I am thinking about how to test a servlet with two parameters: X and Y, using JMeter.
X and Y are random numbers from 0 to 100.
I am thinking of implement a nested loop which is something like
for (int x = 0; x <= 100; x++)
for (int y = 0; y <= 100; y++)
Could anyone give a hint on how to implement this using Counter and Loop Controller or something else ?
Your schema may be like the following below:
Thread Group
User Defined Variables
maxX = 100
maxY = 100
Loop Controller X
Loop Count: ${__BeanShell(Integer.parseInt(vars.get("maxX"))+1)}
Counter X
Start: 0
Increment: 1
Maximum: ${maxX}
Reference Name: loopX
Loop Controller Y
Loop Count: ${__BeanShell(Integer.parseInt(vars.get("maxY"))+1)}
Counter Y
Start: 0
Increment: 1
Maximum: ${maxY}
Reference Name: loopY
. . .
Here you can find solution for your case but with CSV data sources used instead of counters:
Looping 2 CSV files
I am trying to write a decoder for GPU. My encoding scheme has data dependencies between lines. So when decoding columns of data each column depends on the previous. I want to parallellize the internal computation of each column, but execute each column one-by-one and sequentially, but I am having trouble getting this correctly.
Below I have modeled a toy example to show the problem:
Func f;
Var x,y;
RDom r(1,3,1,3); // goes from (1,1) to (4,4)
f(x,y) = 0;
f(0,y) = y;
Expr p_1 = f(r.x-1,r.y);
Expr p_2 = f(r.x-1,r.y-1);
f(r.x,r.y) = p_1 + p_2;
Buffer<int32_t> output_2D = f.realize({4,4});
A visualization of this program can be seen here: Serial Computation Visualisation
This reduction should give the following array():
int expected_output[4][4] = {{0,0,0,0},
And checking using Catch2 I can see that it actually calculates it correctly
for(int j = 0; j < output_2D.height(); j++){
for(int i = 0; i < output_2D.width(); i++){
My task is to speed this computation up. Since column one depends on column zero I have to calculate each column in series. I can however, calculate all the values in the column in parallel. Please see Computation Steps Parallel and Desired Pipeline to see how I want Halide to compute the pipeline.
I tried doing this in halide using the f.update(1).allow_race_conditions().parallel(r.y); and this does almost what I want.
f(r.x,r.y) = p_1 + p_2;
Buffer<int32_t> output_2D = f.realize({4,4});
For some reason however, it seems that parallel(y) executes the columns in seemingly random order.
It yields the following store_trace:
Init Image:
Store f29.0(0, 0) = 0
Store f29.0(1, 0) = 0
Store f29.0(3, 3) = 0
Init first row:
Store f29.0(0, 0) = 0
Store f29.0(1, 0) = 1
Store f29.0(2, 0) = 2
Store f29.0(3, 0) = 3
Start Parallel Computation:
Store f29.0(1, 1) = 1 // First parallel column
Store f29.0(2, 1) = 1
Store f29.0(3, 1) = 1
Store f29.0(1, 3) = 5 // Second parallel column: THIS IS MY PROBLEM
Store f29.0(2, 3) = 5 // This should be column 2 not column 3.
Store f29.0(3, 3) = 5
Store f29.0(1, 2) = 3
Store f29.0(2, 2) = 4
Store f29.0(3, 2) = 5
A visualization of this pattern can be seen here in this figure: Current Pipeline.
I know that I explicitly enabling the race_conditions so I must be doing something wrong, but I dont know what is the right way to do this and this is the closest I got. I could vectorize() with respect to y and that gives the correct evaluation, but I want to use the parallel() block to gain greater speedup for larger matrixes/images. RFactor might be a solution as my problem should be associative in the y direction, but it might not work as it is non-associative in the x-direction(each column depends on the previous) Does anyone know how to be serial in x and parallel in y when using RDoms?
I'm very new in MATLAB (this is my first script).
I wonder how may I speed up this loop, I don't know any toolbox or 'tricks' as I'm a newbie on it. I tried to code it with instinct, it works, but it is really long.
All are variables get with fread or integer manually entered, so this is basically simple math, but I have no clue on why is it so long (maybe nested loops ?) and how to improve, as I am more familiar with Python and for example multiprocess.
