restarting tomcat after redeploying a web application - windows

Hi I'm using tomcat and using Waffle for windows authentication. I'm also connecting to an SQL server using the windows credentials too using microsoft's driver. I have a problem that everytime I reload or redeploy the application, i have to restart tomcat. After some googling i've discovered that the dll was already loaded and thus cannot be reloaded.
I really need to redeploy application as i would need to update some functionality and it is very frustrating to ask the administrator to restart tomcat everytime i update the application.
When i was doing the same with glassfish i managed to work around this issue somehow, but cannot manage with tomcat


how to deploy springboot app in windows server 2012?

I'm developing a SpringBoot app and I need to deploy it on a remote server running Windows Server 2012. I tried running the app from eclipse there, and i can access locally from the server, but when I try to access from other devide using the IP of the server it has no response. Any idea about how can I deploy it? The app runs on port 8080, so the URL is locally: localhost:8080/start/
but when i access XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8080/access/ there is no answer
I beg you to help me, I'm desperate
When you run your application in eclipse , the tomcat might be configured to listen to localhost, but still if your remote is in the same network as your local system you should be able to access the endpoints without fail.Make sure that the remote is open to the public , otherwise it won't be accessible to other devices.
If you are using spring-boot to create an executable war or jar to be deployed to a remote server for long term , you can use the Windows service wrapper provided by springboot itself to register your application as a service in windows.
Please read the doc and the sample code to implement it.
You may have to enable CORS--- #CrossOrigin on top of your controller class where you have you #RestController annotation

How to Deploy spring boot application using Eureka Server in windows

If i was using apache tomcat as web server then i can simply take the Jar file and deploy in apache running in windows.
How can i deploy same when using Eureka Server in windows?
Do we have any server installation of Eureka?
Kiran, Each Spring Boot application you developed is standalone application. Whenever application is built embedded tomcat is packed inside the package. So it means it does not require extra effort for you side, just port the application to target machine and double click the application -> it will start its magic.
thus, created package is not suitable for separate running tomcat as it contains unnessary stuff.
If you don't want to deploy on separate tomcat instead of standalone then follow guide

Deploying Spring boot app to digital ocean

I am trying to deploy spring boot app written using jhipster to digital ocean. I user tomcat manager to deploy. The deployment went fine and I am able to access the html pages, but my rest apis are not accessible. I get 404 when I try to access any rest api.
I also don't know where my application startup logs are going (they are not there in localhost-access.$date.log) file under logs directory. AM I missing any configuration?
Any help or suggestion is appreciated.
The issue was with my droplet's limited RAM and memory. I noticed the JVM was not running. When I increased size of RAM it started working just fine.

Breakpoint does not work in a websocket deployed in Wildfly 8.x

I am having a problem deploying my spring websocket service in a Wildfly 8.x server.
I have two Java services running in the wildfly server, one of them is working great but the other one (the websocket one), despite is deployed correctly does not stop in the breakpoints. In fact, when I set the breakpoint it seems as if the server was off.
The deployment folder of my wildfly server created the two directories, one of each services.
I am using jdk 1.8 and Maven 3.2.3.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Session getting destroy if java web application deployed Websphere 6.1

Please help me for below issue,
I am working in Upgrade project. WAS server getting upgrade to Websphere 6.1, Java J2EE application we compiled with IBM JDK1.5.
Now we hosted J2EE application in newly installed WAS 6.1. Client application sending Login request and getting login successfully. If client send next request the session is getting destroyed some session values, So I am getting Null pointer exception.
Can any one say, Is there any settings we need to do in websphere server, or we need to do something in application side.
But it is working fine in TOMCAT server
