Optimal sequence of non-overlapping purchases - algorithm

I think this is a scheduling problem, but I'm not even sure on that much! What I want is to find the optimal sequence of non-overlapping purchase decisions, when I have full knowledge of their value and what opportunities are coming up in the future.
Imagine a wholesaler who sells various goods that I want to buy for my own shop. At any time they may have multiple special offers running; I will sell at full price, so their discount is my profit.
I want to maximize profit, but the catch is that I can only buy one thing at a time, and no such thing as credit, and worse, there is a delivery delay. The good news is I will sell the items as soon as they are delivered, and I can then go spend my money again. So, one path through all the choices might be: I buy 100kg apples on Monday, they are delivered on Tuesday. I then buy 20 nun costumes delivered, appropriately enough, on Sunday. I skip a couple of days, as I know on Wednesday they'll have a Ferrari at a heavy discount. So I buy one of those, it is delivered the following Tuesday. And so on.
You can consider compounding profits or not. The algorithm comes down to a decision at each stage between choosing one of today's special offers, or waiting a day because something better is coming tomorrow.
Let's abstract that a bit. Buy and delivery become days-since-epoch. Profit is written as sell-price divided by buy-price. I.e. 1.00 means break-even, 1.10 means a 10% profit, 2.0 means I doubled my money.
buy delivery profit
1 2 1.10 Apples
1 3 1.15 Viagra
2 3 1.15 Notebooks
3 7 1.30 Nun costumes
4 7 1.28 Priest costumes
6 7 1.09 Oranges
6 8 1.11 Pears
7 9 1.16 Yellow shoes
8 10 1.15 Red shoes
10 15 1.50 Red Ferrari
11 15 1.40 Yellow Ferrari
13 16 1.25 Organic grapes
14 19 1.30 Organic wine
NOTES: opportunities exist only on the buy day (e.g. the organic grapes get made into wine if no-one buys them!), and I get to sell on the same day as delivery, but cannot buy my next item until the following day. So I cannot sell my nun costumes at t=7 and immediately buy yellow shoes at t=7.
I was hoping there exists a known best algorithm, and that there is already an R module for it, but algorithms or academic literature would also be good, as would anything in any other language. Speed matters, but mainly when the data gets big, so I'd like to know if it is O(n2), or whatever.
By the way, does the best algorithm change if there is a maximum possible delivery delay? E.g. if delivery - buy <= 7
Here is the above data as CSV:
3,7,1.30,Nun costumes
4,7,1.28,Priest costumes
7,9,1.16,Yellow shoes
8,10,1.15,Red shoes
10,15,1.50,Red Ferrari
11,15,1.40,Yellow Ferrari
13,16,1.25,Organic grapes
14,19,1.30,Organic wine
Or as JSON:
{"headers":["buy","delivery","profit","item"],"data":[[1,2,1.1,"Apples"],[1,3,1.15,"Viagra"],[2,3,1.15,"Notebooks"],[3,7,1.3,"Nun costumes"],[4,7,1.28,"Priest costumes"],[6,7,1.09,"Oranges"],[6,8,1.11,"Pears"],[7,9,1.16,"Yellow shoes"],[8,10,1.15,"Red shoes"],[10,15,1.5,"Red Ferrari"],[11,15,1.4,"Yellow Ferrari"],[13,16,1.25,"Organic grapes"],[14,19,1.3,"Organic wine"]]}
Or as an R data frame:
structure(list(buy = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 6L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 10L,
11L, 13L, 14L), delivery = c(2L, 3L, 3L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 9L,
10L, 15L, 15L, 16L, 19L), profit = c(1.1, 1.15, 1.15, 1.3, 1.28,
1.09, 1.11, 1.16, 1.15, 1.5, 1.4, 1.25, 1.3), item = c("Apples",
"Viagra", "Notebooks", "Nun costumes", "Priest costumes", "Oranges",
"Pears", "Yellow shoes", "Red shoes", "Red Ferrari", "Yellow Ferrari",
"Organic grapes", "Organic wine")), .Names = c("buy", "delivery",
"profit", "item"), row.names = c(NA, -13L), class = "data.frame")
Are there any R Packages for Graphs (shortest path, etc.)? (igraph offers a shortest.paths function and in addition to the C library, has an R package and a python interface)