Thanks a lot
X = 0;
Points = [0,0,0];
for i=1:nbLines
for j=1:nbPositions-1
if lDate(i)>posDate(j) && lDate(i)<=posDate(j+1)
weight = (lDate(i) - posDate(j)) / (posDate(j+1)- posDate(j));
X = posX(j)*(1-weight) + posX(j+1) * weight;
if X ~= 0
for j=1:nbScans
Y = - distance(i,j) / tan(angle(i,j));
Points = [Points;X, Y, distance(i,j)];
X = 0;
Points = cell([],1) ;
Points{1} = [0,0,0];
count = 1 ;
for i=1:nbLines
id = find(lDate(i)>posDate & lDate(i)<=posDate) ;
if length(id) > 1
weight = (lDate(i) - posDate(id(1))) / (posDate(id(end))- posDate(id(1)));
X = posX(id(1))*(1-weight) + posX(id(end)) * weight;
if X ~= 0
j=1:nbScans ;
count = count+1 ;
Y = - distance(i,j)./tan(angle(i,j));
Points{count} = [repelem(X,size(Y,2),size(Y),1), Y, distance(i,j)'];
You have one issue with the given code. The blow line:
Points = [Points; X, Y, distance(i,j)];
This will definitely slow up your code. You need to initialize this array to store the numbers. If you initialize it, you will find good difference in speed.
X = 0;
Points = zeros([],3) ;
Points(1,:) = [0,0,0];
count = 1 ;
for i=1:nbLines
for j=1:nbPositions-1
if lDate(i)>posDate(j) && lDate(i)<=posDate(j+1)
weight = (lDate(i) - posDate(j)) / (posDate(j+1)- posDate(j));
X = posX(j)*(1-weight) + posX(j+1) * weight;
if X ~= 0
for j=1:nbScans
count = count+1 ;
Y = - distance(i,j) / tan(angle(i,j));
Points(count,:) = [X, Y, distance(i,j)];
Note that, you code only saves the last value of X, is this what you want?
try using parallelization- "parfor" instead of "for" that uses all available processors.
parfor i=1:nbLines
rest of code here
I am having a problem in really simple program. My problem is that i lose value (y = 50 or 100 or 150) because at that time first condition is not valid. so how can i repeat loop for let say y = 50. (i don't want to use '=' e.g y< = (50+increment) because this is just a dummy program.
increment = 0
b = 1
var = 0
for y in range(1,1000):
if y>= increment and y< (50+increment):
print(f'{y} in List {b}')
var = y
increment += 50
I want to write a loop that scans all binary sequences of length n with k 1's and n-k 0's.
Actually, in each iteration an action is performed on the sequence and if a criterion is met the loop will break, otherwise it goes to next sequence. (I am not looking for nchoosek or perms since for large values of n it takes so much time to give the output).
What MATLAB code do you suggest?
You could implement something like an iterator/generator pattern:
classdef Iterator < handle
properties (SetAccess = private)
n % sequence length
counter % keeps track of current iteration
function obj = Iterator(n)
% constructor
obj.n = n;
obj.counter = 0;
function seq = next(obj)
% get next bit sequence
if (obj.counter > 2^(obj.n) - 1)
error('Iterator:StopIteration', 'Stop iteration')
seq = dec2bin(obj.counter, obj.n) - '0';
obj.counter = obj.counter + 1;
function tf = hasNext(obj)
% check if sequence still not ended
tf = (obj.counter <= 2^(obj.n) - 1);
function reset(obj)
% reset the iterator
obj.counter = 0;
Now you can use it as:
k = 2;
iter = Iterator(4);
while iter.hasNext()
seq = iter.next();
if sum(seq)~=k, continue, end
In the example above, this will iterate through all 0/1 sequences of length 4 with exactly k=2 ones:
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
Problem: We have x checkboxes and we want to check y of them evenly.
Example 1: select 50 checkboxes of 100 total.
Example 2: select 33 checkboxes of 100 total.
Example 3: select 66 checkboxes of 100 total:
But we're having trouble to come up with a formula to check them in code, especially once you go 11/111 or something similar. Anyone has an idea?
Let's first assume y is divisible by x. Then we denote p = y/x and the solution is simple. Go through the list, every p elements, mark 1 of them.
Now, let's say r = y%x is non zero. Still p = y/x where / is integer devision. So, you need to:
In the first p-r elements, mark 1 elements
In the last r elements, mark 2 elements
Note: This depends on how you define evenly distributed. You might want to spread the r sections withx+1 elements in between p-r sections with x elements, which indeed is again the same problem and could be solved recursively.
Alright so it wasn't actually correct. I think this would do though:
Regardless of divisibility:
if y > 2*x, then mark 1 element every p = y/x elements, x times.
if y < 2*x, then mark all, and do the previous step unmarking y-x out of y checkboxes (so like in the previous case, but x is replaced by y-x)
Note: This depends on how you define evenly distributed. You might want to change between p and p+1 elements for example to distribute them better.
