't find anything immediately.

Why do you need to maintain focus? Have you specific hooks in the GotFocus/LostFocus?
I've had problems before with the Paint event being called as soon as F5 was hit causing the debugger to show again and therefore requiring another repaint. I got around these simply by arranging my windows so they didn't overlap. I'm pretty sure the LostFocus/GotFocus pair also don't fire when the windows are arranged this way too.


Can I force a windows 10/11 program to be unresponsive?

Is there anyway to set a program to be unresponsive in windows?
I have python code that starts a program. But when the program becomes unresponsive i want to do some specific clean up task.
But how do I test it. Because currently it is random.
Is there a way to either make a small program that I can force to be unresponsive?
Or force a running program to be unresponsive.
An "unresponsive" program is typically a GUI application that's blocked on it's main (UI) thread such that it hasn't pumped messages in a long time. That is, the UI feels "frozen" when you try to interact with it and/or the window doesn't seem to repaint itself as it should.
You can easily simulate this by creating a Windows Forms app in C# or Win32 GUI app in C++ using the default project templates in Visual Studio. Or basically any UI framework like Qt for that matter. Then introduce a very long sleep statement (several minutes) in response to a button click.
I don't think the "unresponsive" attribute applies to services, console applications, or background tasks.
Use Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut to bring your unresponsive program to the front, and then press Alt + F4 keys at the same time to force the program to quit.

Program window not viewable during debug pause

When my program is paused in Visual Studios 2010 during debugging, like from reaching a break point and me doing a manual step through, the program window becomes impossible to view.
It is a GUI window not a console window, which I run simultaneously with my program and am still able to view. The window seems to be open it's just that when I click its icon on the taskbar it doesn't come to the front of all the other windows. When I minimize all the windows in front of it, I see the outline of the window but it is either blacked out or showing the remnants of previously expanded windows.
I've noticed this with using Visual Studio's before (various versions of it), and after trying other IDE's that didn't have this behavior I notice it more. It would be really helpful to view the program's change's as I step through the program. Anyone know how I can do this?
I searched a long while and couldn't find a single reference to this matter.
The reason the window doesn't display is that the window paint message won't be processed if the main thread has been paused. Which other IDEs let you do this? I haven't come across any native code debuggers that do this on Windows.
If you are stepping through code that is run by the main thread, then the main thread can't simultaniously poll the message pump, which is needed for the GUI to work.
If you debug a different thread, the GUI will work while you are debugging.

Show a popup menu in another application's window

How can a Delphi XE application show a popup menu inside another application's window? The idea is for a helper-type app, running in the background. On a registered hotkey the application needs to display a popup menu near the text caret or mouse cursor.
Applications that do that are common, here's a menu created by AutoHotkey and displayed in a text editor:
I guess what I'm asking is: how can I display a popup menu at an arbitrary screen location, without it being attached to a Delphi control?
Create a TPopupMenu with the appropriate menu items. When you need to show it simply call Popup passing the top left position in screen coordinates.
PopupMenu1.Popup(X, Y);
#DavidHeffernan answered your question, but you might not have asked the right question.
Let's take the example you gave: the user is running some arbirary application, and you want to be able to detect a hotkey, display a menu, and then take some action based on the menu item chosen (and maybe even the user's context, such as the word under the cursor). This is more complicated than simply displaying a menu at arbitrary screen coordinates.
My recommendation is to use AutoHotKey instead of trying to replicate this in some other programming language. In case you're not aware of this, it is possible for your code to run AutoHotKey scripts. IIRC, you can compile AHK scripts, so you wouldn't need to install AHK, just the compiled scripts. AHK may not be the most elegant of solutions, but it has depth and maturity.
If this is not possible, then I suggest you research Windows Hooks and DLL Injection. Unless you can find some preexisting code or framework, this will entail quite a bit of work.
The reason for this complexity? To augment another program smoothly (without running into problems with focus, etc.) you want to have your code run as part of that other program. The mechanics of this can be done via DLL injection. However, that's only the first step. Once your code is running in the right context, then your code has to inter-operate with the "host" program. This can be tricky (it helps if you have deep experience with Windows messaging and the Windows API). If you want this to work smoothly with any arbitrary program, it gets even harder.