The simplest way to think of this problem is as analogous to a shortest-path problem (although treating it as a maximum flow problem probably is technically better). The day numbers, 1 ... 19, can be used as node names; each node j has a link to node j+1 with weight 1, and each product (b,d,g,p) in the list adds a link from day b to day d+1 with weight g. As we progress through the nodes when path-finding, we keep track of the best multiplied values seen so far at each node.
The Python code shown below runs in time O(V+E) where V is the number of vertices (or days), and E is the number of edges. In this implementation, E = V + number of products being sold. Added note: The loop for i, t in enumerate(graf): treats each vertex once. In that loop, for e in edges: treats edges from the current vertex once each. Thus, no edge is treated more than once, so performance is O(V+E).
Edited note 2: krjampani claimed that O(V+E) is slower than O(n log n), where n is the number of products. However, the two orders are not comparable unless we make assumptions about the number of days considered. Note that if delivery delays are bounded and product dates overlap, then number of days is O(n) whence O(V+E) = O(n), which is faster than O(n log n).
However, under a given set of assumptions the run time orders of my method and krjampani's can be the same: For large numbers of days, change my method to create graph nodes only for days in the sorted union of x[0] and x[1] values, and using links to day[i-1] and day[i+1] instead of to i-1 and i+1. For small numbers of days, change krjampani's method to use an O(n) counting sort.
The program's output looks like the following:
16 : 2.36992 [11, 15, 1.4, 'Yellow Ferrari']
11 : 1.6928 [8, 10, 1.15, 'Red shoes']
8 : 1.472 [4, 7, 1.28, 'Priest costumes']
4 : 1.15 [1, 3, 1.15, 'Viagra']
which indicates that we arrived at day 16 with compounded profit of 2.36992, after selling Yellow Ferrari's on day 15; arrived at day 11 with profit 1.6928, after selling Red shoes; and so forth. Note, the dummy entry at the beginning of the products list, and removal of quotes around the numbers, are the main differences vs the JSON data. The entry in list element graf[j] starts out as [1, j-1, 0, [[j+1,1,0]]], that is, is of form [best-value-so-far, best-from-node#, best-from-product-key, edge-list]. Each edge-list is a list of lists which have form [next-node#, edge-weight, product-key]. Having product 0 be a dummy product simplifies initialization.
products = [[0,0,0,""],[1,2,1.10,"Apples"],[1,3,1.15,"Viagra"],[2,3,1.15,"Notebooks"],[3,7,1.30,"Nun costumes"],[4,7,1.28,"Priest costumes"],[6,7,1.09,"Oranges"],[6,8,1.11,"Pears"],[7,9,1.16,"Yellow shoes"],[8,10,1.15,"Red shoes"],[10,15,1.50,"Red Ferrari"],[11,15,1.40,"Yellow Ferrari"],[13,16,1.25,"Organic grapes"],[14,19,1.30,"Organic wine"]]
hiDay = max([x[1] for x in products])
graf = [[1, i-1, 0, [[i+1,1,0]]] for i in range(2+hiDay)]
for i, x in enumerate(products):
b, d, g, p = x[:]
graf[b][3] += [[d+1, g, i]] # Add an edge for each product
for i, t in enumerate(graf):
if i > hiDay: break
valu = t[0] # Best value of path to current node
edges = t[3] # List of edges out of current node
for e in edges:
link, gain, prod = e[:]
v = valu * gain;
if v > graf[link][0]:
graf[link][0:3] = [v, i, prod]
day = hiDay
while day > 0:
if graf[day][2] > 0:
print day, ":\t", graf[day][0], products[graf[day][2]]
day = graf[day][1]

This problem maps naturally to the problem of finding the maximum weight independent intervals among a set of weighted intervals. Each item in your input set corresponds to an interval whose start and end points are the buy and delivery dates and the item's profit represents the weight of the interval. The maximum weight independent intervals problem is to find a set of disjoint intervals whose total weight is the maximum.
The problem can be solved in O(n log n) as follows. Sort the intervals by their end points (see the figure). We then travel through each interval i in the sorted list and compute the optimal solution for the subproblem that consists of intervals from 1...i in the sorted list. The optimal solution of the problem for intervals 1...i is the maximum of:
1. The optimal solution of the problem for intervals `1...(i-1)` in the
sorted list or
2. Weight of interval `i` + the optimal solution of the problem for intervals
`1...j`, where j is the last interval in the sorted list whose end-point
is less than the start-point of `i`.
Note that this algorithm runs in O(n log n) and computes the value of the optimal solution for every prefix of the sorted list.
After we run this algorithm, we can travel through the sorted-list in reverse order and find the intervals present in the optimal solution based on the values computed for each prefix.
For this to work correctly the weights of the intervals should be the actual profits of the corresponding items (i.e. they should be sell_price - buy_price).
Update 2: Running time
Let V be the number of days (following jwpat7's notation).
If V is much smaller than O(n log n), we can use the counting sort to sort the intervals in O(n + V) time and use an array of size V to record the solutions to the subproblems. This approach results in a time complexity of O(V + n).
So the running time of the algorithm is min(O(V+n), O(n log n)).

