Adding custom validators dynamically - validation

Here is the pseudo code of what I'd like to achive:
<h:inputText id="inputId">
for -> validatorId : validatorIdArray
<f:validator for="inputId" validatorId="#{validatorId}"/>
I'd like to add custom validators to my input component dynamically. I have the validator names stored in an array or List, but so far I haven't managed to figure it out how to generate the validator tags.
Preferrably I'd like to have a full Facelets solution.

I tried to use <c:foreach> first but with the wrong namespace.
Now that I corrected it, it works as expected:
<h:inputText id="inputId">
<c:forEach items="#{validatorIdArray}" var="validatorId">
<f:validator for="inputId" validatorId="#{validatorId}"/>

try f:validateBean if you are using JSF2


Interdependent components validation [duplicate]

In a basic registration screen (with button register records the screen) there are two panels:
Data panel:
Address panel:
I can register by completing only the Data panel. It is not necessary to fill the Address panel. However, if at least one field of the Address panel is filled, then all other fields in the same panel should be required.
How can I achieve this?
You need to check in the required attribute if the other inputs have submitted a non-empty value. Since this can result in quite some boilerplate, here's a kickoff example with only 3 input components.
<h:form id="form">
<h:inputText id="input1" value="#{bean.input1}" required="#{empty param['form:input2'] and empty param['form:input3']}" />
<h:inputText id="input2" value="#{bean.input2}" required="#{empty param['form:input1'] and empty param['form:input3']}" />
<h:inputText id="input3" value="#{bean.input3}" required="#{empty param['form:input1'] and empty param['form:input2']}" />
An alternative is to bind the components to the view and use UIInput#getValue() to check the value of the previous components and UIInput#getSubmittedValue() to check them for next components (components are namely processed in the order as they appear in the component tree). This way you don't need to hardcode client ID's. You only need to ensure that binding names doesn't conflict with existing managed bean names.
<h:inputText binding="#{input1}" value="#{bean.input1}" required="#{empty input2.submittedValue and empty input3.submittedValue}" />
<h:inputText binding="#{input2}" value="#{bean.input2}" required="#{empty input1.value and empty input3.submittedValue}" />
<h:inputText binding="#{input3}" value="#{bean.input3}" required="#{empty input1.value and empty input2.value}" />
You'll understand that this produces ugly boilerplate when you have more and more components. The JSF utility library OmniFaces has a <o:validateAllOrNone> validator for the exact purpose. See also the live demo. Based on your quesiton tags, you're using OmniFaces, so you should already be set with just this:
<o:validateAllOrNone components="input1 input2 input3" />
<h:inputText id="input1" value="#{bean.input1}" />
<h:inputText id="input2" value="#{bean.input2}" />
<h:inputText id="input3" value="#{bean.input3}" />
First you should add a method to backing bean something like this:
public boolean isAddressPanelRequired() {
// Check if at least one field is entered
// and return true if it is and false othervise
Each input element on address panel should have required="#{backingBean.addressPanelRequired}"
Then add onblur ajax listener on each input component on address panel which process that component, and updates address panel.

What URL should I use in $.ajax() in order to submit a form

Working in JSF2 and ajax, i can't figure out what's the value of the $.ajax URL attribute in JSF context as i want to submit a form and update a div staying in the same page
Is it the following?
((HttpServletRequest) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest()).getContextPath()`
in my opinion you need pass value to the backing bean and set the parameter, after this you need to update this part (div).
see this
<p:commandButton action="#{bean.setId}" update="div">
<f:attribute name="id" value="12" />
Another way is using flash, see this:
lets say you have a form like this:
<div id="yourDivId">
<h:outputText value='#{yourControllerClass.yourAttribute}'></h:outputText>
<h:commandButton value="update">
<f:ajax execute="#form" listener="#{yourControllerClass.updateAttribute}"
in your ControllerClass/bean:
public final void updateAttribute(AjaxBehaviorEvent event){
// do what ever you want, get values, set another values, after that your Div will be auto updated
this way, you don't need to care about ajax params or URL...etc.
if you want to get a paramater from a request URL, then you can get it like this:
String paramVal = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(key);

Cannot find component with identifier h:selectBooleanCheckbox outside p:datatable primefaces

i ve this code in my application
i want to submit h:selectBooleanCheckbox value to server,
h:selectBooleanCheckbox inside p:tabView and outside p:dataTable
i want to submit h:selectBooleanCheckbox value from
p:ajax process="scenarioTabViewId:isApprovedBooleanId_checkBox"
scenarioTabViewId:isApprovedBooleanId_checkBox this is checkbox id created by firefox v23.0
and scenarioTabViewId:budgetAnalysisDataTableId this is datatable id
can any one explan,how can i do this?
this is actual code in .xhtml
<ui:composition template="/template/mastertemplate.xhtml">
<ui:define name="content">
<h:form styleClass="form" prependId="false">
<p:panel id="analysisTheBudgetPenel" header="Analysis The Budget">
<p:tabView id="scenarioTabViewId" style="width:850px">
<p:tab title="Scenario One" id="scen">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="isApprovedBooleanId_checkBox" value="#{}" />
<p:scrollPanel style="width:800px; height:auto;">
<p:dataTable id="budgetAnalysisDataTableId" rowIndexVar="index" editable="true" resizableColumns="true" value="#{budgetAnalysisAction.budgetScenarioHescoProposalBean.budgetScenarioHescoProposalListBean}" var="budgetScenarioHescoProposalList">
<p:ajax event="rowEdit" process="#{scenarioTabViewId:isApprovedBooleanId_checkBox}" listener="#{budgetAnalysisAction.testAjax}" />
// some columns
// closing tags of above
thanks in advance
First of all, remove <h:form prependId="false">. It's incompatible with ajax. Don't forget to give the form a fixed ID now.
<h:form id="formId" styleClass="form">
Secondly, the process attribute is in your case wrong, you were using an EL expression with the component's cliend ID as a variable in the EL scope. This isn't making any sense. Just make it a normal string.
The rules of referencing the proper client ID can be found in the following answer: How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression "foo" referenced from "bar". Applying that, it should look something like this (note the : prefix):
An alternative would be to bind the physical checkbox component to the view like so:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{checkbox}" ... />
And then reference its client ID with help of UIComponent#getClientId() like so (also here, note the : prefix):

