What is the standard socket timeout(seconds) in Ruby socket programming? - ruby

I am writing a Ruby client which will open tcp socket and stream data.
If I could not able to open socket within 20 secs I will trigger the Timeout error.
Timeout::timeout(20) { socket = open_socket(host, port) }
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
puts "Failed to connect to server"
rescue Timeout::Error
puts "Timeout error occurred while connecting to the server"
My open_socket method is given below.
def open_socket(host,port)
Code works fine. My question is
What is the standard timeout in secs in socket programming?
Does the timeout in secs can be setup according to our need?

I found 2 articles that seem to confirm the timeout as 20 seconds:
In Windows
In Linux (not ruby-specific)
The second article seems to imply that the timeout period is defined by the OS.
I do not have a answer for your second question.

That's exactly how you do it.The default value of timeout is 10 seconds.
timeout( sec) { ...}
Executes the block and returns true if the block execution terminates successfully prior to elapsing of the timeout period,
otherwise immediately terminates execution of the block and raises a TimeoutError exception.
require 'timeout'
status = timeout(5) {
# something that may take time

On Linux, the send/recv timeout can be accessed using setsockopt/getsocktopt.
Do man 7 socket and look for the SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO options. setsockopt/getsockopt is available on socket objects in Ruby.


How to tell if a TCP socket has been closed by the client in Ruby?

I've read some things suggesting that because of the design of TCP this might not be possible (such as: Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?), but I'm trying to find explicit confirmation. I have a basic TCP server that accepts connections, and a client that initiates a connection, sends a message, and then closes the connection. Is there a way for the server to know that the client closed the connection?
I found some suggestions to look into checking the file descriptors for the sockets (source: How to check if a given file descriptor stored in a variable is still valid?), using the kernel select command (source: https://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/866296-detecting-if-file-descriptor-closed) as well as using recv to check if the client returns 0 (source: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/recv.2.html#RETURN_VALUE), but these do not seem to work, at least not when called by Ruby. To test this, I wrote a basic server and client:
require 'socket'
require 'fcntl'
server = TCPServer.new('localhost', 8080)
puts "Starting server"
loop do
client = server.accept
puts "New client: #{client}"
puts "** before closed #{Time.now.to_i} closed=#{client.closed?}"
result = IO.select([client], nil, nil, TIMEOUT)
puts "select result=#{result}"
fd = client.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFD, 0)
puts "client fd=#{fd}"
stuff = client.recv(30)
puts "received '#{stuff}'"
r = client.recv(1)
rescue => e
puts "received #{r} nil?=#{r.nil?}"
sleep 3
puts "** after closed #{Time.now.to_i} closed=#{client.closed?}"
result = IO.select([client], nil, nil, TIMEOUT)
puts "select result=#{result}"
fd = client.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFD, 0)
puts "client fd=#{fd}"
r = client.recv(1)
rescue => e
puts "received #{r} nil?=#{r.nil?}"
puts "done!"
require 'socket'
class Client
def initialize
#socket = tcp_socket
def tcp_socket
Thread.current[:socket] = TCPSocket.new("localhost", 8080)
def send(s, args={})
puts "sending str '#{s}'"
nbytes = #socket.send(s, 0)
puts "received #{nbytes} bytes"
sleep 1
puts "done at #{Time.now.to_i}: #{#socket.closed?}"
msg = 'hello world this is my message'
server = Client.new
The client sends a 30-byte message, waits 1s, then closes the connection.
The server accepts the connection, calls select and fcntl on it to check its status, receives the message, tries to read 1 more byte, sleeps for 3 seconds, then calls select and fcntl and again tries to read 1 byte. The intent here is to check if anything changes that the server can see before and after the client closed the connection (hence the 3-second sleep). The result I get from running the server and then the client code is:
Starting server
New client: #<TCPSocket:0x00007fa0930f0880>
** before closed 1578005539 closed=false
select result=[[#<TCPSocket:fd 10>], [], []]
client fd=1
received 'hello world this is my message'
received nil?=false
** after closed 1578005543 closed=false
select result=[[#<TCPSocket:fd 10>], [], []]
client fd=1
received nil?=false
Before and after the client closed the connection, select still sees the socket as readable, the underlying file descriptor does not change, and recv returns empty string (It's possible the kernel call is returning 0 as specified in the man-page but Ruby is capturing that, and if so I don't know how to see it.). Thus none of these seem to be a reliable indicator of whether the connection was closed from the other side. Is there something I'm missing?
I have seen some other suggestions to incorporate a regular heartbeat back to the client, but I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid that. Reason is that I'm trying to accommodate a case where the client may be sending a message in several pieces separated by a delay (e.g. 100 bytes at 1 second each byte). If the server sends a heartbeat message in the middle of that operation and listens for an OK, I presume the client has to be listening for the heartbeat as well and send its OK back, separate from the ongoing message send, and in my test case, I can't change the client to do that.
I have seen some other suggestions to incorporate a regular heartbeat back to the client, but I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid that.
A heartbeat (ping) is the only viable solution.
There is no way to reliably know if the connection is live except by trying to send data over the wire.
Since TCP/IP doesn't require any traffic when data isn't being sent (or received), there's no way for the TCP stack (not even in the OS kernel) to know if the connection is "live" without attempting to exchange data over the wire.
Some connections will close gracefully, allowing the TCP stack to recognize that the connection was closed - but this isn't always true (you can read more about "half-open" or "half-closed" connections).
For this reason, all servers implement a timeout / ping mechanism to test for lost connectivity.
I'm trying to accommodate a case where the client may be sending a message in several pieces separated by a delay (e.g. 100 bytes at 1 second each byte)...
Remember that TCP/IP is a stream based protocol, not a message based protocol.
This means that your 100 bytes might arrive fragmented or they might be combined with a previous message.
If you're sending messages (rather than streaming data), you need - by design - to mark message boundaries.
Since these message boundaries must be marked, it becomes relatively easy to add a message type marker (to mark ping/pong messages).
You can observer the WebSocket protocol message format to learn more about message based protocol design using a TCP/IP (streamed) connection.

