Windows shutdown-script: unexpected behavior - windows

I wrote a little script which would prompt me for an input, save that input to a text file and shutdown the PC afterwards.
This is what the code looks like:
set /p input=Insert text:
echo %DATE%: %input% >> text.txt
echo The system will shutdown...
shutdown -s -f -t 3
When I execute the batch, it prompts me and saves the input correctly, but after displaying The system will shutdown... it doesn't shut down, instead it starts over again promting me for input.
Does anyone know what causes this behavior?

May I ask the name of your batch file? If it is named shutdown.bat it is likely getting called again rather than executing the shutdown command. Try renaming your batch file if you would please.

The only thing I can see that might be wrong is that you are using -'s for the shutdown switches, which is correct in (I think) XP, but in Win7 (not sure about Vista) shutdown /? says to use /'s.
shutdown /s /f /t 3


How to get 2 CMD windows to 'talk' to each other?

I am probably missing the right vocabulary to talk about this problem more succinctly so excuse me if I'm a little wordy here. Under Windows 10 I have a program that runs inside a CMD command prompt It's an executable called OpenSim and it has it's own extensive command set, including 'shutdown', which initiates a graceful termination of the processes therein, closes SQL connections etc, then finally closes the CMD command window. I also have a CMD .bat file that is activated by my UPS when the power goes down that will of course open it's own window, and then does some housekeeping before closing down the hardware. One thing I want the .bat file to do is to somehow insert a 'shutdown'command into the other window's process. Is that possible? If so, how? Please assume I am a total newbie at this and you won't go far wrong. Thank you.
EDIT It looks like creating a file to flag the closedown event taking place is the only (and I guess rather primitive) way to do this. So, building on what others have said in stackoverflow, I have the following now. When I run it to test it waits - it doesn't. It runs right through to the end, running 'shutdown', even though the UPSFLAG.TXT file does not exist. What's going wrong?
echo Waiting for UPS Power Down Signal.
echo =================================
SET LookForFile="C:\Opensim OSGrid\UPSFLAG.TXT"
IF EXIST %LookForFile% GOTO FoundIt
REM If we get here, the file is not found.
REM Wait 10 seconds and then recheck.
REM If no delay is needed, comment/remove the timeout line.
TIMEOUT /T 10 >nul
GOTO CheckForFile
ECHO Found: %LookForFile%
rem Tidy up
del "C:\Opensim OSGrid\UPSFLAG.TXT"
Adding double quote after the = will save your variable as that "C:\Opensim OSGrid\UPSFLAG.TXT" which you do not want. rather you want to store it as C:\Opensim OSGrid\UPSFLAG.TXT so move the quote to before lookforfile.
Also, you created a variable for the file, so you might as well use it in the delete.
Finally, as a safety measure, always put an exit after a goto. That will ensure the system exists should there be a problem in the script and you can make sure you do not delete files or shutdown the system when it was not planned for.
echo Waiting for UPS Power Down Signal.
echo =================================
SET "LookForFile=C:\Opensim OSGrid\UPSFLAG.TXT"
IF EXIST "%LookForFile%" GOTO FoundIt
REM If we get here, the file is not found.
REM Wait 10 seconds and then recheck.
REM If no delay is needed, comment/remove the timeout line.
TIMEOUT /T 10 >nul
GOTO CheckForFile
ECHO Found: %LookForFile%
rem Tidy up
del "%LookForFile"

A way to Pass a Variable to a Networked path Batch file and Execute

Going to lay this out the best I can and see if someone here can help me out a bit.
Here is my Code .bat on the Remote Server.
echo off
title SystemPlatzAll
set /p input=
findstr %input% SysPlatzAll.log >> Result.txt
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe "Result.txt"
What im trying to achieve is sending the %input% across the network to this batch file then excute and in return have the file save to the computer it is on. To which then the user will get the file opened from a shared folder i have on the drive.
can I use PsExec to send this over or is there another way?
I can get the .bat to execute with the following.
psexec \\ -u hoem\hoemfooprod -p !foounit123 -e -h -accepteula -i 0 -d F:\Public\Logfiles\Systemplatz\foo\SystemPlatzBackup1.1\Final\NextTest.bat
The above code will execute the Program.
But I want to know how or if it is possible to instead send %input% from one .bat to another.
Thank you in advance.
It is possible. I am not familiar with psexec, but you may be able to encapsulate the last parameter in doublequotes as is common on windows and pass input params directly on the command line. I do this using runas fairly often.
"F:\Public\Logfiles\Systemplatz\foo\SystemPlatzBackup1.1\Final\NextTest.bat paramFoo paramBar"