This is a dynamic programming problem. Making an overall optimal choice only requires making optimal choices at each step. You can make a table that describes the optimal choice at each step based on the previous state and the profit of taking various steps from that state. You can collapse a large set of possibilities into a smaller set by eliminating the possibilities that are clearly non-optimal as you go.
In your problem, the only state that affects choices is the delivery date. For example, on day one, you have three choices: You can buy apples, set your profit to 1.10, and set your delivery date to 2; buy viagra, set your profit to 1.15, and set your delivery date to 3; or buy nothing, set your profit to zero, and set your delivery date to 2. We can represent these alternatives like this:
(choices=[apples], delivery=2, profit=1.10) or
(choices=[viagra], delivery=3, profit=1.15) or
(choices=[wait], delivery=2, profit=0.00)
It isn't going to make any difference whether you buy viagra or buy nothing on the first day as far as making future decisions. Either way, the next day you can make a purchase is day two, so you can eliminate waiting as an alternative since the profit is lower. However, if you buy apples, that will affect future decisions differently than if you buy viagra or wait, so it is a different alternative you have to consider. That just leaves you with these alternatives at the end of day one.
(choices=[apples], delivery=2, profit=1.10) or
(choices=[viagra], delivery=3, profit=1.15)
For day two, you need to consider your alternatives based on what the alternatives were on day one. This produces three possibilties:
(choices=[apples,notebooks], delivery=3, profit=2.25) or
(choices=[apples,wait], delivery=3, profit=1.10) or
(choices=[viagra,wait], delivery=3, profit=1.15)
All three of these choices put you in the same state as far as future decisions are considered, since they all put the delivery date at 3, so you simply choose the one with maximum profit:
(choices=[apples,notebooks], delivery=3, profit=2.25)
Going on to day three, you have two alternatives
(choices=[apples,notebooks,wait], delivery=4, profit=2.25)
(choices=[apples,notebooks,nun costumes], delivery=7, profit=3.55)
both of these alternatives have to be kept, since they will affect future decisions in different ways.
Note that we're just making future decisions based on the delivery date and the profit. We keep track of the choices just so that we can report the best set of choices at the end.
Now maybe you can see the pattern. You have a set of alternatives, and whenever you have multiple alternatives that have the same delivery date, you just choose the one with the maximum profit and eliminate the others. This process of collapsing your alternatives keeps the problem from growing exponentially, allowing it to be solved efficiently.

You can solve this as a linear programming problem. This is the standard approach to solving logistics problems, such as those faced by airlines and corporations, with much larger problem spaces than yours. I won't formally define your problem here, but in broad terms: Your objective function is the maximisation of profit. You can represent the buy days, and the "only one purchase per day" as linear constraints.
The standard linear programming algorithm is the simplex method. Although it has exponential worst case behaviour, in practice, it tends to be very efficient on real problems. There are lots of good freely available implementations. My favourite is the GNU Linear Programming Kit. R has an interface to GLPK. Lp_solve is another well-known project, which also has an R interface. The basic approach in each case is to formally define your problem, then hand that off to the third party solver to do its thing.
To learn more, I recommend you take a look at the Algorithm Design Manual, which should give you enough background to do further research online. p.412 onwards is a thorough summary of linear programming and its variations (e.g. integer programming if you have integrality constraints).
If you've never heard of linear programming before, you might like to take a look at some examples of how it can be used. I really like this simple set of tutorial problems in Python. They include maximising profit on tins of cat food, and solving a Sudoku problem.