Mac style menus on Windows, system wide

I'm a Mac user and a Windows user (and once upon a time I used to be an Amiga user). I much prefer the menu-bar-at-the-top-of-the-screen approach that Mac (and Amiga) take (/took), and I'd like to write something for Windows that can provide this functionality (and work with existing applications).
I know this is a little ambitious, especially as it's just an itch-to-scratch type of a project and, thanks to a growing family, I have virtually zero free time. I looked in to this a few years a go and concluded that it was very difficult, but that was before StackOverflow ;)
I presume that I would need to do something like this to achieve the desired outcome:
Create application that will be the custom menu bar that sits on top of all other windows. The custom menus would have to provide all functionality to replace the standard Win32 in-window menus. That's OK, it's just an application that behaves like a menu bar.
It would continuously enumerate windows to find windows that are being created/destroyed. It would enumerate the child windows collection to find the menu bar.
It would build a menu that represents the menu options in the window.
It would hide the menu bar in the window and move all direct child windows up by a corresponding pixel amount. It would shorten the window height too.
It would capture all messages that an application sends to its menu, to adjust the custom menu accordingly.
It would constantly poll for the currently active window, so it can switch menus when necessary.
When a menu hit occurs, it would post a message to the window using the hwnd of the real menu child control.
That's it! Easy, eh? No, probably not.
I would really appreciate any advice from Win32 gurus about where to start, ideas, pitfalls, thoughts on if it's even possible. I'm not a Win32 C++ programmer by day, but I've done a bit in my time and I don't mind digging my way through the MSDN platform SDK docs...
(I also have another idea, to create a taskbar for each screen in a multi-monitor setup and show the active windows for the desktop -- but I think I can do that in managed code and save myself a lot of work).
The real difference between the Mac menu accross the top, and the Windows approach, is not just in the menu :- Its how the menu is used to crack open MDI apps.
In windows, MDI applications - like dev studio and office - have all their document windows hosted inside an application frame window. On the Mac, there are no per-application frame windows, all document windows share the desktop with all other document windows from other applications.
Lacking the ability to do a deep rework of traditional MDI apps to get their document windows out and onto the desktop, an attempt, however noble, to get a desktop menu, seems doomed to be a novelty with no real use or utility.
I am, all things considered, rather depressed by the current state of window managers on both Mac and Windows (and Linux): Things like tabbed paged in browsers are really acts of desperation by application developers who have not been given such things as part of the standard window manager - which is where I believe tabs really belong. Why should notepad++ have a set of tabs, and chrome, and firefox, and internet explorer (yes, I have been known to run all 4), along with dev studios docking view, various paint programs.
Its just a mess of different interpretations of what a modern multi document interface should look like.
The menu bar on a typical window is part of the non-client area of the window. It's drawn when the WndProc gets a WM_NCPAINT message and passes it on to DefWindowProc, which is part of User32.dll - the core window manager code.
Other things that are drawn in the same message? The caption, the window borders, the min/max/close boxes. These are all drawn while processing a single message. So in order to hide the menu for an application, you will have to take over handling of this message, which means changing the behavior of user32.dll. Hiding the menu is going to mean that you become responsible for drawing all of the non-client area.
And the appearance of all of these elements - The caption, the borders, etc. changes with every major version of Windows. So you have to chase that as well.
That's just one of about a dozen insurmountable problems with this idea. Even Microsoft probably couldn't pull this off and they have access to the source code of user32.dll!
It would be a far less difficult job to echo the menu for each application at the top of the screen, and even that is a nearly impossible job. When the menu pops there is lots of interaction with the application during which the menu can be (and often is) changed. It is very common for applications to change the state of menu items just before they are drawn. So you will have to replicate not only the appearance of the menus, but their entire message flow interaction with the application.
What you are trying to do is about a dozen impossible jobs all at once, If you try it, you will probably learn a lot, but you will never get it to work.

Why might IsDialogMessage() never return?

I am debugging an application which, in its message loop, calls IsDialogMessage(). Occasionally, IsDialogMessage() never returns (where never is an interval greater than 1 hour). Based on the symbols for user32.dll available from Microsoft's symbol server, it appears to be stuck in GetNextDlgGroupItem() (or an internal variant of the same), iterating over some set of windows.
The application is multithreaded and frequently receives notification of external events, which arrive as DCOM calls. I suspect that such a call is handled incorrectly in a way that corrupts some window state. If I can learn what sort of state corruption might cause an infinite loop in IsDialogMessage(), I think I will be more easily able to identify the source of the corruption.
I know this is old, but answering for posterity since no one here mentioned it.
More than likely what is going on is trouble with the windows manager determining where to forward a message. If you have a hierarchy of windows, as you probably do, then you need to ensure that non-top-level windows that contain controls themselves must have the WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT style set. If it is a dialog, you use the DS_CONTROL style. The presence of these flags modify the behavior of IsDialogMessage; they identify a window as having its own controls which can receive focus and handle tab order, etc, rather than just being a control itself.
For example, if you have a main frame window, which has a child window with WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, which has a child window without WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, which has a child window that has focus, and you hit TAB, you will likely encounter an infinite loop at the same place you mention.
Setting the second child's extended style to include WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT will resolve the issue.
Are you maybe disabling controls (using ::EnableWindow()) without checking first whether that control has the focus? If yes, then the focus gets lost and GetNextDlgGroupItem() gets confused.
Another reason this can happen is if you reparent a modeless dialog. At least this can happen with wxWidgets...
I've made some investigation, trying to answer this question. But only in situation, when parent window is in native MFC project and child is a managed C# Windows Forms. If you have such situation, then you may try 3 resolutions:
Run MFC dialog message loop on Windows Forms side. Here is more info: Integrate Windows Forms Into Your MFC Applications Through C++ Interop
Create 2 threads: one for Windows Forms dialog and one for native dialog. Here you can create dialog in Windows Forms, then with SetParent() set it's parent to native dialog. But be ware: if you add TabControl to Windows Forms, than hang with "IsDialogMessage() never return" will occur.
Make a wrapper for Windows Forms dialog to use in native project. For ex., wrapper may be WPF, see here: Windows Form as child window of an unmanaged app
I've taken information mostly from:
And the temporary cure can be to change focus behavior. For example, disable them, or SetFocus() to parent or child windows only. But I strongly recommend to investigate the real reason, why IsDialogMessage() never return in your case.
