How to query and execute trigger on the same table - oracle

Hope someone can help with this. I am new to triggers and I am trying to create a trigger that checks to see if the record being modified has a specific value.
I have a table called Filing that has a filing_id and a filing_status, I want to prevent someone from updating or deleting any records in that table has a filing_status="FILED".
so if i have the following
Filing_id Filing_status Val
--------- ------------- ---
0 Filed X
If someone tried to modify Val the trigger should stop it
I have created the following trigger:
rowcnt number;
where status = 'FILED'
and filing_id = :new.filing_id;
if (rowcnt > 0)
raise_application_error (-20100, 'You can not delete Or Update initial record');
end if;
The problem I am facing is I am getting:ORA-04091 which is "Table Filing is mutating, Trigger/function may not see it"
So basically I can't query on the same table that I am executing the trigger on? Is that the problem in my case and does anyone know a work around this?
I appreciate any help

You do not have to query the table trigger is firing on to be able to do that kind of check. You can get value of a column that is being modified using :old. Here is an example:
SQL> create table filing(
2 status varchar2(31),
3 val number
4 );
Table created
SQL> create or replace trigger TRG_FILING before delete or update on FILING
2 for each row
3 begin
4 if lower(:old.status) = 'filed'
5 then
6 raise_application_error(-20000, 'You cannot delete or modify this record');
7 end if;
8 end;
SQL> /
Trigger created
SQL> insert into FILING values('FILED', null);
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into filing values('OK', 1);
1 row inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select *
2 from filing;
------------------------------- ----------
OK 1
SQL> delete
2 from filing
3 where val is null;
ORA-20000: You cannot delete or modify this record
ORA-06512: at "HR.TRG_FILING", line 4
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.TRG_FILING'

The basic point is that you should design you database in a way that the trigger does its validation based on the updated/deleted row. If you have several rows with the same filing_id then you can overwork you database design. Maybe you really only check against the own table in which case you can use :old. But when you have several rows to check (which I assume because you make a count) then you have to use two tables. Here is a suggestion.
create table filing_status (filing_id number, status varchar2(10));
create table filing_content (filing_id number, content_id number, content varchar2(200));
ON FILING_content
rowcnt number;
SELECT COUNT(filing_id) INTO rowcnt FROM FILING_status
where status = 'FILED'
and filing_id = :new.filing_id;
if (rowcnt > 0)
raise_application_error (-20100, 'You can not delete Or update filed record');
end if;
insert into filing_status values (1, 'FILING');
insert into filing_content values (1, 1, 'foo');
insert into filing_content values (1, 2, 'bar');
insert into filing_status values (1, 'FILED');
update filing_content set content = 'bahr' where filing_id = 1 and content_id = 2;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20100: You can not delete Or update filed record
ORA-06512: at "DEMO.TRG_PREV_FILING", line 9
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'DEMO.TRG_PREV_FILING'


How to call procedure using triggers

create table department(deptno number, deptname varchar2(50), deptloc varchar2(50));
insert into department values(1,'A','X');
insert into department values(2,'B','Y');
insert into department values(3,'C','Z');
Stored procedure :
create or replace procedure secure_dml(i_month IN varchar2)
if i_month <> 'March' then
dbms_output.put_line('You can modify or add a department only at the end of a financial year');
--should I write insert/update DML statement?
Trigger :
create or replace trigger tr_check_dept before insert on department
dbms_output.put_line('Record inserted');
Requirement :
Implement the following business rule with the help of a Procedure and a Trigger :-
i. Changes to the data in the Department table, will be allowed only in the month of March.
ii. Create a procedure named SECURE_DML that prevents the DML statement from executing in any other month other than March. In case, if a user tries to modify the table in any other month apart from March, the procedure should display a message
“You can modify or add a department only at the end of a financial year”
iii. Create a statement level trigger named TR_CHECK_DEPT on the Department table that calls the above procedure.
iv. Test it by inserting a new record in the Department table
Basically, you could do everything within a trigger, but OK - that's some kind of a homework. Here's how I understood it.
Procedure doesn't do anything "smart", just displays the message. Note that DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE call displays a message, it doesn't prevent anyone to do anything - instead of it, you should raise_application_error.
The answer to your question
should I write insert/update DML statement?
is - in my opinion - NO, you shouldn't.
Trigger calls that procedure. Yours doesn't check the month, while it should (i.e. move that control from procedure to trigger).
Everything put together might look like this:
SQL> create or replace procedure secure_dml
2 is
3 begin
4 raise_application_error(-20000,
5 'You can modify or add a department only at the end of a financial year');
6 end;
7 /
Procedure created.
SQL> create or replace trigger tr_check_dept
2 before insert on department
3 for each row
4 begin
5 if extract(month from sysdate) <> 3 then
6 secure_dml;
7 end if;
8 end;
9 /
Trigger created.
SQL> insert into department(deptno, deptname, deptloc)
2 values (4, 'D', 'W');
insert into department(deptno, deptname, deptloc)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: You can modify or add a department only at the end of a financial year
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.SECURE_DML", line 4
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TR_CHECK_DEPT", line 3
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TR_CHECK_DEPT'
Just for testing purposes, as it is September today, let's modify trigger code so that it works for this month (instead of March) and see what INSERT does in that case.
SQL> create or replace trigger tr_check_dept
2 before insert on department
3 for each row
4 begin
5 if extract(month from sysdate) <> 9 then --> this line was changed
6 secure_dml;
7 end if;
8 end;
9 /
Trigger created.
SQL> insert into department(deptno, deptname, deptloc)
2 values (4, 'D', 'W');
1 row created.
Right; now it works.