SSL_write: bad write retry. Exception. Readin e-mails with IMAP IDLE. In Ruby

I woul like to get unseen mails "as soon as possible", using a Ruby (2.1) script to implement IMAP IDLE ("push notify") feature.
With the help of some guys (see also: Support for IMAP IDLE in ruby), I wrote the script here:
def idle_loop(imap, search_condition, folder)
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4611716/how-imap-idle-works
loop do
imap.select folder
imap.idle do |resp|
# You'll get all the things from the server.
#For new emails you're only interested in EXISTS ones
if resp.kind_of?(Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse) and resp.name == "EXISTS"
# Got something. Send DONE. This breaks you out of the blocking call
# We're out, which means there are some emails ready for us.
# Go do a search for UNSEEN and fetch them.
retrieve_emails(imap, search_condition, folder) { |mail| process_email mail}
#rescue Net::IMAP::Error => imap_err
# Socket probably timed out
# puts "IMAP IDLE socket probably timed out.".red
rescue SignalException => e
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2089421/capturing-ctrl-c-in-ruby
puts "Signal received at #{time_now}: #{e.class} #{e.message}".red
shutdown imap
rescue Exception => e
puts "Something went wrong at #{time_now}: #{e.class} #{e.message}".red
Now, all run smootly at first glance, BUT I have the exception
Something went wrong: SSL_write: bad write retry
at this line in code:
The error happen when I leave the script running for more than... say more than 30 minutes.
BTW, the server is imap.gmail.com (arghh...), and I presume is something related to IMAP IDLE reconnection socket (I din't read yet the ruby UMAP library code) but I do not understand the reason of the exception;
Any idea for the reason if the exception ? Just trap the exception to fix the issue ?
I modified a bit the exception handling (see gist code: https://gist.github.com/solyaris/b993283667f15effa579)
Now I got a Net::IMAP::Error connection closed I just restart the IMAP connection and it seems working...
Sorry for confusing, anyway in general any comments on code I wrote, IDLE protocol correct management, are welcome.
The IMAP IDLE RFC says to stop IDLE after at most 29 minutes and reissue a new IDLE command. IMAP servers are permitted to assume that the client is dead and has gone away after 31 minutes of inactivity.
You may also find that some NAT middleboxes silently sabotage your connection long before the half-hour is up, I've seen timeouts as short as about two minutes. (Every time I see something like that I scream "vivat ipv6!") I don't think there's any good solution for those middleboxes, except maybe to infect them with a vile trojan, but the bad solutions include adjusting your idle timeout if you get the SSL exception before a half-hour is up.