Best approach to a variation of a bucketing problem

Find the most appropriate team compositions for days in which it is possible. A set of n participants, k days, a team has m slots. A participant specifies how many days he wants to be a part of and which days he is available.
Result constraints:
Participants must not be participating in more days than they want
Participants must not be scheduled in days they are not available in.
Algorithm should do its best to include as many unique participants as possible.
A day will not be scheduled if less than m participants are available for that day.
I find myself solving this problem manually every week at work for my football team scheduling and I'm sure there is a smart programmatic approach to solve it. Currently, we consider only 2 days per week and colleagues write down their name for which day they wanna participate, and it ends up having big lists for each day and impossible to please everyone.
I considered a new approach in which each colleague writes down his name, desired times per week to play and which days he is available, an example below:
Kane 3 1 2 3 4 5
The above line means that Kane wants to play 3 times this week and he is available Monday through Friday. First number represents days to play, next numbers represent available days(1 to 7, MOnday to Sunday).
Days with less than m (in my case, m = 12) participants are not gonna be scheduled. What would be the best way to approach this problem in order to find a solution that does its best to include each participant at least once and also considers their desires(when to play, how much to play).
I can do programming, I just need to know what kind of algorithm to implement and maybe have a brief logical explanation for the choice.
Result constraints:
Participants must not play more than they want
Participants must not be scheduled in days they don't want to play
Algorithm should do its best to include as many participants as possible.
A day will not be scheduled if less than m participants are available for that day.
Scheduling problems can get pretty gnarly, but yours isn't too bad actually. (Well, at least until you put out the first automated schedule and people complain about it and you start adding side constraints.)
The fact that a day can have a match or not creates the kind of non-convexity that makes these problems hard, but if k is small (e.g., k = 7), it's easy enough to brute force through all of the 2k possibilities for which days have a match. For the rest of this answer, assume we know.
Figuring out how to assign people to specific matches can be formulated as a min-cost circulation problem. I'm going to write it as an integer program because it's easier to understand in my opinion, and once you add side constraints you'll likely be reaching for an integer program solver anyway.
Let P be the set of people and M be the set of matches. For p in P and m in M let p ~ m if p is willing to play in m. Let U(p) be the upper bound on the number of matches for p. Let D be the number of people demanded by each match.
For each p ~ m, let x(p, m) be a 0-1 variable that is 1 if p plays in m and 0 if p does not play in m. For all p in P, let y(p) be a 0-1 variable (intuitively 1 if p plays in at least one match and 0 if p plays in no matches, but hold on a sec). We have constraints
# player doesn't play in too many matches
for all p in P, sum_{m in M | p ~ m} x(p, m) ≤ U(p)
# match has the right number of players
for all m in M, sum_{p in P | p ~ m} x(p, m) = D
# y(p) = 1 only if p plays in at least one match
for all p in P, y(p) ≤ sum_{m in M | p ~ m} x(p, m)
The objective is to maximize
sum_{p in P} y(p)
Note that we never actually force y(p) to be 1 if player p plays in at least one match. The maximization objective takes care of that for us.
You can write code to programmatically formulate and solve a given instance as a mixed-integer program (MIP) like this. With a MIP formulation, the sky's the limit for side constraints, e.g., avoid playing certain people on consecutive days, biasing the result to award at least two matches to as many people as possible given that as many people as possible got their first, etc., etc.
I have an idea if you need a basic solution that you can optimize and refine by small steps. I am talking about Flow Networks. Most of those that already know what they are are probably turning their nose because flow network are usually used to solve maximization problem, not optimization problem. And they are right in a sense, but I think it can be initially seen as maximizing the amount of player for each day that play. No need to say it is a kind of greedy approach if we stop here.
No more introduction, the purpose is to find the maximum flow inside this graph:
Each player has a number of days in which he wants to play, represented as the capacity of each edge from the Source to node player x. Each player node has as many edges from player x to day_of_week as the capacity previously found. Each of this 2nd level edges has a capacity of 1. The third level is filled by the edges that link day_of_week to the sink node. Quick example: player 2 is available 2 days: monday and tuesday, both have a limit of player, which is 12.
Until now 1st, 2nd and 4th constraints are satisfied (well, it was the easy part too): after you found the maximum flow of the entire graph you only select those path that does not have any residual capacity both on 2nd level (from players to day_of_weeks) and 3rd level (from day_of_weeks to the sink). It is easy to prove that with this level of "optimization" and under certain conditions, it is possible that it will not find any acceptable path even though it would have found one if it had made different choices while visiting the graph.
This part is the optimization problem that i meant before. I came up with at least two heuristic improvements:
While you visit the graph, store day_of_weeks in a priority queue where days with more players assigned have a higher priority too. In this way the amount of residual capacity of the entire graph is certainly less evenly distributed.
randomness is your friend. You are not obliged to run this algorithm only once, and every time you run it you should pick a random edge from a node in the player's level. At the end you average the results and choose the most common outcome. This is an situation where the majority rule perfectly applies.
Better to specify that everything above is just a starting point: the purpose of heuristic is to find the best approximated solution possible. With this type of problem and given your probably small input, this is not the right way but it is the easiest one when you do not know where to start.