Oracle Trigger To Check Values On Insert & Update

I am trying to check a value-gap crossed with each other or not. Let me explain with a quick scenario.
Rec 1 : Company AA : Distance Gap -> 100 - 200
Rec 2 : Company AA : Distance Gap -> 200 - 300 VALID
Rec 3 : Company AA : Distance Gap -> 250 - 450 INVALID
Rec 4 : Company JL : Distance Gap -> 250 - 450 VALID
Rec 3 Invalid because it is between REC 2's distance values.
Rec 4 Valid because company is different
Thus I wrote a trigger to prevent it.
create or replace trigger ab_redemption_billing_mpr
after insert or update on redemption_billing_mpr
for each row
v_is_distance_range_valid boolean;
v_is_distance_range_valid := p_redemption_billing.is_distance_range_valid(,
if not v_is_distance_range_valid then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'This is a custom error');
end if;
end ab_redemption_billing_mpr;
function is_distance_range_valid(p_id in number,
p_company in varchar2,
p_distance_min in number,
p_distance_max in number,
p_table_name in varchar2) return boolean is
d_record_number number;
execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || p_table_name || ' r
where r.redemption_billing_company = :1
and (:2 between r.distance_min and r.distance_max or :3 between r.distance_min and r.distance_max)
and = nvl(:4, id)'
into d_record_number
using p_company, p_distance_min, p_distance_max, p_id;
if (d_record_number > 0) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
is_distance_range_valid() works just as I expected. If it returns false, that means range check is not valid and don't insert or update.
When I create a scenario to catch this exception, oracle gives
ORA-04091: table name is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
and it points select count(*) line when I click debug button.
I don't know why I am getting this error. Thanks in advance.
Just check whether the below approach resolves your issue
Create a log table with columns required for finding the is_distance_range_valid validation and In your trigger insert into this log tab.The trigger on main table has to be a before insert or update trigger
Create a trigger on this log table and do the validation in the log table trigger and raise error.The trigger on log table has to be an after insert or update trigger.
Also this will only work if the row is already existing in the main table and it is not part of the current insert or update. If validation of the current insert or update is required then we need to use the :new.column_name to do the validation
create table t_trg( n number);
create table t_trg_log( n number);
create or replace trigger trg_t
before insert or update on t_trg
for each row
l_cnt number;
insert into t_trg_log values(:new.n);
end trg_t;
create or replace trigger trg_t_log
after insert or update on t_trg_log
for each row
l_cnt number;
select count(1) into l_cnt from t_trg
where n=:new.n;
if l_cnt > 0 then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'This is a custom error');
end if;
end trg_t_log;
The first time I insert it doesn't throw error
insert into t_trg values(7);
1 row inserted.
The second time I execute, I get the custom error
insert into t_trg values(7);
Error report -
ORA-20001: This is a custom error
ORA-06512: at "TRG_T_LOG", line 7
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'TRG_T_LOG'
ORA-06512: at "TRG_T", line 4
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'TRG_T'
Update:-Using compound trigger the error is thrown in the first time the insert is done since it also takes into account the current row that we are updating or inserting while doing the SELECT
First I want to thanks to psaraj12 for his effort.
I found solution. Oracle forces us to not use select query before each row.
Oracle trigger error ORA-04091
So I wrote this and it works.
create or replace trigger ab_redemption_billing_mpr
for insert or update on redemption_billing_mpr
compound trigger
v_is_distance_range_valid boolean;
redemption_billing_company redemption_billing_mpr.redemption_billing_company%type;
distance_min redemption_billing_mpr.distance_min%type;
distance_max redemption_billing_mpr.distance_max%type;
after each row is
id :=;
redemption_billing_company := :new.redemption_billing_company;
distance_min := :new.distance_min;
distance_max := :new.distance_max;
end after each row;
after statement is
v_is_distance_range_valid := p_redemption_billing.is_distance_range_valid(id,
if not v_is_distance_range_valid then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'This is a custom error');
end if;
end after statement;
end ab_redemption_billing_mpr;
We must use compound trigger to deal with it.

