software creator that is using shortcuts inside an other [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am wondering if there is any software that can create a software with shortcuts inside another?
Like if you want to make an web editor you cold say that if you press that button it will write:
And use a browser to render?
If there is no software like this, is it possible to make?
Maybe I am wrong, but I think it will be a breakthrough for opensource development.
I am not a skilled developer so that I won't manage to make something like this, but I want to start a group to do this, with making a website for it. Do you think someone wants to help me or maybe one of you?
I have searched the web for something like this but haven’t found anything.
I know this was quite bad formulated and am going to explain this again.
And what I mean is not a web editor, but a software developer application.
The web designer was just a example.
Imagine yourself that you have a UI designer whose you can import other software’s in and then you drag a button in to the screen, and on the settings you say that when you click that button the software will go into one of the software’s you’d imported and do something.
The software I am asking for is this software developer software.
Edit again:
I will do a second attempt to clarify:
You know about bots right? Those who fly around on the web and to crazy things as cheeking hotel prizes to playing poker.
I only wonder about if you cold make a new GUI like QT or GTK that would emulate a certain keyboard event or mouse gesture when clicking a button. And were to get started when doing so.
There's several powerful web editors in a list composed by someone there. It includes editors with a WYSIWYG.
Aptana studio is what I use which can use different browsers to render. It also has a built-in web server so that you can test AJAX requests and php rendering.


How To Tell What Software Tool Created An EXE File? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is there a way to determine what software tool was used to create a specific exe file? For example I'd like to find out if Delphi or Visual Studio or [Fill in the Blank] was used to create a program.
I'm using a program called FoxtrotOne from that uses a script and a datafile. The program acts just like a person sitting at the keyboard doing data updates. I've been continually monitoring the task manager and the FoxtroneOne.exe and the memory continues to climb as it loops through the dataset.
I've been told by the tech support guy to close IE after every 100 records because it's holding onto memory. My script interacts with a web application.
I'm convinced that there is a memory leak within FoxtrotOne. If I could determine what IDE they used I could suggest what low level tool they should use. For example if Delphi created this exe then I would suggest they install madExcept to check for memory leaks.
I used Exeinfo PE to detrmine FoxtrotOne was created with Visual Basic 5.0 - 6.0
Open the EXE in a hex editor (such as HxD), and you might get a lot of clues. For instance, if you find a lot of VCL-related strings like TLabel, TForm, etc., it is probably an Embarcadero tool.
You might also open the EXE in a resource editor (such as XN Resource Editor) to get more clues:

How are windows and the general Windows desktop drawn? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I ask this question because I probably could research it within a few weeks, but I'm hoping there's someone here who's a lot more knowledgeable and could give me direction.
My question stems from a several year challenge in trying to make a remoting desktop software (just for fun). At first I sent simple PNGs of the entire desktop. Then I finally into a mirror driver capture (DFMirage mirror driver by DemoForge), which was super fast. But it's definitely not fast enough. I'm trying to implement caching by breaking up images into 16 by 16 tiles such that will be a lot of repeats and I only have to send the hash, but it's generally just kind of laggy and dissapointing.
I also have another recent project that involves API hooking. I'm currently hooking Direct3D in this other project. From C#, this means using a hooking library like EasyHook since C# is a managed language. I was wondering if I could apply this to my remote desktop project.
Question: Would it be possible to, and if possible how could I, hook gdi32.dll to redirect all desktop drawing to my application?
But wait, don't jump to answering just yet, because my question itself might be incorrect.
My ultimate goal, of course, is to transfer the screen efficiently from one computer to the other. Now, VNC and most remote desktop products work by transferring the screen as an image. As pixel data. While this is extremely flexible, it's definitely as slow as you can possibly get.
So my guess is that gdi32.dll draws everything that you see on the desktop. Is this correct? I think I'm wrong because DWM aero seems to use something more 'advanced'. So what does draw everything on the desktop? How are windows drawn?
My idea is, that if I can intercept all drawing functions, then I can go beyond the pixel-level and become like Windows Remote Desktop, where I'm sending drawing commands instead of the actual pixels.
If I'm completely amiss, then how does Remote Desktop "know" how to send these primitive drawing commands? The documentation says that Remote Desktop has a "underlying rendering engine" that can "understand" what's on the screen as these primitive drawing commands, but how can I get that too?
I'm looking for an answer that can give me a larger perspective on Windows internals at this graphical level and a direction on how to accomplish my goal (if it's even realistic).