Formal name for this optimization algorithm?

I have the following problem in one of my coding project which I will simplify here:
I am ordering groceries online and want very specific things in very specific quantities. I would like to order the following:
8 Apples
1 Yam
2 Soups
3 Steaks
20 Orange Juices
There are many stores equidistant from me which I will have food delivered from. Not all stores have what I need. I want to obtain what I need with the fewest number of orders made. For example, ordering from Store #2 below is a wasted order, since I can complete my items in less orders by ordering from different stores. What is the name of the optimization algorithm that solves this?
Store #1 Supply
50 Apples
Store #2 Supply
1 Orange Juice
2 Steaks
1 Soup
Store #3 Supply
25 Soup
50 Orange Juices
Store #4 Supply
25 Steaks
10 Yams
The lowest possible orders is 3 in this case. 8 Apples from Store #1. 2 Soup and 20 Orange Juice from Store #3. 1 Yam and 3 Steaks from Store #4.
To me, this most likely sounds like a restricted case of the Integer Linear programming problem (ILP), namely, its 0-or-1 variant, where the integer variables are restricted to the set {0, 1}. This is known to be NP-hard (and the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete).
The problem is formulated as follows (following the conventions in the op. cit.):
Given the matrix A, the constraint vector b, and the weight vector c, find the vector x ∈ {0, 1}N such that all the constraints A⋅x ≥ b are satisfied, and the cost c⋅x is minimal.
I flipped the constraint inequality, but this is equivalent to changing the sign of both A and b.
The inequalities indicate satisfaction of your order: that you can buy at the least the amount of every item in the visited store. Note that b has the same length as the number of rows in A and the number of columns in both c and x. The dot-product c⋅x is, naturally, a scalar.
Since you are minimizing the number of trips, each trip costs the same, so that c = 1, and c⋅x is the total number of trips. The store inventory matrix A has a row per item, and a column per store, and the b is your shopping list.
Naturally, the exact best solution is found by trying all possible 2N values for the x.
Since there is no single approach to NP-hard problems, consider the problem size, and how close to the optimum you want to arrive. A greedy approach would work well (when your next store to visit has the most total number of items not yet satisfied) when the "inventories" are large. If you have the idea in advance about the expected minimum number of trips, you can trim the search beam at some value, exceeding the number of trips by some multiplication coefficient. This is the best approach when your search is time constrained (I routinely do beam searches, closely related to the branch-and-cut approach mentioned in the article, in graphs that take a few GB of memory slightly faster than the limit of 30ms per exploration step with a beam as wide as 10,000). Simulated annealing also works, if the search landscape is not excessively rough.
Also search on cs.SE; it may be even a better place for questions of this type.

If you know the future prices of a stock, what's the best time to buy and sell?

