How quartz detect nodes fails - cluster-computing

My production environment running a java scheduler job using quartz 2.1.4. on weblogic cluster server with 4 machine and only one schedule job execute at one cluster node (node 1) normally for few months, but node 2 sudden find the node 1 fail at take over the executing job last night. In fact, the node 1 without error (according to the server, network, database, application log), this event caused duplicate message created due to 2 process concurrent execute.
What is the mechanism of quartz to detect node fails? By ping scan, or heart beat ping via UCP broadcast, or database respond time other? Any configuration on it?
I have read the quartz configuration guide
, but there is no answer.
I am using JDBCJobstore. After details checking, we found that there is a database (Oracle) statement executing abnormal long (from 5 sec to 30 sec). The incident happened on this period of time. Do you think it related?
my configuration is
org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 10000
Anyone have this information? Thanks.

I know the answer is very late, but maybe somebody like both of us will still need it.
Short version: it is all handled by DB. Important property would be org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval.
Long version (all credits go to ) :
Detecting Failed Scheduler Nodes
When a Scheduler instance performs the check-in routine, it looks to
see if there are other Scheduler instances that didn't check in when
they were supposed to. It does this by inspecting the SCHEDULER_STATE
table and looking for schedulers that have a value in the
LAST_CHECK_TIME column that is older than the property
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval (discussed in the next
section). If one or more nodes haven't checked in, the running
Scheduler assumes that the other instance(s) have failed.
Additionally the next paragraph might also be important:
Running Nodes on Separate Machines with Unsynchronized Clocks
As you can ascertain by now, if you run nodes on different machines and the
clocks are not synchronized, you can get unexpected results. This is
because a timestamp is being used to inform other instances of the
last time one node checked in. If that node's clock was set for the
future, a running Scheduler might never realize that a node has gone
down. On the other hand, if a clock on one node is set in the past, a
node might assume that the node has gone down and attempt to take over
and rerun its jobs. In either case, it's not the behavior that you
want. When you're using different machines in a cluster (which is the
normal case), be sure to synchronize the clocks. See the section
"Quartz Clustering Cookbook," later in this chapter for details on how
to do this.


Spring Batch - restart behavior upon worker crash

I've been exploring how Spring Batch works in certain failure cases when remote partitioning is used.
Let's say I have 3 worker nodes and 1 manager node. The manager node creates 30 partitions that the workers can pick up. The messaging layer is Kafka.
The workers are up, waiting for work to arrive on the specific topic. The manager node creates the partitions, puts them into the DB and sends the messages on the Kafka topic which has 3 partitions.
All nodes have started the processing but suddenly one node has crashed. The node that has crashed will have the step execution states set to STARTED/STARTING for the partitions it initially has picked up.
Another node will come to the rescue since the Kafka partitions will get revoked and reassigned, so one of the nodes between the 2 will read the partition the crashed node did.
In this case, nothing will happen of course because the original Kafka offset was committed by the crashed node even though the processing hasn't finished. Let's say when partitions get reassigned, I set the consumer back to the topic's beginning - for the partitions it manages.
Awesome, this way the consumer will start consuming messages from the partition of the crashed node.
And here's the catch. Even though some of the step executions that the crashed node processed with COMPLETED state, the new node that took over will reprocess that particular step execution once more even though it was finished before by the crashed node.
This seems strange to me.
Maybe I'm trying to solve this the wrong way, not sure but I appreciate any suggestions how to make the workers fault-tolerant for crashes.
If a StepExecution is marked as COMPLETED in the job repository, it will not be reprocessed. No data will be run again. A new StepExecution may be created (I don't have the code in front of me right now) but when Spring Batch evaluates what to do based on the previous run, it won't process it again. That's a key feature of how Spring Batch's partitioning works. You can send the workers 100 messages to process each partition, but it will only actually get processed once due to the synchronization in the job repository. If you are seeing other behavior, we would need more information (details from your job repository and configuration specifics).

Spring and scheduled tasks on different Data Centers

I have one spring scheduler , which I will be deploying in 2 different data center.
My data centers will be in active and passive mode. I am looking for a mechanism where passive data center scheduler start working where that data center become active .
We can do it using manually changing some configurations to true/false but , I am looking for a automated process.
-Initial state:
Data center A active - Scheduler M is running.
Data center B passive - Scheduler M is turned off.
-May be after 3 days.
Data center A passive - Scheduler M turned off.
Data center B active - Scheduler M is starting
I don't know your business requirements but unless you want multiple instances running but only one active, the purpose you will have a load balancer would be to spread the load to multiple instances of the same application rather to stick with only one instance.
Anyway I think an easy way of doing this without using a very sophisticated mechanism (coming with a lot of complexity depending where you run your application) would be this:
Have shared location such as a semaphore table in your database storing the ID of the application instance owning the scheduler process
Have a timeout set for each task. Say if the scheduler is supposed to run every two minutes set the timeout to two minutes.
Have your schedulers always kick off on all application instances
Once the tasks kicks off first check if it is the one owning the processing. If yes do the work, if not go at point 7.
After doing the work record the time stamp of the task completion in the semaphore table
Wait for the time to pass for the next kick off
If not the one owning the processing check when the task last run in the semaphore table. If the time since last run is greater than the timeout set for that process take the ownership of the process (recording your application instance id in the semaphore table)
We applied this and it ran very well with one of our applications. In reality it was much more complex than explained above as we had a lot of application instances and we had to avoid starting an ownership battle between them. To address this we put in place a "Permission to process request" concept so no matter how many instances wanted to take control it was only one which was granted.
For another application with similar requirements we used a much much easier way to achieve this but the price we paid was some extra learning curve in using ILock from Hazelcast IMGB framework. That is really very easy but keep in mind the Hazelcat community edition comes with absolutely no security and paying for a Hazelcast license just to achieve this may be a bit of expense.
Again all depends on you use case, for us the semaphore table was good enough in first scenario but prove bad in the second one as the multiple processes trying to update the same table at the same time ended up with a lot of database contention which took us to Hazelcast.
Other ideas would be a custom health check implementation that could trigger activating one scheduler or the other depending of response received.
Hope that helps, just ideas from our experience. Good luck.