How to use an existing Mac app via command line? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking to adapt a css formatter app I downloaded from the app store so I can control it from the command line. Basically before I push a file to github I would like to have the app format a .css file. So I am wondering How I would get the app to run its process without doing it by hand.
I am not sure where to begin... I have xcode.
So my question is, where do I begin?
Can you point me to any articles of people that have done something similar?
What files should I be most concerned with in the app?
Thanks for the direction
If it's a regular app from the Mac App Store, you can find the executable in the app bundle at Contents/MacOS/AppName.
So to start the Mail app for instance you would have to execute this:
Assuming you don't want to just start it from the command line, you want to make it do something useful.
1 - Disassemble and link your own program
A Mac app will have an executable (in in the bundle (which is just a directory). Xcode won't really be all that much help.
The app will most likely use AppKit / NSApp Cocoa framework and the executable will create an App instance, set up the GUI etc, register things. Cocoa apps work on a system of delegates, callbacks, etc. It's not just one main function that runs synchronously. They almost certainly won't export simple external symbols that you can link against and call. And even if you did, you'd need the header files.
You could look into an Objective-C disassembler, as the compiled executable probably has enough symbols to work out roughly what's going on. But you'd need to know a fair bit about Objective-C and Cocoa (at least, enough to know that this will be tough).
So Option 1, which isn't really an option in unless you know what you're doing, is work out what the program symbols are / disassemble the executable, and write your own application that links against the binaries and calls the relevant methods.
2 - Script the GUI
On another tack, you could look into whether it's Apple-scriptable. You could start the app, record activity (look at the AppleScript editor's record functionality) to script the actual GUI. This might work.
3 - Talk to the author
I suggest you talk to the author if you really want this. Perhaps they can make it usable as a command line tool.

Can someone guide me in building a log viewer [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I want to make a iis log viewer for websites I develop. I know there are utilities already developed out there, for e.g , but I want to develop something of my own. Couple of questions I've is, how can I access files on the windows 2003 server.The log files are stored in a particular folder on the server. I've to manually open the files and then look through them for the information that might be relevant.
The first problem I see is being able to first get this file as input to let's say perl or python for file processing and then the issue of sorting and filtering data as is desired. Also getting a GUI for this.
I've no clue in what language or any framework this can be build. Looking for guidance here.
Personally, I think C# is head-and-shoulders above the competition for building standalone GUIs. It also has good support for parsing text, including decent support for regular expressions.
According to you can just run a query to find out where your SQL-Server instance keeps it's log (and data) files.
If you're just starting out programming it'd be a real good idea to work through "the basics" in tutorials before you get started on project like this. Once you "feel ready" then have a go, looking for tutorials/discussion on each aspect as it arrises... and if you get stuck you can ask more specific questions right here.
One other piece of advise: Before you start coding this sort of thing sit down and do a mock-up of the interface. Workout what operations you want to perform. Analysing the problem WHILE you attempt to code a solution is a CLASSIC recipe for spending a lot of time to get not-much done. You need clear goals BEFORE you start coding... and then, of course, you "adapt" your goals as you learn more... as you go along... But it REALLY helps to be clear about what (roughly) you want before you start.
It might help you to use a couple of those existing log-presenters. Find-out what other people have done... what THEY find useful. If you find a particular functionality useful then you could attempt to copy-cat it... or maybe something someone else has done just gets you wondering "HOW do they do that?" and that get's your creative juices running.
finally, The blank canvas is the scariest one. Just get SOMEthing really simple working, and then add functionality to that, iteratively.
Cheers. Keith.

Hidden Windows shortcuts [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
Anyone know where I can find a list of the different hidden shortcuts built into windows like "control userpasswords2".
I'm building a small app that will help my team get to those buried panels such as the pagefile settings, IE's proxy settings, Editing the Boot.ini
***I am not talking about shortcut keys like ctrl+alt+del. But commands you can put into the run dialog.
Thank you
To elaborate more, I'm looking for a list like MS KB192806 & commands, & another. That gives me some of the commands I'm looking for like "control intl.cpl". However I'm looking for others that are not in that list and I would like more control. For example to go strait to the connections tab when running "control intl.cpl".
You can find control panel specific list here:
For your application, I would recommend you to design the required interfaces and take the input from user directly in to your application. After that, you can make the user defined changes from your program. Most (not all) of these settings are stored in registry which you can modify appropriately. Its easy to find the required registry key by searching on net or using some monitoring tools (like regmon or procmon).
Also note that, just setting the registry values will not always update the configuration immediately. Some setting changes have to be notified to the respective programs.
There are few similar software already available on the net, which can do management of few basic stuffs.