Ruby Serialport Timeout exception

I'm using the SerialPort Ruby gem to write and read form a serial port, using a Ruby script "driver".
I want to run the application from both Windows and Linux Os;
btw, code here below have been tested on Windows 7.
Specifically I have to print ESC/POS text data on a thermal printer,
attached to a host computer with a serial line (COM/USB port).
I do not have any problems WRITING data on the printer (a superb&cheap Epson TM-T20)!
But I have to manage errors/connection status READING data from the device,
by example to see if the printer if powered ON (on-line) I would ask the printer status to the printer device with some ESC/POS commnads.
The problem arise because, even if I set serial port timeouts (I mean settimg timeout parameters of SerialPort class initializer), without an exception handling, that seem not foreseen by the gem :-(, I am not able to understand if the printer is alive or powered off. See the a chunk of code:
# http://curiosity.roguepenguin.net/?p=35
# timeouts are in milliseconds
printer.read_timeout = 2000
printer.write_timeout = 2000
puts "Success for SerialPort: #{ printer.inspect }"
rescue => e
puts "Failed to open as SerialPort: #{ e.inspect }"
With the code above, a printer.read in facts exit from 2000 milliseconds .. but i do not know if because I have less than expected (0) bytes back.. or because the the device is powered off..
So, I tryied using Ruby Timeout ( http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/timeout/rdoc/Timeout.html ), running the script from Winows 7 shell, but unfortunately the code below do not run as expected (if the printer is off, the printer.read HANG, I mean do not exit at all :-(, and I do not have an expected Timeout::Error ); stange isn't it ?
Timeout.timeout(2) do
puts printer.read
rescue Timeout::Error
puts "SerialPort timeout."
rescue => e
puts "Serialport ERROR: Failed to open: #{ e.inspect }"
Any idea to solve the point?
Thank you
From the documentation I gather that when specifying a read_timeout the read operation will return immediately (non-blocking), thus never causing a Timeout::Error as you would expect.
Could you try setting a timeout of 0, which according to the docs will block until a byte is available and see whether Ruby will raise a Timeout::Error?
Or try setting no timeout at all and see whether that works.
Alternatively you could specify a negative timeout which returns immediately with whatever data are available and make a decision based on that.
sorry for answering to myself question, just to share some tests, also following rkhon suggestions:
I'm now testing using Ruby 2.0 on Windows 7 with a Epson TM-T20 printer attached to the PC with a USB connection (and a serial port - USB Epson "matcher" )
About SerialPort (read) timeouts tests:
if I set:
printer.read_timeout <= 0
serialport read hang (do not return control)
if I set:
printer.read_timeout > 0
# read 1 byte
return after read_timeout milliseconds if there arenot AVAILABLE bytes in read buffer, otherwise return immediately with the bytes read.
Thta's ok!
BTW, it seem that serialport gem Timeouts run with priority (WINs) against Ruby language Timeouts support; that mean that if I set a printer.read_timeout = 2000 and afterward i do
# 1000 msecs
Timeout.timeout(1) do
puts printer.read
nevertheless I got control back after 2000 msec...
to manage errors/connection status:
even if I can't use an exception timeout, it's be OK my side to check the power on /connection status of printer also without an explicit timeout exception...
I verified that if i send (write) to printer a DLE EOT m (STATUS request)
I get back (read) NO DATA (nil)
Hope the report could be useful...