How to start a system "beep", from the built-in pc speaker, using a batch file?

I have written a batch script in an interactive mode, for making some tasks.
Sometimes, These tasks takes a long time to be finished, and then the batch asks if the user wants to go on to the next task, or back to the Batch's Main Menu or... etc
Now, what I want to do, is to add an "Interactive Alarm" command, that sounds a small short beep (Ex: Like the one when we turn on our PCs), to alert the batch user for new questions .
I don't know if this is possible or not, but the most important thing for me, NOT to use a GUI application like WMP or so..
I just want to do this from the Background, even If that beep has to be made from the free speaker, or by using a Third-Party CLI Application (Btw, I've Cygwin installed on my Win7-x64) .
Please note that, I will add that alarm command exactly before the interactive questions, waiting for user's answer to get to the next stage, so I can't just finish the batch, by making a real error beep !
So, would somebody please tell me how to do this ?
Appreciate your help :)
WARNING: rundll32.exe Kernel32.dll,Beep 750,300 no longer works well from the command line on modern windows systems as rundll32 no longer accepts integer values (again, through the command line) and this will play the beep with the default values which is too long (and frequency is irritating):
REM Again, with warnings about running this from the command line...
rundll32.exe Kernel32.dll,Beep 750,300
rundll32.exe cmdext.dll,MessageBeepStub
rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep
With rundll functions you won't need special symbols like ^G. With the first method you can also set the frequency and the time you want to beep, though see the warning that those parameters no longer work on modern systems from the command line and will instead play the annoying defaults.
other options are:
powershell "[console]::beep(500,300)"
or using systemSounds.bat
call systemsounds.bat beep
The capability of beeping depends on the mainboard and if the mainboard has a system speaker - which has increasingly become a rarity as systems tend to depend solely on "normal" speakers instead. An alternative is to play sound through those speakers. Here are some options:
Using the speaking capabilities of the SAPI.SpVoice:
mshta "javascript:code(close((V=(v=new ActiveXObject('SAPI.SpVoice')).GetVoices()).count&&v.Speak('beep')))"
Here this is wrapped in a batch file and the words can be passed as an argument.
SAPI.SpVoice can be used for playing wav files and you have some packaged with the default Windows installation. You can use this script:
spplayer.bat "C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav"
Another option: Using the windows media player active-x objects to play a sound. On Windows XP it was not installed by default but I think for the newer Windows versions it is. It also can play mp3 files:
call mediarunner.bat "C:\Windows\Media\Ring03.wav"
And one that is a little bit obscure - using the <bgsound> tag from internet explorer (which also can play mp3 files). Here's the script:
call soundplayer.bat "C:\Windows\Media\tada.wav"
And here's a way to use the BEL character to produce sound with easy to copy-paste code (I've called it a beeper.bat):
#echo off
::Define a Linefeed variable
(set LF=^
for /f eol^=^%LF%%LF%^ delims^= %%A in (
'forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(0x07"'
) do echo(%%A
It's not possible to type the BEL directly in (for example) notepad.
To get it, type echo ^G>>yourbatch.bat on the command line (don't type ^ G, but <Control>-G, which will be shown as ^G on the screen). That puts a strange looking character to the end of your file. That's the BELcharacter 0x007 ("control-G"). Just copy/move it to any echo command, you like. Also
set /p "input=^Ggive value: "
is possible (where the ^G represents that strange char)
The following can be used to issue a beep
without pausing the script
without creating a new line.
without requiring the use of a non-printable character
Echo/| CHOICE /N 2> nul & rem BEL
It is a deliberate misuse of the choice command, that Echo's nothing via a pipe to Choice, causing a non-breaking error. STDERR is redirected to nul, and the default choice prompt is suppressed via the /N switch, meaning no new line is output.
If for some reason you wanted to reuse this annoying tone throughout a script, you could define it as a macro
Set "BEL=Echo/| CHOICE /N 2> nul"
#echo off
echo BEEP.BAT by CSS---
there is an ASCII control code ^G after the echo. Just copy this code, and save it as ASCII/ANSI using a text editor.
use ECHO command to echo a CTRL G
I think the better solution is echoing a ^G to a file from the cmd prompt and then type that file from within the script, that way you don't need to include control characteres in the batch file itself:
C:\> echo ^G>beep.snd
Now there's an ASCII 007 char in the "beep.snd" file, then from your .bat file all you have to do is type it or copy to the screen:
type beep.snd
copy beep.snd con > nul
I tried all the options above in Win 10. I settled with this
powershell.exe [console]::beep(500,600)
So programmatically in node.js it would look like this (python or C would be similar)
require("child_process").exec("powershell.exe [console]::beep(500,600)");
A bit late to the party, but I find this variation on #npocmaka version works for me with Windows 10:
REM This captures the Bell as a variable.
for /f %%g in ('%__APPDIR__%forfiles.exe /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo 0x07"') do set "bel=%%g"
REM This produces the Bell sound.
set /P "=%bel%"<NUL
This works for me..
there was a special character in line 4 which stackoverflow was omitting,
code's pasted here:
and line 5 and 6 can be used interchangeably of course.