Interview Question by a financial software company for a Programmer position
Q1) Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on
day i.
If you were only permitted to buy one share of the stock and sell one share
of the stock, design an algorithm to find the best times to buy and sell.
My Solution :
My solution was to make an array of the differences in stock prices between day i and day i+1 for arraysize-1 days and then use Kadane Algorithm to return the sum of the largest continuous sub array.I would then buy at the start of the largest continuous array and sell at the end of the largest
continous array.
I am wondering if my solution is correct and are there any better solutions out there???
Upon answering i was asked a follow up question, which i answered exactly the same
Q2) Given that you know the future closing price of Company x for the next 10 days ,
Design a algorithm to to determine if you should BUY,SELL or HOLD for every
single day ( You are allowed to only make 1 decision every day ) with the aim of
of maximizing profit
Eg: Day 1 closing price :2.24
Day 2 closing price :2.11
Day 10 closing price : 3.00
My Solution: Same as above
I would like to know what if theres any better algorithm out there to maximise profit given
that i can make a decision every single day
Q1 If you were only permitted to buy one share of the stock and sell one share of the stock, design an algorithm to find the best times to buy and sell.
In a single pass through the array, determine the index i with the lowest price and the index j with the highest price. You buy at i and sell at j (selling before you buy, by borrowing stock, is in general allowed in finance, so it is okay if j < i). If all prices are the same you don't do anything.
Q2 Given that you know the future closing price of Company x for the next 10 days , Design a algorithm to to determine if you should BUY,SELL or HOLD for every single day ( You are allowed to only make 1 decision every day ) with the aim of of maximizing profit
There are only 10 days, and hence there are only 3^10 = 59049 different possibilities. Hence it is perfectly possible to use brute force. I.e., try every possibility and simply select the one which gives the greatest profit. (Even if a more efficient algorithm were found, this would remain a useful way to test the more efficient algorithm.)
Some of the solutions produced by the brute force approach may be invalid, e.g. it might not be possible to own (or owe) more than one share at once. Moreover, do you need to end up owning 0 stocks at the end of the 10 days, or are any positions automatically liquidated at the end of the 10 days? Also, I would want to clarify the assumption that I made in Q1, namely that it is possible to sell before buying to take advantage of falls in stock prices. Finally, there may be trading fees to be taken into consideration, including payments to be made if you borrow a stock in order to sell it before you buy it.
Once these assumptions are clarified it could well be possible to take design a more efficient algorithm. E.g., in the simplest case if you can only own one share and you have to buy before you sell, then you would have a "buy" at the first minimum in the series, a "sell" at the last maximum, and buys and sells at any minima and maxima inbetween.
The more I think about it, the more I think these interview questions are as much about seeing how and whether a candidate clarifies a problem as they are about the solution to the problem.
Here are some alternative answers:
Q1) Work from left to right in the array provided. Keep track of the lowest price seen so far. When you see an element of the array note down the difference between the price there and the lowest price so far, update the lowest price so far, and keep track of the highest difference seen. My answer is to make the amount of profit given at the highest difference by selling then, after having bought at the price of the lowest price seen at that time.
Q2) Treat this as a dynamic programming problem, where the state at any point in time is whether you own a share or not. Work from left to right again. At each point find the highest possible profit, given that own a share at the end of that point in time, and given that you do not own a share at the end of that point in time. You can work this out from the result of the calculations of the previous time step: In one case compare the options of buying a share and subtracting this from the profit given that you did not own at the end of the previous point or holding a share that you did own at the previous point. In the other case compare the options of selling a share to add to the profit given that you owned at the previous time, or staying pat with the profit given that you did not own at the previous time. As is standard with dynamic programming you keep the decisions made at each point in time and recover the correct list of decisions at the end by working backwards.
Your answer to question 1 was correct.
Your answer to question 2 was not correct. To solve this problem you work backwards from the end, choosing the best option at each step. For example, given the sequence { 1, 3, 5, 4, 6 }, since 4 < 6 your last move is to sell. Since 5 > 4, the previous move to that is buy. Since 3 < 5, the move on 5 is sell. Continuing in the same way, the move on 3 is to hold and the move on 1 is to buy.
Your solution for first problem is Correct. Kadane's Algorithm runtime complexity is O(n) is a optimal solution for maximum subarray problem. And benefit of using this algorithm is that it is easy to implement.
Your solution for second problem is wrong according to me. What you can do is to store the left and right index of maximum sum subarray you find. Once you find have maximum sum subarray and its left and right index. You can call this function again on the left part i.e 0 to left -1 and on right part i.e. right + 1 to Array.size - 1. So, this is a recursion process basically and you can further design the structure of this recursion with base case to solve this problem. And by following this process you can maximize profit.
Suppose the prices are the array P = [p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]
Construct a new array A = [p_1, p_2 - p_1, p_3 - p_2, ..., p_n - p_{n-1}]
i.e A[i] = p_{i+1} - p_i, taking p_0 = 0.
Now go find the maximum sum sub-array in this.
Find a different algorithm, and solve the maximum sub-array problem!
The problems are equivalent.

Is there a well understood algorithm or solution model for this meeting scheduling scenario?