h:inputText inside ui:repeater displays wrong value after an ajax update

I've got a JSF page with a ui:repeater tag that simply displays a list of strings and some controls to add a string to a list. When adding a string I use ajax to update the repeater tag and have the new string be shown immediately without the page refresh. Here's how my page looks like:
<p:inputText id="name" value="#{testController.newString}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Add" actionListener="#{testController.addString}" update="strings" />
<h:panelGroup id="strings">
<ui:repeat var="str" value="#{stringModel.strings}" varStatus="stringData">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{str}" />
Everything works except the inputText component. After ui-repeater is updated with Ajax is still displays the text from the previous string. For example, assume that initially i have a list with 2 strings, "val1" and "val2". I enter a new string called "val3" and submit the form. List is updated correctly on the server side and the repeater is updated, it now has 3 elements. However, while the h:outputText in the newly added element will correctly show "val3", the inputText will be displayed with "val2" as a value. So i end up with something looking like this:
output tag input tag
val1 val1
val2 val2
val3 val2 (???)
The backing beans are very simple:
A view scoped model bean
public class StringModel {
private List<String> strings = Lists.newArrayList("Value 1");
public List<String> getStrings() {
return strings;
public void setStrings(List<String> strings) {
this.strings = strings;
And a request scoped controller bean:
public class TestController {
private String newString;
#Autowired private StringModel model;
public void addString() {
public String getNewString() {
return newString;
public void setNewString(String newString) {
this.newString = newString;
I did some testing and this actually works the same way for any input component, be that textInput, textArea, etc. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I can't tell in detail exactly why it displays the wrong value after update (it'll be that the internal loop index of <ui:repeat> is broken — try a newer Mojarra version), but just referencing the string item by index from varStatus works. It'll also immediately fix the future problem of being unable to submit the edited string value when you put this list in a form, because the String class is immutable and doesn't have a setter.
<ui:repeat value="#{stringModel.strings}" var="str" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{stringModel.strings[loop.index]}" />
EditableValueHolders inside ui:repeat are broken (by design) in the current version o JSF specs. It will not work, there is no way to fix it. Maybe new versions will make ui:repeat a proper component with support for saving states of its children. Maybe not.
If you change ui:repeat to h:dataTable, things should work (if not, then your problem is somewhere else and I was wrong).
Frankly, there is no workaround apart from using repeaters from some other libraries - you should find working repeaters in Tomahawk, Trinidad and many other places. Primefaces, AFAIR, does not have a pure repeater.
I also had exactly the same problem before. I solved it by putting the inputText in a form. I also copied your codes and put the h:inputText inside a h:form and it worked as well.
<ui:repeat value="#{stringModel.strings}" var="str" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{str}" />

How to call several methods with JSF <f:ajax listener?

Good Afternoon,
I have a search page that uses ajax to render a several datatables without refreshing the page.
It is mandatory for me to call a Method as a Listener for each table.
Below is the snippet for the first datatable that works fine.
To render a second datatable I need to call a method #{evalController.prepareList} as a Listener for the ajax. The problem is that <f:ajax "Listener" attribute won't take more than one method.
So the remaining way is to call <f:ajax several times, and each time with a different listener, which does not work. Is there a way to achieve this?
If not, should I create a method in the managed Bean that calls all the methods that I need and use it as the one listener?
Thanks in advance for your help.
<h:form id="searchform">
<h:panelGrid columns="3" >
<p:inputText value="#{ddnController.patientID}" id="pidinput" maxlength="7" size="7">
<f:ajax execute="#this" event="keyup" render="searchbutton ddntable" listener="#{ddnController.prepareList}"/>
<h:commandButton image="#{resource['images/search.png']}" id="searchbutton" value="#{bundle.Search}"
action="submit" actionListener="#{ddnController.prepareList}"
disabled="#{empty ddnController.patientID or ddnController.patientID.equals('0')}"/>
<p:panel><h:outputText value="Saisir 0 pour avoir tous les Patients" style="font-style: italic;"/></p:panel>
<p:dataTable id="ddntable" value="#{ddnController.items}" var="ddn" rendered="#{!empty ddnController.items}" paginator="true" >....
I am still not sure why the composite method do not have effect when called. Probably it is not called during before or after the right phase (I'll be profiling it later). Anyway, I found a solution with two edges (it is solving my problem but makes me sacrifice the use of ajax) :
So Instead of calling - from each managed bean - the method (prepareList()) which I use as listener:
private DataModel items = null; // Getter to retrieve items
// ......
public String prepareList() {
return "List";
private void recreatemodel(){
(by the way, this method sets the datamodel to NULL to refresh it, and that is how my datatables get refreshed).
Inside the command button I nested property action listener:
<h:commandButton image="#{resource['images/search.png']}" id="searchbutton" value="#{bundle.Search}"
disabled="#{empty ddnController.patientID or ddnController.patientID.equals('0')}">
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{ddnController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{evalController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{corController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<!--...etc -->
I wish <f:PropertyActionListener /> could be nested inside <h:ajax/>.
If somebody has a solution that allows to use property action listener and ajax to avoid submitting the form with a button, s/he is welcome. I'll make then his/her answer as accepted.