Windows shutdown not working as expected

I'm trying to remotely shutdown computers in my lab with the commands:
shutdown /s /m
shutdown /s /m
Shutdown occurs properly when I run each command separately. But when I combine them via:
shutdown /s /m & shutdown /s /m
only one machine shuts down, then Windows gives an error:
The entered computer name is not valid or remote shutdown is not supported on the target computer. Check the name and then try again or contact your system administrator.(53)
Any ideas how to troubleshoot/resolve?
same issue occurs when I combine the commands in a batch file.
systems all running Win 7, connected to the same workgroup.
bear in mind that I am not an IT professional.
Thanks in advance.
Another forum pointed me to a workaround/correct implementation. I just need to put a "cmd /k" between the & and the 2nd command. Still not sure why my ampersand combination didn't work.
there is nothing like (&) to combined the command.. I don't think you can do it like this.
You have to write the address with separate shutdown command. CMD doesn;t provide such a way to concatenate or pass array or arguments..

Batch Script to shutdown Windows

I need the following. A batch script that asks me if I want to shutdown windows 7 (Y/N).. If I click "Y", then Windows 7 shuts down right away.
Please help anyone.
You will be using SET to read an answer and set to a variable. if/goto statements carry it from there.
The shutdown command changed a bit since XP, but this is what I use for 7.
#echo off
SET /P ANSWER=Did you even try Google (Y/N)?
echo You chose: %ANSWER%
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
echo You pressed yes!
shutdown /f /s /t 01
echo You pressed no!
exit /b 1
First link on Google for your search:
The most common ways to use the [shutdown][1] command are:
shutdown -s — Shuts down.
shutdown -r — Restarts.
shutdown -l — Logs off.
shutdown -h — Hibernates.
Note: There is a common pitfall wherein users think -h means "help" (which it does for every other command-line program... except shutdown.exe, where it means "hibernate"). They then run shutdown -h and accidentally turn off their computers. Watch out for that.
shutdown -i — "Interactive mode". Instead of performing an action, it displays a GUI dialog.
shutdown -a — Aborts a previous shutdown command.
The commands above can be combined with these additional options:
-f — Forces programs to exit. Prevents the shutdown process from getting stuck.
-t <seconds> — Sets the time until shutdown. Use -t 0 to shutdown immediately.
-c <message> — Adds a shutdown message. The message will end up in the Event Log.
-y — Forces a "yes" answer to all shutdown queries.