Here's a straightforward solution using integer arithmetic:
void check(char boxes[], int total_count, int check_count)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < total_count; i++)
boxes[i] = '-';
for (i = 0; i < check_count; i++)
boxes[i * total_count / check_count] = 'x';
total_count is the total number of boxes, and check_count is the number of boxes to check.
First, it sets every box to unchecked. Then, it checks check_count boxes, scaling the counter to the number of boxes.
Caveat: this is left-biased rather than right-biased like in your examples. That is, it prints x--x-- rather than --x--x. You can turn it around by replacing
boxes[i * total_count / check_count] = 'x';
boxes[total_count - (i * total_count / check_count) - 1] = 'x';
Assuming 0 <= check_count <= total_count, and that boxes has space for at least total_count items, we can prove that:
No check marks will overlap. i * total_count / check_count increments by at least one on every iteration, because total_count >= check_count.
This will not overflow the buffer. The subscript i * total_count / check_count
Will be >= 0. i, total_count, and check_count will all be >= 0.
Will be < total_count. When n > 0 and d > 0:
(n * d - 1) / d < n
In other words, if we take n * d / d, and nudge the numerator down, the quotient will go down, too.
Therefore, (check_count - 1) * total_count / check_count will be less than total_count, with the assumptions made above. A division by zero won't happen because if check_count is 0, the loop in question will have zero iterations.
Say number of checkboxes is C and the number of Xes is N.
You example states that having C=111 and N=11 is your most troublesome case.
Try this: divide C/N. Call it D. Have index in the array as double number I. Have another variable as counter, M.
double D = (double)C / (double)N;
double I = 0.0;
int M = N;
while (M > 0) {
if (checkboxes[Round(I)].Checked) { // if we selected it, skip to next
I += 1.0;
checkboxes[Round(I)].Checked = true;
M --;
I += D;
if (Round(I) >= C) { // wrap around the end
I -= C;
Please note that Round(x) should return nearest integer value for x.
This one could work for you.
I think the key is to keep count of how many boxes you expect to have per check.
Say you want 33 checks in 100 boxes. 100 / 33 = 3.030303..., so you expect to have one check every 3.030303... boxes. That means every 3.030303... boxes, you need to add a check. 66 checks in 100 boxes would mean one check every 1.51515... boxes, 11 checks in 111 boxes would mean one check every 10.090909... boxes, and so on.
double count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < boxes; i++) {
count += 1;
if (count >= boxes/checks) {
checkboxes[i] = true;
count -= count.truncate(); // so 1.6 becomes 0.6 - resetting the count but keeping the decimal part to keep track of "partial boxes" so far
You might rather use decimal as opposed to double for count, or there's a slight chance the last box will get skipped due to rounding errors.
Bresenham-like algorithm is suitable to distribute checkboxes evenly. Output of 'x' corresponds to Y-coordinate change. It is possible to choose initial err as random value in range [0..places) to avoid biasing.
def Distribute(places, stars):
err = places // 2
res = ''
for i in range(0, places):
err = err - stars
if err < 0 :
res = res + 'x'
err = err + places
res = res + '-'
Quick html/javascript solution:
<div id='container'></div>
var cbCount = 111;
var cbCheckCount = 11;
var cbRatio = cbCount / cbCheckCount;
var buildCheckCount = 0;
var c = document.getElementById('container');
for (var i=1; i <= cbCount; i++) {
// make a checkbox
var cb = document.createElement('input');
cb.type = 'checkbox';
test = i / cbRatio - buildCheckCount;
if (test >= 1) {
// check the checkbox we just made
cb.checked = 'checked';
Adapt code from one question's answer or another answer from earlier this month. Set N = x = number of checkboxes and M = y = number to be checked and apply formula (N*i+N)/M - (N*i)/M for section sizes. (Also see Joey Adams' answer.)
In python, the adapted code is:
N=100; M=33; p=0;
for i in range(M):
k = (N+N*i)/M
for j in range(p,k-1): print "-",
print "x",
which produces
- - x - - x - - x - - x - - [...] x - - x - - - x where [...] represents 25 --x repetitions.
With M=66 the code gives
x - x x - x x - x x - x x - [...] x x - x x - x - x where [...] represents mostly xx- repetitions, with one x- in the middle.
Note, in C or java: Substitute for (i=0; i<M; ++i) in place of for i in range(M):. Substitute for (j=p; j<k-1; ++j) in place of for j in range(p,k-1):.
Correctness: Note that M = x boxes get checked because print "x", is executed M times.
What about using Fisher–Yates shuffle ?
Make array, shuffle and pick first n elements. You do not need to shuffle all of them, just first n of array. Shuffling can be find in most language libraries.