I have a complex problem and I want to know if an existing and well understood solution model exists or applies, like the Traveling Salesman problem.
A calendar of N time events, defined by starting and finishing time, and place.
The capacity of each meeting place (maximum amount of people it can simultaneously hold)
A set of pairs (Ai,Aj) which indicates that attendant Ai wishes to meet with attendat Aj, and Aj accepted that invitation.
For each assistant A, a cronogram of all the events he will attend. The main criteria is that each attendants should meet as many of the attendants who accepted his invites as possible, satisfying the space constraints.
So far, we thought of solving with backtracking (trying out all possible solutions), and using linear programming (i.e. defining a model and solving with the simplex algorithm)
Update: If Ai already met Aj in some event, they don't need to meet anymore (they have already met).
Your problem is as hard as minimum maximal matching problem in interval graphs, w.l.o.g Assume capacity of rooms is 2 means they can handle only one meeting in time. You can model your problem with Interval graphs, each interval (for each people) is one node. Also edges are if A_i & A_j has common time and also they want to see each other, set weight of edges to the amount of time they should see each other, . If you find the minimum maximal matching in this graph, you can find the solution for your restricted case. But notice that this graph is n-partite and also each part is interval graph.
P.S: note that if the amount of time that people should be with each other is fixed this will be more easier than weighted one.
If you have access to a good MIP solver (cplex/gurobi via acedamic initiative, but coin OR and LP_solve are open-source, and not bad either), I would definitely give simplex a try. I took a look at formulating your problem as a mixed integer program, and my feeling is that it will have pretty strong relaxations, so branch and cut and price will go a long way for you. These solvers give remarkably scalable solutions nowadays, especially the commercial ones. Advantage is they also provide an upper bound, so you get an idea of solution quality, which is not the case for heuristics.
Define z(i,j) (binary) as a variable indicating that i and j are together in at least one event n in {1,2,...,N}.
Define z(i,j,n) (binary) to indicate they are together in event n.
Define z(i,n) to indicate that i is attending n.
Z(i,j) and z(i,j,m) only exist if i and j are supposed to meet.
For each t, M^t is a subset of time events that are held simulteneously.
So if event 1 is from 9 to 11, event 2 is from 10 to 12 and event 3 is from 11 to 13, then
M^1 = {event 1, event 2) and M^2 = {event 2, event 3}. I.e. no person can attend both 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, but 1 and 3 is fine.
Max sum Z(i,j)
z(i,j)<= sum_m z(i,j,m)
(every i,j)(i and j can meet if they are in the same location m at least once)
z(i,j,m)<= z(i,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then i attends m)
z(i,j,m)<= z(j,m) (for every i,j,m)
(if i and j attend m, then j attends m)
sum_i z(i,m) <= C(m) (for every m)
(only C(m) persons can visit event m)
sum_(m in M^t) z(i,m) <= 1 (for every t and i)
(if m and m' are both overlapping time t, then no person can visit them both. )
As pointed out by #SaeedAmiri, this looks like a complex problem.
My guess would be that the backtracking and linear programming options you are considering will explode as soon as the number of assistants grows a bit (maybe in the order of tens of assistants).
Maybe you should consider a (meta)heuristic approach if optimality is not a requirement, or constraint programming to build an initial model and see how it scales.
To give you a more precise answer, why do you need to solve this problem? what would be the typical number of attendees? number of rooms?