Set socket timeout in Ruby via SO_RCVTIMEO socket option

I'm trying to make sockets timeout in Ruby via the SO_RCVTIMEO socket option however it seems to have no effect on any recent *nix operating system.
Using Ruby's Timeout module is not an option as it requires spawning and joining threads for each timeout which can become expensive. In applications that require low socket timeouts and which have a high number of threads it essentially kills performance. This has been noted in many places including Stack Overflow.
I've read Mike Perham's excellent post on the subject here and in an effort to reduce the problem to one file of runnable code created a simple example of a TCP server that will receive a request, wait the amount of time sent in the request and then close the connection.
The client creates a socket, sets the receive timeout to be 1 second, and then connects to the server. The client tells the server to close the session after 5 seconds then waits for data.
The client should timeout after one second but instead successfully closes the connection after 5.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'socket'
def timeout
sock = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
# Timeout set to 1 second
timeval = [1, 0].pack("l_2")
sock.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO, timeval
# Connect and tell the server to wait 5 seconds
sock.connect(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(1234, ''))
# Wait for data to be sent back
result = sock.recvfrom(1024)
puts "session closed"
rescue Errno::EAGAIN
puts "timed out!"
Thread.new do
server = TCPServer.new(nil, 1234)
while (session = server.accept)
request = session.gets
sleep request.to_i
I've tried doing the same thing with a TCPSocket as well (which connects automatically) and have seen similar code in redis and other projects.
Additionally, I can verify that the option has been set by calling getsockopt like this:
sock.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO).inspect
Does setting this socket option actually work for anyone?
You can do this efficiently using select from Ruby's IO class.
IO::select takes 4 parameters. The first three are arrays of sockets to monitor and the last one is a timeout (specified in seconds).
The way select works is that it makes lists of IO objects ready for a given operation by blocking until at least one of them is ready to either be read from, written to, or wants to raise an error.
The first three arguments therefore, correspond to the different types of states to monitor.
Ready for reading
Ready for writing
Has pending exception
The fourth is the timeout you want to set (if any). We are going to take advantage of this parameter.
Select returns an array that contains arrays of IO objects (sockets in this case) which are deemed ready by the operating system for the particular action being monitored.
So the return value of select will look like this:
[sockets ready for reading],
[sockets ready for writing],
[sockets raising errors]
However, select returns nil if the optional timeout value is given and no IO object is ready within timeout seconds.
Therefore, if you want to do performant IO timeouts in Ruby and avoid having to use the Timeout module, you can do the following:
Let's build an example where we wait timeout seconds for a read on socket:
ready = IO.select([socket], nil, nil, timeout)
if ready
# do the read
# raise something that indicates a timeout
This has the benefit of not spinning up a new thread for each timeout (as in the Timeout module) and will make multi-threaded applications with many timeouts much faster in Ruby.
I think you're basically out of luck. When I run your example with strace (only using an external server to keep the output clean), it's easy to check that setsockopt is indeed getting called:
$ strace -f ruby foo.rb 2>&1 | grep setsockopt
[pid 5833] setsockopt(5, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16) = 0
strace also shows what's blocking the program. This is the line I see on the screen before the server times out:
[pid 5958] ppoll([{fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 1, NULL, NULL, 8
That means that the program is blocking on this call to ppoll, not on a call to recvfrom. The man page that lists socket options (socket(7)) states that:
Timeouts have no effect for select(2), poll(2), epoll_wait(2), etc.
So the timeout is being set but has no effect. I hope I'm wrong here, but it seems there's no way to change this behavior in Ruby. I took a quick look at the implementation and didn't find an obvious way out. Again, I hope I'm wrong -- this seems to be something basic, how come it's not there?
One (very ugly) workaround is by using dl to call read or recvfrom directly. Those calls are affected by the timeout you set. For example:
require 'socket'
require 'dl'
require 'dl/import'
module LibC
extend DL::Importer
dlload 'libc.so.6'
extern 'long read(int, void *, long)'
sock = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
timeval = [3, 0].pack("l_l_")
sock.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO, timeval
sock.connect( Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(1234, ''))
buf = "\0" * 1024
count = LibC.read(sock.fileno, buf, 1024)
if count == -1
puts 'Timeout'
This code works here. Of course: it's an ugly solution, which won't work on many platforms, etc. It may be a way out though.
Also please notice that this is the first time I do something similar in Ruby, so I'm not aware of all the pitfalls I may be overlooking -- in particular, I'm suspect of the types I specified in 'long read(int, void *, long)' and of the way I'm passing a buffer to read.
Based on my testing, and Jesse Storimer's excellent ebook on "Working with TCP Sockets" (in Ruby), the timeout socket options do not work in Ruby 1.9 (and, I presume 2.0 and 2.1). Jesse says:
Your operating system also offers native socket timeouts that can be set via the
SNDTIMEO and RCVTIMEO socket options. But, as of Ruby 1.9, this feature is no longer
Wow. I think the moral of the story is to forget about these options and use IO.select or Tony Arcieri's NIO library.