PLSQL trigger not working 0 rows inserted

Whatever I do to the trigger always returns "0 rows inserted".
It is like it can't find the new values after inserting them.
After adding the exception it return no_data_found and i don't know why.
before insert or update of rent_date, return_date on rent
for each row
v_rentDate date;
v_returnDate date;
select rent_date
into v_rentDate
from rent
where rent_date = :new.rent_date;
select return_date
into v_returnDate
from rent
where return_date = :new.return_date;
if v_returnDate < v_rentDate then
raise_application_error(-20158, 'Return date must be after the rent date');
end if;
exception when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20157, 'No data found');
insert into rent values (82,sysdate-5,101,sysdate,sysdate+5,100);
--0 rows inserted
It appears that you're doing it the wrong way. Here's why:
you are trying to select values from a table you're currently inserting into (or updating existing values)
Oracle complains that it can't do that because the table is mutating
in order to "fix" it, you used pragma autonomous_transaction which isolates trigger code from the main transaction
You shouldn't use that pragma for such a purpose. Lucky you, trigger can be rewritten in a simpler manner, the one that doesn't cause the mutating table error. As you want to compare rent_date and return_date, do it directly. Here's an example (see line #5):
SQL> create table rent
2 (id number,
3 rent_date date,
4 return_date date
5 );
Table created.
SQL> create or replace trigger trg_biu_rent
2 before insert or update on rent
3 for each row
4 begin
5 if :new.return_date < :new.rent_date then
6 raise_application_error (-20158, 'Return date must be after the rent date');
7 end if;
8 end;
9 /
Trigger created.
SQL> -- This will fail
SQL> insert into rent (id, rent_date, return_date) values
2 (1, date '2019-05-25', date '2019-04-10');
insert into rent (id, rent_date, return_date) values
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20158: Return date must be after the rent date
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRG_BIU_RENT", line 3
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRG_BIU_RENT'
SQL> -- This is OK
SQL> insert into rent (id, rent_date, return_date) values
2 (1, date '2019-03-28', date '2019-10-20');
1 row created.

Is before update trigger will fire if same values are updating into a row of column

I am using before update trigger for each row on table, say emp_table to update one column modifid_date before loading into table. If I am going to update the table with same/existing values of a row, then is this trigger going to fire or not?
condition in trigger:
:new.modifid_dt := sysdate;
Table Values before update: john (name),4867 (id),20-04-2016 (modifid_dt)
Table values now going to update: john (name),4867 (id)
Your trigger will be fired, no matter the values you are using; for example:
SQL> create table testTrigger ( a number)
2 /
Table created.
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_update_trigger
2 before update on testTrigger
3 for each row
4 begin
5 dbms_output.put_line('Trigger fired!');
6 end;
7 /
Trigger created.
SQL> insert into testTrigger values (10);
1 row created.
SQL> update testTrigger set a = 10;
Trigger fired!
1 row updated.
SQL> update testTrigger set a = 11;
Trigger fired!
1 row updated.
If you want avoid "false" firing you should write trigger like this:
create or replace trigger trigger1
before update on tst
for each row
IF :new.t_key != :old.t_key AND ... THEN
dbms_output.put_line('Trigger fired!');
But beware of NULL values, of course.
New or existing values - no matter, anyway you'll perform an update so trigger will fire.

PL/SQL - trigger validating data causes that cannot add any row

I wrote trigger which is checking if the question has question mark. If not, the error is returned. It doesn't work - even if there is question mark, no data is inserted into db. Please help me to resolve this problem.
create or replace trigger validate_question
before insert on QUESTIONS
for each row
position number(3,0) := -1;
select instr(:new.QUESTION_CONTENT,'?')
into position
if pozycja = -1
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20666, 'This is not a question.');
end if;
Here is how I call it:
set transaction name 'aaa';
insert into QUESTIONS values ('',1,'It should be inserted!?');
Here is correct implementation of the trigger:
create or replace trigger validate_question
before insert on questions
for each row
if not instr(:new.question_content,'?') > 0
raise_application_error(-20666, 'This is not a question.');
end if;
However, a better way of enforcing such rules is with a CHECK CONSTRAINT rather than a trigger:
SQL> drop trigger validate_question
2 /
Trigger dropped.
SQL> alter table questions
2 add constraint questions_content_ck
3 check ( instr(question_content,'?') > 0 )
4 /
Table altered.
SQL> insert into questions values (1,'Is this a question?');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into questions values (2,'This is not a question');
insert into questions values (2,'This is not a question')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (APC.QUESTIONS_CONTENT_CK) violated