Shopping cart minimization algorithm

I have a list of products, which consists of list of shops, which sold it.
'Book A': [ShopA, ShopB, ShopC],
'Book B': [ShopC, ShopD],
'Movie C': [ShopA, ShopB, ShopD, ShopE],
(Price differs between the shops)
Each shop is also has a shipping cost. It's a "per-order" shipping cost, it doesn't matter how many items are in my cart. And it differs between the shops too.
Ex: if I buy "Book A" from ShopA, "Book B" from ShopC and "Movie C" from ShopA, the resulting price is: Book A price in ShopA + Book B price in ShopC + Movie C price in ShopA + ShopC shipping cost + ShopA shipping cost
If the shipping cost was zero or it was on per-item basis and constant, than I would just sort the offer lists by price+shipping field and fetch the first result from each set.
I need to buy all the items once and find the minimal price and the resulting set.
I'm not very good with optimization algorithms and dynamic programming so I need a solution or just a nod into the right direction.
This problem is NP Hard.
We will show a reduction from the Hitting Set problem.
Hitting Set problem: Given sets S1,S2,...,Sn and a number k: chose set S of size k, such that for every Si there is an element s in S such that s is in Si. [alternative definition: the intersection between each Si and S is not empty].
Given an instance of hitting set, in the form of (S1,...,Sn,k) create an instance of this problem:
All books cost nothing. In order to buy from each store you pay 1.
The book i is sold by each store denoted in Si, minimal price for this instance is k.
Hitting Set -> This problem: Assume there is a minimal hitting set in (S1,...,Sn) of size k. Let this hitting set be S. By buying from each store in S, we can buy all our books at cost k, since the books cost nothing [in our construction], and we bought all books, and we paid for the ordering from stores exactly k, thus the total price was k.
This problem -> Hitting set: Assume there is a pricing of k for the problem at the question. Then, from the building of the problem, and since the books cost nothing, we need to buy in k different stores to get all books. Let these stores be S. From the construction of the problem, S is a hitting set for (S1,...,Sn)
Thus, this problem is "not easier then" Hitting Set Problem, and there is no known polynomial solution for this problem, so - your best shot, if you want optimal solution, is probably an exponential one, such as backtracking [Check all possibilities, and return the minimal solution].
With so little items I have a solution. It is dynamic.
We will process every shop iteratively. At every step we store the current best price with which we can cover all subsets of items. In the beginning all of them are infinity in price except for the empty subset which is 0 of price. Note that all subsets are 2^Num_products in count but in your case these are only about 1000.
Now how do we process the next to follow shop: Consider you cover every possible subset of the products with this shop (i mean subset that the shop can actually provide) and all the rest of the products being covered by shops you already observed, thus improving the minimal costs of covering every subset. This step takes 2^Num_products*2^Num_products=4^Num_products, still about a million which is bareable. You do this for every shop and at the end the answer is the cost of covering all the elements. The whole complexity of the proposed solution is 4^Num_products * num_shops which is about 50 million which is good to go.
Note that this is still exponential and this is not surprising. Thank you to amit for his incredible proof of NP hard.
EDIT Adding further explanation of the algorithm in pseudocode:
cost[subset] = infi
cost[{}] = 0
for shop in shops
new_prices = costs.dup()
for set : subsets
for covered_set : all_subsets(set)
price = covered_set == {} ? 0 : delivery[shop]
remaining = set
for element : covered_set
if shop do not sale element
break for, choose next covered_set
price += el_price[element]
price += costs[remaining]
new_prices[set] = min(new_prices[set], price)
costs = new_prices
return costs[all]
Note that here I use sets as index - this is because I actually use the bitmask representation of the subsets e.g 1101 is a subset containing the 1st, 2nd and the forth element. Thus an iteration of all sets is for (int i = 0; i < (1 << n); i++).
There is also one more thing: if you want to cycle all the subsets of a subset S you can actually do it faster than iterating all the subsets of the initial set and checking whether the subset is subset of S. If S is also represented with bitmask bit_mask this for loop does the job: for(int i = bit_mask; i > 0; i = (i - 1) & bitmask). Using this approach you decrease the complexity of the algorithm to 3^Num_products * num_shops. However, this is a bit harder to understand and you will probably need to write by hand one example to make sure the loop I wrote actually cycles all the subsets of S. About the complexity - just trust me.
EDIT2 Edited the break condition. also let me elaborate on the set remaining and its calculation: as dmzkrsk pointed out the pseudocode mentions removal from the set, but you can actually just assign remaining = set ^ covered_set (again bit operation) in case of using bitmasks to represent the subsets.
I have dealt with this exact problem once. I didn't come up with any other solution than just testing every possible combination of shops but there is an easy way to filter out many of the shops in every product.
1. Calculate the lowest price (shipping cost included) of every product, let's call it best_price.
2. In every product, retain only the shops where price of the shop (without shipping cost) <= best_price (with shipping cost)
3. Test every possible combination of shops for the cheapest.
A good heuristic can be the ant colony optimization. I use it to solve the travel salesman problem. You can find a working example from google tsp solver. It's a javascript library that uses also a brute force and a dynamic programming solution. The AOC is used when you have more cities to compute then the current limit of 20 cities. I believe you can use the library to solve your problem and it just need a little rewrite. With 20 cities the program has to check 20! posibilites. In your case it's a bit lighter but maybe only a magnitude.
