Product admin image tab location in magento - magento

Where is the product admin image tab located in magento? I want to use grid of images.Or give me the path where the tabs (prices,General,images etc) are added to product tab list.
Thanks in advance.

If your speaking of code (am i right?)
Take a look at the class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs. The tabs are created in the _prepareLayout() method.
The image Tab is handled separately with the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Helper_Form_Gallery_Content and is added to the product edit page via the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Attributes::_getAdditionalElementTypes() function


Magento layout block

i changed the images directly in the coding of the home page in the panel
and now its showing on the home page only before doing this it was showing on every product page any help will be appreciated.
Home Page - Screenshot
Product page - Screenshot
I think in homepage you have used 2columns-left layout and for product detail page 2columns-right layout, so you have to check into both layout's phtml file and check if anything(e.g. cms-block) missing for product detail page.
I think this is cms block which are calling on different positions first find block id for this and from admin disabled that block if you want to remove it thanks

Prestashop. Why layered navigation block dissapear after I click on some category?

I'm using the theme Shop-it and i'm trying to change the category page adding the layered navigation block. After i hook the block it appears on the category page but after I click on some category and the result is displayed the layered navigation block disappears.
I see that when you click on some category it does a request and when i look at the response it appears that the filterblock variable is empty. But i cannot see why.
Does anyone know why is this happening?
It turns out to be a problem with the blocklayered.tpl of the theme. The theme was created using themler and because of that the pages has id's. For some reason the id of the layered theme was no getting pass. So the easy way to fix this is to fix de id on the blocklayered.tpl on the part where the file try to include another with a specific id.

Add link to CMS page from admin panel magento

How to add link to CMS from product description part with admin panel.
You can add relative a link in the product description like this:
Anchor text here
But in order for this to work you need to allow store (media and skin) directives in the description. This can be enabled from System->Configuration->Catalog->Frontend->Allow Dynamic Media URLs in Products and Categories. Set the field to yes and clear the cache.
Place the anchor tag with href as below:
href="{{store url='about-magento-demo-store'}}"
Replace "about-magento-demo-store" with cms page code.
You can normally place an anchor tag to give any link in the Product Description section or you can use the WYSIWYG editor also by clicking on the WYSIWYG editor button just below it.
About US
here about us is just example link you can add your cms page link with just replace with aboutus
hope this help you
I got the solution. Just this href="/faq#washable"
Thanks guys :)

Adding Banner To Magento Product Page

Hi Everyone i am seek your expertise. I am working on a magento store and am wanting to add a banner to my product page like the image attached. This banner needs to be different on each product page so am wanting a way that i can either browse my computer for the image or add a url to the image location. I am thinking i need to create an attribute and then under Admin > Catalog > Manager Product > Images list i will be able to pull in the banner just like adding a new image product. Is this the correct way of doing it and if so, how can i specify on my template where the banner will be added (i.e at the top of the page). I have tryed to find some code where i can add so it knows that when i have this attribute to put it in that location. Any help would be much appreciated
Sorry without the actual code there is not much help you will get. But this is an idea you can use:
Yes your thinking it correctly. Although a more elegant way to do this would be by adding an option in the image grid as (banner). This will allow you to use the power of existing image processing and handling systems in magento.
Once this is done; simply add the code in template file for product view page (I am not sure whether this is a enterprise or community version or you are using a theme. It's best to enable the developer debugger option to view the template file path).
In terms of adding this code this should be fairly simple. You just need to check any image has been flagged as "banner" or not. Then do some resize to fit in the page and it should work.
Hi you can simply create a one new attribute for a product using for banner image and you can use that attribute on product view page, and the banner will be display on product page according to each banner attribute value specify in the admin. This will be very simple in use.

Html/php file of custom options in magento

I have added a separate product with custom options for that product from admin. But the view which i am getting on front-end has to be edited because i want to give my own styling for that product only. So which are the files from where the custom option html is coming.
Turn on template path hints
In the "Design" tab for that product in the Admin, specify a different template/templates for the blocks which you want to change.