Update operation concurrency on multiple nodes

I have a single application , maintained on two different nodes on cloud. I have a scheduler in the application which triggers every 5 minutes, which perform some update operation in database. How can I avoid the two operations to cause anomaly in database. Is there a way one application may know, that other instance is already been triggered or any sort of inter node communication that may happen in cloud foundry.
Many Thanks
A couple options come to mind for Cloud Foundry:
Create a distributed "lock" with your database. This could be as simple as a table or record in the DB that the scheduler checks out first before it does anything else. Once it has the lock, the scheduler can work. If it fails to obtain the lock, it goes back to sleep. Then when it's done, it returns the lock.
If you have lots of work to do, you could divide it into sections and have locks for each section, that way you could spread the work out across your different instances. This gets more complicated though, so you'd have to weigh the advantages against the extra complication to see if it's worth it for your use case.
Only run the scheduler on the first node. You can determine the first node by looking at your application instance number. Either the env variable CF_INSTANCE_INDEX or VCAP_APPLICATION, which contains JSON and has an instance_index property. For either option, the value will be 0 for the first instance. If it's 0, the scheduler runs. If it's greater than zero, the scheduler doesn't run.
Hope that helps!

How to find the right portion between hadoop instance types

I am trying to find out how many MASTER, CORE, TASK instances are optimal to my jobs. I couldn't find any tutorial that explains how do I figure it out.
How do I know if I need more than 1 core instance? What are the "symptoms" I would see in EMR's console in the metrics that would hint I need more than one core? So far when I tried the same job with 1*core+7*task instances it ran pretty much like on 8*core, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Or is it possible that my job is so much CPU bound that the IO is such minor? (I have a map-only job that parses apache log files into csv file)
Is there such a thing to have more than 1 master instance? If yes, when is it needed? I wonder, because my master node pretty much is just waiting for the other nodes to do the job (0%CPU) for 95% of the time.
Can the master and the core node be identical? I can have a master only cluster, when the 1 and only node does everything. It looks like it would be logical to be able to have a cluster with 1 node that is the master and the core , and the rest are task nodes, but it seems to be impossible to set it up that way with EMR. Why is that?
The master instance acts as a manager and coordinates everything that goes in the whole cluster. As such, it has to exist in every job flow you run but just one instance is all you need. Unless you are deploying a single-node cluster (in which case the master instance is the only node running), it does not do any heavy lifting as far as actual MapReducing is concerned, so the instance does not have to be a powerful machine.
The number of core instances that you need really depends on the job and how fast you want to process it, so there is no single correct answer. A good thing is that you can resize the core/task instance group, so if you think your job is running slow, then you can add more instances to a running process.
One important difference between core and task instance groups is that the core instances store actual data on HDFS whereas task instances do not. In turn, you can only increase the core instance group (because removing running instances would lose the data on those instances). On the other hand, you can both increase and decrease the task instance group by adding or removing task instances.
So these two types of instances can be used to adjust the processing power of your job. Typically, you use ondemand instances for core instances because they must be running all the time and cannot be lost, and you use spot instances for task instances because losing task instances do not kill the entire job (e.g., the tasks not finished by task instances will be rerun on core instances). This is one way to run a large cluster cost-effectively by using spot instances.
The general description of each instance type is available here:
Also, this video may be useful for using EMR effectively:

how to know on which node job will executes in Quartz-Scheduler with TerracottaJobStore?

I have bind terracotteJobStore with Quartz-Scheduler
how can terracotteJobStore determine which job should next for which node for execution?
which algorithm uses for node selection in terracotteJobStore any idea ??
If 'Quartz Scheduler' is used with 'TerracotteJobStore' ,and there is any Job next to execute then selection of Node for that Job will be Random.
Using 'Qurtz Where' it is possible to make Job on criteria base.
Means if u want to make a Job that must run on a Node which have core at least 2 or
to make a Job which run on a Node which have 70% CPU load average or
to make a Job which run on a Node which have at least Java Heap Free memory 330 MB
in such case 'Quartz Where' is useful.
It is predictable on which Node , Job will execute only in the case of "Quartz Where'.
With OS Terracotta's JobStore you don't get to decide which node the job will be executed on. Not that it really happens randomly, but the scheduler behaves as in non-clustered mode. So basically, every node will, at a regular interval and, based on the next trigger to fire when to acquire the next trigger(s). Since all the nodes in cluster behave the same way, the first to acquire the lock, will also be able to acquire triggers first.
Terracotta EE comes with the Quartz Where feature that lets you describe where jobs should be fired. You learn more on Quartz Where by watching this short screencast I did:
Hope that'll help.