Ruby TCPSocket doesn't notice it when server is killed

I've this ruby code that connects to a TCP server (namely, netcat). It loops 20 times, and sends "ABCD ". If I kill netcat, it takes TWO iterations of the loop for an exception to be triggered. On the first loop after netcat is killed, no exception is triggered, and "send" reports that 5 bytes have been correctly written... Which in the end is not true, since of course the server never received them.
Is there a way to work around this issue ? Right now I'm losing data : since I think it's been correctly transfered, I'm not replaying it.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'socket'
sock = TCPSocket.new('', 5443)
sock.sync = true
20.times do
sleep 2
count = sock.write("ABCD ")
puts "Wrote #{count} bytes"
rescue Exception => myException
puts "Exception rescued : #{myException}"
When you're sending data your blocking call will return when the data is written to the TCP output buffer. It would only block if the buffer was full, waiting for the server to acknowledge receipt of previous data that was sent.
Once this data is in the buffer, the network drivers try to send the data. If the connection is lost, on the second attempt to write, your application discovers the broken state of the connection.
Also, how does the connection close? Is the server actively closing the connection? In which case client socket would be notified at its next socket call. Or has it crashed? Or perhaps there's a network fault which means you can no longer communicate.
Discovering a broken connection only occurs when you try to send or receive data over the socket. This is different from having the connection actively closed. You simply can't determine if the connection is still alive without doing something with it.
So try doing sock.recv(0) after the write - if the socket has failed this would raise "Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer - recvfrom(2)". You could also try sock.sendmsg "", 0 (not sock.write, or sock.send), and this would report a "Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe - sendmsg(2)".
Even if you got your hands on the TCP packets and get acknowledgement that the data had been received at the other end, there's still no guarantee that the server will have processed this data - it might in its input buffer but not yet processed.
All of this might help identify a broken connection earlier, but it still won't guarantee that the data was received and processed by the server. The only sure way to know that the application has processed your message is with an application level response.
I tried without the sleep function (just to make sure it wasn't putting on hold anything) and still no luck:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'socket'
require 'activesupport' # Fixnum.seconds
sock = TCPSocket.new('', 5443)
sock.sync = true
will_restart_at = Time.now + 2.seconds
should_continue = true
while should_continue
if will_restart_at <= Time.now
will_restart_at = Time.now + 2.seconds
count = sock.write("ABCD ")
puts "Wrote #{count} bytes"
rescue Exception => myException
puts "Exception rescued : #{myException}"
should_continue = false
I analyzed with Wireshark and the two solutions are exactly behaving identically.
I think (and can't be sure) that until you actually call your_socket.write (which will not fail as the socket is still opened because you weren't probing for its possible destruction), the socket won't raise any error.
I tried to simulate this with nginx and manual TCP sockets. And look at that:
irb> sock = TCPSocket.new('', 80)
=> #<TCPSocket:0xb743b824>
irb> sock.write("salut")
=> 5
irb> sock.read
=> "<html>\r\n<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
# Here, I kill nginx
irb> sock.write("salut")
=> 5
irb> sock.read
=> ""
irb> sock.write("salut")
Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe
So what's the conclusion from here? Unless you're actually expecting some data from the server, you're screwed to detect that you've lost the connection :)
To detect a gracefully close, you'll have to read from the socket - read returning 0 indicates the socket has closed.
If you do need know if data got sent successfully though, there's no way other than implementing ACKs of the data at the application level.
